Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 382 Resurrection of the Dead (Part 2)

"The dead... resurrected? This is an impossible thing, and it goes against the 'reasons' established by the Creator." Dak said with some surprise, looking at Abena in disbelief with doubtful eyes, which happened to match his pair of eyes. Purple eyes filled with watery and underworld aura met.

"'Principles' cannot be violated, not by anyone." Abena affirmed:

"However, from the Dragon Era, the Human Era, to the Steam Era, and then to the Wasteland Era, the value and function of 'reason' in the hands of people with different identities are different, so they have different forms of expression, which will make people That’s the kind of outrageous misunderstanding that arises.”

"How to say?" Dak asked, avoiding Abena's eyes.

"The sequential gods have the right to propose 'reasons', and the demigods have the right to interpret 'reasons'. The lost and extraordinary people can follow the 'reasons' to achieve the set goals, and the mysterious and noble vampires have its' Use the power of '. But among them, the most special one is human beings, who have the right of 'reason' to resist."

"Resist... Quan?" Dak murmured softly, thoughtfully.

Without paying attention to Dak's reaction, Abena took out a brown leather envelope close to his chest from the inside of his cotton shirt, took out the two documents inside, and handed it to Yaroslav, the current Administrator of Karnosk.

Pushing up the reading glasses he just put on, Yaroslav roughly looked at the two documents. He skipped the lavishly described novel-like parts in the middle and focused on the concluding paragraphs at the beginning and end.

Tapping on the table, he found that the content was still a bit obscure. Yaroslav simply took off his reading glasses and said with some reluctance:

"These two documents are a bit difficult to understand from my point of view. You can tell yours first, Abena."

"As you command." Abena replied:

"Then I will talk about the main contents of the document. One of these two documents is a photocopy of the manuscript of the 'Church of Hope'. Mr. Chief Executive, Dak and Wovya, you should know that thirty years ago, Zhne When the Imperial Crown Prince Ivant came to power, he launched Operation 'Orpheus' Past' against us, Crusted."

"I have heard about it. I heard that it was secretly deployed by the Zhene Empire's strategic group. Even most of the empire's administrative departments and high-level members of the parliament did not know about it. 'Orpheus' is a person who asks for things from the gods in the mythology of the Central Empire. So the goal of this operation is actually to obtain the scientific and technological information of the old empire that we discovered through stealing, robbing, bribery and exchange," Wofya added.

"That's right, Mr. Wovya." Abena nodded and said:

"Moreover, precisely because the two countries have the same culture, our information can be directly interpreted by the Zine people without any translation. In the six months before the start of the 'Silence's Advent' campaign, Ivant's "Old Technology" The "research team" has successively cracked the 'Electromagnetic Pulse Rifle', 'Basics of Artificial Fire of Punishment', 'Photocopying Mechanical Production' and 'Lost Person Transplantation and Splicing Repair Technique', etc.

"This manuscript is the most original, accurate and complete photocopy of the manuscript of the 'Church of Hope'. Judging from the restoration of the pencil marks at the end of the manuscript, basically the manuscript of the 'Church of Hope' was photocopied just after it was written. Made several copies for backup.

"According to our inference, the original document may have been destroyed by the senior officials of the Zine Empire. After all, the most reliable statement at present is that the original author of this manuscript is a former cardinal of the 'Church of Hope' and later served as the deputy director of the Imperial Strategy Group Advisory Office It was secretly created by the general Melinelle Chavanne and his concubine, Kaia, who later became the Marshal of the Empire.

"Based on the secrecy of the record content and the wide range of forces involved, we in the 'Order Society' speculate that this may be Melina's intention to leave enough information for those who later come into contact with the Echoers and Pramini. reference material."

"But I heard that the manuscripts of the 'Church of Hope' recorded a lot of stupid things about the emperor, as well as many inhumane human experiments done by the Zine people. These are taboos for any empire. His authenticity, Is there any explanation?" Wofya asked.

"It's true enough, or in other words, many of the statements in the manuscript are corresponding and logically the same, such as the fall of 'Mechanical Body' Luo Nie, 'Echoer' Wright, and the 'Daughter of Mechanical Element', and the three The big church eventually fell apart and we can cope with it." Abena explained, with a strange smile on his lips:

"There is one more thing that is enough to prove its supreme authenticity."

"That point?" Yaroslav, who was sitting opposite, finally ended his listening state, crossed his hands, and asked, supporting his head.

"Melinal's death." Abena's voice was extremely cold and said:

"After giving the photocopied version of the manuscript to a few close friends to take away, less than a week later, the original manuscript was burned, and together with the arrested Melina herself, they were thrown into the raging fire under the cross and became nothing. A lifeless pile of powder.

"Together with Kaia, he also committed suicide by gunshot before being arrested by the Zine Empire's strategic group. At this point, the original manuscript disappeared, and the Zine Empire's efforts to restore order completely failed."

