Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 89 School awards! The mentor accepts a disciple!

After Cheng Ziwen finished speaking, the ordinary students in the square array straightened their backs a little more. Some people even stood on tiptoe, trying to make themselves look more upright.

The recipients of the commendation include those who performed well in the freshman competition, and after the commendation, the school's excellent tutors will choose whether to accept the student as their own student. These two things are completely subjective.

Maybe if they work hard now, the pie in the sky will fall on their heads next.

"Yu Xueyin, Sikong Jinzhong, Sha Caiming, Qi Yaoyu, Chang Qijiang..."

"The above fifty students whose names I have reported are selected by many tutors and have performed well in the internal selection of representatives of the college."

"In order to encourage these students to continue to advance bravely in martial arts, Xingkong Martial Arts University is willing to give these students a reward of 2,000 credits."

After hearing this, the students who reported their names had sparkling eyes, and they could not hide their excitement at all.

In Starry Sky Martial Arts University, credits can be used to purchase martial arts products directly. Many martial arts resources that are unsalable in the outside world can be purchased with credits here.

This direct granting of credits makes them happier than giving some standard prizes, after all, there is more room for free choice.

When Cheng Ziwen finished reading this list, he paused for a short time. Then an excellent instructor of Starry Sky Martial Arts University said with understanding:

"Sikong Jinzhong from the Warrior Academy, are you interested in becoming my disciple?"

After hearing this, Sikong Jinzhong, who was standing in the Warrior Academy formation, was stunned for a moment, and then his cheeks flushed.

He could hardly restrain the ecstasy in his heart, and said:

"Yes, I am willing!"

Although he didn't even know the name of this instructor, as a student, as long as he got on the instructor's boat, it would be much easier to do anything in Starry Sky Martial Arts University in the future.

Those students who also performed well looked at Sikong Jinzhong with great envy. Then he looked at the instructors with expectant eyes, hoping that another piece of pie would fall next. But unfortunately, no matter how eagerly they looked, no instructor continued to speak.

Seeing this, Cheng Ziwen continued to push the process forward.

"Next is the reward for those students who became representatives of the college."

"Xiao Junjian, Wu Zhen, Liu Guang..."

Cheng Ziwen read out the names of the twelve students who became representatives of the college one by one, and then said:

"For the above students, Starry Sky Martial Arts University is willing to give 20,000 credits to subsidize their four years of life in school."

"And the school can give each of the twelve students a pill of enlightenment."

Hearing the three words "enlightenment pill", everyone's heart was shocked.

This is a pill that can help warriors learn faster and comprehend combat skills. Starry Sky Martial Arts University actually took twelve pills at once.

It really deserves to be a top martial arts university, and it is arrogant when it takes action.

Then Cheng Ziwen paused again as usual, waiting for any instructor to make a choice here.

This time, although the number of people was slightly less than fifty, everyone on the list received an olive branch from one or two mentors.

Some happened to be the mentors they liked, so they naturally agreed to follow them. Some people received less than satisfactory invitations from mentors. The direction of martial arts that the mentors were deeply studying was not completely consistent with their own martial arts career. Or the mentors' own abilities and the resources they could provide did not meet their expectations. .

Some people thought for a moment, gritted their teeth, lowered their standards, and agreed to it.

Some people with higher ambitions chose to decline. He was betting that he would be chosen by a better mentor in his future college life.

After a brief exchange between students and mentors, some were happy and some were worried, but none of these prevented Cheng Ziwen from continuing to advance the process.

"Next is the runner-up of this year's freshman competition, Feng Yan."

As soon as this name was announced, it caused a commotion among some mentors.

Most of the mentors on the scene looked at Feng Yan with interest on their faces.

Not to mention the potential of Feng Yan's A-level supernatural power in this battle. His status as the young master of the Feng family is here. If he is willing to join his school, it will be of great benefit to them.

This is no longer a student who wants to follow the teacher, but if the teacher is lucky enough to accept such a student as his own, he may receive benefits from the student in the future.

"In order to reward your brave performance in the freshman competition, Xingkong Martial Arts University is willing to give you 20,000 credits and ten enlightenment pills."

"At the same time, if you can go to the school's school construction department to customize a weapon for yourself."

20,000 credits, ten enlightenment pills, and a specially customized weapon!

Hearing these words, many people opened their mouths.

This treatment has surpassed the champions who won the first place in previous years.

But think about it carefully, if there was no great devil Su Gu, Feng Yan would definitely win the championship this year. Except for Su Gu, no one can stop him.

His ability is indeed a gap compared to others.

Before these people could react, Cheng Zi's voice about asking the principal had just fallen, and more than half of the tutors could no longer sit still.

"Feng Yan, are you willing to follow me? I promise that if I have any resources in the future, you will be able to get the same opportunities and shares as those juniors and seniors."

"Bah, you are so shameless to recruit students? Feng Yan, I haven't accepted any students yet. If you come to me, you will be the first disciple, and all the good things will be yours."

"Feng Yan, I am Qian Liu, the instructor of the Assassin Academy. I'm afraid you are interested in the way of assassins when you come to the Assassin Academy. Follow me, I will bring you much more improvement than ordinary instructors."

"Bullshit, Feng Yan's last posture with full power is obviously more like a warrior than an assassin. Feng Yan, you should follow me."


Looking at the excited postures of those instructors, many students have complicated emotions.

They try their best to express and show themselves, just to get the favor of one of the instructors.

Feng Yan can choose more than half of the instructors in the school at will, and even the instructors spontaneously put forward various conditions to make themselves look more attractive-roll up!

Although they didn't say it, they all knew in their hearts that the class separated by martial arts strength had already been formed.

Facing the olive branches thrown by almost all teachers, Feng Yan glanced at the faces of these instructors. After confirming that there was no instructor Lan Qing, he sighed slightly in his heart.

Even with his performance in front of Su Ge, he still couldn't let this one open the mountain gate again.

Then he said calmly:

"I'm sorry, instructors, in the four years at Starry Sky Martial Arts University, I didn't follow the idea of ​​any instructor." He directly and rudely rejected all these people.

After hearing this, the instructors who threw out olive branches also restrained their enthusiasm, looked at Feng Yan calmly and stopped talking.

The scene was a little stiff because of Feng Yan's strength, and the atmosphere seemed a little awkward.

In this awkward atmosphere, many people cast their eyes on the person who stayed at the end-Su Gu.

Before Cheng Ziwen began to read out the commendation for Su Gu, all the instructors looked at him with uncontrollable enthusiasm.

Looking at that, it was like a dog staring at a bone.

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