Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 383 Resurrection of the Dead (Part 2)

On June 29, 557 in the New Era, the Crusted Federation, the Extreme Cold Zone, Area A (the old Yashuang Area), the "Chaos Group" and the "Enlightenment Sect" camped together.

"Future" feels that his body is soaring like a wild goose, light and airy, as if it is bound in a boundless ball of cotton that cannot touch a solid entity.

This feeling is not like flying, looking down at the ground and feeling panic and excitement, nor is it like diving into water and being able to sink and float freely.

If we use a real human emotion to describe it, it is more like falling into a magnificent and magical realm of confusion, and experiencing the looming and terrifying wonder hidden in it that cannot be described in any words or phrases. birth.

"Future" raised his head slightly and found that the sky was slightly blue and there were no clouds in sight. There was only a bright but dim halo of something called the sun hanging high in the sky, faintly shining an icy light.

Looking down, the endless and dense forest exuded a sultry and humid texture, making him want to call the wind god for a moment of greedy coolness.

The river that runs through the verdant land is shimmering with terrible stars, and the filthy plants form a bridge that allows ugly wild boars to pass. The sounds of human daily activities contain a dense sense of unreality, like chaos and no sense. Like the ghost of the preface, an indescribable atmosphere filled his surroundings.

Until some kind of power from the flames burned away the "cotton"-like support that kept him flying, causing him to fall near an endless field.

"Where is...?" "Future" asked in confusion.

His throat emits a voice that is a combination of ethereal high and eerie low. It is like a distorted product that has been stored and played countless times by bad recording equipment, but it seems that the gap in his cognition has temporarily filled this gap. The faint confusion caused his spirit to fall into a horrifying scene together with the gradually changing illusions around him.

Looking up, the sun in the sky exudes a dark red color that makes people feel dizzy, spreading blood-like crimson. When it reaches the low-rise houses not far away, only the despairing deep purple and Pitch black.

The layout of the surrounding buildings is generally a masterpiece from the middle to early second era. The ground is paved with dark red bricks, which together with the surrounding bluestone form the stairs leading to the farmland in this rural-like place.

Walking slowly down the slope covered with bright red fuel, at the entrance of the farmland, "Future" "saw" a medicinal plant "MB-1035: Flower of Inverus" with only slender stamens that curled inward. , a limited area of ​​bare ground nearby was strewn with broken animal bones and what looked like human skull fragments.

Squatting down and observing carefully, it is not difficult for "Future" to discover how gloomy distortion and panic are contained in this seemingly nurturing situation of beauty and tranquility. The "sorrow" emanating from these skeletons makes him, a lost person, feel uncomfortable. Closing his eyes slightly, he could barely read the urgency of their panicked escape before death.

However, further observation revealed that these broken bones were surprisingly large even when put together, and were not something that ordinary humans could possess. "Future" speculated that if they were not alien beasts (orcs) or dragons that have almost disappeared now, they must have entered this place by mistake. "Alien monster".

After getting up, "Future" saw a slowly moving windmill rising suddenly not far away, with the color of the junction of Zine and Putoa. Although it was covered with a gray filter in the dim environment , but at least it can be seen that it belongs to the ancient kingdom known as the "Country of Windmills".

A subtle "rustling" sound belonging to the wind passed through "Future"'s ears, and a country road going straight forward appeared in his field of vision. It seemed that a long stretch of ground in front of it was dug out and paved with a layer of ground. Just a straight, solid rock strip that stretches almost to the end of the continent.

Just as "Future" was about to step on it, a wind that contained the unique smell of plant fragrance, animal stench, rotten bones, and mineral dust blew into his nostrils.

Suddenly, the farmland in front of him quickly turned into a stream of hot lava, the windmill in the distance turned into the head of a huge ancient creature, and the surrounding roads quickly turned into something as solid and weird as obsidian. Turning around, I saw a huge The giant door made of steel and engraved with dragon totems quickly opened, revealing the chaotic color of the "Jump Formation" inside.

"Hoo! - Hoo!" "Future" woke up from his dream and sat up suddenly. He pinched his throat with both hands and gasped as loudly as possible.

After confirming the authenticity of the world around him, "Future" slowly put his hands down, held his chest as much as possible, and slowly calmed his breathing.

At this moment, Luo Ka, wearing a heavy cotton coat and simple protective gear, pushed open the newly welded small iron door and entered.

