Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 455 Deep Sorrow (64): Wrong Recovery (Part 2)

"What are you talking about? Yato. There is no Wright here, only the Lost Ones of our 'Chaos Group'.

"We used rituals to guide the 'dark energy' to 'resurrect' you. We hope you will help us find the 'universe energy evolution platform' buried in the wilderness, and the 'mind console' sealed deep underground by the old empire. ." Luo Ka walked forward, came to Yatuo, and said:

"You must have the mission left by Brother Ice Blade in your mind now, right? That is your true idea. Accept it and obey it, and you can work with us to create a perfect independent kingdom for the lost. '."

"Perfect...independent kingdom?" Yatuo asked doubtfully, turned around and looked down at Luo Ka below him, wondering.

Obviously, the blood of the "Ice Blade" and the "dark energy" summoned by the ritual have had an effect. Yato's consciousness is being quickly suppressed, and a new consciousness exclusive to the "Chaos Group" is gradually taking root and beginning to affect this head. A ferocious beast.

Although it did not reach the level that Luo Ka expected, being controlled by the "Chaos Group" instantly after resuscitating, kneeling to surrender, and accepting orders, the fact that he was interested in the "independent kingdom" proposed by Luo Ka is enough to show that he is a good person. start.

With a proud smile, Luo Ka continued to guide:

"Yes, it belongs to our 'independent kingdom'. You are an excellent lost person, and we are also excellent lost people. Why should we listen to the mercy of humans? Whether it is the Federation or the Empire, they are just a group of hypocritical, ugly, cruel, Just cowardly and ignorant maggots."

"You are...right." Yatuo nodded and said:

"Back then...my...lover...Natasha was...victimized by...human beings. They...were still so...sanctimonious."

"Yes." Luo Ka walked directly under Yato's body, looked at his handsome face with extremely masculine characteristics through the monster-like strong body and the dark, soft down, and reached out to pat his forehead. Chest, said:

"The Lost Ones and humans have a relationship of mutual use. However, we are aliens living between 'wisdom' and 'monsters'.

"'Heartless people' will eventually be unable to regain their sanity and evolve into beings with 'wisdom', and humans always reject us who are infected by 'some mysterious and extraordinary power'. Even if we cooperate for a short time and enter the honeymoon period, we will soon... Attack us with suspicion and prejudice.

"Therefore, our purpose of taking you away from the deepest darkness, 'reviving' you, and giving you a second life is to use your power to free us lost people from the sea of ​​suffering, and let us End this long-running war and find a path to peace."

"Indeed... it is a... great cause." Yatuo nodded and expressed his approval.

The completion of the resuscitation ritual caused Yato's mind to slowly wake up. His language became much smoother, his thinking speed gradually accelerated, and the magic power in his body began to slowly gather.

Gradually, his thoughts quickly changed from being covered with a thick layer of frosted glass to covering this misty veil. As his control over his body increased, his body no longer swayed, but became stable.

After a few heavy coughs, Yato's speaking speed returned to normal, and he no longer spoke intermittently, as if he was struggling to death, and continued:

"I remember that my lover [Goddess of Love] Natasha said that he wanted to build a world where humans and the lost coexist peacefully in the Zine Empire, especially in the city of Socra. Our common enemy is the 'Heartless Man' ', and for this reason we were willing to become the Socratic Committee, General George's lackeys, including my brother Aaron.

"Receiving the weapons given to us by the Zine Empire, holding a large number of 'identity certificates' and 'permit certificates', we shuttle between the rebuilt, unreconstructed, collapsed, and non-collapsed provinces, serving the Federation's 'Call of Machinery' Ceremony, the 'Birth Ceremony of Paradise'.

"Even more, we have to defeat and plunder the 'Relic Hunters' from various places, snatch materials from their hands, and then sell them to the 'Imperial Commercial Transfer Office' and the 'Adventurers Association' at low prices in exchange for a meager income and commission. Satisfy the members of the Scottish Committee headed by Holly Clay, and endure the occasional exclusion and questioning.”

"It's just like our 'Order Society'. Most of them cooperate with the Federal Council headed by Vasily under the leadership of the 'Masters'. What they get is nothing more than participating in the management of several strongholds, and the proportion of collection is very small. Low taxes, and the little profit from completing dangerous tasks." Lorca smiled bitterly, pointing to the "future" behind him and said:

"I learned from the 'Manuscript of the Church of Hope' transcribed by Big Brother 'Ice Blade' that the Socratic Committee was extravagant, with hundreds of thousands of new coins missing every year, causing a financial collapse, and was finally launched as a last resort." Operation Paradise', trying to rely on the 'Blood Night Ritual' to continue their imaginary god-like rule.

