Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 374 Unstable


The subtle sound of a sharp blade being drawn out passed Luo Ka's ears. He turned his head and looked, and saw a translucent bone blade wrapped in blue fluorescence suddenly popping out from the inside of the "Ice Blade"'s arm.

Luo Ka secretly admired in his heart. It seemed that the "Axe of Pramini" transformed from the "Wind Mine" alien beast did have a powerful combat power that surpassed the Lost One itself, and could force his "Wind Mine" brother's initial attack. Take out one of the most powerful weapons - "Ice Blue Bone Blade".


when! when!

The two thick front legs of "Plamini's Ax", carrying a row of dagger-like claws, launched a fierce attack at the "Ice Blade", which can use the ice blue bone blade to give him half of the increased agility. , he jumped up gently and adjusted his attack posture in the air.

The ice-blue bone blade in his hand also drew lines of slowly dissipating blue sparks while constantly changing positions. After several rounds of head-on collision with the sharp claws, the sound of the metal collision stopped briefly, and the "ice blade" was already like this. He put his hands on the beam on the top of the factory building like a balloon and hung steadily in the air.

After observing the fighting situation from top to bottom, "Ice Blade" relied on its strong core ability to curl up its body slightly. Then, like a spring that had been accumulated for a long time, it was almost invisible to the naked eye like a fired bullet. At a fast speed, he jumped on the back of the "Axe of Pramini" and plunged down on the weak spot of the slightly exposed white armor!


After a brief numbness, the beast let out a roar of pain and anger. The power of this sound wave is no less than the strafing of a machine gun, and no less powerful than the indiscriminate bombardment of the "Hyacinth" artillery.

In an instant, the ground continued to tremble, and circles of red energy halos vaguely visible to the naked eye continued to spread outward on the ground. All the raised ring-shaped stone obstacles collapsed and were backfilled to the missing areas. The missing areas were repaired and the area was generally restored. The cement floor was originally poured temporarily.

Below, Lorca could actually see more clearly than the "Ice Blade". He was in a semi-crouching state, with his tail and buttocks raised. The half-meter-long ice-blue bone blade extended downward for more than a meter, and as the dark magic power spread, a large area from the monster's head to the spine was covered with a layer of dark blue ice. .

Briefly, "Plamini's Ax" fell down, and "Ice Blade" gasped, seemingly proud of suppressing the unstable factors in its body.

But before he could speak confidently, the ice-blue bone blade he was proud of broke away from the shackles of his proud arms and gained a brief freedom.

A hot red substance like magma quickly formed from the heart of "Plamini's Ax" and quickly spread to the surface of the body.

Soon, his body surface temperature began to rise sharply. While the ice melted, the gaps between his armor plates glowed like fluorite.

From Lorca's perspective, it's as if the "Axe of Pramini" is actually wearing a layer of rock-like armor, accompanied by a sudden layer of blue and red intertwined faint flames, making it The "Ice Blade" had to break off the remaining part of the ice blue bone blade, and watched the flying fragments melt before jumping to the ground.

He rolled on the ground several times, and awkwardly and staggered, dragging Luoka back several steps before finally establishing a relatively safe distance from the "Axe of Pramini".

"'Wind Mine', has he evolved recently?" "Ice Blade" asked Luo Ka beside him after taking a few deep breaths.

"I think, brother, maybe, maybe, probably, maybe it has evolved. Brother Yan Xi told me before he left, saying that "The Poem of Inducing Chaos" needs to be recited three times in order to completely control this beast. First. The third time triggers the 'sorrow' in the body, and the third time can completely annihilate humanity. Only when he loses all the consciousness of being a human being, he can be regarded as a tool." Lorca replied:

"Before chanting for the third time, he will indeed continue to transform himself and become stronger and stronger. This is an irreversible process and can only be stopped."

"Is it impossible to reverse evolution?" "Ice Blade" patted the dust on his body, wiped away the blood on the corners of his mouth and arms, remained silent for a second or two, raised his head, and said with a subtle smile:

"Then... there is no need to rush him to stop. The stronger he is and the bigger his body is, the more 'sorrow' he can hold in the future. Perhaps, one day, he will not be in the 'lowest bottom' It will collapse and die, but will accumulate strength after the explosion and be reborn in Nirvana.

"Lorca, maybe we should learn from the Cathayrians' attitude towards death, value it, and regard it as life, a new life."

