Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 371 Twilight in the Camp (Part 2)


With Lorca's powerful agility and reflexes, facing such a "fatal" attack, he only tilted his head slightly, causing the thin part like a wooden stick to miss, and was painted with white paint on the side. It's difficult to move on the wall that smells like a chemical.

"An attack of this magnitude... cannot harm my body, the leader of the 'Order Society', the 'Future'." Lorca accurately called out the "name" of the boy in front of him who was similar in age to him and muttered. He opened his mouth, glanced reproachfully at "Future", then walked straight to the side, turned on the switch on the wall, and lit up the only electric light hanging on the wall in the room.

Suddenly, the bright light dispelled the horrible orange-red sunset light spilling in from outside, and also dispelled the darkness containing the pungent rancid smell in the messy room.

"What a pity, Lorca. My strength is still not fully restored. According to the rules set by the old gods, if I want to reach the previous standards, I still have to wait for a long month." "Future" grinned, showing his smile. He smiled bitterly with his scarlet and yellowish teeth covered with food residue.

"Then what are your plans now? Do you want to stay with us for another month, or do you want to go to the east in advance and follow the 'Grand Railway' through the inaccessible Aventale to Chidanlis?" Luo Ka's tone revealed a hint. Concerned.

As he spoke, he pulled "Future's" slightly steel-colored tentacles away from the wall, like large underdeveloped squid tentacles.

Allowing Luo Ka to manipulate him, "Future" sat back on the simple stool made of broken wood. He stared ahead in silence for a long time with his two eyes that gradually faded from dark black to light, and then slowly spoke, He asked tentatively:

"You, the leaders of the two major organizations that manage here are now Lord Ice Blade, right? How long does he... plan to keep Wind Mine alive? Was the chip belonging to 'Perceptual Concealment' discovered? Yes. Has the 'evolution platform' belonging to 'Tian Ji' been discovered? Or is it after the secret of 'Pramini' is completely cracked?"

"I don't think so, although... At that time, the elder brother of 'Bingren' was bewitched by the birth of 'Yan Xi', and instructed us to transform into a beast, 'Feng Mine', who is your brother. But in fact, after his death, His opponents in the 'Chaos Group' told us that this state cannot be maintained for long, at most... no more than a month." Lorca replied:

"You and him...should have no feelings for a long time, right? When he was imprisoned in the abandoned cathedral in Area W, until the "Poetry of Inducing Chaos" was recited and the ritual of "transformation into a beast" was completely completed, you None of them said a word. Brother 'Bingren' told me that silence often means recognition."

"'Wind Mine'...Brother..." "Future" completely withdrew its slender tentacles, dissipated all the dark magic power and the power belonging to the past, and stared up at the ceiling with a complicated expression, muttering in his mouth road:

"Several years ago, maybe three or four hundred years ago, maybe more than two hundred years ago, I was born at the junction of the Nanshan Mountains and the Icefield Province. It was an industrial area during the old Crusted Empire, with a vast area and sparsely populated areas. , rich in mineral resources, blocked by volcanoes and rolling mountains, that place was the last pure land invaded by the 'Whispering Virus'."

"Is this your story?" Luo Ka frowned and looked up at "the future" with some confusion.

"Yes, this is a story that belongs to the 'real me'." "Future" nodded and continued:

"Later, the fire of the 'New Dollar Crisis' that broke out from Nabsk, Puto-Rusgrad and Linbian City at the same time still burned here. Like more than 60 million Krusted people at that time, I had no Escape the fate of mutation.

"I remember that it was about 300 years of the New Era. The leader of the Federation Council at that time was Viktor Romanuk, a descendant of the family of the maker of the 'Chaos Fork' you used on the 'Wind Mine'. That After a while, I remembered that I had been wandering as a 'Heartless Man' for at least a hundred years, and arrived at a fire scene filled with fragrance."

"Fire scene?" Luo Ka asked curiously, holding Nahaka in his arms and listening to "Future"'s self-narration with great interest.

"That's right. Someone told me afterwards that it was because the 'Stealing Group' at that time led a group of 'unintentional people' and tried to attack the village stronghold that was half-renovated by the Federation. During the fierce battle, a wildfire was triggered, which burned for several days and engulfed the village. There are several small settlements around." "Future" replied:

"It should be near the tributary of the Ice River in the Waters Province. When I followed the alluring aroma through the flames, I met groups of people struggling in it. Speaking of Lorca, you have never experienced a crazy moment. Well, when you lose all reason and rely solely on instinct to drive your body, you will find that the smell of meat formed in the flames is very unique. There is an aroma that combines all foods, constantly stimulating your taste buds and senses, and making you The stomach and intestines wriggle wildly and give you a tingling sensation all over your body, forcing you to drag your ugly body forward in the hallucination of delicious, sweet, fragrant and other excellent food flavors that combine everything.

"At that time, I saw the young 'Feng Mine', holding his knees in pain and huddled near the collapsed tile house, crying helplessly, waiting for the flames and death to come."

