On the ring, thirteen people were facing each other. A boy wearing a black student union uniform walked onto the stage with a relaxed expression.

The freshmen competition has passed the selection stage between departments, and mechanical referees are no longer used to judge, and real referees are started.

Feeling someone approaching, Sugu glanced over. Unexpectedly, the referee was an old acquaintance of his.

Yu Cunxiao, vice president of the student union.

Yu Cunxiao walked slowly to the middle of the confrontation between Sugu and the twelve people. He looked at Sugu and greeted him with a smile.

"Didn't you change your technique? You actually lied to me last time. It's not authentic."

"Sorry, senior, I'll treat you to dinner another day."

After the two briefly exchanged greetings, Yu Cunxiao introduced the rules of this selection battle that was temporarily added because of Sugu.

"This year's situation is special. There is a very powerful student who had to interrupt the first academy selection competition due to force majeure."

"Considering the strong combat power shown by classmate Sugu, it is really a loss to miss him in the freshman competition."

"So we decided that Sugu can randomly choose one of these people to compete."

“As long as he wins, he’ll have his spot.”

As soon as Yu Cunxiao finished speaking, the melon-eating students who were watching the game let out bursts of gloating sounds.

"Someone is going to be in trouble today."

"Take a bet, who do you think Sugu will choose next? The chance is 1 in 12."

"I bet on Xiao Junjian from the Assassin Academy?"

"Wu Zhen from Distance College."

"Reload Liu Guang over there!"


Listening to the unfavorable voices of the audience below, the twelve people confronting Sugu bit their lips. Even if they didn't want to admit it, they understood in their hearts.

Compared with Sugu's performance yesterday when he killed the special recruit Zhan You with a single blow and directly hammered the arena into the ground with a pair of fists.

Their strength is indeed far behind.

I didn’t expect that even if I succeeded in defending this year, I would still have to face such a monster. The twelve people unintentionally clenched their weapons, and some were sweating.

They looked at Su Guyun's calm expression and silently prayed in their hearts not to choose them next.

Sugu's eyes glanced at the twelve people, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

If it were normal times, maybe Sugu would really go through the motions slowly and leisurely according to the rules. After all, it was just to get first place, and there was no need to be too showy.

But it's different now.

Since Principal Nariko’s request is the first one that no one can question...

I'm sorry.

I am here today to humiliate you severely!

He suddenly spoke calmly:

"Referee, I want to ask if I can pick all of these twelve people by myself."

As soon as Sugu's words came out, the expressions on the faces of the twelve people who were waiting for his reply were stunned at first, and then their eyes widened.

Several people looked at Sugu's face, his expression full of anger.

We all admit that you are better than us in single combat. After all, there are some differences between people.

But what do you mean by this sentence? What do you think we are? !

Those admitted to the Starry Sky Martial Arts University are either the top talents in a city or the young patriarchs of some small families. Among these people, we are also among the best warriors.

What do you think we are? A beggar who can be dismissed casually? !

Those people looked at Sugu and could hardly restrain themselves. If it wasn't allowed by the rules and they really couldn't beat him, they would have swarmed him long ago.

The entire audience fell into a dead silence because of Sugu's words. They looked at Sugu with only one question in their eyes.

"Are you crazy?"

Warriors of different professions have different characteristics, and adding them up is not as simple as one plus one.

"Maybe, maybe Mr. Su Gu didn't sleep well when he got up today, and he's talking nonsense now." As the referee, Yu Cunxiao said this dryly, trying to help Sugu smooth things over: "Sugu, you can choose again. , so that I can report it to the teacher again.”

Sugu nodded lightly and continued:

"I alone pick them all."

The corners of Yu Cunxiao's mouth twitched, and he no longer knew what to say. As a referee, it is not convenient to interfere with the players' choices now, so they can only honestly send Sugu's reply to the teachers on their mobile phones.

"Ha, good, good! It's crazy, I like it!" General Yin immediately patted his thigh and said after looking at Sugu's choice.

Lan Qing and Cheng Ziwen also had expressions of appreciation on their faces.

Whether you can do it or not is one thing, but whether you dare to do it is another. They admired this warrior spirit of daring to make breakthroughs and challenges.

"How arrogant."

On the floating spaceship, the woman in the school board of directors snorted coldly and said: "The abilities of warriors from different professions will complement each other. Once they are united, how can it be as simple as one plus one?"

"You're so young and you have some skills, do you really think you're invincible?"

The two-meter-old man said with equal disdain: "Since he wants to fight, let him fight. As a student, it would be better if he learned a lesson, otherwise he would not know the heights of the world."

"He wanted to kill someone during the freshman competition. He was indeed too arrogant. He should be given a good beating. Otherwise, he would have to go to college for four years, and he wouldn't know how much trouble he would cause to the school.

Star Force Brigade, don’t leave this student! "

Soon, the school board unanimously approved Sugu's request.


You can fight!

The school board and the principal approved Su Gu's proposal at the same time.

When the news spread, the students who were watching the fight were in an uproar.

"Damn, crazy, crazy."

"This is equivalent to a single warrior fighting a team of warriors, and they are all at the same level. I really don't know how to win."

"Open the market, start betting again. This time, bet on how many minutes Su Gu can hold on in the hands of this group of people."

Yu Cunxiao, who was standing in the middle of the two sides of the ring, looked at the news with a complicated expression.

He couldn't figure out why Su Gu did this? Was he anxious to make enemies in the school?

Standing in the middle, he could clearly feel that the anger of the twelve people was getting stronger and stronger.

They looked at Su Gu with eyes that wished they could eat him alive.

They were all warriors, and they were all young talents admitted to Starry Sky Martial Arts University. We admit that they are stronger than us, but such behavior is treating us as drunkards who can be dismissed at will! How much do you look down on us!

Facing the anger of these people, Su Gu still had a faint smile on his face, looking relaxed and calm.

Yu Cunxiao stood in the middle, his hands raised and fell.

"The battle begins!"

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