Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 8 College Entrance Examination Site, the Fallen City in the Dark Ages

In the entire Hangzhou No. 1 Middle School, only Su Gu and Ma Mingjie were willing to take the martial arts exam in the liberal arts class.

It was impossible to set aside a troop transport vehicle for these two people, so the two could only squeeze into one vehicle with the students in the martial arts class.

Among these classmates who had been together for three years, two strangers of the same age suddenly appeared, as conspicuous as ink spots in the snow.

"Who are these two people?"

"One of Ma Cai's sons, I guess his richest father spent a lot of money on him to pave a martial arts road. There is another one, the weirdo in the liberal arts class."

"Damn, he is Su Gu. He doesn't even have a legal level, and he wants to take the martial arts exam with his inferior supernatural powers."

After recognizing Su Gu's identity, these students in the martial arts class immediately began to judge what type of warrior Su Gu was out of professional instinct.

"Gun, knife, double daggers? This guy doesn't think that the more weapons he carries, the stronger he is, right?"

"Weapons are more valuable than quantity. We have only practiced one weapon for three years. Does this guy think that the martial arts exam is just a weighted run? Forget it, an outsider without a martial arts teacher is good enough to know how to prepare weapons."

"Look at the quality of his weapon. It's just made of finely forged steel. Even if you can't get weapons made of the remains of the star aliens, at least get some black gold. Weapons made of this material will bend after chopping a beast."


The comments of these martial arts students were naturally heard by Su Gu and Ma Mingjie.

Originally, Ma Mingjie was a little indignant, but after hearing about the weapons, he subconsciously looked over. When he confirmed that the weapon Su Gu carried was really this kind of steel product that had long been eliminated by the weapons factory, he was stunned.

Among the metals artificially made by humans, the hardest is black gold, which is also the common forging material for the weapons carried by these martial arts students.

Brother, if you need money to buy weapons, tell me. I can still lend it to you.

Sensing Ma Mingjie's gaze, Su Gu turned around and smiled calmly.

"It's okay, I have enough weapons for me."

Hearing Su Gu say this, Ma Mingjie let out a long sigh.

That's right, my brother's ability is not as good as mine. It's estimated that he can kill a few giant cats and man-eating dogs outside the examination room, and he can't use the good weapons he brought.

My brother still knows himself.

"Ma Mingjie, Su Gu, you two sit next to me." Zheng Di stopped his classmates from making rude comments about outsiders and invited them to sit next to him.

Su and Ma did not act pretentiously. They sat next to Zheng Di and accepted his kindness.

"Sit tight, we're leaving soon." A hoarse voice came from the driver's seat, followed by the sound of the engine, and the troop carrier immediately shook.

There was naturally no comfort in the military vehicle. Every turn made the passengers shake, but as students who were targeted warriors, no one would complain about this.

"Old Su, look outside the window." Ma Mingjie pointed out the window.

Su Gu looked over and saw that each troop carrier, including the one they were riding in, was equipped with four escort vehicles on the left, right, front and back. On the platform of each escort vehicle, there were two soldiers wearing matte black combat uniforms and holding guns.

"My father doesn't have this kind of face." Ma Mingjie sighed.

Looking at this scene, Su Gu also felt that the protection of the college entrance examination for martial arts students was simply harsh.

"It's not all for us." Zheng Di on the side said: "There are many big figures sitting in those escort vehicles. The mayor, the director of the education bureau, and the principals of major high schools are all among them."

"The results of the regional martial arts students are also related to the political achievements of these people, so they will come to the scene to watch. Some extremely outstanding performers will also be appreciated by them."

"According to convention, our class teacher will also be brought along, so that these people can ask for student information at any time."

After Zheng Di finished speaking, a yearning look appeared on his face, and he obviously hoped that he would become a lucky person who caught the eyes of big figures.

Su Gu smiled and said nothing more. However, Zheng Di's words brought them closer.