"Wait a minute, aren't you his younger brother? You had mutated for a hundred years at that time. How could you see the boy's 'Wind Mine'? Is it possible that what Brother 'Bingren' said is true? You are' Outsider'?" Lorca asked.

"That's right. Wind Mine and I didn't know each other at that time. Surrounded by instinct, I gnawed the arm of his original brother, a boy named Constantian, who had lost all life in his arms. After that. , driven by further hunger, ate his heart again." "Future" lowered his head in shame and continued:

"I didn't expect that maybe the gods took pity on me, or maybe the Creator heard the helpless cry of 'Wind Mine'. The water-based magic source power in Constantinian's body, coupled with the divinity and divinity passed down by the 'Wind Mine' family, The remaining dragon bloodline in my body resonated slightly, and with the help of a sequential monster belonging to the Lord of Darkness that accidentally fell into the flames, my body collapsed inward little by little, and my consciousness began to become clearer.

"Soon, the consciousness and memory belonging to Constantinian merged with my broken brain. I received the obsession he left before his death, rescued the 'Wind Mine', and escaped all the way south. We arrived near the swamp of the Southern Territory. After that... we encountered a 'Alien Heartless' covered in rock armor, but at the most critical moment, the 'New God' saved us."

"So, you replaced the original younger brother of 'Wind Mine', Constantine, and you did exist as a new identity, a core member of the 'Order Society', and the 'Headmaster: Future'? ?" Luo Ka asked.

"Yes." "Future" replied:

"I know that at that time, 'Wind Mine' had already experienced extreme pain and death and became the weakest lost person. He crossed the distance of space and came to his younger brother, trying to protect his only relative from danger with his wisdom and body. suffer the most extreme fate.

"But the power of Era is too great. A speck of dust from the wasteland fell on him like a tower, completely suppressing him. He could never counterattack and could only obey. I remember... the memory that belongs to Constantinlian Mentioned in the article, in fact, 'Feng Mine' and his brother have been to Catharris, Aventrai, and also traveled to the 'Moonrise Land' in the central empire. They love freedom and yearn for peace.

"I think that the professional gene buried deep in the 'body' is not [Enlightened One] but [Adventurer] or a higher level [Explorer]. You may have heard that people love adventure and ancient ruins at heart. Humans who love extremes can easily be favored by the 'Adventure' group. Only those who have experienced the test of life and death and have truly obtained ancient treasures can be promoted to the upper-level professions.

"I remember that Constantinian's talent for magic power is very strong. If it were peacetime, he would definitely become the top extraordinary person or magician in Crusted, even if he went to the Fire Empire that he dreamed of. , he will definitely be reused by the royal Yan family. So..."

"Do you have to wait for the death of 'Feng Mine', the brother of the person whose body you are occupying, before you can leave?" Luo Ka analyzed.

"Not entirely." "Future" shook his head, "For so many years, I have already regarded myself as his younger brother. After all, except for this part in my memory, there is almost nothing about the original me. I hope... …After your purpose is accomplished, let me take him away.”

Facing the pleading tone and eyes of "Future", Luo Ka shook his head hard and said in a heavy tone:

"It's unlikely. This time I took a trick and entered the location close to the center of the 'Bitter Relics', and determined the specific location of the 'Perception Hidden', which may lead to the so-called hell, and the 'wind' that requires 'alien transformation' Mine' will... die together with them. I think, not only the 'Ice Blade' brother, but also the other two brothers and sisters of the Lost Organization will not agree to you taking him away. If he can come out alive, Maybe there is a chance. However, if...I mean if, 'Wind Mine' dies here, where are you going to go?"

"Following the obsession in Constantinian's memory, I will find a way to get on the 'big railway train' leading to Nabsk, across the deserted Eventelei, and go to Khitanris. I can see clearly, I believe You 'Chaos Group' can also see clearly that Vasily's conspiracy will definitely fail, and Krusted will soon become truly chaotic after the disaster caused by the 'Evolution Stage'. The only one who can hope to end the 'New Meta Crisis' 'The only power that comes from the East is the Fire Empire.

"Lorca, let me give you a few poems written by Gurji based on "The Epic of the Future". Anyway, you will have to go out again soon."

"Oh? Okay." Lorca nodded.

"It is hard to find fireworks in the long cold night, the frozen truth is looking forward to the dawn; the fading human beings have no voice, and the souls of the dead will never rest. The blazing heart brings fire, the melting indifference does not exist in the world; the never-setting sun comes from the east Ascend high, the hope of the gods endures forever.”

As soon as "Future" finished speaking, a familiar deep male voice shouted from outside the door:

"Lorca, come out quickly."

"Come...come." Luo Ka responded loudly:

"Brother 'Ice Blade'."

It is difficult to find fireworks in the long cold night, and the frozen truth is waiting for the dawn; the fading human beings have no voice, and the souls of the dead will never rest in peace. The blazing heart brings fire, and the melting indifference does not exist in the world; the scorching sun that never sets rises from the east, and the hope of the gods lasts forever.

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