Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 464 The Deep Sorrow (73): The Trading Point of the Independent Armed Forces (Part 2)

"It's indeed a bit ridiculously expensive." "Future" secretly cursed, picked up a dry and clean "inner-rolled flower cigarette" with two fingertips, and said:

"However, there is no way to test the effectiveness of this. 1,000 new rubles is almost 30 gold coins. It is enough to buy 1,000 bags of flour. Even if you go to live in the capital, it is enough for half a year. If I can't do anything later for some reason If I go to Demonic City, or the thick fog suddenly disappears, then I estimate that I will have to bear 90% of the losses... Well, let's forget it."

"Oh, no, boy, even if you don't use it yourself, it's still okay to leave it to your friends and comrades-in-arms. In this way, since you bought the candy from me without bargaining, I'll give you a discount." The stall owner saw this. "Future" completely lost interest and hurriedly tried to dissuade him.

"Then what's your biggest discount? I don't have any more energy to bargain for some supplies. I'm very tired and want to go to rest early." "Future" raised his legs to leave, but turned his head to look at it with his peripheral vision. An expression to the stall owner.

Struggling a little internally, but still maintaining a professional smile on his face towards the customers, the stall owner gritted his teeth with subtle movements that were almost imperceptible to others, and said:

"Half discount, as you hungry people would say, is... uh... 5% of the original price, 50 new rubles, or just give me one and a half gold coins."

"Deal." "Future" agreed at the speed of light, and at a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye and close to the limit of body function, he completed the "difficult action" of taking out the money from the inner pocket of his jacket, and handed over a card with Vasily's name printed on it. A 50-ruble banknote with an avatar was placed in the hands of the stall owner.

After being stunned for a full two and a half minutes, the stall owner recovered from the shock of "Future" paying at the speed of light. He wrapped the scattered cigarettes in a newspaper and handed it to "Future".

"Oh, that's right." Putting the "inner-rolled flower cigarettes" into his arms, "Future" asked the stall owner:

"Where is the place to stay here? Since this settlement is the size of a small town, there should be a hotel run by their 'independent armed forces', right?"

"Of course." The stall owner pointed towards the back door of the market and said:

"Go out from here, walk along the road on the left, pass by the small workshop that produces weapons for them, walk past the 'Administrative Building', and walk a few hundred meters away."

"'Administrative Building'?" "Future" said a little surprised:

"These 'independent armed' people really want to fight against the Federal Council."

After walking out of the market, which was full of filth and messy goods piled everywhere, "Future" followed the stall owner's guidance and walked past the small workshop with the sign "Wildland Tourist Group Combined Arms Factory."

He mingled among the various people coming and going, stopped at a position more than ten meters away from the door of the small workshop, looked inside, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart:

"It seems that the 'Independent Armed Forces', especially the idealists of the 'Wilderness Tourist Group', are really trying to gradually restore [order]. Compared with the 'Order Society', the 'Chaos Group', and the 'Enlightenment Sect', As far as some lost organizations such as the 'Corona Society' are concerned, humans are really tenacious.

"Perhaps they are the ones who truly respect [Order]. However, they are also human beings. One group is sparing no effort to destroy [Order], while the other group openly respects [Order] and wants to bring about a 'reset' Era', but it is leading order into a situation that is beyond redemption.

"However, the reason why human beings are called 'human beings' is because they can choose to restrain their instinctive desires and take their spirit and body on an arduous journey until they die or see the other side of success. "

"Future" murmured to himself as he left the small workshop and walked towards the "administrative building" visible to the naked eye:

"We lost ones are still monsters after all. We can only rely on our own instincts to survive. We have never really tried to restore [order] for everyone. Is our existence a ridiculous game played by the Creator? Or is it just a joke? What kind of irony?"

Shaking his head, "Future" put away his complicated thoughts. When passing by the "Administrative Building" set up by the "Independent Armed Forces", he did not stop too much to avoid getting into more trouble.

After all, there are many powerful superpowers in organizations including the "Wildness Tourist Group". I heard that "Yan Xi" of the "Comprehension Sect" died in the hands of those people, although he had the order The powerful Lost One with 4 strength, although he is equipped with many high-power weapons reproduced by the Federation.

Fortunately, "Future" walked down the path of the "Administrative Building" and came to a slightly empty and monotonous square. There was only a five- to six-meter-tall bronze statue there, as well as some flower beds and flowers that had not been carefully trimmed in the future. There is nothing else outside the bench.

Stopping under the statue and looking up, "Future" discovered that the human being shown in the bronze statue seemed to be a certain former leader of the "Wilderness Tourist Group", and he had seen his photo by chance when he was in Xinfeng Town.

