Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 373 “Axe of Pramini”

Parking the pickup truck, "Ice Blade" pulled Luo Ka toward the large iron gate of the warehouse area.

Due to the installation of many large and powerful fans, the entire warehouse and surrounding environment are even colder. After all, for hundreds of years, whether it is humans or the lost, there is an obvious consensus in the study of "unintentional people" that is independent of human will, and that is:

The more extreme the external conditions become and the harsher the environment, the more "unintentional people" will be more inclined to "shut down" all body functions after a heavy meal, stripping off half of the water in the body, causing the heart to operate at a minimum and causing the entire body to fall into a deep sleep. and "standby" state to extend life.

This instinct for survival was exploited by the "Chaos Group" and the "Comprehension Sect" led by "Ice Blade" to gather the "unintentional people" they controlled and driven from all over the place here and store them as weapons. , waiting to be used at any time.

After all, there are not many humans in such an inaccessible place, so there is naturally no breeding ground for the growth of "unintentional people", except for the Crusad soldiers with firm eyes who regard death as home, as well as those profit-seeking "gold diggers", site hunters and organizations In addition to the independent armed forces that are all intact, there are also people with special powers or lost people who have been infected with the "Heartless Man Virus" scattered in various settlements. There is no basis for mass production of "Heartless Man".

Just after slamming the iron door a few times, two young lost men from the "Chaos Group" on the five- to six-meter-high sentry towers on both sides hurriedly stepped down. After trotting all the way to the "Ice Blade", he said respectfully:

"Chief, you are here."

"Yes." "Ice Blade" was obviously a little angry. He turned his head and looked at the sentry tower and asked:

"Although this is a temporary camp, we and the 'Comprehension Sect' have long agreed that even if this mission is completed, we will not abandon this place and will build it into a medium-sized camp in the future. Why, are you so sure that the Federation will not send anyone to invade? Here? Or is it that you have colluded with the Wilderness Tourist Group and have known their movements for a long time, so you are deliberately so leisurely? "

"Chief, we don't dare." The two Lost boys quickly lowered their heads and replied submissively.

"Since you don't dare, what are you going to do?" "Ice Blade"'s voice was high-pitched at first, and then became low with murderous intent as if it came from the underworld. This time, he stared at him with a pair of heterochromatic pupils and a sharp gaze. With two people.

Luo Ka knows that this is one of the punishment methods commonly used by the leader "Ice Blade". For those with low status, the leader is not only a manager who plays a spurring role, but also a person with personal ability, prestige and aura. Unite and lead followers forward.

In other words, "Ice Blade" doesn't like to simply blame. He prefers to "guide" the inexperienced members of the "Chaos Group" through severe means.

As lost people, they have experienced extreme pain, and their brains have been more or less modified by the "Unintentional Man Virus". These two young men are not stupid. It only took them a few seconds to understand the meaning of "Ice Blade" and do it. Made the right decision:

"We were wrong, leader. It was... we were negligent. We heard before that the federal troops are now in Kanosk, preparing to go to Demon City and the 'Beslunai area', so we were a little negligent. But you Don’t worry, starting from today, the two of us will take turns guarding the gate to ensure that someone is observing the surrounding situation at all times.”

"Although your intelligence may be insufficient, your attitude is worthy of recognition. Just remember this time. If there is a next time, I advise you to escape to the 'Suffering Deep Ruins' for your life." "Ice Blade" patted hard. The lost boy's shoulders continued:

"Take us to the factory where the 'Axe of Plamini' is imprisoned. I heard that the 'Wind Mine' has been very unstable recently. By the way, 'Red Armor' didn't go out, right?"

"No, chief, I've always been here."

After walking around the temporary buildings in the internal factory layout for about fifteen minutes, they finally reached the door of the cold, dark "Z" factory building where "Wind Mine" was imprisoned.

After dismissing the two young men with one action, "Bingren" rubbed his hands, breathed a sigh of relief, pushed open the small door for people to enter and exit, and pulled Luo Ka straight in.


Strange sounds like a mixture of ship whistles, chirping birds, and roars of wild beasts continued to echo in the factory. Together with the increasingly intense "sorrow" that contained a sense of death inside, "Ice Blade" and Luo Ka felt like they were in the same place. In the space created by the undead.

Moving forward, they moved forward along the circular obstacles made of raised stones, skipping the scarlet liquid that could be seen everywhere on the ground, as well as the various broken limbs belonging to the "unintentional people". Soon, the two of them were Appeared in front of "Feng Mine" who had "transformed into a strange beast".

At this moment, the appearance of a human being no longer existed in the former leader of the "Order Society" who was arrogant in his bones and obsessed with fighting, conspiracy and profit.

The faint fiery red radiance emanating from his eyes the size of a human head could not dispel any darkness in this crushing darkness. Saliva mixed with burning fluid and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, flowing downwards, forming a protruding dark red ice cone on the ground.

