Luo Ka excitedly pushed the door open and ran towards the source of the sound outside. At this moment, the sky was completely occupied by the desperate darkness. In the old Yashuang District, where there are almost no towns, the darkness belonging to the Lord of the Night always makes people feel uncomfortable. People feel depressed.

Seeing Luo Ka madly heading toward "Ice Blade", "Future" just took a peek, then closed the door, picked up the "special protein can" with "Binglin Provincial Food Production Factory" printed on it on the bedside table, and put it in Pull it open and indulge in the energy paste made from creatures like maggots and cockroaches.

After quickly finishing his meal, he turned off the incandescent electric light and turned on a small, dim, industrialized defective desk lamp. He tried his best to restrain the looming chaos and mania in his mind, and pressed hard on the hot diamond that contained the darkness on his forehead. The mark of strength, fell asleep.

After a sleepless night and no sleepiness, Luo Ka wore the "Ice Blade" cotton coat and sat in the cold corridor outside the "General Dispatch Office" until the warm golden light of the morning sun swayed in from the frosted glass window, belonging to the "chaos" Several leaders from the "Comprehensive Group" and the "Comprehension Sect" who arrived temporarily just finished the emergency meeting and left one after another.

Of course, the last person to walk out, besides "Lei Ye" who looked exhausted and yawned, was "Bing Ren".

Seeing Luo Ka rubbing his eyes and standing up, "Ice Blade" stepped forward, touched Luo Ka's head, and said in a low, slightly hoarse voice:

"Thank you for your hard work during this time, Luo Ka."

"Brother." Luo Ka shed some tears, moved her mouth, and finally just uttered a few pitiful words:

“You’re going to see ‘Wind Mine’, right?”

"That's right." "Ice Blade" nodded, put the army green cotton coat stained with blood and dirt back on his body, and pulled out a brand new woolen sweater from his arms. After putting it on Luo Ka, he wrapped it up for him. Wearing heavy cotton clothes.

If "Ice Blade" is not the leader of the "Chaos Group", Lorca is not the Lost One, and the entire continent is not in the Wasteland Era, then they must be two happy brothers preparing to go out for adventure. It's a pity that the entire camp of the Lost was shrouded in an indescribable gloomy and desolate atmosphere from beginning to end, and there was no life at all.

A few minutes later, after bypassing the core area and simple residential areas, "Ice Blade" took Luo Ka to the edge of the camp, a small square where various mechanical vehicles were stored.

Taking advantage of the brief gap when the pickup truck was started, Luo Ka carefully looked at the "Ice Blade" that he had not seen for several months and only communicated with it through telegrams and magic power.

"Brother 'Ice Blade''s face... is still so unique." Luo Ka secretly sighed.

A long time ago, probably not long before Luo Ka met him, the "Ice Blade" who was still a mid-level professional [Shadowmaker] only had purple grass-based magic power, and what he was good at was relying on agility to assassinate in the dark. As well as healing wounds through the "witchcraft-like magic source power" of the ancient Crusted northern people.

But he once met the Lord of the Dark Night near the "man-made lake". Just by looking at him with his own eyes and exchanging a few words, he had the "Pain" and the "Prologue Core" of hope, and obtained the powerful darkness. Department of magic source power.

In fact, almost everyone marveled at the extreme concentration and strong mental support of "Ice Blade", which made it difficult for him to be interrupted by any factors after setting the target, and difficult to be affected by any "lure" and "charm" skills.

Naturally, he was recognized by the sequence group cards and promoted to [Chaos Inducer]. Especially after serving as the leader of the "Chaos Group", he withstood three waves of increasingly intense physical and mental collapse and pain, and did not fall behind the gods. As a sequelae, there is a tendency to faintly break through sequence 4 and reach sequence 3: combat level.

Ice Blades are very strong, and are different from ordinary high-agility professionals. If they are described as animals, they are foxes and wolves, while Ice Blades are Khitan Lys tigers and northern bears. Although he is not as muscular as the "Wuxin Man", he is at least stylish, and his height is about two meters. Even under the cotton-padded clothes, it is difficult to hide his strong and muscular figure.

One of his eyes was a dark purple that was close to pitch black, while the other was a bright blue. Due to the backlash from the Lord of the Night's power, half of his face turned into a complex and messy white like ice and snow, more like a layer of paint. , and is slightly cold to the touch. The rest of the body is covered with various small wounds, most of which are similar to those left by wild beasts' claws.

This is different from most lost people. After all, it is easy for these extraordinary people who control the power of magic to improve the flaws in their appearance. He is more like a human being who uses scars to prove his courage and glory.

After waiting for a long time, Luo Ka finally felt a warm current blowing through this slightly cold land located in the extremely cold field, not too far from the northernmost ice cap.