The human being was holding a head-sized badge of unknown meaning in his hand, holding it up with a firm expression on his face, as if he was holding a sacred object and looking toward some ideal.

It seems that the "Wilderness Tourist Group" is advancing step by step according to its own ideas. Although the small town of Hermosk is limited in size, the structural facilities inside are complete and even look better than the stronghold managed by the Federal Council. .

Although the sparrow is small, it has all five internal organs!

As he was looking at the people who were sparsely heading to the square to rest, he was thinking about the "future" and suddenly felt an unusual fluctuation in the magic source power.

He quickly pulled his spirit and thinking away from the observation and analysis of the town, and focused on his senses.

Sure enough, "Future" heard the rapid and heavy footsteps walking towards him.

Years of experience in the north of the Federation, coupled with battles with humans, "Heartless" and "alien monsters", have given "Future" excellent agility and reflexes.

Coupled with the fact that the power consumed by calling the ancient gods in "New Wind Town" has been fully restored, as well as the sublimation gained from the adventure in "Bitter Relics", he can judge danger extremely accurately and quickly.

Almost out of instinct and passivity, "Future" relied on his spirit to quickly mobilize and condense all the dark magic power in his body, quickly reaching a level close to fullness.

Then, he lightly tapped the mark containing dark power on his forehead twice with his right hand that had slightly alleviated the abnormal state, to ensure that he set a limit for his power in this settlement where so many people gathered to prevent him from being It went berserk for some unforeseen reason and was swallowed by darkness.

After all, when the lost ones exhaust their last bit of physical strength and magic power, and their spiritual power is also exhausted due to overdraft, they will degenerate into "careless people" and find it difficult to be redeemed.

After completing the above complex movements in 0.6 seconds, "Future"'s eyes quickly changed from light black to pure black, and his dark purple hair also quickly "blackened". At the same time, he muttered silently in ancient Kruse German. Cast a spell to use a function called "Black Sight".

"O God of order in charge of darkness, please bless your most loyal people."

"Give me the power of darkness so that I can see through all the dangers hidden in the darkness."

Suddenly, the color of the world in his right eye was completely reversed, the originally bright areas became pitch black, and the originally dark parts began to quickly become clear.

"Black Vision" gives "Future" the ability to clearly see the surrounding environment, and as long as it is within a fixed range, whether it is the sky, river or underground, whether the enemy is hidden in buildings or in the countryside, he can Perspective exploration.

Moreover, the dark magic source power is the main force of "Future". Even if the "Burning Black World" is continuously turned on day and night, it will not have any adverse effects on him. At most, it will be excessive consumption of magic source power, and he can just rest for a few days. .

Moreover, after the improvement of the order of magic source power, coupled with the continuous improvement of this power, with the power of "Burning Black World", "Future" even has a lot of complex geometric figures and lines in his right eye. Provide him with specific fight or escape plans in real time, as well as the enemy's possible attack actions.

"Future" discovered that seven or eight people wearing various tactical armors and holding rifles were walking in his direction. At the same time, there seemed to be snipers on the commanding heights not far away, and they had already set up their firearms. The trigger was pulled.


A bullet made of brass, mixed with scalding heat waves and subtle fire-based magic power, cut through the sky above the calm square and hit the right chest of "Future" from diagonally downwards.

However, with the insight granted by "Burning Black Vision" and the high agility, "Future" just stretched out his right hand and slightly surged the dark magic power to form a small black hole-like barrier in front of him. It actually caused the bullets that had not yet touched his body to disappear into the air together with the barrier.

After doing all this, "Future" did not forget to turn his head in the direction of the sniper and show a strange and provocative smile.

The sudden change caused the seven or eight people who were rushing towards the "future" to briefly stop. However, relying on the good qualities formed in the battle, those people only hesitated for a second, and then continued to rush forward, taking the "future". "Surrounded.

"I think." Facing this group of heavily armed "independent armed" personnel, "Future" said bluntly:

"Since Hermosk is a trading base managed by the Wilderness Tourist Group, you must be soldiers affiliated with them, right? There must be people with supernatural powers who are familiar with my scent among your top brass. A 'Order' like me The arrival of the 'master' who knows how to be here will inevitably arouse your alertness. I have been mentally prepared for this since I knew the basic information here.

"However, looking at this posture, you don't seem to have friendly intentions when you come to me. If we want to fight..." "Future" said, deliberately clenching his fists with both hands, and assuming a rare boxer posture. He said provocatively:

"Then let's try it."

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