Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 70: Use your body as bait, and the fish will bite!

"The defenders have finished their rest. Please invite the next attacker from the Warrior Academy to come on stage."

The emotionless mechanical sound echoed in the arena.

But among the thousands of students on the field, no one dared to answer. The arena area, which was originally noisy, was now so quiet that one could only hear the nervous heartbeats of the students below.

"The defenders have finished their rest. Please invite the next attacker from the Warrior Academy to come on stage."

The machine started broadcasting again, but there was still no response. These talented students who were admitted to the Starry Sky Martial Arts University all seemed to be mute.

Attack? Attack what? Giving away heads?

I didn’t see that Zhan You, who was a special recruit, was killed by Sugu in one move. Students like them, who were not even qualified to be a special recruit, were still going to join in the fun.

Time passed by, but even though they knew that Sugu was about to advance, they didn't even have a chance to perform, and no one dared to step forward.

The students of the Warrior Academy raised their heads and looked at Sugu in the ring, with humiliation written all over their faces. People in the command department now have to use their quota in the Warrior Academy to compete with other academies for first place in the freshmen competition?

Nothing so outrageous has ever happened to Starry Sky Martial Arts University since its establishment.

But it happened to happen in their session.

Damn it, why did Sugu come to their academy to fight!

These people are cursing their mothers crazily in their hearts.

"It's interesting."

In the VIP room of the airship in the sky, General Yin watched the replay of the "Lion's Roar and Ten Thousand Tigers Sword" slashed by Sugu with a smile on his lips.

"This sword technique is an inferior version of your boxing technique. It's really impressive that this student can do it like this." The principal Cheng Ziwen on the side also praised aloud: "I guess in order to cut such a stunning sword With one sword, this student will have to practice hard in this combat skill for five years."

"The sword strike just now seemed good to both of us, not to mention those people outside. Maybe Teacher Lan Qing has even thought of accepting a disciple."

The two big guys were talking to each other, and just as they said, the public area used for socializing outside the airship was currently being discussed heatedly because of Sugu.

"To be able to achieve such killing power! Isn't the technique he practices "Tian Yuan Gong"? How on earth did he do this?"

The outstanding instructors of Xingwu University felt dazed as they looked at what was happening in the arena.

With one move, Zhan You, who was also a special recruit, was killed. Now he was even more shocked and no one in the entire Warrior Academy dared to step on the stage. Being able to perform such a dominant performance, not many people have been able to do it over the years.

Many people looked at the handsome young man who was waiting for his opponent in the ring, and their eyes were different.

Those in charge of the branches of the martial arts forces began to inquire whether this young man belonged to them, and wanted to absorb him in advance. Some outstanding instructors at Starry Sky Martial Arts University are also thinking about what kind of resources they can provide Sugu and whether it is possible to recruit him into their sect.

Suddenly, many people in the airship floating in the sky began to come and go to spy on Sugu's information because of his wandering mind.

"Similar, but not the same." At this moment, mentor Lan Qing looked at Sugu's calm eyes through the broadcast, and his heart was filled with emotions.

This treasure-level instructor of Xingwu University had much more sinister eyes than many people present.

When Sugu's battle just started, he was fully focused and stared at it without blinking. With his many years of martial arts experience, his naked eyes have noticed many things in this live broadcast.

The technique used by this student named Sugu is definitely not "Tian Yuan Gong"!

But even though it wasn't, it felt very similar to him, and this feeling was extremely strange.

Could it be?

A bold guess flashed through Lan Qing's head. Lan Qing's old body began to tremble as if he had been electrocuted, and his blood flow accelerated, making his skin slightly red. The excitement in his eyes could not be concealed, and he stared at Sugu's back without blinking. He was still not completely sure that he wanted to watch Sugu's battle again.

"Invite the next challenger from the Warrior Academy to the stage."

"If no one is willing to challenge the defender within five minutes of holding the ring, the defender will be judged to have succeeded in keeping the ring according to the rules."

"Sugu will be ranked number one in the Warrior Academy and as a representative of the academy, he will compete with other academies for the first place in the freshmen competition."

The mechanical announcement sounded throughout the venue, but the sound echoed on the field. This time it added a rule that was not mentioned before.

The students under the ring looked at Sugu, and many of their faces turned red.

Do those who go to the command department really want to take away their places in the Warrior Academy to participate in the competition to be the leader of the freshmen competition?

They are unwilling to do so.

At this moment, Sugu's face still looked calm, and he was not that concerned about these things.

It would be best if the freshmen can win the competition and get more resources from the school. But his real purpose is to pull out the poisonous snake next to him.

When I think of that twenty-fold gravity bracelet at the Thousand Layer Martial Arts Tower. As the mastermind behind this incident was still with him, Sugu felt as if there was a thorn in his flesh.

If Zheng Lu is not allowed to disappear, Su Gu will be uneasy even after four years of college.

"The sword I just cut with Zhan You showed my strength appropriately."

"Zheng Lu must have raised my threat level in his heart and wanted to get rid of me as soon as possible. If I was picked by the army during the freshman competition and participated in the trial in the starry sky, he would be completely out of control and even more unacceptable."

"He will definitely eat the elixir I prepared and then come to challenge me."

Su Gu was very sure in his heart. His current mentality was like a fisherman sitting on the fishing platform.

And the bait used for fishing was himself.

"Please ask the next challenger of the Warrior Academy to come up. This is the last time to inform you. If no one comes up to challenge Su Gu in one minute, he will automatically advance."

The mechanical sound issued the last warning. Hearing this sound, the people of the Warrior Academy looked at each other, and everyone's face was full of frustration.

Unless there is another unimaginable dark horse, it is impossible to fight Su Gu on an equal footing.

And at this moment, a violent voice sounded from the back of the crowd.

"Su Gu, I want to challenge you."

Zheng Lu took out his pair of brass knuckles and looked at Su Gu with a sinister smile.

Su Gu also smiled after looking at Zheng Lu.

The fish finally took the bait.

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