Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 97 Tai Chi Zhou Yuan Jin! Frontal defeat!

The audience watched the situation on the field, and many people couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

The almighty martial god walked out of Batlle's killing move, and it seemed that he was not fatally injured?

The smoke and dust dissipated. A series of strong explosions just now blew Su Gu's shirt to pieces, and his body hidden under the martial arts uniform was revealed.

Unlike Batlle's body that seemed to be piled up like rocks, Su Gu's body gave people a streamlined dynamic beauty, and his well-proportioned body shape was extremely suitable for long-range or assassins. But if it is judged by the standard of heavy armor, this body is far from being strong, and it can even be said to be a little thin.

But at this moment, his shirt was torn, and the muscles hidden under the clothes were revealed, and the eyes looked at it with a completely different feeling. In this extremely beautiful body, you can vaguely feel infinite power from it.

Dexterity and strength, two completely different sensory experiences, perfectly unified in one body.

Many female audience members who were dragged by their boyfriends to watch this battle at the scene looked at the perfect body of the Almighty Martial God with blurred eyes.

"It looks like he has been tempered for a long time." Ke Yuya commented at the right time.

"The Almighty Martial God will win!" The arena fell into silence for a moment, and was broken by Ma Mingjie's loud roar.

This sentence of winning opened the hearts of the Martial God fans who had been suppressed for so long.

"Damn, you were so loud just now? What's the result? That's it!"

"Mars' trash, you can only beat this well with dirty tricks, you are just a trash who can only beep."

"Brother Martial God will win!"

The roars of the Martial God fans resounded throughout the arena.

"What are you arguing about? Isn't it just that you didn't get killed in one go? It's just a matter of wasting more effort." Batlle's fans said indignantly.

They still have confidence in their idol.

At this moment, in the arena, Batlle looked at the gloomy expression on the face of the Almighty Martial God.

As an opponent, he understood the current state of the Almighty Martial God better than the audience.

In the first collision between the two, the Almighty Martial God's right arm was successfully attacked by him without any preparation. Now his right arm has multiple fractures and he can't use any strength at all. He can now lift his right hand to keep his balance, relying on his soul power.

But even so, the man in front of him can actually endure the pain of the broken arm while breaking his Nether Body Rising Dragon Fist with one hand. He also opened an A-level combat skill, the Quiet Blood Clothes to offset his supernatural damage.

What a terrible opponent.

"But there is no reason for me to lose to a cripple who has already lost one hand." Bartelle stared at Su Gu and licked his lips.

The force unloading technique is very strong, right? The Rising Dragon Fist was broken by you at a glance. In this case, I will use absolute strength to crush you!

Bartelle raised his right foot high and stepped hard on the ground.


After one step, the rocky area within a ten-meter radius of him, with him as the center, cracked into spider web-like patterns. And his aura also rose a lot.


Another step on the ground, as the aura increased, his strength also seemed to rise a lot. This step on the ground, the ground trembled, as if an earthquake was happening.





He took seven steps in a row, and each step he accumulated more power than the previous one. Obviously, the speed was not fast, but the vibration of the ground destroyed the enemy's movement, and the pressure of Bartelle's body like a mountain.

It felt like there was no way to avoid it!

A-level combat skills, stepping on the seven stars to shake the mountain fist.

After seven steps, Bartelle's aura had accumulated to the peak. The fist that seemed to be able to shatter the mountain hit Su Gu's face directly.

Even if you use the Jingxue Clothes again, I will smash you with one punch!

Bartelle roared in his heart.

The effect of his ability is that the stronger the collision, the stronger the explosion.

He believed that this could tear apart all attacks, and as long as it touched the corner of Su Gu's clothes, it would blow him to pieces!

Facing the attack coming towards him, Su Gu's face was indifferent. He stretched out his hands and made a strange gesture, with two soul balls wrapped around his hands.

Bartelle's eyes were red. As long as he collided with Su Gu's hands, he would win!

Just as Bartelle thought so, he suddenly realized that his fist slowed down, and that fatal punch seemed to be trapped in a swamp, and it was difficult to move forward no matter what.

Karate-style A-level combat skills, Tai Chi Zhouyuan Jin!

Before Bartelle could figure out what was going on, Su Gu's body had already staggered his fist, and his left arm rushed up and hit him with a top elbow, directly knocking him away like a cannonball.

Bartelle roared, he wanted to fight back, but his whole body was surrounded by that strange force, and his body movements became extremely slow as if they were slowed down.

Bang, bang, bang!

The injured right hand used soft Yin energy, while the left hand used hard Yang energy.

After Su Gu got close, the attack came towards Bartelle like a continuous wave.

"Ah, ah!"

Bartelle screamed. Two opposite forces, one smashed the outside, and the other smashed the inside. This pain made him unbearable.

Silence, Bartelle's fans area was now extremely silent.

Those Martians who had been shouting after the match was completed were like dumb at this moment.

How could this happen? Bartelle is an offensive heavy tank, but he was beaten like this in close combat.

When did such a karate master appear on Earth?

"Shout, why don't you Martians shout now? I like to see how you were just now."

"I beg you, please show that again, that 'In front of absolute power, all skills are nothing!'"

"Come on, I like how you were just unruly."

When one family is sad, another family is happy. The fans of the God of War began to return all the grievances they had just suffered, little by little.

And this time, there was not even one stubborn person among these people. They looked at their idols being beaten by the head in the arena, and their faces turned red.

"Ah, ah! ah!!"

Batlet escaped from Sugu's fist at the cost of a large hole in his fire-resistant armor.

He panted and looked at Sugu, who was standing there without chasing him, and spat out a mouthful of blood foam.

He shouted as if he was furious:

"Almighty God of War, if you have the guts to fight me with pure strength like a real man."

"You use all kinds of tricks to avoid power collisions all day long. In the eyes of us Martians, your fighting style is not glorious even if you win."

"Disgusting, really disgusting!"

After hearing what Batlet said, his fans immediately joined in:

"That's right, fight like a real man. Your fighting style is so disgusting to us."

"You nagging mother, can you be more straightforward when you fight?"

"Damn, there are all kinds of people in the fighting arena now. Look at the way you fight, do you look like a man?"


Looking at the situation on the field, Ma Mingjie couldn't help but let out a laugh.

These single-celled idiots from Mars, how could my brother fall for such a simple provocation? Although this guy is a martial arts fanatic, he is very smart.

Since he can win, of course he must pursue the victory.

Compared with Ma Mingjie's smugness, Sao Rui beside him seemed to have something pinching his throat. He didn't say a word from the beginning, and his face was extremely ugly.

And the next moment, the expressions of the two immediately changed.

"Okay, come on." Su Gu said calmly.

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