Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 457 Deep Suffering (66): New Leader

Putting away his surprised expression and suppressing his panic, Luo Ka continued to read:

"On July 9, 577 of the New Era, after discussion and approval by the Federal Council, Chief Vasily signed and agreed to appoint Victor, the leader of the 'Order Council', 'Po Jun', as a subordinate of the Strategic Group. Captain of the Special Task Force. After the Battle of Deep Sorrow comes to a successful conclusion, he will be promoted to Director of the Northern Affairs Division of the Military Institute of the Strategic Regiment, Dark Star Level 3."

"Traitor, you really are a traitor." Lorca said angrily.

Then, he breathed a sigh of relief, tried to calm down, turned to look at Yatuo, pointed to the "appointment letter" in his hand and said:

"But Yato, you have been sleeping before and have never understood Crusted's situation. Why are you so sure... that he is guilty?"

"Let me explain it to him, Lorca." "Future" standing behind everyone said, opened a gap between the lost people surrounding Yato's body, got in, stood in front of Lorca, and explained road:

"This is the characteristic of the dark magic source power, 'Dark Insight', which is also called 'Daxer' by us Crusaders."

"'Dakse', what is this?" Lorca was still confused and repeated mechanically.

"The so-called 'Daxor' means that when the holder of dark magic source power reaches the third level, that is, when the white color of 'battle' appears, he can simply gather the dark factors in other people's bodies. degree to determine whether the person is evil enough to cause chaos and disaster." "Future" explained:

"This is what I gradually learned in the past few days after you and I finished our experience in the 'Bitter Ruins' and returned to the camp. You also know that after coming out of that dangerous place, you and I have been promoted to Order 3. In this case, I can naturally understand 'Dakse'.

"Whenever people have good intentions, their spirit and soul will establish a subtle connection with the gods, and the elements of light and holiness in the body will slowly gather and gradually accumulate, reaching the level of accepting oracles and comprehending a group of supreme powers.

"When people have evil thoughts and do evil things, the dark factors will be generated from the heart and accumulate too much, which will either corrode the internal organs and spirit, or provide evil energy. No matter what the final result is, there will always be Covered with an energy field as ethereal as the silk of Catharris." "Future" glanced at the rocky ground with black traces where Victor died, paused, and continued:

"As for Victor, the dark substance on his body almost makes his body blurry. His evil, or sin, is beyond what ordinary people can understand. He should be extremely good at disguise, and he will do whatever it takes for his own benefit. Man. His death is a good thing for you, Luo Ka, and the 'Chaos Group'.

"Also, Yatuo, I'm afraid your magic source power level is no longer just level 3. You and I are both people of darkness. I can sense that the darkness power in your body is stronger."

"That's right." Yatuo said in a deep voice:

"After absorbing the darkness in Victor's body, I have actually been promoted to Order 2: Abandonment." Yato tried his best to cover up the excitement brought about by the promotion of power and said:

"At the moment just now, I seemed to see a young man in a black robe deep in my 'spiritual realm', putting the sixth demon source sequence core into it. Presumably, that was not the Lord of Darkness himself. It's one of his clones.

"In terms of strength, today, when the magic power is exhausted, I am afraid that no one in the five major kingdoms can compare with me. I want to find Wright and avenge my pain, but you 'Chaos Group' want to You want me to serve you. Here... I have a compromise plan."

"What do you want...?" An ominous premonition arose in Luo Ka's heart.

Immediately, his feeling was confirmed.

"Let me be the leader of the lost people here. I have led a group of lost people of the same size, I have experience, and I have more power than each of you. In this era where strength is respected, I don't think you have any Reason to reject my request." Yatuo said in a low tone, like an ancient demon wandering in the darkness.

"Don't even think about it." Lorca immediately rejected his proposal.

However, the next second, Luo Ka discovered that his right hand was shrouded in a layer of dark mist that quickly condensed. The mist rotated, and the color was as dim as the night sky before dawn. The escaping dark power turned into wisps of tiny ribbons, absorbing the poor light around him, and at the same time turned into sharp spikes that penetrated into every corner of his body.

