Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 456 Deep Sorrow (65): Wrong Recovery (Part 2)

"What are you doing, Yato!" Luo Ka said angrily, chanting the middle part of his mouth very quickly, condensing the remaining magic power into the palm of his right hand, and ejecting the bone at the junction of the wrist and the back of the hand. The dagger, with the magic power attached to the blade, was aimed at Yatuo's head, ready to strike.

Behind them, the lost people who belonged to the "Chaos Group" and the "Comprehension Sect" also jumped from the "Dark Energy Photo", rushed out of the secret door, emerged from the corner of the sacrificial platform, and even hid in the darkness. The bodyguards "Soaring" and Audrey who were previously used to protect "Ice Blade" also broke out of hiding, turned into a pool of gray and black smoke, floated behind Yatuo, and pressed their pistols against his lower back.

Faced with such a formation, Yatuo just raised the corners of his mouth, smiled slightly, and said in a contemptuous tone:

"I thought that as the Lost, you people in the 'Chaos Group' would not be contaminated by the bad habits of humans. At least, among the many Lost that I have met, many are descendants of the court magicians. Bu Ji is also a person who has experienced extreme pain.

"They are either polite and cautious in dealing with others, always trying to show the 'gentleman' and 'lady' side; or they feel the same pain and are not willing to treat others harshly. However, this brother looks very irritable and has a certain east side. The barbaric habits of nomadic tribes, this is not good...not good."

"What do you want, Yato? Just because Victor... urged you a few words in a 'kind' way, you are going to deprive him of his life and send him to the underworld where the sea of ​​pain surges?" Lorca asked .

At this moment, his originally dominant memory and consciousness finally slowly and comprehensively took control of his body. He had previously inherited the chaotic, pragmatic and "despicable" ideas passed down to him by the "Ice Blade" from many of his "Chaos Group" ancestors. Memories are gradually suppressed, and reason and sobriety gradually take over.

His mind flashed through the terrifying, dark, crimson and bleak world in the depths of the "Bitter Ruins" when he fought Ivan 22. He looked at the fragments on the ground again and couldn't help but collapse. Taking a breath of cold air, I felt a chill sprouting from my back and gradually spreading to my whole body.

He wanted to scold Yatuo a few more words, but when he saw his vicious eyes, he just moved his lips and made no sound.

Yato didn't have any more words. On the one hand, he had just woken up and had incomplete control over his body. On the other hand, killing Victor belonged to the "Chaos Group", especially Loca's attack, which was a threat and intimidation. nature.

In fact, this display of the [Seducer]'s ability almost exhausted the not-so-sufficient magic power in his body. He faced the angry, frightened, disgusted and hostile eyes of these lost people and slowly walked forward. .

Use the tentacles of the black iron whip to gently extend along the gap in Victor's body where the head has been lost, and pour the materialized, mud-like dark magic power into it.

Afterwards, he pulled out Victor's mechanical heart, which belonged to the Lost One and had completely lost its ability to shine, and raised it to eye level with a black iron whip, observing.

The "burning liquid" in the heart has been drained away, and the originally round, full, and metallic part has completely turned brown and is covered in a thick layer of rust.

"Look, this heart is corroded so quickly, which is enough to show that this man named Wei...Victor has long been corrupted by human evil thoughts. The poem you called me to wake up mentioned: 'Give me eternal benefits. , filled with eternal wisdom', but Natasha said to me that this poem should be: 'God gives grace, wisdom and spirit.'" Yatuo licked the blood that splashed to the corner of his mouth and said:

"I want to absorb the remaining dirty body of his and help him purify his sins slowly, so that he can escape from purgatory as soon as possible and ascend to the heaven filled with holy white glory as soon as possible. Of course, I need a small reward."

"What do you want...?" Lorca asked, his lips trembling uncontrollably.

"Of course, it is the service of you pure souls who are different from human beings, and the pursuit of revenge against the source of my painful experience, Wright Sukra..." Yato's voice was extremely low, like a whisper, but its power was... As much as any outrageous cry:

"He alone has to pay for the fate of two deaths."

After saying that, Yato crushed Victor's mechanical heart with a black iron whip and let the pieces scatter on the ground. It emitted the last spark and then died suddenly.

Then, he guided the black iron whip into Victor's body to split, extending it to every corner of the body. Under the blessing of the spell composed in the ancient Zine Empire language, dark power surged.

Soon, the skin on Victor's surface bulged slightly, as swollen as a drowning person. Black dirt floated on the surface of the skin, condensing into a solid layer of "leather armor" between his fingers.

This was Yato's effort to force out the toxins accumulated in Victor's body over the years.

Immediately afterwards, the body quickly shriveled up, and countless tissues, blood, muscles and nerves were transported to his newly revived "empty" body through the black iron whip tentacles, causing him to reappear under the thick fur. A looming layer of fleshy skin.

And a pair of human arms and arms!

After more than thirty years, Yatuo finally regained his complete, almost human body!

Victor's body, along with the "leather armor", quickly softened, and many parts drooped like mud on the black iron whip tentacles that Yato had taken away. The remaining metal was slowly and completely transformed into molasses. A sticky substance that melts on the ground.