At the same time, the pickup truck has been successfully started, and with the help of fossil fuel, the interior of the vehicle is slowly heated and is warm enough.

"Get in the car, Luo Ka." "Ice Blade" greeted him. As soon as he opened the car door, he thought of something and continued to ask:

"Where's Nahaka? Did you put him back in the house?"

"Well, yes." Luo Ka nodded, sat in the car, leaned on the warm seat and said:

"The jump formation we built in the middle of the 'Brudging Ruins' consumed too much of his magic power. In addition, standing at the edge of the central area for a while, the accumulated 'sorrow' made him very tired and he must go to rest. Brother, You also know that if Luo Ka's cognitive ability and mental power are exhausted, he will go crazy and directly 'transform into a beast'. Didn't you promise him that once this mission is completed, you will find a way to let him Returning to the half-orc form, which is the true form of the 'Cat Clan Alien Beast'."

"Of course." "Bingren" replied as he started the car and drove out of the camp:

"As the leader of the Lost Organization, I must do what I promise. I am not the 'gold diggers' of the 'Wild Tourist Group' who are unscrupulous for profit. You also know that their 'big brother' is so ambitious on the surface. He is extremely ambitious and actually selfish. In addition to using means to control his 'gold diggers', he is also constantly killing his own people."

"I heard that the former 'mechanical body' Luo Nie, who once lived in Xinfeng Town temporarily and met Igor who was sent by the federation to study the evolution platform, was bewitched by the 'wilderness tourist group' and killed 'Yan' "Brother Xi'. After the chaotic battle, he disappeared, right?" Luo Ka asked.

"'Yan Xi'... It's a pity. Facts have proved that in the wasteland era with limited order, the pure and extreme egoists will eventually be killed first. As far as I know, Luo Nie is indeed in the 'wilderness tourist group' ' lived in the base for two days and also disappeared in that chaos. But his mission is to find the 'evolution platform' representing 'Tianshu' for Igor, so he may not come here." "Ice Blade" answered road:

"The 'mechanical body' mentioned in the 'Church of Hope' manuscript found in the south is basically him. Records show that he knew the 'Echoers', fought side by side, and participated in the battle of 'The Coming of Silence'. Received the blessing of the 'Daughter of Mechanical Element'.

"He is a pure human being now, and I think he must be the work of the gods. However, we may not be able to see him here. If we want to get the correct conclusion, we can only wait until we go to Demonic City and meet the other lost people there. The leaders met and decided to go south to the vicinity of the 'Ice Creek No. 1' where the 'Hongdang' occurred, so that we could have a chance to get the answer. By the way, you were asked to observe Dak during this period, how did you do?"

"I don't know." Loka thought for a while and replied:

"When I was in Mayang City, I followed your request, brother, and kept silently observing him, and helped him in the dark to deal with the aftermath of extraordinary things and 'unintentional people'. Later on the railway line, I used you The bone blade I grew for me pierced his heart and helped him suppress the restless 'alien gene'. But sister 'Thunder Page' said I didn't do it right. I... really don't know... whether I did it or not. good."

"You did a good job." "Ice Blade" smiled and said in a complimentary tone:

"As a [Fighter] of the Lost, you can resolutely carry out orders, even if they are wrong. This is enough. In fact, I also know what happened after that. You have been following him and observing him until He entered Karnosk with our collaborator Wulfya."

"Yes." Lorca replied:

"The federation seems to be paying more and more attention to the place. It has been sending more troops there recently and has also sent a lot of superpowers. When I was among the poor people there, I also found that they had transferred many superpowers who were originally in the capital. , and even some are members of the Order Society. I guess that the Federation may have big plans for this place.

"Brother Bingren, is it possible that they are here to attack us?"

"This is not their main purpose." "Ice Blade" half-admitted:

"After all, it is still the 'Universal Energy Evolution Platform'. I heard that the team sent by Vasily to Igor found the general location of the 'Evolution Platform' representing 'Tianji', which may be between the 'S Area' and the 'Old Water Valley Area' Near the junction of the North Mamouse River.

"This time, the Federation is going to snatch the last 'device limit' chip from us. After all, we have Yato, the lost beast from the south. We want to know the more specific location and successfully open the dusty place there. The old Imperial Laboratory depends on us. In other words, we have always had the initiative. Because they are afraid that we will destroy Yato, the Federal Council may not dare to issue an order to attack us."

As soon as "Ice Blade" finished speaking, the pickup truck happened to be parked near the gate of the warehouse area where tens of thousands of "unintentional people" were stored.

"Lorca, let's go in and take a look at the 'Feng Mine' who has turned into a beast. In the past few days, the unstable factors in his body have been affecting our control of him." "Ice Blade" said, opening the car door.

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