"It's easy to get out of your control, brother. I suggest you find the 'speed' that makes 'Plamy's Ax' powerful enough but just right under your control. Of course, before it completely loses control, 'Yan Xi' brother said However, as long as a [Chaos Inducer] recites the last chapter of the "Poetry of Chaos", evolution can be stopped." Lorca stood behind the "Ice Blade", his eyes slightly red, secretly running the fire system in his body The magic source power continued:

"As long as the consciousness belonging to 'Wind Mine' does not leave any obsession, he is a safe enough container."

"So, Luo Ka. Who is in the hands of "The Poem that Causes Chaos" now?" "Ice Blade" asked.

"Of course it's the 'Red Armor' brother who has been checking the 'unintentional people' in the factory these days. He is loyal enough to the 'Chaos Group', strong enough, and serious enough to arrest all thieves with evil intentions."

"That's enough, Lorca." A smile appeared on the corner of "Ice Blade"'s mouth, he raised his head at 45 degrees and said loudly:

"Brother 'North Country', do you see? Everything I create is stronger than you. The name 'Ice Blade' is far better than 'North Country', and it will completely wash away the shame of 'Blood End' in the near future. "

Immediately after the words fell, Bingren's eyes glowed faintly. First, the color of his eyes changed, and then quickly turned to purple, then blue, and flickered back and forth in the three states.

A few seconds later, when his eyes completely turned dark purple, light blue snowflake totems and dark green patterns related to vegetation and wind flashed in front of "Ice Blade".

After everything dissipated, an arrow-like laser shot out from the small circular illusory field formed between the hands of the "Ice Blade" and hit the "Axe of Pramini" just now. It's a bit of a stress reaction, and it continues to spray out parts of the red magma-like liquid.

"This is the 'Salvation Ice Storm', an ancient skill that contains the magic power of vegetation and darkness. It belongs to the Uhata tribe who migrated northward at the end of the third era, the descendants of the Ice Demons and the aboriginal people of the extremely cold north. An extraordinary thing to explore." "Ice Blade" explained:

"This softness contains sharp arrows that are enough to heal the wounds of the 'Axe of Pramini' and make him temporarily quiet. Rather than evolving violently and murderously, I prefer to grow stronger silently."

Indeed, under the eyes of the following "Ice Blade", under the bridge of "Salvation Hurricane Ice", the red liquid in "Plamini Ax" no longer overflows outwards, and the heart pump no longer pumps to all parts of the body. It's a fluorescent substance, but normal dark red blood.

It seemed that "Plamini's Ax" was slowly quieting down, crawling slowly like a tamed beast. Even without the restraints of iron chains, he slowly closed his eyes and prepared to sleep away.

However, as more intense roars came from his body, "Ice Blade" and Luo Ka's pupils shrank at the same time, and they retreated backwards.

The red substance that had just flowed back into the body was pumped out again, this time more violently, as if a small magma fountain was installed on the back of "Plamini's Ax".

This time, what is visible to the naked eye is a lot of dark red elves, no, evil soul-like substances floating around the beast resentfully. As the two tentacles become the size of lanterns, they are constantly flashing yellow light.

The two axe-like horns of "Plamini's Ax" began to produce a red sticky substance like paint, which gradually became hot, glowing red, and wisps of smoke rose in the cold environment. .

"Help me...or...kill me..."

Standing on all fours, "Plamini's Ax" actually uttered a low human voice. Lorca and "Ice Blade" knew that this was the last part of the remaining consciousness of "Wind Mine" fighting against the "alien beast". "Body" makes its final struggle.

However, his brief consciousness soon lost to instinct. After accumulating strength for a few seconds, he raised his axe-like horn and stabbed the "ice blade" fiercely.

bump! bump! Snapped!

The "Ice Blade", which had consumed most of its energy in the previous battle and temporarily broke the ice-blue bone blade, was pushed straight away before it could escape. After hitting the beam on the top of the factory building, it fell heavily to the ground.

Even though Lorca had reacted, the gap in magic source power prevented him from using ineffective magic attacks. Even the bullet fired by the small pistol was only embedded in the hard armor of "Plamini's Ax". It doesn't have much practical use.

But this beast, which is going crazy again, has no intention of letting go of the two enemies in front of it. Not many people come in and out of this warehouse area. In addition, the two Lost boys were sent back just now, and the sound insulation measures here are very good. Very good, even if "Red Armor" is nearby, he may not be able to notice the battle here immediately.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The heavy footsteps of "Plamini's Ax" were like the dull sound of war drums heading towards death. The vibration of each step made the ground in the factory shake up and down, making Luoka unable to stand and fell to the ground.

Finally, the huge, ugly, hard, and terrifying body of the "Axe of Pramini" came in front of him. The pair of sharp axe-like horns that were raised high and then quickly lowered, struck at his eyes.


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