Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 90: Rewards from the New Martial Arts Champion!

Cheng Ziwen glanced at Su Gu. This kid was still calm in the face of so many teachers' attention. Very good, very calm.

He nodded with satisfaction.

Just when Cheng Ziwen was about to tell Su Gu about his reward, a mentor standing next to him seemed to be unable to bear it anymore and shouted loudly in the direction of Su Gu:

"Su Gu, follow me. As long as you are willing to become my disciple, I will give you any resources you want as long as I have them. If I don't have them, I will do my best to help you get them! Even if you just want to take the benefits for nothing and don't want to recognize me as your mentor, it's fine!"

After this mentor with bloodshot eyes roared out this sentence, it seemed to have ignited the fuse of some kind of explosives, and all the people were boiling in an instant.

"Old Shen, are you shameless? You are so old and you are still running away!"

"Su Gu, you can consider me. As long as you follow me, I dare not say anything. I am familiar with the school work department. If your weapons need maintenance or upgrades in the future, just tell me, and you don't need to spend credits."

"How dare you come out to recruit people? Su Gu, follow me. I have the widest network of people here at Xingwu University. I have acquaintances in many martial arts forces. As long as you follow me, I promise that where you want to work in the future will be arranged clearly for you."

"Brother, can I call you brother? If you follow me, we will talk about our own things in the future. You can call me whatever you want. I will call you brother."


A group of instructors excitedly expressed their eagerness to recruit talents to Su Gu, and even did not hesitate to show their bottom line in public.

It is no wonder that these people are excited. If a student like Feng Yan becomes a disciple, he will become a martial artist in the future, and others will only remember the Feng family behind him. But even so, for the sake of short-term benefits, there are still many people who hope that Feng Yan will become their disciple.

In comparison, Su Gu's situation is more than a hundred times stronger than Feng Yan.

Not to mention that as a warrior, he is stronger than Feng Yan in terms of martial arts potential, just to say that he was born a commoner and has no power behind him. If these mentors invest resources, they will also become famous after they become great!

Didn't mentor Lan Qing enjoy a high status in the Starry Sky Martial Arts University by relying on the outstanding students he brought up?

And if Su Gu is accepted, with his potential, it is equivalent to paving the way for the future of these mentors. If he is lucky enough, maybe after mentor Lan Qing retires, his position will belong to one of these people.

Looking at the appearance of these mentors at this moment, the expressions on the faces of the students lined up in a square vividly interpret the four words "dumbfounded".

If they can still understand the situation that Feng Yan just faced. The sensation caused by Su Gu now has exceeded the cognitive ability of these people.

How come these mentors who were unattainable to them are now like licking dogs in front of Su Gu?

These students looked at Su Gu standing at the front of the square, and different people's eyes flashed with envy, jealousy, admiration, curiosity, and desire to explore.

"It's you, Brother Su, you are really popular." Looking at the situation on the scene, Feng Yan smiled and teased Su Gu.

Seeing this, Su Gu touched his nose with a wry smile.

Looking at these mentors in front of him, who were waving their arms at him like out-of-control zombies, he shook his head helplessly.

It was really a headache to watch, which was why he liked to keep a low profile.

"Quiet, all mentors, please be reserved."

Seeing the situation that was gradually getting out of control, the principal Cheng Ziwen personally opened his mouth to preside over the order, and then calmed down these mentors who were about to get out of control.

But although these mentors no longer said anything, some still winked at Su Gu, trying to attract his attention. The appearance of these excellent teachers of Xingwu University now is somewhat similar to those prostitutes who are anxious to attract customers.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Ziwen could only shake his head helplessly, ignoring the situation of these teachers, and began to talk about Su Gu.

"Before announcing that Su Gu won the award for the first place in this battle, there are some other things that need to be explained in particular."

"First of all, you accidentally killed a student named Zheng Lu during the departmental selection battle. For this matter, the school's punishment for you is to put you in confinement for a week."

"But it just so happens that as the most outstanding student this year, you asked the school to re-enter the Martial Arts Thousand Layer Tower. In this case, the place of your confinement will be set in the Martial Arts Thousand Layer Tower."

"For these seven days, you stay in there and reflect on yourself!"

"Su Gu, do you have any objection to this punishment?"

Hearing what Cheng Ziwen said to the principal, Su Gu immediately smiled and said in his heart:

"I have no objection to the school's punishment."

It would be strange if you had any objection!

Hearing the conversation between Su Gu and Cheng Ziwen, the teachers and students of Xingwu University were all crazy in their hearts.

How many times a year can ordinary students and even some teachers apply to enter the forbidden area of ​​the school like the Martial Arts Thousand Layer Tower?

You have been in prison twice in less than a month, and this time, the detention was extended to seven days.

What kind of punishment is this?

If Xingwu University really has this way of punishing students, please punish me severely, let me do it!


Feeling the slight commotion of the crowd around him, Cheng Ziwen coughed a few times. He used the dignity of the principal to quiet these people down, and then continued:

"Now that we have finished talking about the mistimed punishments for Su Gu, it is time to talk about what kind of reward the school will give him as the champion of this freshman competition."

"In order for Su Gu to continue to advance in martial arts in the rest of his time at school, Starry Sky Martial Arts University is willing to provide him with 50,000 credits and an opportunity to customize weapons in the school's engineering department..."

Before Cheng Ziwen finished speaking, the freshmen and instructors of Starry Sky Martial Arts University couldn't help but exclaimed.

50,000 credits!

After hearing this, many people could no longer hold back, looking at Su Gu with envy, including many instructors.

You know, the credits of Starry Sky Martial Arts University can really be exchanged for a lot of good things.

If Su Gu is willing, he can use this credit to buy some precious martial arts materials of the school, secretly trade them in the black market, and buy several houses. Or he can change to another way of playing, relying on this credit, he can accumulate several valuable connections.

Such valuable wealth will make many instructors feel excited.

And the customization of private weapons by the school's school work department is one of the goals of countless freshmen in four years of college, and Su Gu has completed it in one step?

It's really enviable.

Compared with the eyes around him, Su Gu is much calmer.

For him, these are naturally good things, but they are all external things that cannot directly improve his own strength. Just these are not enough to make him lose his composure.

And Cheng Ziwen's voice continued to recite the awards related to him: "In addition, the school will open the right to read some exercises. Within a limited time, Su Gu can read these exercises at will."

After hearing this, Su Gu raised his eyebrows slightly.

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