Due to the high level of the magic power of "Wind Mine", even if his appearance has been completely "turned into an alien beast", the "sadness" accumulated in his body can no longer be discharged. In this limited time, he still maintained the last bit of belonging. A rare human consciousness.

However, humans and beasts are not connected. When a man is controlled by pure beastliness, he will not be able to make any human sounds.

Fortunately, "Wind Mine"'s sense of smell has been improved to the extreme. Even though his vision has been blurred, the unique smell emitted by "Ice Blade" and Luo Ka still stimulated his huge body to constantly shake, trying to break away from the steel. Chains of indestructible bondage.

Knowing that the current "Wind Mine" would not pose much of a threat, "Ice Blade" just pulled Luo Ka back to a relatively safe and flat position, looking up at the "Chaos-Causing Fork" and "Chaos-Causing Fork". Under the combined influence of "The Poem that Causes Chaos", most of the cognition was stripped away, and a new "alien monster" dominated by animal nature - "Plamini's Ax".

After looking at it carefully for nearly half a minute, "Ice Blade" said leisurely:

"Lorca, according to your judgment, the current 'Wind Mine', no, the 'Axe of Pramini' can absorb how much of the 'sorrow' that is filled in the core area of ​​the 'Bitter Relics' and the 'lowest bottom'?"

"I'm not sure." Lorca answered honestly:

"The 'sorrow' contained there is enough to make nearly ten thousand Crusted soldiers go completely crazy. Even if the gods after the 200th rank come, they will lose their divinity. Perhaps, based on my perceptual knowledge, 30% is possible. .”

"What if..." "Bingren" bit his lip and asked:

"What about further 'animal transformation'? Even if we completely lose consciousness, we may not necessarily become our puppets, but become a machine that completely relies on the program specified by instinct?"

"Hmm..." Luo Ka thought for a moment and replied:

"If Nahaka were here, he would definitely say that although it is dangerous, it should be able to absorb more than 70%. The current 'wind mine' is accompanied by the expansion of the body and the continuous decline of cognition, mental power, memory and consciousness , it is indeed a usable and practical container. Big Brother 'Ice Blade', doesn't it seem wasteful just to waste it in the 'Bitter Relics' all at once?"

"You don't understand this. Of course, you will understand it in the future." "Bingren" sighed and continued:

"I told you that this process of 'transformation into beasts' is not reversible. Whether you believe it or not, it is like a Snowpiercer traveling along the 'big railway'. Unless it reaches the end, there is no turning back. possible.

"'Northland', that is, our common eldest brother said that every lost person is a potential beast and a future god; when cognition and humanity disappear, we will become the corresponding 'alien monsters', naturally , when divinity completely accommodates humanity and becomes unique, we will also gain rank and be promoted to gods.

"Whether it is towards the beast or the gods, it is an arduous and painful one-way journey. Unless the gods bless you with divinity, you cannot return to the human sequence. I know..." "Ice Blade" looked at Luo Ka and rubbed it. His hair, continued:

"'Future' has come to you more than once, hoping that you can beg me to show mercy and protect 'Wind Mine'. But you should tell him the real situation, stop this meaningless fantasy, and give up completely. Even if 'Wind Mine' is lucky There is no death, what is left to the child is just a hollowed-out body.”

"Okay, brother." Luo Ka sighed, looked straight ahead, and said:

"I tried to convince him."

After a short and heavy silence, "Bingren" and Luo Ka observed the "Wind Mine" in front of them, which was more "animalized" than the last time they came here.

As the "Axe of Pramini", he has completely lost the ability to stand. His four strong legs support a huge body that smells of pus and decay. His skin had turned dark red, and the surface was covered with irregular round bumps, and pus flowed out of the wounds.

Fortunately, the skin outside of the pimple is quite hard and has a metallic texture. The patches are shaped like the armor worn by the soldiers of the old Crusted Empire before its industrialization, and it has strong defensive capabilities.

His head is shaped like a lizard, and it seems that there is a trace of longing for dragons deep in his heart. There are two fist-sized, weakly fluorescent, lamp-like tentacles hanging from the top of his head.

Slightly below, there are two curved antlers that resemble two crossed axes. Viewed from the bottom up, it looks like the ancient style of the Central Empire.

Observing carefully, he discovered a tiny detail in Luo Ka's child's eyes. The two lamp-like tentacles exude an almost imperceptible subtle flame, which is constantly swaying all over the body surface of the "Plamini Ax". The fluctuations of the magic source power here are not obvious, and the air sent in from the outside is , it seems that to some extent, a layer of increasingly intense flames is attached to the surface of "Wind Mine".

Just when Luo Ka was unconsciously distracted, the "Axe of Pramini" seemed to be stimulated by some kind of stimulation. He broke free from the iron chain that bound his upper limbs and swung his claws to attack in the direction where the "Ice Blade" was standing. Come.

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