Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 381 Resurrection of the Dead (Part 1)

The first moment he regained consciousness, the young man clenched the necklace with a faint icy blue fluorescence in his hand, his face suddenly tilted, and after twisting a few times, he looked at Dak with a pair of purple pupils, and spoke with a gentle expression. With a voice that seemed a bit like the underworld, he expressed his thanks:

"I'm saved. Thank you very much, federal soldiers."

"You don't need to thank me. If you want to thank me, well... I think Vasily, the highest administrator of the federation, is a worthy target." Dak stood up and said:

"Now the Federation is vigorously constructing Karnosk. At this zealous moment, if a human life incident occurs in the controlled area and Vasili cannot hang on, then the entire lost people around here will suffer, and maybe it will also affect our stay. here."

"That's really thoughtful, but I still have to thank you. Without you, I'm afraid the organization would have to collect my body in a few hours." The young man squatted on the ground and said with a bitter smile.

However, the next second, without any warning, Wofya took out the "Northern Bear" pistol, which was wide and famous for its power, from his waist as quickly as possible, and aimed it at the young man's temple.

"You are a lost person, right? Please tell me your name, organization name, and position. Moreover, I dare to conclude that you are not an ordinary lost person, at least a high-level member of an organization." Wofya said sharply. , a deep voice ordered.

"Of course... no problem, federal soldiers." The young man's voice turned feminine and said:

"My name is Abena Khitanrisria. I am a descendant of Krusted and Khitanris. I was born on the Nebsk Plain. As for the organization, of course I can tell you because... I smell it in you. It belongs to the 'breath of the dead'. You are very smart, and you can make correct guesses with just a few details, and for a lost person like me, my sense of smell is sensitive enough."

"'Order'?" Dak asked, subconsciously taking a half step back and touching the gun at his waist.

"That's true, but, federal soldiers, no, maybe I should call you by your real names." Abena looked up at Dak with his purple eyes, then put his hands behind his head and glanced at him with a relaxed expression. Wulfya, who was threatening him with a gun, pretended to be leisurely and said:

"Dak Tiris and Wolfa, the two were wanted by His Excellency Vasily of the Federal Council, and now they have been entrusted with important tasks... humans, right? Don't worry, I'm not here to seek revenge. No matter what Whether it’s ‘min’, ‘red text’, ‘wind mine’ or ‘future’, they are all victims of struggle and have long since become worthless.”

"Sacrificial victim? It seems that the 'Order Society' is generous enough." Wulfya half mocked.

"The great writer Shakya of the Ptoia Empire said, 'The source of all suffering is the lack of ability of the person concerned.' Nicholas III, the emperor of the Crusted Empire, also said, 'The dead are the dead. Death, starting from the disappearance of the physical body, their spirits, everyone's memories, and those weak and dim traces will soon dissipate." Abena sneered:

"Revenge for them is not worth it, and it will disrupt our entire deployment. However, it is obvious that our chance encounter here is just an inconspicuous dice rolled by the God of Destiny. Wulfya, you I can understand being surprised, after all, I’m not part of your vast network.”

Of course, I am not an enemy of you or the Federation. A week ago, I submitted a written application to the top brass of the Federal Council and reported it. Originally, I sneaked here secretly and planned to contact the Kanosk local committee here overnight to inform them of a major event related to the chip and the 'evolution platform'.

"It's just a pity that this necklace given by an old friend more than a hundred years ago has attracted the attention of those gangsters with special abilities. I don't want to, and can't, have a conflict in a federal-controlled city. Using my abilities here will expose my whereabouts."

"For this reason, you are not willing to let them beat and ravage you, even if you face the risk of death?" Wofya snorted coldly and asked.

"That's natural. Compared to meeting the right person, doing the right thing, and delivering the right report, a person's death is a trivial matter." Abena stood up and put away all the negativity just now. The expression on his face was distorted again, replaced by a soft, child-like smile.

This realistic "face-changing" speed that changes the temperament really surprised Dak and Wulfya.

"Thank you." Abena even changed his voice to a childish voice, "Since you saved me, I will definitely repay you. But before that, can you send me to Hongtai?" The thirteenth floor? I estimate that the chief of the Karnosk Council is still asleep at this moment."

"I... have no reason to refuse." Wulfya put away the gun, frowned, thought for a moment, and then asked Abena:

"But you must first tell me your position and code name in the 'Order Society'."

"I...you should have guessed that I am indeed one of the twelve 'controllers'. In the absence of federal officials present, you can call me 'Zhi Zhan'."

After this small episode, Wulfya and Dark no longer had much interest in continuing to hang out.

Following them, Abena put away the necklace, put it in his arms, walked through the old and new cities with different scenery, and walked into Hongtai.

Almost twenty minutes after entering the "Kanosk Committee Office" on the thirteenth floor, Dak and Wovya, who were standing outside, were also invited in.

"Oh, sit down first, Dak and Wovya." The person who stood up to greet them and spoke in a thick but slightly hoarse voice was the current local administrator of the Kanosk Council.