Looking at Lorca, who was holding the "Ice Rose" standard sniper rifle independently developed by the Federation, who was barely "fully armed" in front of him, and Nahaka, who was standing on his shoulders with an aloof look down on him, "Future" looked at it. Time on the bedside mechanical watch.

Fortunately, it is only seven o'clock in the morning. Even if the "Chaos Group" and "Order Group" want to start some important tasks, they usually do not choose this "first sight of the morning light" moment.

While changing clothes slowly, and waiting for Luo Ka to close the door and sit down, "Future" slowly said in a slightly hoarse, but still uncoordinated and childish voice:

"This time, I seem to have seen it."

"Did you see it?" Luo Ka was a little surprised. He put the rifle aside, supported the table, leaned his head forward, and asked:

"Is it the area beneath the 'Brushing Ruins'?"

"I think... generally yes." "Future" nodded and said:

"Originally, I wanted to try to use the method in the manuscript of the 'Church of Hope' written by Melinal to enter the 'Gray Dream', the altar where the echoer's spiritual incarnation exists, and then ask him about the 'Bitter Relics' 's message. After all, he was associated with dragons and the Old Ones, and there were connections with dragons and the Old Ones.

"You know, Lorca. Most of my power comes from the old god 'Dark Crimson', which is manifested as the power of dark magic. This makes me born with the old god, and can make some souls enter the realm related to it. space."

"I believe this." Lorca agreed.

"But it seems that... the altar belonging to the 'Gray Dream' was artificially closed. I just lingered on the top of the altar for a few minutes without seeing anyone, and without any chance to get close or stay, and was sent away. Entered a new track." "Future" continued:

"After that, I saw a landscape similar to the Khitan Reese. I know that it is an inner illusion that everyone has when entering here, but after actually landing, that field land, I am sure it belongs to the Dragon Clan."

"Why?" Luo Ka was confused.

"I have read a document from Aventelei deep in my memory. It came from an ancient civil organization - the 'Old Mysterious Investigation Institute'. It is said to have been written by the royal general of the original Flame Empire, and later It was formed by Timod, who took refuge in Aventle.

"Actually, after the 'Dragon Celebration' initiated by the Spiritual Emperor of the Flame Empire, a large number of dragons degenerated into 'half-dragon' beasts, were released from the cage called the Dragon Realm, and wandered to various parts of the continent, or Either he integrated with the local nobles, or he was reused because of his special abilities, or he always insisted on his dragon identity like Adaloni released by the Federal Council this time.

"By the way, the name of the Wright who joined the 'Old Mysterious Investigation Agency' in Canon City is Wright Hain, not the human name of 'Echoer', Wright Sugra. That Wright Hain should be the rumored Ada The old friend Ronnie has been looking for."

When Luo Ka heard this, he nodded in understanding, and then asked:

"So, 'Future', what does that...Eventlei's document about...'Ancient Mysterious Investigation Institute' tell about?"

"Dragon Realm, and the true supreme dragon boy who once wandered in the Empire of Fire and Aventrai...a little history about him. The boy's Khitan Reese name is Ye Mingyuan, or Ye Mingyuan, and his Aventre His name is Clete. He was once imprisoned in the Dragon Realm like Adaloni, but Adaloni was longer." "Future" narrates:

"Your eldest brother 'Ice Blade' must know the information about Adaloni better. After all, you also know that your people are everywhere in the Federal Council's strategic group. Through Adaloni's information and a book called "I Comparing the memoirs of "In the Flames" with the information I mentioned above, the dragon mirror they described cannot be said to be completely unrelated to what I just saw. It is simply the same.

"I speculate that the five great warriors of humanity at that time, including Enoros, knew that they could not completely eliminate the dragon clan, so they could only resort to the next best thing and choose to use five sealed artifacts and holy weapons to create a soft and harsh situation to imprison them.

"Furthermore, the scope of my soul power should not exceed the 'man-made lake'. In other words, that rumor may be true. There is probably a scene leading to hell below the 'Bitter Ruins', but that is not This hell belongs to humans, but to the dragons.”

"Does it belong to the Dragon Clan's...hell?" Luo Ka murmured as it was a little difficult to accept the complicated information.

"The painful wails that existed during the excavations in the old empire records should not belong to humans. Just imagine, humans are spiritual enough, and the sounds they make cannot penetrate several layers of rock. Regardless of whether the disembodied soul really exists, even if it exists , their strength will be even weaker." "Future" analyzed:

"Dragon Realm, the existence of this subspace itself is the superposition of illusion and reality. Maybe the thief of 'perception concealment' some time ago is really a dragon... No, maybe a half-dragon."

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