Soon, his vision was completely covered by countless dust-like dark particles. His body could no longer receive any nerve signals from his brain, and even the magic source power was completely sealed and could not be used.

But to the outside world, Luo Ka stood there with dull eyes. Under the guidance of Yatuo's muttered spell, he actually bent down to pick up the gun that had been dropped in the chaos, pulled the trigger, and held the gun. own head.

Fortunately, Yato's magic power level is only one level higher than that of Roca. In addition, the memories of the previous leaders of the "Chaos Group" contain some strange powers of darkness, so he was only temporarily controlled physically. , still maintaining independence mentally.

This feeling is like being injected with a local anesthetic before surgery, or being in a nightmare state where you are conscious but unable to freely control your limbs.

However, the most critical impact of [The Seducer]'s exclusive "consciousness control" skill on people is not direct manipulation, but a psychological blow.

When being suddenly manipulated, people who are not familiar with the ability of the Seducer and have little experience often become panicked and cannot calm down to think independently. They will soon be suppressed by fear and unable to make any correct judgments. .

For Lorca, this is exactly what happens now!

He knew that the dark dust and the pitch-black world in front of him were illusions. As long as he could overcome the moderate pain and use the power of light magic to break through the shackles of darkness, he could immediately regain control of his body and turn defeat into victory.

It's a pity that light does not appear around those who are afraid.

Those who fear only fear fear itself. When the haze of fear dissipates, the realm of the light will come to the world.

But Lorca has no chance of contacting the light anymore.

The magic source power composed of dark power is continuously radiating outward from Yatuo's body at this moment. Countless tiny dust particles suddenly float like mist to the side of the lost person present, like a star ring enveloping a gaseous planet, in The surroundings of their bodies continued to float and rotate, and then suddenly explored inward, condensing into countless dark "conceptual" illusory sharp blades that "pierced" into their hearts.

Of course, except for the "future" who are also people of darkness.

Yatuo's attack did not produce much substantive effect, but the attack of the dark magic source made these lost people feel that their hearts suddenly stopped beating for a few seconds, and they felt a mysterious discomfort as their souls were stripped out of their bodies.

Then there is a feeling of falling from a high place, as if you are about to fall asleep and just enter the dreamland, and suddenly fall down in confusion.

When the lost people suddenly woke up from the feeling of falling and were still standing staggeringly, they discovered that the dark power just now had materialized into a pure black beetle the size of a palm, burrowing into the cotton pants along the ankles. Among them, it keeps climbing up along the skin.

A feeling of coolness and heat spread from bottom to top until black beetles stopped on the chests of the lost ones.

Many brave losers opened their shirts with trembling hands, only to see green sticky pus flowing out from the tail of the black beetle, exuding a stench like garbage swill that had been fermented for half a month. .

The skin he walked over was filled with ulcers, pus, blood and dark white juice oozing out. While it was rapidly decaying, there was an unbearable stinging sensation.

"What is this? Go away! Go away!" The lost people shouted, trying to grab the black beetle and throw it out.

However, they discovered that the black beetle actually stretched out sixteen strong tentacles and firmly attached them to their chests, and inserted the fluff into the semi-mechanical heart. As long as the black beetle was captured, their hearts would also be captured. be destroyed.

"I don't want you to die, I just want you to obey me." Yatuo said the harshest words in the calmest tone with an extremely terrifying smile on his face.

Before the Lost Ones could respond, with a flash of black in Yato's eyes, the Black Beetles received a new order.

They all raised their tails that had been flowing with corrosive liquid, and within a few seconds formed a thin film balloon.


At the same time as Yato clapped his hands, the balloons exploded one after another, causing the green pus to explode and splash, almost all of it sprinkling on the faces and hair of the Lost.

Enduring the warm, rancid smell like vomit brought by the pus, the Lost Ones found that their throats were becoming tighter and tighter, and their breathing gradually became rapid. They dropped their weapons one after another and used all their strength. Scratching, even if there were countless bloody marks on his cheek, it did not weaken at all, until Yatuo's voice came again:

"If you want to survive, kneel down to me and acknowledge my status as leader. If you among the lost members of the 'Chaos Group' are still conscious, you can take a look at your new leader Loka. He has given up resistance and chosen Absolute obedience."