An old man with an old but majestic face, whose right leg is not very flexible and is strapped with an auxiliary mobility device.

After standing up, he tried to straighten his slightly hunched body as much as possible. Even though he was facing two federal [soldiers] who had experienced countless battles and had good temperaments, he could still vaguely reveal a sense of majesty.

He was wearing a military green, old-fashioned Cruzeid federal military uniform from more than 30 years ago, and there were several medals on his body that showed honor and dedication, such as the "Cruseder Medal of Heroes."

Even though there were only four people in the room, and none of them were unknown, the temperament of this local chief executive was enough to put him in a suppressive position.

Closing the door smoothly, he raised his head slightly to observe. Duck found that the old man's eyes were dark, his eyes were sharp, his nose was high, and his skin color... he should have applied some kind of cosmetics, but he looked slightly whiter, probably to maintain his image. needs.

The old man's face is covered with wrinkles and scars, and there is a scar near his left eye that symbolizes glory, as if the skin has been directly torn off.

When Dak and Wulfya were sitting on the iron stools near the old wooden desk, facing the old man, a memory of the "Federal Strategic Regiment Station" in Ice City suddenly flashed through his brain.

"Have we met somewhere?" Dak blurted out, staring at the old man.

I saw the local chief executive showing a kind and fatherly smile, then sitting back in his original position. He put on a pair of glasses on the worn leather seat under the frame of Vasily's big head. He did not answer Dak directly, but said in a voice that contained an indescribable fighting tone:

"You have been here for a few days. I was supposed to meet you the day after you took office as the captain and deputy captain of the 'Universal Energy Evolution Platform Special Search Team', but I was also temporarily entrusted with an important task. I was delayed a few days on the road. God, I have no choice but to entrust that boy 'Xu Ling' first.

"Let's treat today as a formal meeting. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Jaroslav Rurik. I am currently the chief executive of the Krusdkarnosk Regional Committee. I am responsible for everything related to the military and construction of Kanosk. Everything is now in my charge.

"Actually, Dak and Wulfya, we did meet in the duty room of the 'Strategy Group Station' in Binglin City. Dak, your guess is not wrong. By the way, a lot has happened in the Federation in the past few months. Things have gone through many dangerous changes, but the only thing that remains unchanged is that I still 'don't like light'. I have indeed been completely assimilated by the darkness in the long night in the wasteland. After spending a long time with them, I still feel the same. close.

"It's just that now my identity and position don't allow me to enjoy the 'loneliness' and 'wonderfulness' I had before. I have to force myself to stand in the sun. After all, now, I always have to serve more people. take responsibility."

"We understand, Chief Executive." Wulfya stood up, bowed slightly, and said in respect:

"Actually, when we first met, I could infer your identity from your temperament, clothing and words, which must be extraordinary. I still remember the portrait of Ivan XXII hanging in your small room. Portraits, and photos of Viking Vladimir.”

"Haha." Yaroslav laughed:

"I thought that one day we would meet again, but I didn't expect it to be so soon. By the way, you and Abena also met just now, so we will skip the introduction. This time he brought a piece of news. The key point is that it can be traced back to the Zine Empire thirty years ago, and backward, it is about the 'limited chip' and the 'evolution platform'. Abena, please give a brief introduction to Dak and Wofya."

"As you command." Abena said:

"According to reports from the personnel we have placed at the top of the 'Chaos Group', the Lost Ones stationed near the 'Man-Made Lake' are planning to insert all twelve chips into a man named Yato after finding the 'Perceptual Hidden'. In the head of the lost person who mutated into a 'alien monster'. In this way, the 'evolution platform' at the junction of 'S Area' and 'Old Water Valley Area' will truly surface.

"Of course, we are more concerned about the search for the 'Evolution Platform', but those lost people who belong to the 'Chaos Group' and the 'Comprehension Sect' do not focus on this. During Ivan the 22nd, scientists from the old empire were ordered to develop a A large-scale device that controls the human spirit in batches is called the 'Mind Console'.

"According to the existing data, this technological project achieved a breakthrough at the end of the Third Era. After being tested by the determined vampire, he was completely obedient to the person who gave the order. Scientists at the time speculated that even with strong mental power, Such as [Guardian] and [Deceiver], will also be completely manipulated.

"However, at that time, the project was codenamed 'Sun' and was claimed to be nothing more than a powerful laser weapon."

"So, Abena." Duck asked doubtfully:

"What does this have to do with the 'alien monster'... that Yato?"

Abena turned his head, looked at Dak, and explained in a very formal tone:

"For us Lost Ones, if we want to activate it in the field of magic, we need a carrier that is physically strong, preferably with strong muscles. Moreover, he must be a [Seducer] or a [Deceiver] who can do it in his own right. Professionals who manipulate others.

"However, Yato was killed twice by the 'Echoers' thirty years ago. I don't know what means were used. People from the 'Chaos Group' and the 'Comprehension Sect' are trying to revive the dead man. "

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