The blue light arrow, shining with the color of ice crystals, rushed towards Su Gu in an instant.

It should be said that it was worthy of being the last blow. If it was hit head-on, it might be a little hurt. It was quite difficult.

At the moment when Su Gu had this thought in his mind, the light arrow pointed directly at the point between his eyebrows at a speed not slower than his thoughts!


Just when the light arrow was about to hit, Su Gu's figure disappeared.

C-level combat skill, instant step.

He appeared behind the light arrow as if he had completed a small-scale space transfer in an instant.

"Did you avoid the attack?!" As a referee, Yu Cunxiao looked at the situation on the field and felt a little nervous.

In his heart, he silently cheered for Su Gu.

"No, Su Gu! My Ningguang Arrow is a directional attack that can be tracked. As long as it starts to point at you, it will hit!"

Wu Zhen fell to the ground with some effort after his shoulder was pierced and his soul power was exhausted.

But his eyes contained the excitement of welcoming victory.

Although Su Gu's assassin's footwork surprised him, the reason why the instant step, which can move at high speed over a short distance, is a C-level skill is because it consumes too much physical energy. If used multiple times, the legs cannot bear such a great pressure.

This step cannot be used as a regular step at all. Generally, even assassins use this skill as a last-ditch attack after approaching the target, focusing on an unexpected attack.

In his opinion, Su Gu has been forced to use this trick to dodge, which is the end of his tricks.

The arrow of condensed light turned 90 degrees in the air without slowing down, automatically readjusted the angle, and flew towards Su Gu again.

Feeling the fatal arrow flying towards his back, Su Gu's face did not change, and then his figure disappeared again.

Another instant step! He once again threw the flying light arrow behind him.

"Su Gu, I want to see how long you can hide!" Wu Zhen roared.

Even a real assassin cannot use this kind of extremely consuming step fighting skill many times. What Su Gu is doing now is nothing more than delaying time and struggling to death.

How many more times can he use it? Four or five times, this is almost the limit, what about next?

The winner will still be us!

The flying arrow is like a stream of light, chasing Su Gu's figure on the entire ring. And facing the fast-attacked arrow, Su Gu has only one way to face it.

Instant step, instant step, or instant step...

Gradually, the smile on Wu Zhen's face disappeared.

On the ring, the arrow and Su Gu, in the pursuit and escape, merged into a phantom of light.

Eight times, ten times, twenty times...

How many times did Su Gu use instant step in this process? At first, Wu Zhen would count, but soon he couldn't count anymore.

Wouldn't his feet be disabled!

Wu Zhen gradually had a bad premonition in his heart.


Soon, a scream came from the phantom of the stream of light. That cry made the audience, who had been watching Su Gu dodging, suddenly startled.

A warrior holding a small round shield and a battle axe was knocked down by Su Gu when he dodged the arrow.

When he was chased by the full-strength attack of the ranged warrior, he still had the energy to deal with the opponent?

Many people rubbed their eyes in disbelief and pinched their thighs to confirm whether they were dreaming.

But obviously, this was not a dream.

Screams came one after another, and one melee warrior after another was dealt with by Su Gu when he dodged the attack.

Wu Zhen's expression became dull. He didn't know how to face the situation in front of him. He stared blankly at the light in front of him.

He didn't remember how long it had been, but he saw Su Gu slowly walking towards him at the end.

He no longer used instant steps, and walked very slowly, and the light arrow that was piercing his heart flew even slower.

At this moment, the light of the arrow has become dim, and even its shape has become illusory. The arrow and the man are about to collide, and this scene is like a slow-motion video tape.

And when the arrow is three centimeters away from Su Gu's heart, it is like glass that has been hit by a heavy hammer, shaking unsteadily in the air, and began to produce fine cracks.


Like a porcelain falling to the ground, the arrow of light shattered and dissipated into a ball of light particles in the air.

Wu Zhen looked at this scene, and his scattered eyes focused a little.

He thought about how to crack his arrow of death many times in his head, and in fact many people have done it.

But he never imagined that someone could rely on speed to consume the power of his arrow of light. As a force-sensitive warrior, this speed is already beyond the standard, and many assassins cannot do this.

Wu Zhen thought expressionlessly.


Su Gu used the back of the knife to stick to the back of Wu Zhen's neck.

Wu Zhen looked around, and all the people in his camp fell except himself.

He sighed and said unwillingly: "I give up."

The whole place was silent.

Among the twelve people fighting against Su Gu, some were heirs of small families. They had been trained in martial arts resources that others could not imagine since childhood, and they had a promising future. Others were civilians who had the ability to change their fate by relying on their own strong martial arts talents and were admitted to Xingwu University from a small town.

These twelve people are all outstanding. When they graduate from Xingwu University in the future, they will quickly squeeze into the upper class of a city.

And now these twelve people were defeated by one person, and in such a crushing manner.

The students watching this battle were speechless at this moment. The whole scene was only the running and whistling of floating ambulances.

Apart from that, there was no other noise.

Yu Cunxiao, the referee, looked at Su Gu and swallowed his saliva suddenly.

Damn, although he had some vague feelings when they first met, he still felt it very clearly when he saw it with his own eyes.

This is a monster.

The expression on his face was a little dazed. Su Gu was still my junior, younger than me. But now it seems that if I fight him, he can kill me in an instant.

Is this the difference between people?

Facing the eyes of the people around him, Su Gu's expression was indifferent, as if what he had just done was just some insignificant things.

He turned around and looked in the direction of Lan Qing and his group of three.

Cheng Ziwen noticed Su Gu's gaze. He rolled down the window of the hovercraft in the sky and showed Su Gu an admiring look.

"This kid is really good. Even if he can't completely crush Feng Yan, I must fight for his request in front of the school board." Cheng Ziwen said admiringly.

His words were also agreed by Lan Qing and General Yin.

Although as a warrior, his means of attacking the enemy are a bit single, and he only masters one A-level combat skill.

But the combat quality shown in this battle and the development and application of combat skills are more important than learning a lot of combat skills.

And what is the most lacking in Starry Sky Martial Arts University? That is combat skills!

Soon, Su Gu's shortcoming will be made up!

"It's okay, they didn't see anything."

Su Gu looked at the eyes of the three people looking at him, full of encouragement and praise, but other than that, he didn't show too much shock and disbelief.

This made him secretly relieved.

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