Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 7 Everyone expects that the civil service exam candidates can also take the military exam

"How is that possible?" Su Gu argued, "I cut down nearly 5,000 human stakes this morning."

"You're just bragging. If you can really cut down 5,000, you'll have cut down all the stocks in Wu Yi's martial arts school."

Ma Mingjie casually picked up a piece of abalone and put it in his mouth. After chewing and swallowing, he changed the subject.

"Brother Su, come to work in my company after you graduate. As long as I can make the decision, you can choose any position. After my father gives me the position, we'll work together."

Su Gu looked at Ma Mingjie's sincere eyes and was stunned for a moment.

Then he smiled: "Why, you don't believe me either?"

Although Ma Mingjie's family is rich, the company under their family has little to do with martial arts. Ma Mingjie is obviously helping him think of a way out after the college entrance examination.

"That's right, you're going to take the martial arts exam soon, brother, you shouldn't mention this now."

"I'll treat you to this meal."

Ma Mingjie buried his face in the bowl, and in the steaming white smoke, the two ended the topic of the conversation again.

Su Gu was silent for a moment, and found that the food on the table was disappearing quickly, and he realized something was wrong.

"Damn you, old man! Leave some for me."

Su Gu picked up his chopsticks and grabbed it.

"Grandson, you grab your father's bowl with chopsticks!"


After eating with Ma Mingjie, Su Gu went home directly.

He had already measured his current ability in the martial arts hall, and Teacher Zhou Li also gave him a leave note.

In the next few days, Su Gu planned to adjust his physical condition at home.

Nine days later, he will face the college entrance examination in peak condition.

In addition, he also had to report to the government about the weapons needed for the martial arts exam.

The weapons in his home can only be used for practice, and they are not good enough to kill the star aliens that will definitely appear in the exam.

If he bought them himself, his family really had no money, and there was no way to buy them. So he could only ask for help from the federal government.

While Su Gu was preparing for the martial arts exam, his head teacher Zhou Li was busy with his affairs at the moment.

After all the students reported their willingness to take the civil and military exams, the principal called one after another.

"How can you be a class teacher? You actually let a child with mediocre abilities take the military exam! You are too irresponsible."

The principal's scolding voice kept coming out on the phone.

"This is also the child's wish. As a teacher, I can only guide him and cannot interfere with his choice." Zhou Li replied weakly.

"The premise of respecting children is to be responsible for their safety! The difficulty of the military exam has increased again this year. For children without superpowers, taking the military exam is simply suicide."

"You will call the child named Su Gu later and tell him that since he has already registered, the school cannot change the uploaded registration form. Let him give up the exam quickly and come to the school to repeat next year. He will not be charged tuition for the year of repeating."

After giving this unquestionable order, the principal of Hangzhou No. 1 Middle School hung up the phone.

How could she, as a teacher, disobey the principal's words?

Zhou Li sighed slightly, opened the phone address book, and scrolled down to Su Gu's name.

She stared at the green dial button for a while, but didn't press it in the end.

If Su Gu just chose the martial arts exam on a whim, the principal wouldn't have to look for her. As the class teacher, she would stop him no matter what.

But she knew that Su Gu was fine, so she sneaked into the equipment room of the martial arts class to train her body. He spent all his spare time borrowing combat skills books. His efforts lasted for three whole years, and it was definitely not a whim.

She even knew that many students in the class, although jealous of Su Gu's persistence in the martial arts exam, also secretly regarded him as an opponent and competed with him.

Why do you want to take the martial arts exam every day, and you can still get the first place in our literary exam.

This made it easier for her to manage students.

"The student has been fighting for three years, and he didn't even try, so he gave up. This shouldn't be done."

"And even if he fails, isn't pain also a part of youth?"

Zhou Li put down her phone and sighed in her heart.

Nine days later, the martial arts exam day arrived.

Su Gu opened his eyes on the mat. Beside him were three standard weapons made of fine steel that he had applied for from the government.

A knife, a gun, and a pair of daggers.

Although Su Gu was proficient in all weapons, the government could not really move the weapon shop to the examination room just for him. Su Gu could not bring a sack of equipment to the examination, as that would affect his performance.

He could only choose three at most.

And these three were Su Gu's choices after careful consideration, which were enough to deal with all situations in the examination room.

He put his hands together and stood up from the mat with only the strength of his feet.

He opened his eyes, feeling that he had adjusted to the peak state both mentally and physically, and walked out of the door slowly with three weapons.

"Xiao Su has an exam today, you must work hard and try to get into a good university so that our community can benefit from it."

"Don't put too much pressure on Xiao Su, the military exam is dangerous, Xiao Su, you must ensure your own safety first."

"Xiao Su, have you eaten breakfast? Come to my house for a meal first."

"Come on, brother Xiao Su."

After going out, all the neighbors I met greeted me and cheered for Su Gu with a smile.

Su Gu responded with a smile one by one.

Among them, Grandpa Liu, the most enthusiastic person in the community, was waiting for Su Gu at the door early. He handed Su Gu a prayer talisman that he had obtained from the temple. Su Gu held the talisman tightly and hung it on the handle of the long sword.

"Xiao Su, you must work hard."


With the expectations of his neighbors, Su Gu stepped out of the community and headed all the way to school.

Near the school, a group of parents stood by the car, repeatedly admonishing their children. He could even see Ma Mingjie's busy father.

After all, this may be the most important exam in life.

Su Gu's heart moved slightly and he stepped into the campus. More than 40 camouflage troop carriers were parked in the parking lot on the campus.

On the next journey, the military will escort these students who may become warriors in the future to the examination site to participate in the martial arts exam.

"Brother, here, here!"

Ma Mingjie's voice sounded, and Su Gu followed the voice.

He saw Ma Mingjie, the head teacher Zhou Li, and his classmates in the literary exam class.

"Why are you still here? Isn't the literature exam over?"

Su Gu looked at them and said in confusion.

Liu Jingjing, the monitor and student committee member of the literature exam class, came out. She looked at Su Gu and said seriously:

"Su Gu, everyone used to mock you, just as you said, because they were jealous of you. We are people who are determined not to be warriors like you, and we are jealous of your persistence."

"But your figure of continuous efforts in the past three years has indeed become a beam of light in the hearts of many classmates."

"I say sorry to you on behalf of everyone."

"Now that the classmates have completed the college entrance examination, they stay here just to cheer you up."

Behind Liu Jingjing, the cheers of classmates immediately rang out.

"That's right, Su Gu, come on, let them see who said that literature candidates can't take the martial arts exam!"

"That's right, who said that poor superpowers can't be warriors, come back after passing the exam at a key university."

"Come on, Su Gu."

Su Gu smiled brightly and waved to these classmates one by one.

"Damn, why do you guys only call Su Gu and no one calls me by my name?" Ma Mingjie on the side said loudly:

"I worked hard for the martial arts exam, okay! I've lost weight these past two days."

"I think it's more reliable for us to go out and cheer for your dad." Su Gu said seriously.


For a moment, the class burst into laughter.

After completing the registration with the head teacher, Su Gu and Ma Mingjie entered the troop carrier and prepared to enter the examination room.

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