Moving his new-born arms, Yatuo's throat successively emitted joyful chirps belonging to birds and joyful cries belonging to beasts.

In an instant, a strong wind carrying flying snow poured in from the gap on the top of the giant laboratory that had not yet closed. The violent air flow passed through the narrow space, creating the effect of a musical instrument, and the roaring sound was fierce, just like the ancient dragon clan. The shouts suppress all living creatures, causing the hearts of the gods to tremble, and their hopes to lie dormant.

The sudden blizzard, unknown whether it was under the control of Yatuo or the Creator and the gods, actually caused the people present unable to open their eyes, shivering in the bleak air-conditioning, and unable to use weapons. Threaten Yato at all.

The sudden snowstorm instantly destroyed all the equipment and instruments present, all the lost people, the "Axe of Pramini" that was in a state of short rest, and even the sacrificial platform that still retained the residual scorching temperature from the thunder. The ground was covered with a thin layer of light snow, and the cold air settled downwards, filling the increasingly dark environment with a white color.

This holy thing, which is the opposite of the colorful colors, happens to be the eternal style of the Extreme Cold Zone for thousands of years. It actually made all the Lost people present, except for Lorca, "Future", "Soar" and Audrey, in a "second-rate" state. "With the exception of the lost ones in the "Spiritual Appearance" stage, they all dropped the weapons that could cause damage in their hands, held their heads high and stared at the bright light pouring into their heads when the wind and snow stopped for a while.

And Yato also took back the two black iron long whip tentacles and folded them around his waist. His right hand casually shot an energy ball filled with dark magic power towards Victor's remaining skin, causing the layer of bloodless flesh and blood to explode. The tissue was quickly burned and condensed together, forming a disgusting, slime-like, round sticky ball that exuded a foul smell.

Then, Yato strode forward and stomped towards the sticky ball with his feet that had begun to gradually lose their down and slowly became human-like.


The sticky ball exploded, but no mucus burst out. Instead, countless small black particles floated into the air and turned into black smoke and entered the nasal cavities of those present.

After a brief trance, the sneezing lost ones seemed to have discovered Yatuo's plot, with serious expressions on their faces. They all picked up their weapons again, or pulled the triggers, loaded bullets, or whispered in their mouths to form spirits and gather the power of magic. Prepare to fight to the death with Yato, the demon who killed Victor.

But Yatuo just took his time and dipped his fingers into black ash, drawing a bunch of weird lines on the ground, forming a puzzling totem that contained the energy of ancient tribes and the dreams and blessings of ancient gods.

Slowly, the down on his body began to fade further, while the Lost Ones present grew hair as fine as wild beasts on their necks, chests, and even their arms.

However, due to the absolute suppressive power of Yato's dark magic power, they did not dare to speak, did not dare to question, did not dare to move, and did not even dare to open the clothes close at hand to check for physical discomfort.

Black dust billows in the nostrils of the lost, emitting a tearful smell of scorched earth, just like this bitter, confused and hopeless wasteland world.

Then, a truly human voice came out of Yatuo's throat:

"'Order' Wright, he is the enemy of the Lost and the enemy of mankind. Your enemy is not me, but Wright who can bring any disaster.

"His 'Red Magic Source Power' contains many ominous things. The 'Touch of Darkness' once led Dipsel to fall into the sea of ​​the underworld, and the Red Kite Eagle Shield once set the Krusted Palace on fire. It takes several months before I can rest."

"But besides being disrespectful to you, Victor has no major sins. Why did you kill him completely and absorb his body at the same time, draining almost all the power from his body." He came back to his senses. Luo Ka asked with a childish voice that was quite aggressive.

"I seem to have answered this question for you just now." Yatuo took half a step forward, but Peter and the Lost Ones raised their weapons and took half a step back.

Ignoring the gestures of these cowardly people, Yatuo stretched out his new white arms, using a low tone that seemed to bring surging excitement to the living beings, and stared at Luo Ka's blue shimmering eyes with his deep, dark eyes. , said:

"I said, he is guilty. Whether it is for you lost ones or for me, it will eventually cause harm. The mechanical heart of the lost ones with evil thoughts will inevitably be rusty, and even be corroded by the evil power, and become As dark and twisted as rotten fish and shrimps in the deep sea.

"Li Qiu, the leader of the Taoist sect of the Flame Empire, once said: 'Throughout my three lives, I have been lost in confusion. Due to unfavorable circumstances, there will be no enlightenment. As for the end, I will wander around the world. Or I will fall into the sea of ​​blood and live in eternal suffering.' I will destroy it myself. By taking his body and absorbing some of Victor's sins, he will be blessed by the gods of the past, no longer trapped in reincarnation, and will go to the side of the Creator and God to serve the supreme scepter."

"Squibbling." Lorca spat in a low voice.

But soon, Audrey took out a piece of paper that was stained with fresh blood and had an unusually clean and tidy surface from Victor's remaining clothes. He unfolded it and gave it to Lorca.

"A special order from the Cruzeid Federal Council, a letter of appointment?" Lorca read the words above, his mouth wide open in surprise, and his jaw almost dropped to the ground.

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