Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 81 It’s really painful to see him win!

In this battle, Su Gu did not use the new combat skills he learned in the Thousand Layers Martial Arts Tower. All the combat skills he used were exposed and used during the martial arts exam.

If Su Gu was willing to use A-level combat skills other than "Lion Roar Ten Thousand Tiger Sword", the consumption of dealing with these twelve people would be much lower.

However, he made this choice, of course, with his own considerations.

"Now it seems that this teacher Lan Qing and others have not noticed my lack of mastery of combat skills, which is good." Su Gu thought silently in his heart.

After being pointed out by Lan Qing about modifying his own skills, Su Gu secretly kept a watchful eye. What happened to him may be too abnormal for normal people in this world.

Although these three people showed goodwill, and even took the initiative to help cover up the improvement of the skills, they must be on guard against others.

It is already exaggerated to be able to improve the long-standing skills by relying on one's own strength.

However, this kind of thing can be done by the heirs of some medium-sized and larger families in the world with the resources of the family.

It was enough to shock the well-informed Lan Qing and the other two, but it was not shocking.

But if it was revealed that he had mastered millions of A-level combat skills in a certain layer of the Thousand Layers Martial Arts Tower in just one day and one night, even these three seniors would not be able to resist dragging him to the laboratory to do some research.

"In the future, the combat skills I master can be gradually exposed over time, so that these people will not be suspicious."

"I can become a genius admired by thousands of people, but I don't want to be a monster studied as a rare and exotic animal." Su Gu thought silently in his heart at this moment.

On the ring, a group of school staff gathered around and began to clean up the damage caused by Su Gu's battle.

At the same time, in the suspended airship where the five members of the school board were, five directors of Xingwu University sat at the round table. They watched the picture of Su Gu's victory and were silent for almost a minute.

"This Su Gu is quite strong."

The two-meter-tall middle-aged school director spoke with difficulty at this moment, breaking the atmosphere among them that was about to freeze.

The other four people also slowly exhaled.

"He is still a promising talent, but he is too flamboyant and needs to be polished." The woman in gorgeous clothes sighed slightly.

The remaining three people also nodded slightly.

Even if they don't like Su Gu as a student, with their status, they don't have to compete with such a young warrior. What's more, this student is still studying in their school in name. If he really makes achievements, it will also be the glory of their school.

"Damn, why did it have to be this guy? It's really annoying. Because of the Zheng Lu incident he caused, several small families' projects with us have been suspended, and I lost a lot of money."

"If it weren't for his martial arts qualifications, I would have to disgust him no matter what. For example, I blocked his approval for the Xingkong Air Brigade incident."

Several people watched the victorious back of Su Gu in the broadcast, and the shocked and awed eyes of a group of students of the same age when they looked at him. The more they watched, the more unhappy they became, and the more they gritted their teeth.

It's true that they disdain to target Su Gu.

It's also true that they are very unhappy in their hearts.

What they want to see most at this moment is that someone can jump out and kill Su Gu's arrogance.

"It doesn't matter, we still have Feng Yan, the young master of the Feng family!" The woman in gorgeous clothes gritted her teeth.

"You should know that Feng Yan was singled out as an extra-special combat force because of his strength."

"He can definitely defeat Su Gu and kill his arrogance."

Her words shocked the other four school directors.

"But I feel that even Feng Yan may not be able to defeat Su Gu 100%." ​​The two-meter-tall man said hesitantly.

As soon as he said it, he was immediately refuted by the others.

"Cheng, are you taking the wrong medicine? You actually think that the heir of a medium-sized family will lose to a commoner?"

"The skills that Feng Yan practiced in Xunwojing are the skills of the strong in their clan. They were tailored to him based on the skills of their Feng family. How could he lose to an ordinary commoner student with his potential?"

"You should have seen the video of Feng Yan's battle. Don't you know how strong he is?"


Faced with many refutations, the two-meter-tall man shut them up with just one sentence.

"Tell me honestly, after watching the fight just now, do you really think Feng Yan can definitely beat Su Gu?"

The space where the five school directors were located suddenly became quiet again.

Through the broadcast screen, these people looked at Su Gu's calm face after a big battle. He began to sweat, as if the 1VS12 battle just now was just a warm-up for him.

For a person like this, who can say that he can definitely beat him as long as he is a student of the same age as him.

This group of school directors pursed their lips, with complicated expressions on their faces.

Obviously, they should be happy that he is an excellent student from their school, but when they think of the loss Su Gu brought to them, they can't be happy at all.

This feeling is like being forced to eat a piece of shit-flavored chocolate.

"The two of them are fighting, probably 70% to 30%. Feng Yan is 70%, Su Gu is 30%."

The woman in fancy clothes spoke softly, her tone full of unwillingness. It has been many years since I came to see the freshman competition in person. I didn't expect that I would feel so aggrieved after coming to see it once.

After hearing this, the other school directors nodded secretly, which was considered to be an approval of this judgment.

"He can still have a 30% chance of winning against the young master of the Feng family, which is also remarkable."

"Such a person appears among ordinary civilians, and he can be called a genius."

Just as these school directors were about to end this casual chat, a prompt message popped up on the screen of their real-time screen broadcast.

"It's Cheng Ziwen, he is urging us to quickly pass the battle process approval for the next battle."

"Now the only two people left who have not been eliminated are Su Gu and Feng Yan. There is no doubt that the next battle between these two people will be."

The woman in fancy clothes glanced and said softly.

"In this case, let's get started quickly." The five school directors passed the process approval at the same time.

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