"But in fact, a [Seducer] like you has such a strong body and strength that he is qualified for any position in any organization within Crusted. Even on the human side, they will try their best to fight with you. maintain a semblance of peaceful coexistence.

"Although you may disappear or die in an accident or military activity, your [Seducer] professional skills, such as 'conscious control', 'unintentional substitute', and 'command in sleep' And so on, it is enough for you to obtain any resources or any position in our "Chaos Group".

"I am the new leader of the 'Chaos Group'. My name is Lorca. As long as you are willing to serve our highest ideals, I will provide you with all the resources you need, even a position."

"It was... you 'resuscitated' me, right?" Yato asked, trying to confirm again.

"Of course." Luo Ka nodded, pointing to the mess in the giant experimental field in the old mine and said:

"In order to 'resuscitate' you, brother 'Ice Blade' sacrificed his life, Ms. 'Thunder Leaf' went crazy, 'Metal Wand' exhausted the last trace of magic power, and the four lost sisters sacrificed themselves to the gods. Thunder takes away life. And, Yato, do you feel like your brain is...um...more active?"

"I am very grateful for your contribution to me. As for the brain." Yato paused, closed his eyes, carefully mobilized every inch of the brain nerves, and the magic source power in the body, and slightly used the ability of [Seducer], Try to unleash your spiritual power.

As a fierce and intoxicating wind blew by, Yato took off the wings from his temples and said with a thick smile on his lips:

"Indeed, I feel that I have broken through the bottleneck that I have had for many years. Even during the time when I was just turned into a 'monster' by that old madman John, my order and strength have increased, and my control of mental power has not grown along with it.

"Your methods and methods are truly mysterious and extraordinary, allowing me to take another step towards the position of god. According to the calculations of the magic source power surging in my body, I should have successfully broken through the sequence 4: The shackles of hope, and broke through the sequence. The level 3 battle has reached its peak level. Soon, as long as I come into contact with the gods, I will be promoted to level 2.

"If during the period of my sleep, there is no breakthrough development in the magic source power level of the Zine Empire and the Crusted Federation, or the generation of unparalleled geniuses, then I will be the best between the two powers. The Mighty Lost.”

"Indeed, no." Lorca said:

"I mean, there is no one more powerful than you. Whether it is human beings, lost people, or independent armed forces, people above level 2 have already become history and eternal legends. Yatuo, you will be the rising star of this world. A lost star.

"After spending several years, our 'Chaos Group' collected 12 devices from the 'Limited' series, and erased their existence through the 'Prayer to the Gods' ritual, leaving the most essential parts. 12 chips.

"We embedded them into your brain before performing the ritual of 'reviving' you, which balanced the control and damage of the 'Dark Drive Core' on your body while helping you absorb more dark energy. So... …”

Lorca took a few steps back, raised his hands, looked around, and declared to Yato:

"We want you to save the Lost of Crusted, and the entire world from its impending collapse."

"Oh? The new leader of the 'Chaos...Chaos Group', right? What kind of crisis have you, a young man who seems to have just grown up, and your organization encountered? In order to thank you for reviving me, I I will fulfill your wishes and obey your arrangements until I feel that what I have done has fully paid for the 'expense' you spent on consuming me from the endless darkness brought by my sleep." Yato revealed his head slightly, He looked at Luo Ka's handsome face with a slightly doting look, raised the corners of his mouth, and responded in a soft voice.

"That would be great, Yato." Luo Ka turned back with a face full of surprise and said:

"The current Administrator of Krusted, the head of the Federal Council, named Vasily Voliganov, is trying to absorb the energy from the sun by finding seven 'Universal Energy Evolution Platforms' named after the Big Dipper. Some of the power is stored, and some is spread across Crusted, melting and destroying the wandering 'careless people'."

"Isn't this... a good thing?" Yato scratched his head with his wings and asked confused.

"No, in fact the whole 'Evolution Stage' incident is a conspiracy. We met the originator of the wasteland world, the great emperor Ivan XXII who was fanatically worshiped by the Crusaders. He personally told me and the people over there that I was The leader of the 'Order Society' and the 'Future' tied to the pillar were all a conspiracy created by him for Vasily.

"His purpose is to destroy Crusted, a vast land where many humans and lost people live. Then their elites, who have completely awakened from their slumber, will rebuild the old empire in the ruins, and then gradually control the entire world. .”

