Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 99: Thunder and fire blast punch, scorching hell!

"Whether it's strength or skill, you're far behind."

The calm but extremely arrogant words echoed throughout the arena.

Sugu's tall and straight figure, like a strong pine, stood in the center of the arena. The confident belief in him, coupled with the record he just played, formed an invincible temperament.

His figure made everyone present except for Bartlett's fans feel their blood pumping.

"The Almighty God of War is fucking invincible!"

This time without Ma Mingjie taking the lead, the fans of the God of War spontaneously let out shouts at the top of their lungs.

"In a head-to-head situation, he directly destroyed the offensive heavy equipment?! Brother Wushen is the chosen one."

"I feel like I'm witnessing the rise of a true god of martial arts step by step."

"How on earth did you do that just now?"

"Who claims to be invincible and who claims to be undefeated? Have you ever asked me, Brother Martial God?"

Enthusiastic cheers and excited discussions filled the audience. These people were talking happily about their idols, and no one even paid attention to Bartlett's fans who were making a fuss just now.

In the head-to-head confrontation just now, the almighty God of War gave them a psychological advantage.

Bartlett had just been punched away by Brother Wu Shen. Neither of them were on the same level. If I continue to quarrel with people like you, I am losing my dignity as an idol.

In contrast, Bartlett's fans turned pale and had completely shut their mouths. They never imagined that a battle that was originally a sure thing would turn into this.

Sao Rui in the commentary box couldn't help but slap his face a few times when he saw the current situation. Why is his mouth so mean? Before the two of them started fighting, they agreed to Ma Mingjie's request.

If he wants to fix something weird for himself later, how will he fix it?

After thinking about it, Sao Rui immediately changed his face to a flattering one, looked at Ma Mingjie beside him in a flattering manner and said, "Brother Ma, can I discuss something with you?"

Ma Mingjie glanced at him sideways and said, "What's wrong?"

You see, we...we are destined to commentate together after all, and after this battle, I feel that I have become a fan of Almighty Martial God. After all, we are a family.

How about we forget about our bet? After all, if something really happens, I don’t think it’s a big deal, I’m just afraid of bringing dust to Brother Wu Shen’s face. "

Seeing Sao Rui's sincere look, Ma Mingjie said with a smile on his face:

"This is easy to talk about. After all, we are not devils."

After hearing this, Sao Rui breathed a sigh of relief, but Ma Mingjie's next words made his chest stagnant.

"Don't worry, the people in our Martial God's House are very qualified. After this battle is over, your job will definitely have nothing to do with violating the crime. Hehehehe..."

Hearing Ma Mingjie's laughter, Sao Rui's eyes darkened, and he had a very bad premonition about the future.

In the arena,

Sugu looked at Bartlett who was lying on the ground and had not gotten up. He stood silently and did not step forward to give him a fatal blow.

Bartlett's body suddenly twitched, and then he seemed to be stimulated by some kind of stimulus, and he stood up despite the severe pain.

"At least three bones were broken, and the internal organs were also injured." He spat out a mouthful of blood and muttered.

The moment the two collided, he felt like he was wrestling with a star train.

With such unparalleled destructive power, who is the offensive heavyweight between me and him?

Bartlett had complicated emotions. This feeling of being completely suppressed in a head-on collision was really a rare experience for him.

Sugu watched his opponent stand up and nodded imperceptibly. Then he said with cold eyes:

"I've already cracked your turtle shell for you. If you want to continue beating it, come up with something more interesting."

After hearing this, Bartlett's fans looked dim.

They knew their own affairs, and this was already the case. Bartlett was completely at the end of his rope, so where else could he have anything else?

Today they really hit the wall.

But at this moment, Bartlett's eyes were fixed, and his heart was full of disbelief. In just this period of fighting, the flaws in his own abilities were seen through?

"The lethality of my thunder and fire fist is no weaker than some A-level powers. The reason why it is rated as B-level is because if I don't wear fire-resistant armor to fight, the power will also hurt me. If I remove it, If I lose my armor and use my powers for more than five minutes, I will be disabled for life. If it takes ten minutes, it will be completely destroyed due to high temperature and explosion."

"So the armor on my body, while helping me, also limits my power."

Bartlett glanced at himself. The fire-resistant armor on his body had been completely shattered when the two collided. Only a few broken armor fragments remained on the body, which no longer served any purpose.

Did he do it on purpose? Deliberately destroying only the fire-resistant armor?

As these two questions emerged in his mind, the image of the Almighty God of War became more and more unfathomable in Bartlett's mind.

"Don't you dare to use all your strength here?" Sugu said with a confused expression on his face, "I can't tell you are so cowardly."

There was no deliberate ridicule, Sugu simply used the mentality of a warrior to express Bartlett's confusion about fearing his own power.

Bartlett smiled.

Originally, he was going to use this trump card that he had not yet fully mastered at the Solar System Fighting Conference. Now that his trump card has been seen through, he still wants to hide it, which is a bit ignorant.

"As you wish."

Bartelle said in a deep voice. His eyes were full of extremely strong fighting spirit, his huge body trembled slightly, and the few pieces of fire-resistant armor that were left on his body fell to the ground.

Then, both of his arms turned red, as if magma was rolling in his blood vessels. The tough face of the attack-type heavy-armored giant rock became distorted because of the pain of the burning flames.


Bartelle roared, endured great pain, and thrust his hands into the ground. In an instant, the ground ten meters around him turned the same red as his arms.

Thunder and fire explosion fist, scorching hell!

Su Gu licked his lips, his eyes flashing. It should be like this. He came here to compete with masters of the same age who are hard to see in reality. It would be so boring if the other party still wanted to hide his weakness when he met me.

"Look at the feet of the Almighty God of War." Anderson said absentmindedly.

Without him saying anything, many people had already noticed the visible changes.

The ground under Su Gu's feet seemed to have become a bubble that was blown up and began to expand continuously, pushing him up.

After the bubble quickly expanded to its limit, the yellow-brown color gradually turned into red, followed by a shocking explosion.


The huge flames and flying rocks engulfed Su Gu.

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