Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 77 Want to enter the Thousand Layers Martial Arts Tower again? Rejected, there is no room fo

[According to the joint judgment of our school principal Cheng Ziwen and famous tutor Lan Qing, the death of Zheng Lu in the battle between Su Gu and Zheng Lu was an accident and had no direct connection with our school's freshman Su Gu. ]

[Even so, Zheng Lu died in the battle with Su Gu after all. Out of humanitarian considerations, it is still decided to punish Su Gu accordingly. ]

[The content of the punishment is temporarily undecided because Su Gu needs to continue to participate in the freshman competition. ]

[PS: The departure of the student makes us extremely sad. We hope that Zheng Lu's family will mourn and not be too sad. ]

The next morning, the notice on the handling of the death in the freshman competition yesterday was posted on the school's official website.

Looking at the above content, many people's first reaction was,

That's it?

Looking at the above meaning, Su Gu can still participate in the next freshman competition normally? !

Is there any punishment for Su Gu here?

Still undecided? You are putting it on the trailer!

However, regarding such things in school, most students will not say much. Moreover, Zheng Lu himself took banned drugs in the freshman competition, which violated the taboo of the students who wanted fairness, and no one was willing to stand up and speak for him.

As for other unrelated families, officials were too lazy to care about the mess of Xingwu University, let alone the qualifications to care.

The entire Tianjing City is Xingwu University's private land. The local government is strictly speaking still a tenant of Xingwu University. Although it is not explicitly stated, sometimes the resolutions posted by Xingwu University on its official website are even more useful than the law.

In this way, a controversial topic of a warrior being bought and sold banned drugs and beaten to death in the ring was tacitly ignored by many people.

Many people hope that this matter will just pass.

Except for the Zheng family.

"It's not yet determined, I'll code you!"


In the accommodation room where Xingwu University receives foreign guests, Zheng Lu's father Zheng Xiaoyong looked at the information on the official website and punched the screen in front of him.

"Zheng Sheng, don't bury my son's body for now. I will go to the freshman competition to see what Su Gu is all about."

"If he is not a genius who can defy the heavens, even if I have to sacrifice some of my Zheng family's foundation and do it myself, I will make him pay the price!"

"I will comfort my son's body with Su Gu's blood. Only in this way can my son be buried in the ancestral tomb with peace of mind!"

Kneeling beside the body of Zheng Lu, the young master of the Zheng family, Zheng Sheng felt much more at ease when he saw the head of his family like this. Since the head of the family was willing to take action, Su Gu must not be able to retreat unscathed.

At this time, he remembered the image of Su Gu being beaten to death by the young master Zheng Lu. That was the young master who had taken the violent blood burning soul pill.

Zheng Sheng said sadly, "Then Patriarch, what if Su Gu is really a genius who can defy the heavens?"

Zheng Xiaoyong exhaled through his nose, looked at Zheng Sheng and said, "Have you been in the Zheng family for so many years in vain? If Su Gu is really able to defy the heavens, do you need me to teach you how to do it?"

"Then the body of my Zheng family's rebellious son cannot be buried. Burn it to ashes quickly and prepare a valuable gift to send to Su Shaoxia to thank him for clearing the door for my Zheng family. Then scatter my rebellious son's ashes in front of him."

Zheng Sheng: "???"


Looking at Zheng Sheng's incredible expression, Zheng Xiaoyong looked at him like an idiot.

"What's there to be 'ah' about? If the one who killed my son was a commoner who was under the control of my Zheng family, then that commoner dared to touch the tiger whiskers of my Zheng family, and I would naturally find a way to avenge my son."

"But if you offended a genius who could truly transform into a dragon, I can't sacrifice my family for an unfilial son."

"I have the skills to avenge an unfilial son, why don't I find a woman and start a new account."

Zheng Sheng:


"The clan leader is wise, I can't wait."


At the arena where the freshman competition was held, a large group of students gathered there, just like yesterday. But unlike yesterday, the original square formation had disappeared.

The eliminated students spontaneously stood around the arena at this time, looking at the students on the arena who had been selected to represent the academy to participate in the battle.

The four major martial arts academies, three people from each academy, a total of twelve people stood solemnly on the central arena where the fierce battle was fought yesterday.