"This is a kind of arrogance brought about by ignorance, the same as George, the same as the 'Paradise Project'." After hearing this, Yato sighed:

"Back then, the Socra Committee thought that by performing the 'Mechanical Singing' ritual, they could summon apostles who surrendered to the 'Daughter of Mechanical Elements'. Little did they know, they had summoned monsters. Wright Socra did not belong to this world, he was a person from Alien soul.

"He has the ultimate mental resistance. No matter it is my [Seducer]'s skills or Dylan's [Deceiver]'s 'Dream Control', they can't control or destroy his spirit. I don't know what he is." How is a strange flower created by the Creator? In terms of spirit, he is simply an unparalleled BUG-like existence."

"Ato, I'm very curious about the power of Wright Sogra. Can you explain it to us in detail?" After hearing this, "Future", who had recovered his ability to speak, finally spoke and asked the first question.

"Of course, 'He who controls the future', I can sense the very close dark magic power from you. The 'Lord of the Dark Night' once taught us in the classics that 'all the people of darkness are brothers.'

"I won't be stingy about sharing my memories, and I can tell from your dissipated magic power that you are not just curious about Wright. You must probably know where he is and you are also looking for him, right. "Before "Future" could answer, Yato continued very compactly:

"Wright's mental power is very strong. Only during the sneak attack in the Socra Bottom Water Channel, I barely managed to disrupt him once and forced him to kill his captain and protector, the young man named De.

"After that, no matter what setbacks he encountered, whether he was in a zone full of "sadness", or faced death threats, or even the persecution of powerful forces, he was very determined and unyielding, without the slightest sign of collapse. Of course, because Occasionally weird manifestations caused by the power of magic can easily be misunderstood as mental illness. There are indeed similar unrealistic records in the official materials of the Sune Empire.

"Moreover, he possesses the great power once possessed by the ancient god 'Deepser' - the 'red magic source power', which can be passed down without limit and can absorb the most skilled skills or skills of the holder after his death. It is the ability that is used most frequently and is passed on to the next user.”

"In this way, the longer this power is passed down, the more powerful it will be, right?" "Future" asked.

"Indeed." Yatuo took heavy steps and took a few steps in the direction of the "future". He stared into his light black pupils and said with a smile:

"After I woke up, you were the first lost person who shared a common language with me, 'the future'. Moreover, your eyes and expression are indeed somewhat similar to Wright, that hateful, detestable, yet lovely young man. It's so missed.

"As far as I know, the 'Red Magic Source Power' has been passed down for more than ten thousand years, and there are more than 20 users. They are either gods, demigods, or rare [Orders]. In short, only digging Including the 'Touch of Darkness', Wright's power is enough to kill me, haha, don't talk about me, even the gods can't be bothered."

Before "Future" who wanted to continue asking for information about Wright said anything, he saw Victor suddenly jump off the "Dark Energy Photo" that slowly descended to four or five meters above his head.

After listening to a bunch of conversations that seemed informative but without nutrition, Victor saw that Lorca seemed to be obsessed with these stories from long ago and was about to forget about the main business.

He appeared in person and walked quickly to Yatuo. Not only did he not introduce himself politely like a gentleman, but he used an extremely impatient tone, almost rolling his eyes and glancing up at Yatuo, urging:

"Yato, we sacrificed our leader and so many compatriots of the Lost just to revive you and help us win the war. Now, you shouldn't waste time chatting with children here, you should go to the ice and snow wasteland , either help us defeat the human army, or find the 'Universal Energy Evolution Platform' buried in the ice and snow. We have given you a third life, so don't be ungrateful!"

"Oh?" Yatuo's throat only made a sound of contempt with great interest.

Lorca and "Future" who were present could read his ridicule and anger.

Soon, the fingertips of his right hand emitted a spherical arc of electricity, pointing slightly forward, and layers of pitch-black rings with even spacing appeared around Victor, surrounding and binding his body.

Immediately afterwards, Victor's eyeballs quickly melted between the whites of his eyes and turned into a pure black existence.

It was dim and dull, as if its soul had been wiped out.

His right hand also unconsciously took out the gun from his waist under the guidance of Yatuo's thoughts. In front of several people, he actually pulled the trigger and murmured an apology. Even when Luo Ka eagerly begged for mercy. Despite the shout, he still aimed at his temple and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


After the thick white smoke dissipated, several people discovered that Victor's head had permanently disappeared from his trembling and staggering "standing" body.

However, it turned into dozens of lifeless, sweet and delicious lumps wrapped in red and white sticky things like a mixture of fruit puree and cream.

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