Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 98: You are far behind in both strength and skills!

Su Gu spoke in a very calm tone, but it was this calm word that set off a wave of waves among all the audience. Many people couldn't help rubbing their ears, as if to confirm whether what they just heard was true.

Is the Almighty Martial God crazy?

Not to mention the fans of the Martial God, even the fans of Batelle were confused at this moment. They never thought that the Almighty Martial God would take the bait just by provoking him casually?

No matter how you look at it, this choice is not a choice that a mature warrior should make.

"The Almighty Martial God said that the next attack will be a head-on confrontation with the offensive heavy armor!"

"To be honest, as a commentator, I don't know what to say now. This is the first time I've been in such a situation."

"Now, I can't help but want to interview the Almighty Martial God's die-hard fan next to me, classmate Ma Mingjie."

At this moment, Sao Rui was fully revived from his decadent look just now, and he held the microphone to Ma Mingjie's face.

"Classmate, can you tell me how you feel now?"

Ma Mingjie rolled his eyes at him.

Damn it, it doesn't matter, anything is fine, just destroy it.

"What on earth is he thinking?" Anderson looked at the situation on the field and murmured: "Just now, Bartelle has been completely trapped by his fighting skills. As long as the Almighty Martial God maintains this style of play, Bartelle will never be able to escape. Just now, the Almighty Martial God deliberately let Bartelle go."

"Plus now actively expressed that he wants to have a head-on collision with him... I really can't understand why the Almighty Martial God made this choice."

The expression on his face was full of confusion. Since he was defeated by the Almighty Martial God, he has always regarded him as his imaginary enemy.

Try to figure out every decision and every thought he made in the battle. He has watched every battle video of the Almighty Martial God no less than a hundred times.

And this time, he really couldn't understand it.

Isn't it basic common sense in fighting to play to one's strengths and avoid weaknesses?

"I didn't expect this guy to have a childish temper. He looks younger than I expected." Ke Yuya chuckled.

"Childish temper? Because when the two of them just started fighting, they suffered a little loss at the hands of Bartelle? Just because of this kind of thing?" Schiller frowned and said with a contemptuous expression: "How can a warrior be so emotional in battle!"

"This is indeed not what a mature warrior should do." Anderson also said.

Ke Yuya smiled faintly. What her two subordinates said was right. But their explanation was based on the underlying logic that Bartelle might pose a threat to the Almighty God of War.

"I'm afraid that deep in this guy's heart, he didn't regard Bartelle as an enemy of the same level as himself, so he made an emotional decision during the battle." Ke Yuya said softly.

If the dragon was teased by the ant because of its own carelessness, I'm afraid the anger in its heart would be unimaginable for ordinary people.

For the Almighty God of War, the first move was inexplicably hit, and the backlash of power caused multiple fractures in his entire right arm bones. I am afraid that the anger in his heart has long been suppressed. What he has to do now is to vent his anger!

No matter what the outside audience thinks, Bartelle is already crazy happy at this moment! He really didn't expect that there would be such a turn at the last moment.

As an offensive heavy armor, he has the confidence to crush opponents of the same level in a head-on collision!

"Okay! Almighty God of War, I respect you as a man."

"Let's have a real man's battle!"

Bartelle roared, and then stepped out of the Seven Star Steps with his own power again!

Boom! Boom! !

The earth-shaking momentum was more terrifying than the first time it was used.

This time Bartelle squeezed his potential, and he wanted to bet his victory on the next punch!

Facing the opponent who was walking towards him with a strong sense of oppression, Su Gu had a calm face and was calm, with the calmness of not changing his face even if Mount Tai collapsed in front of him.

He touched his left and right fists, and the two forces of yin and yang blended and changed with each other.

Tai Chi Zhou Yuan Jin, yin and yang combined!

At the same time, the Jingxue clothing appeared again. This time, the dark blue lines all over the body began to gather towards the left hand under the control of Su Gu's will. In an instant, his entire left arm seemed to have turned into a piece of exquisite blue jade. Looking at his arm, it not only gives people a sense of beauty, but also makes people feel an indestructible feeling.

The Almighty Martial God can do two things at the same time and use completely different A-level combat skills at the same time!

Looking at the ability displayed by Su Gu in the arena, everyone's eyes were full of shock. The Almighty Martial God once again showed his amazing ability.

"It's about to start."

The audience looked at the two people in the arena, whose distance between each other had shortened to only three meters, and couldn't help holding their breath and watching.

The Almighty Martial God and Batlle punched at their opponents at the same time. The dark blue fist and the hand wrapped in black and red fire-resistant armor collided in the air. The difference in size between the two was like a branch colliding with a log.

The moment the two fists met, the black and red light produced by the violent explosion engulfed the bodies of the two. A shock wave was centered on this light and pushed forward from the inside out, plowing the entire battlefield. The original rocky landform turned into flat land.

Bartelle's B-level ability, the effect of Thunder and Fire Explosion Fist, was activated. The explosion caused by the collision between the two this time exceeded the total power of this ability in the entire battle.

The terrifying effect of the ability triggered the system protection mechanism of the martial arts arena. In order to prevent the strong sound waves generated by the fighting of the warriors from shattering the eardrums of the audience. The system generated a vacuum zone between the audience seats and the arena. All the audience felt that the whole world seemed to have been muted. Combined with the destructive scene caused by the two warriors, it felt like watching the end of the world.

At this moment, the scene on the field made them speechless for a short time.

In the collision with a strong contrast in size and image, it was the "big" one that flew backwards.

Bartelle was beaten and flew backwards. His fire-resistant armor collapsed and disintegrated in the air because it could not withstand the impact this time. His body flew for a long time in the high-gravity environment before falling to the ground in a parabola, creating a pit.

Batelle lay on the ground like a dead fish, unable to move for a long time. Although his opponent Su Gu had several burns on his body due to the explosion, his face was still calm.

A head-on collision with an offensive heavy armor, and the one who lost in the end was the offensive heavy armor? Many people who watched this scene couldn't help rubbing their eyes, and they felt that their martial arts views were being refreshed.

"Whether it's strength or skills, you are far behind." Su Gu said lightly.

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