Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 76 I want you to take first place! A first place that no one can question!

"Wanxiang Tianyuan." Lan Qing slowly recited these four words, then nodded and said:

"Yes, a good name. From now on, the name of the technique you practice will be called "Wanxiang Tianyuan Gong"."

Principal Chengzi nodded after hearing this, and then he would enter the name of the exercise into Sugu's student file.

The hidden dangers in Sugu's body have been eliminated.

"That." Sugu pursed his lips in confusion, hesitated for a moment and then said:

"I heard Yu Cunxiao say before that during the freshman competition, if a student performs outstandingly, he or she can make some moderate demands to the school's management."

"I wonder if my performance in the first round of the Warrior Academy meets the requirements? I want to enter again, the Thousand Layer Tower of Martial Arts in our school." Sugu looked at Nariko and asked with burning eyes. road.

Although it was a bit shameless to ask such a question directly in front of others, Su Guxian couldn't care less. He still could not forget his vast reserve of combat skills in the Thousand-story Tower, which was as vast as the sea of ​​stars.

On the first day of school, I only studied for one day and barely finished learning the combat skills on the first floor of the Thousand-Story Tower.

Even so, Sugu felt that he had benefited a lot. If given the chance, he would naturally want to enter again.

He had a hunch that he could undergo some kind of transformation there.

"Do you want to enter the Thousand-Story Tower again?" Nariko asked with a strange expression on his face when he heard Sugu's request.

He pondered for a moment and then said: "Actually, with your dominant performance in those two games, it's not impossible for you to score again."

Sugu's face looked happy, but Nariko's question immediately changed:

"But now the trouble is, you just killed someone, and the person you killed was a member of a noble family, and now you are being targeted by the school board."

"To be honest, the school's decision to deepen cooperation with some small and medium-sized aristocratic families in recent years was strongly promoted by the group of people on the school board. Although with the potential you have shown, these people will not kill Zheng Lu. It’s too embarrassing for you, but they will definitely make you feel embarrassed about such a trivial matter. After all, you have lost their face.”

"Besides, it is not in line with the rules to open the Thousand-story Martial Arts Tower for a new student multiple times in a short period of time. If I raise this matter with the school board, it will definitely be rejected."

After hearing this, Sugu's hot eyes dimmed, and he sighed slightly in his heart. After all, he killed someone, and I'm afraid this is the invisible price he has to pay.

"However, it's not completely impossible." Nariko looked at Sugu's disappointed eyes and said after a moment of confusion.

Sugu raised his head sharply and looked at Nariko's face, his eyes filled with eager questioning.

"You must be the number one freshman this year." Nariko asked word by word:

"And it has to be the kind of No. 1 without any controversy. No one can stand up and point out after watching your fight and say, 'If something happens, the winner will be so-and-so.'"

"Only in this way can I ask the school to let you break the rules and enter the Martial Arts Thousand Layer Tower again for a short period of time. And those on the school board can't find any reason to stop it."

After hearing Nariko's question, Sugu was stunned for a moment and then said:

"As long as we do this, is it okay?"

"Yes, as long as you can do this, I guarantee as the principal that you can enter the Thousand-story Martial Arts Tower again!"

A bright smile appeared on Sugu's face.

"Okay, just a word from a gentleman."

"Hurry up and whip your horse."

The two looked at each other and smiled, making this agreement.

Both parties here got answers to the questions they wanted to know. Now Su Gu naturally has no reason to stay here.

After saying hello to the three seniors, he left the practice room where he had been locked up for a long time.

Lan Qing and his party looked at Sugu's leaving figure with expressions of emotion on their faces.

"You are so young, yet he so casually agreed to your outrageous request. To get first place, and to be the first place that no one is allowed to question, tsk tsk..."

"I can only say that he is worthy of being a young man. Maybe I was just like him when I was practicing martial arts at Xingwu University."

When Sugu could no longer be seen in the sky, General Yin looked at Cheng Zi and let out a few sighs.

"This Sugu just looks restrained, but deep down he may be even more arrogant than you were back then. It's easy to get first place, but it's hard to beat the crowd with your performance." The instructor stood among the three. Lan Qing also chuckled.

There is no shortage of people in the world who can find fault with others. If you want to make everyone shut up, what you need is not to defeat your opponent, but to crush your opponent!

You need to make it clear to everyone that those who compete with you and those around you are not on the same level at all, otherwise you will definitely attract criticism.

"He may have a chance to crush the other people, but there is only one person who may be in some trouble." Nariko asked calmly.

"That heir to the Feng family, right?" Lan Qing asked.

He also had an impression of the young master from an aristocratic family who wanted to become his disciple. He was a very good student.

"The Feng family is a medium-sized family, and the skills practiced by Feng Yan are also tailor-made like Sugu."

"And Su Gu's "Wan Xiang Tian Yuan Gong" is based on the transitional method of "Tian Yuan Gong". The starting point is too low, and it is still unknown what level it can reach after the final completion."

"And Feng Yan must be practicing the Feng family's family-inherited family method. As a blueprint method, the starting point is much higher than Su Gu."

"In front of Feng Yan, Su Gu has no advantage." Lan Qing shook his head slightly. He has met both of them, so he naturally couldn't help but comment casually.

Today's discovery made Lan Qing realize Su Gu's bottomless potential, but even if the potential is high, now everyone has just entered the Xunwo realm for a few days, and Su Gu's talent potential must not be fully realized.

Even if Su Gu's achievements in the future may far exceed Feng Yan, the two are probably still on par now.

"Teacher, do you think Su Gu will lose?" General Yin frowned.

Although they didn't spend much time together, he felt that Su Gu's temper was to his liking, so he couldn't help but speak for him.

Lan Qing's mind flashed with the scene of Su Gu killing people. After a moment's silence, he said, "If the two were to fight to the death, I think Su Gu would win. But now it's a ring battle, and there's no reason for either of them to fight to the death. I think it's a 50-50 chance at best."

"And it's impossible for either side to completely crush the other."

After hearing what the teacher said, General Yin sighed, but also nodded. He recognized this judgment.

"Lao Cheng, since that kid wants to go to the Thousand Layers Martial Arts Tower so much, you can help him fight for it in advance." General Yin said with a clenched teeth.

After thinking for a moment, Cheng Ziwen smiled bitterly and said, "I can only give it a try, but I have to say it in advance. The hope is not great."

"Okay, it's getting late. You two should hurry up and do things. Remember to help that kid cover up better and don't let him be targeted."

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