"Lorca...obey..." Some of the lost people barely supported their bodies and turned their bodies back with difficulty to look.

It was seen that Luo Ka's body had been covered by a layer of black, armor-like substance, and his eyes had changed from red when the magic power was activated to pure black under control.

At this moment, he knelt at Yatuo's feet, showing a posture of "prostrating himself to the ground" like praying to the gods. He murmured words such as "asking for forgiveness" and kept flowing bloody tears.

Seeing this, and the fact that Yatuo's magic source power has gradually returned to a high level and completed the "ritual manipulation" of the lost people present, the lost people all chose to kneel down to Yatuo, acknowledging his rule and authority. , and the status of "leader".

Even though several of the Lost Ones were not completely manipulated, they gave up resistance and chose to obey under such unfavorable circumstances.

Seeing that the lost ones of the "Chaos Group" and "Comprehension Sect" had been completely defeated by Yato, "Future" standing aside just glanced at Luo Ka sympathetically, sighed, and walked to Yato, With a bitter smile, he said:

"Yato, since you have become their new leader, you can naturally go to the Echoer Wright to seek revenge. However, as a fellow citizen of darkness, I want to ask you something."

"Tell me."

"Please let me leave here. I am not a member of the Chaos Group. I have my own destination. If possible... please return the head of the 'Axe of Pramini' to me after the war." , I want to bring its soul back to the town of Lazunitso next to the Ice River, so that it will no longer suffer a painful fate in future generations. This... was originally promised to me by Luo Ka." "Future" said, with eyes in his eyes. There were tears, almost overflowing.

"I promise you." Yatuo seemed to be infected by the emotions emanating from the "future" spiritual realm, and nodded:

"You can leave at any time until the war here is over."

However, before he finished speaking, the sound of the last words still echoed in the space of the giant experimental site, and the roar of Federal Air and Space Force fighter planes appeared above their heads, in the sky above the old mine.

"This is the 'Kong' fighter jet that was in the experimental stage before. How did it come here? Could it be that..."

Before the "future" could be finished, a burst of white light filled the dim environment of the giant experimental site, followed by four or five "Howl of Amykes"!

September 1st, 577th year of the New Lunar Calendar.

Crusted Federation, Extreme Cold Special Zone, Area A (Old Yashuang District), "Man-Made Lake" Federal Temporary Military Station, "No. 1 Military Camp Accommodation Area", Kitchen Entrance.

Since the Federal Council issued several incomprehensible and contradictory orders for the upcoming war, Yaroslav, the commander-in-chief in charge of the "Sorrow of Sorrow" campaign, continued to station here, rotate troops to train, and confront each other.

After fifteen days of so-called "special isolation treatment," Wovya and Luo Nie finally made it to the day they were released from the isolation ward.

The process of leaving the temporary war zone hospital was almost exactly the same as that of Duck. After walking out of the giant metal door, under the "protection" of a group of federal [soldiers] with live ammunition, they went to the carefully disinfected "still room" and stood on the The "Radiation Detection K-01" machine was inspected. After learning that the radiation value was barely lower than the prescribed amount, which was "10%", the two of them were allowed to leave the hospital and return to their residence to rest temporarily.

Carrying several large bags of ingredients, Wovya and Dak stood at the door of the kitchen of the "No. 1 Military Camp Accommodation Area". About four or five minutes later, the manager of the military camp accommodation came belatedly, handed Wovya the rusty kitchen door key, and gave a few brief instructions before leaving.

Wulfya took the key, waved it in front of Duck, showed a rare relaxed and proud smile and said:

"These recent annoying things are finally coming to an end. In order to officially celebrate our successful escape from the 'Bitter Ruins' and our return to the federal army, I plan to cook you some Crusted dishes. Da Grams, didn't you say I was 'mysterious enough' last time? Today, I will show you another skill that I have never shown you before - cooking." (End of this chapter)

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