Sugu looked at Lan Qing, General Yin and Chengzi, the principal of Xingwu University, who were surrounding him. The expressions of the three of them were quite strange.

The gazes of the three people made Sugu feel uncomfortable in his heart, so he asked with some anxiety: "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with me like this?"

Facing Sugu's doubts, the three of them looked at each other. After a while, Principal Cheng Ziwen carefully considered his words and spoke slowly:

"Unlike some powerful alien races in the stars, human beings can directly engrave memories into their genes and pass on knowledge."

"For human beings, martial arts represent the inheritance of martial arts from generation to generation and represent the cornerstone of martial arts."

"Although the martial arts in this world are as vast as the sea, their effectiveness and grades are also divided into high and low.

But no matter how weak the technique is, behind it is either written by a generation of geniuses who condensed their lifelong talents, or it is the hard work of a family that has gone through several generations of hard work and search. "

"Although in order to allow more people to practice, the exercise method is bound to make some trade-offs. But wanting to modify the exercise method to make it more suitable for oneself is simply not something that ordinary people can do."

"If you try to be clever in this regard, there is a high probability that you will go crazy and explode and die."

After listening to Nariko's question, Sugu frowned slightly and said, "So my current situation is very dangerous?"

The "Tian Yuan Gong" practiced by Su Gu was often modified, and he did not want to create hidden dangers for his future martial arts practice.

Lan Qing said with a complicated expression:

"No, on the contrary. I discovered by watching the fluctuations of your soul power during the battle that your condition is too good and too stable, and it can even be said that it is a little abnormal."

"Although the "Tian Yuan Gong" you have is not completely perfect yet, you will never go crazy if you continue to practice it."

"I even have an inexplicable feeling that you are not making slight modifications to "Tian Yuan Gong" at all, but creating a new one based on it!"

After hearing this, Su Gu breathed a sigh of relief. Since instructor Lan Qing said this, it proved that it was feasible for him to go down this road.

But looking at the looks of a few people, it seemed like a very big deal for me to change my technique. It actually attracted such attention from these three well-informed and powerful people.

Sugu carefully considered his words and asked: "So it is completely impossible to change the technique to adapt to oneself?"

The corners of General Yin's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but said:

"It is true that there are some young talented warriors who will fine-tune the details of the techniques they practice. But do you know what kind of resources it takes to do this?"

"It requires a strong person with a physical body that can cross the sea of ​​stars. He will take the warrior who wants to modify the technique with him and provide one-on-one personal guidance."

"That strong person needs to expend a lot of effort to observe the movement route of that genius every day and every week."

"Only in this way can we make the most perfect adjustments to the exercises based on the actual situation."

"The force that is willing to cultivate successors in this way must be a giant that neither I nor your principal can offend."

"And now, there is actually a young man who did it by himself without consuming any resources?"

After finishing speaking, the three people headed by Lan Qing looked at Sugu as if they were looking at a monster.

After hearing these people's explanations, Sugu's face twitched.

After every battle, I automatically update my skills. Is it so exaggerated?

It actually requires consuming elite-level experts among the human race and spending a lot of time to do it.

It seems that I still want to keep it simple. Compared with this matter, killing Zheng Lu is indeed a small matter.

If he is really exposed, I am afraid that there will be many families and forces with far greater power than Xingwu University who will put pressure on him and want to investigate him.

Thinking of this, the expression on Sugu's face turned into a headache.

"No matter what, Sugu, your skills need to be completed as soon as possible. Don't let other interested people notice your situation." Lan Qing also rubbed his temples. This may be the first time for their Xingwu University, because the students The talent is too much and gives me a headache.

He, Lan Qing, has been a tutor at Xingkong Martial Arts University for sixty years and is over a hundred years old. This is the first time he has seen this situation.

"After that, I asked Chengzi to help solve the matter in Sugu's school files. He erased the practice of "Tian Yuan Gong" from the files and replaced it with new ones. By the way, he also recorded the details of Sugu's battles. Process the video. Fortunately, Sugu only left these battle videos in the school. As long as these battles are processed, no one will notice. "

"As for the origin of the new technique, it is said that Yin Jun got the opportunity while doing in-depth development and excavation of the virtual spiritual world. He met Su Gu and felt that he was destined to him, so he passed it on to him."

After hearing their teacher's instructions, General Yin and Cheng Ziwen both said "Yes."

After hearing this, Sugu bowed solemnly to Lan Qing and the others.

"Thank you seniors for your help."

The other party was obviously trying to cover it up for him to prevent his abnormal skills from being noticed by interested parties. Su Gu accepted this favor.

After arranging all these, Lan Qing looked at Sugu with a benevolent face and said: "Sugu, you chose your major as the command system with the idea of ​​referring to more exercises to bless your improved skills. "Tian Yuan Gong".

"That's right."

Lan Qing looked at the smiling boy with a trace of emotion on his face and said:

"I guess those other instructors who didn't change the transitional skills because you chose the command system can't imagine what kind of genius you are."

"And you have a longer-term plan for your martial arts path than ordinary instructors."

Listening to the praise from Instructor Lan Qing, General Yin and Cheng Ziwen were a little surprised.

As the instructor's direct disciples, one of them has become a general of the Federation and the other has become the president of a top martial arts university.

Even the two of them rarely heard Lan Qing praise people like this, let alone a teenager.

"Su Gu, your current skills can no longer be called "Tianyuan Gong"."

"Have you thought of the name of the new skills now?" Lan Qing looked at Su Gu and said.

Hearing the other party's question, Su Gu stroked his chin, thought for a moment and said:

"I hope my skills absorb the strengths of hundreds of schools. If so, let's call it "Wanxiang Tianyuan Gong"."

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