Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 82: Asking for Teacher’s Etiquette. Brother Su, please give me more advice!

"The next battle, Su Gu vs. Feng Yan."

After the approval of the school board, the notice of the next battle was quickly passed to all those who were paying attention to this freshman competition.

Just seeing the names of the opponents, many people raised their eyebrows and looked a little excited.

"Our freshman competition this year should be the fastest to end. Originally, the three representatives from each college were supposed to fight for several rounds, but in the end, Su Gu picked them all."

"It was also the one with the most exceptions and accidents. Su Gu killed someone, and because Feng Yan was too strong, we decided to single him out for extra combat power."

"This year was really exciting. As expected, these two people fought in the end. One is a civilian special recruit who the school spent the most resources on, and the other is the young patriarch of the Feng family who reached a cooperative relationship with the school this year.

The two people represent two completely opposite births and forces, and the potential they showed made the school make exceptions for them again and again.

The battle between these two people is really like Mars hitting the Earth."


The audience was making a heated discussion at this moment. They were all looking forward to the next battle.

"Please ask Feng Yan to come to the ring to make adjustments and preparations."

As the referee, Yu Cunxiao had a complicated expression on his face after reading the instructions.

He hated Feng Yan, who had once made him lose face and didn't give him any face at all. Even reading this name made him feel a little irritated.

But even so, he had to admit that this person was powerful.

His eyes, like other spectators, looked at the figure who was slowly walking towards the ring.

Feng Yan's hands were on the two weapons at his waist, a short knife of forearm length and a dagger. At this moment, his handsome face was full of excitement, as if he had been looking forward to this battle for a long time.

He walked onto the ring and stood face to face with Su Gu 20 meters away. The two looked into each other's eyes, and the air became oppressive.

"These two people have a sense of destined nemesis."

A girl looked at the confrontation between the two handsome guys and couldn't help but said in a crazy way.

Seeing his appearance, many people's faces twitched.

Although this woman's crazy behavior in such an occasion is inevitable. But the sentence just now still makes sense.

These two people are very powerful and come from completely different classes. It is normal for them to develop into enemies who are at loggerheads.

Feng Yan looked at Su Gu, and his breathing became a little disordered because of excitement.

"What happened to the young clan leader?"

Those Feng family members who were observing the battle in the dark frowned slightly. As their own family, they were naturally most familiar with this young master. They knew the hidden meanings of some body movements better than anyone else.

Feng Yan's current look showed that he was nervous and excited, and his fighting spirit was extremely high. It was the first time they saw the young master with such an expression when facing his peers.

"Didn't the young master only behave like this when facing the elders of the clan or opponents who were much stronger than him?"

"It seems that this Su Gu is really strong and puts some pressure on the young master. But I believe that the final winner must be the young master."

"That's right, with the level of Su Gu's battle performance, he still can't beat the young master. The final winner must still belong to our Feng family."

These people have unparalleled confidence in their own young master Feng Yan.

At this moment, Yu Cunxiao, who was standing between the two, looked at Su Gu and said:

"Student Su Gu, generally after a battle, the school will provide corresponding supplements to replenish physical energy and rest time."

"You can now report your needs and how long you need to rest. As long as the request is not too outrageous, the school will agree."

This is a routine inquiry. Normal students who know a little bit about the process will report the energy supplements they need without even asking the referee.

But Yu Cunxiao looked at Su Gu, and there was always a feeling in his heart that he would definitely do something weird to him.

Sure enough, his feeling was completely right.

"No, it's just a battle, just treat it as a warm-up. The supplements are not enough. It won't make me exhausted. In my current state, it's enough for the next battle."

Yu Cunxiao's mouth twitched wildly. You know how to attract hatred.

In one sentence, he offended the person who just finished fighting and the person who was going to fight next at the same time.

He opened his mouth and said that he had just challenged twelve people in a row, without consuming too much physical energy, and that he didn't need to be in full state to beat Feng Yan.

He couldn't help but glance at the audience area, and saw that the twelve people who had just been defeated by Su Gu had turned blue in anger after hearing this.

"Go ahead, Feng Yan, defeat that kid Su Gu, he's too arrogant. I really can't stand it."

"You don't need to rest after beating so many people, damn it, I really can't stand people who pretend like this."

One by one, students stood behind Feng Yan and shouted loudly. They were children from some small families, and many were ordinary civilian students.

Originally, the aristocratic families and civilian students who were already somewhat incompatible on campus actually reached a short-term alliance because of one person at this moment.

"Don't need to rest? This kid is a little too arrogant." Principal Cheng Ziwen gritted his teeth and said in surprise.

"Isn't it because your boy asked him to win an undisputed first place? Now this kid Sugu is acting a little too eager for quick success. Such a mentality is not good for a warrior."

Lan Qing frowned slightly and complained to Cheng Zi.

"The people of the Feng family are not easy to deal with." General Yin said with a frown.


Yu Cunxiao glanced at Feng Yan next to him again, and what he saw surprised him.

When facing Sugu's provocative words, Feng Yan's face was extremely calm and he choked back without making any sound.

This is not just pretentious. Yu Cunxiao took the position of vice chairman in every possible way, and his ability to observe words and emotions has long been perfected.

Feng Yan didn't have many ups and downs emotionally. He seemed to take what Sugu just said as a matter of course. There was no response, just the acquiescence.

"When did this kid become so low-key and humble? Is it because people from his clan came over today, so he seems particularly low-key?"

Yu Cunxiao thought secretly.

But then he shook his head. When he went to accompany the teacher to the Feng family to recruit him, this guy heard that he was the vice chairman of the student union and directly challenged him. Defeating him in front of everyone, without saving any face for himself.

Would such a person keep a low profile? Can his temper be tempered?

Can this lawless boy really control his temper?

Yu Cunxiao pursed his lips. He couldn't see the matter clearly, so he simply stopped thinking about it. Now he had to fulfill his duties as a referee.

Yu Cunxiao coughed slightly, and then said to the two people on the field:

"The battle can begin."

But when he announced that the battle had begun, neither of the two sides who were supposed to fight quickly made any move. Neither of them rushed forward quickly to gain the upper hand, and neither even drew their weapons.

For a moment, the entire arena fell into silence.

Seeing this situation, the audience in the audience looked at each other, wondering what the two men were doing, and soon there was a burst of whispers. Even the senior officials who stood at a high place and silently watched the battle frowned slightly.

The two people in the ring ignored the comments. At this moment, both of them only have each other in their eyes.

After a while, it was Feng Yan who made the first move, but he still did not draw his weapon and took the lead in provoking a fight.

Feng Yan could see the fingertips of Feng Yan's hands together, supporting a triangle shape and placing it on his chest. Then the front waist was slightly bent in the direction of Sugu.

"Brother Su, please give me some advice."

Seeing this action, the originally noisy crowd suddenly became quiet.

Even the big shots who stood high up and watched this battle through real-time broadcast had dumbfounded expressions on their faces at this moment.

All the warriors present had done Feng Yan's movements countless times. The whole process was almost engraved in their bones, and it was impossible for anyone to admit his mistake.

This is the etiquette of asking the teacher.

Every time a martial arts teacher gives a lesson, students will give this salute to the teacher to express their gratitude and respect.

It was because they knew the meaning of this action so well that they felt a little bit at a loss.

What is Feng Yan doing?

Why salute Sugu?

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