After a pause for a few seconds, a dim feeling flashed in Abena's eyes, which seemed to resonate with the experience in the south and sympathized with the author of the manuscript.

After adjusting his mood and coughing twice, Abena continued:

"The entire manuscript written by Melinal is from the perspective of the 'Church of Hope'. The versions previously circulated within the Federal Council, including those obtained by 'Wind Mine' and 'Future', all have a certain degree of distortion. They are wrong. I thought it was written by a few unknown people from the 'Church of Hope', but the manuscript, which can even record the contents of the 'Echoer' and 'Red Magic Source Power', was definitely not written by ordinary people.

"Perhaps, Melinal's confidants who fled the Zine Empire really want to come to the Crusted Federation with the purpose of restoring [order], changing the world, or ending the Wasteland Era, and spread the manuscript. Come. But in fact, Master Vasily’s focus is still on the ‘Plamini’ and the ‘Evolution Stage’.”

"Abena." Yaroslav interrupted him, and after using warning eyes to signal the "leader" of the "Order" not to bring dangerous topics to the chief executive, he said cautiously:

"Please tell me carefully about Yato's situation recorded in the manuscript, as well as what the 'Chaos Group' are planning to do. Your arguments and these materials will become the focus of the temporary meeting of the Kanosk Committee tomorrow. "

"Okay." Abena nodded and said:

"I just said that Yato was killed twice by the 'Echoers'. To be precise, both times were indirect. During the battle to regain the Kofu Station in the Zine Empire, Yato detonated the 'Fire of Heaven's Punishment' 'I want to die together with the Socrates' legions, so as to reverse the decline of the three major churches in a series of wars.

"But his strategic purpose was not realized, and he was blown apart. Later, a mad scientist, John, reassembled him and relied on the sequential monster 'Dark Drive Core' to resurrect him. Later, in the famous 'Silence' During the Battle of Arrival, Yato once fell into an illusion in the core area. When he was waiting for the Sune Empire army to find him, only half of his body was left, as well as the red spots left after being eroded by the tentacles and the power of the gods. According to analysis, it is the work of the 'Responder'.

"It is said that one of John's students at that time found a way to obtain Yato's body and placed it in a petri dish in an attempt to slowly recover him by relying on the powerful recovery ability of the lost. But more than thirty years later, that student has long since died. In the "wave of careless people", the information between him and Yatuo disappeared for thirty years.

"But three years ago, the leader of the 'Chaos Group', 'Northland', seemed to have acquired Yato, who was in a superimposed state of survival and death, through a dirty deal related to the relics of gods, with the purpose of obtaining the 'Core of Darkness'. The body was brought to the secret stronghold they established in the extreme cold zone. It was not until thirteen months ago that the 'Ice Blade' completely clarified the future prophecy content through the second half of the manuscript of the 'Church of Hope' Understand the general relationship between Yatuo, the 'Evolution Platform', the 'Mind Console' and the mysterious and terrifying 'Source Image Pillar'.

"But then again, if we consider the direction of follow-up actions based on the 'Evolution Platform', our focus still needs to be on the 'Perception Hidden' chip in the 'Brutal Ruins'. I feel very strange What's strange is that the members of the 'Chaos Group' hidden in Binglin Province tried their best to preserve the 'Device Limit: Perception Concealment', but they still let it fall into this dangerous territory." Abena paused. Then he lowered his voice and said:

"It is said that many of the facilities in the 'Suffering Deep Ruins', including the vertical passage downwards, and the 'lowest bottom' where the 'Perception Hidden' may exist are the great emperor, Ivan XXII. His Majesty’s masterpiece was buried here after his death. I always feel that there is some connection between these pieces of information.”

"Maybe, it depends on your 'Order Society' and the lost ones in the legion to dig out." Yaroslav put the two documents Abena had just given him back into the brown envelope and put the envelope at hand. At the top of a pile of documents, he then asked:

"Do you have any more detailed information about how the Lost Ones gathered near the 'man-made lake' plan to resurrect Yato and bring the dead to life?"

"Not yet, Lord Yaroslav." Abena said:

"However, I will leave Kanosk in three days and set off for the area near the 'Man-Made Lake' to meet with the local superpowers, especially our 'Void Zero', to learn more about the plans of the 'Chaos Group' and the 'Comprehension Sect' .”

"Okay." Yaroslav stood up, breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the mechanical watch for combat and said:

"I heard in a few days that the captain and deputy captain of the 'official expedition team', 'Fu Bing' from your 'Order Society', and the dragon boy Adaloni are also heading north. You might consider following them.

"It's almost one o'clock now, it's already very late. Abena, Wovya and Dak, you should go back to sleep first. We will discuss the rest the next day. In this world full of 'unintentional virus' and 'extraordinary people' In the extremely cold zone of "Strength", staying up late will accumulate unstable factors and weaken cognition. We humans are day creatures after all."

Thank you to the arbitration authority for the 14 monthly votes and the 3,000 points as a reward. This update is hereby made.

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