These twelve people are the most outstanding freshmen of Starry Sky Martial Arts University, representing the best students of Starry Sky Martial Arts University this year.

At this moment, the twelve people lined up in a row, and their eyes were looking at a peer who was walking towards the ring with a relaxed look.

After the school confirmed Su Gu's innocence, he regained the opportunity to participate in the freshman competition.

If it were an ordinary student, the freshman competition would never be paused for him, but Su Gu was different. Who can say that he can beat the terrifying strength he showed in the two games?

The ultimate goal of the freshman competition is to select the strongest. If Su Gu does not participate, then this competition will be meaningless.

At this moment, Su Gu walked leisurely and walked opposite the twelve people. Looking at the eyes of the twelve people looking at him, he showed a harmless and gentle smile.

However, none of the twelve people believed Su Gu's tricks. These people confronted Su Gu and inexplicably felt a sense of pressure.

Looking at these people confronting each other, the students who had been confirmed to have been eliminated and were now watching on the sidelines began to talk.

"Do you know? The technique Su Gu practices is not "Tian Yuan Gong" at all, but a mysterious technique given by General Yin who came to watch the freshman competition this year."

"Holy crap, is it true? Why did the federal general give Sugu the technique?"

"Of course it's true. General Yin admitted it himself yesterday. It is said that the two met in the virtual spiritual world and were friends for many years. After Sugu killed Zheng Lu, there was still no punishment. It was just to look at General Yin's face."

"Let me just say it. Based on Sugu's performance in yesterday's battle, how could the skill he practiced be the transitional skill "Tian Yuan Gong". Sure enough, they are hiding their clumsiness. These people who like to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers are really disgusting."

Listening to these discussions, Zhan You's face was filled with grief and indignation as Sugu beat him up in the crowd.

If you weren't practicing "Tian Yuan Gong", why didn't you tell me earlier? With your strength, are you still trying to show your weakness to the enemy?


You are so dirty when it comes to playing tactics!

Above the competition arena, there is a circle surrounded by students. Several hover cars were parked in the sky, and inside were sitting outstanding instructors from Star Martial University, important officials from Tianjing City, and aristocratic families who had been invited to watch the battle.

At this moment, their eyes are also on the ring.

This year's freshman competition, who will win?

Everyone was very curious.

On a small floating spaceship with extremely exaggerated and luxurious interior and exterior decorations, like a flying palace, five men and women in colorful clothes sat on a round table.

These people are the board of directors of Xingwu University, the legal owners of this martial arts university.

"Is that Sugu? How disgusting it looks!" A woman wearing ancient costumes looked at Sugu's face and said angrily.

A middle-aged man with a height of two meters said: "Narizi asked that guy and handed us an application tonight, saying that he wanted Sugu to enter the martial arts Thousand Layer Pagoda again."

"turn down."

"This is absolutely impossible."

As soon as this proposal was uttered, it was immediately refuted by everyone.

"That kid was too cruel. He killed Zheng Lu in front of everyone. Now because instructor Lan Qing is willing to protect him, he doesn't have to be punished. Those small aristocratic families who have just established a cooperative relationship with us are all guessing that we What are the political intentions of the school’s actions?”

"Damn it, I was bleeding a lot in order to appease those people. Seeing as Nasugu still has some talent in martial arts, it would be nice not to bother him. He has the nerve to make this request again!"

When this matter was mentioned, the expressions on the faces of these five people became angry. Obviously, instructor Lan Qing's attitude towards Sugu made them very unhappy.

But at that time, he had agreed to delegate power to Lan Qing and would not say anything more at this moment.

"Forget it, let's not talk about these bad things. The Feng family is very sincere in cooperating with us this year, and even the young family master sent it over." The woman in gorgeous clothes said.

"The kid named Feng Yan is really amazing. It is said that no one dared to challenge him when he was standing in the ring. The teacher at the Assassin Academy had no choice but to discuss taking him out alone to advance directly, and then he would be promoted here Based on this, three students will be re-selected to represent the Assassin Academy.”

"Given the strength of the young master of the Feng family, he is probably the one who will win the championship in our school this year."

The five school board members chatted happily.

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