The military vehicle turned a corner and entered a tunnel with a very steep slope. As soon as they entered the tunnel, everyone felt a black screen in front of their eyes.

This black screen lasted for half an hour. Half an hour later, the people in the car felt a dazzling skylight, and at the same time, there was a hoarse voice from the driver's seat.

"Get off the car."

A group of people lined up to get off the car. After adapting to the dazzling light, the scene in front of them was shocking.

This is an exaggeratedly large basin, and they are at the edge of the basin. In the center of the basin, an abandoned and dilapidated city is buried in it.

Gray tilted high-rise buildings, streets rolled by magma, and shops corroded by strong acidic substances. You can even recognize the names of the shops.

Su Gu narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this scene. In this abandoned city, he vaguely saw several flying beasts.

Star aliens!

It seems that this is the examination room.

"It's just like the rumors, our college entrance examination is here." Zheng Di murmured.

Su Gu looked strange, and just when he was about to ask something, a harsh broadcast suddenly came.

"In the Dark Ages, the alien races in the starry sky broke through the defense line of the solar system, and the human home planet Earth fell. Countless cities suffered cruel wars, and humans became food."

"What you see in front of you is one of the cities that fell in that era. This is only a small part of it, and more have been buried in the soil."

On the radio, the soldier's unique and rigid voice introduced everyone to the information about the examination room.

The majesty of the soldiers immediately silenced the noisy group of students who had just gotten off the bus.

"The Earth Federation and the managers of many other regions have erased this shameful history. But our 'Xia' region has not done so. We even have to pay a high fee to maintain these regions every year."

"This is not only used as an examination room for you, but also a wound to remind you not to forget the shame! The alien race in the starry sky has not been wiped out yet."

After saying this, there was a whistling sound in the sky, and dozens of ten-meter-long military transport aircraft flew down from above the basin.

There were waves of dull roars coming from those military aircraft.

Obviously, what is contained here is the starry alien race captured by humans.

Just by listening to the sound, Sugu could tell that the monster in the transport plane was much more powerful than what he had just seen at a glance in the fallen city.

The soldier's voice sounded again.

"The test questions are the same as in previous years, and the score is "survival time in the examination room + the killing score of the alien race in the starry sky." The more powerful the alien race, the higher the score after killing it."

"There is no limit to the type of alien race, but the level will be set within the awakening level range, which is equivalent to a human warrior at the cultivation level."

"In addition to some of the alien races that have been put into the examination center, every hour we will release more powerful races into the examination room. We will prepare survival watches for you in advance. After confirming that you cannot survive in the city, press the button immediately Put down your watch.”

"The watch will provide you with a 360-degree energy shield, and we will send people to rescue you immediately. Even so, we cannot guarantee that you are 100% safe."

"So the college entrance examination is very important, but you must also do what you can."

"Now I'll give you the last half hour to prepare. After receiving the survival watch, start the exam immediately!"

Immediately after the majestic military voice ended, officials from the Ministry of Education came forward and began to distribute survival watches.

During this period, all the students immediately began to chatter about today's test questions.

"Did you see it? I just saw a community of red skulls in the fallen city. The basic monsters that have just begun to survive are so powerful. This year's exam questions are much more difficult than in previous years."

"The Ghostface also came out. In previous years, wasn't it released after an hour?"

"For this year's test, I guess I won't be able to kill the monsters that appear after the second hour. I'll try to survive the time."

Sugu did not go to anyone to discuss this year's test questions. He set his sights on a fully armed white transport plane.

Unlike other starry sky aliens who kept roaring in other transport planes, things on this transport plane were surprisingly quiet.

But when looking at it, Sugu felt as if he had fallen into the deep sea and felt suffocated.

There seemed to be something inside, looking directly at him through the thick steel skin of the transport plane.

Just when he was about to walk in and take a look, an arrogant voice sounded from behind him.

"You've even been forced to retreat from those alien races in the starry sky that don't even have basic wisdom. How can you be considered warriors? Hurry up and take the literary test!"

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