Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 465: Deep Sorrow (74): The Trading Point of the Independent Armed Forces (Part 2)

As soon as "Future" finished speaking, a man wearing a mask walked out from among the seven or eight fully armed people. His figure was slightly thinner and slender than the others, but he had more curvy figures.

He seemed to be the leader of this group of "independent armed" people who came to cause trouble for "Future". Faced with "Future's" battle requirements, he first took out his rifle, pointed the muzzle at the sky and fired a shot, and then shot The muzzle was pointed at the ground.

After almost fifteen seconds, he threw the rifle aside, stretched out his hand and used body language to signal other "independent armed" personnel to step back to avoid an accident if the gun went off.

In the early Second Era, when the Crusad Empire was just beginning to flourish, the act of pointing a bow and arrow into the sky and then throwing it away represented "bare-handed knightly combat" in areas influenced by Crusad culture.

However, if it were placed in the Ptoia Empire in the south, it might be regarded as a mockery of cowards.

However, once the traditional behavior of pointing the sharp point of the weapon vertically downward and refraining from further attack is added, it is a clear act of truce and peace and cannot be misunderstood.

After the middle of the Third Era, bows and arrows gradually became performance props, and their functions were gradually replaced by various types of firearms, so this tradition also changed.

"Future" knew that his challenge was accepted by this group of possible members of the "wilderness tourist group", and simply had no intention of using magic power or offensive weapons on his waist. Instead, he half-crouched on the spot and cooperated. The ability of "Burning Black Vision" carefully observed the actions of the "independent armed" personnel in front of him, and was ready to fight at any time.


With a slightly sharp shout, the "independent armed" member suddenly stepped onto the ground. After stepping on a piece of bluestone stained with snow, he relied on the spring-like bending of his body and the reaction force from the ground. He soared into the air and leaped to a position seven or eight meters above the air, almost parallel to the tallest houses in the residential area around the town square.

Immediately afterwards, he held the iron wire between the buildings for drying clothes with one hand and grasped the sling for transporting goods with the other hand. After rolling a few times in the air, he suddenly dived downwards towards where the "future" stood.


Facing the straight attack, "Future" did not dodge at all, but raised his chest to meet the attack of the dagger in the hands of the "independent armed" personnel.

However, the strange thing is that even though the dagger has been inserted close to the heart, no blood flows out at all. Instead, it is as if it has been inserted into the gap between two hard stones, unable to penetrate or take out.

In desperation, the "independent armed" personnel kicked "Future" in the abdomen, and used the force of the rebound to spin in the air for two and a half weeks, putting some distance between him and "Future".

"Looking at your skills, you don't look like a human being. Of course, it's not absolute. I have met a pure human whose strength and skills are comparable to those of the Lost." "Future" said with a bit of ridicule and contempt, He reached out, gently pulled out the dagger, and poured a dark magic power into it.

Suddenly, the surface of the dagger was covered with a pure black sticky substance. He kneaded it gently a few times, and then it spread out as fragilely as a dried stone, turning into a pile of rust-based fragments. The cold wind of autumn flies away.

However, faced with a huge disparity in strength, this "independent armed" member was neither willing to fail nor violate the rules agreed upon during the battle. After much thought, he actually picked up the rocket launcher in the hands of his companion behind him and carried it. On the shoulder, with only a slight aim, he fired the cannonball in the direction where "Future" was standing.

Whoosh - boom!

The fierce and bright flames spread out to the surroundings with "Future" as the center, and rose up, turning into a mushroom cloud mixed with black and dark red, rushing towards the sky.

The use of such weapons in settlements is quite dangerous. The flames generated by the explosion not only affected the scattered wood within the radius, as well as the flammable materials used in the construction, but even the ropes and wires draped by the "independent armed" personnel just now. Burn out.

Several windows of houses closer to the explosion were also shattered. Fortunately, not all houses in this area were occupied, so the impact was very limited.

However, when the aftereffects and sparks from the explosion were attached to "Future", the continuous burning flames were extinguished and fled in all directions. After all the surrounding smoke dissipated, the members of the "Wilderness Tourist Group" discovered that "Future" "Still standing in place intact.

The silent and choking air seemed to be filled with the terrifying aura brought by powerful creatures. The two parties who resumed their confrontation did not make a sound, but just allowed time to pass, adding to the pervasive feeling of discomfort.

After a few minutes, "Future" slowly opened his eyes that had turned pure black, and took heavy steps forward.

As the terrifying footsteps in the silent air approached, the members of the "Independence Armed Forces" involuntarily stepped back, while the ordinary people living, trading, and passing by had already fled the place where the square connected to the residential area. , to avoid getting involved in unnecessary disputes.

In the impressions and actual combat experience of the "independent armed forces", except for the tall "alien heartless people", there are not many humans, superpowers and lost people who can withstand a rocket attack head-on, especially the newly developed weapons of the Federation. "New Era No. 1".

This kind of weapon, which can penetrate even tank armor, can easily shatter the entire body into pieces when used on a human being, instantly turning it into a pool of lifeless flesh.

But the "future" in front of them actually withstood the attack and could continue to maintain a fighting posture. This was a fatal blow to the confidence and morale of the "wilderness tourist group".

However, as they got closer, the "independent armed" personnel who had just accepted the challenge saw some fantastic things that were beyond human cognition.

The body of "Future" still maintains its original fighting appearance, except that several holes were burned into the cotton-padded clothes, and the sleeves of both arms were completely burned, leaving only some charred rags.

But "Future"'s right arm is like a monster bathed in the dark beauty of the ancient gods. The whole body is covered with dark, smooth, intertwined strips like vines, and there are pieces near the wrist. The fish-like scales are very thick and terrifying overall, and there is even red and black liquid flowing between the gaps in the muscles.

As the sparks remaining on the clothes spread and extinguished, the "future" prosthetic limb with mechanized features was revealed in front of several people.

"Monster, this is what a monster looks like. But, except for the arms, you don't look like a lost person transformed into a 'alien monster'. You should still retain your original consciousness, the 'leader' of the 'Order Society' , Mr. Future." A mature female voice came from in front of "Future".

Looking up, I saw that the "independent armed" personnel who had just responded had taken off his mask.

After careful inspection, "Future" discovered that the person suspected to be the leader of this group of "wilderness tourist groups" turned out to be a woman.

Judging from the aura and the demonic power emanating, it should not be the Lost One, but a superpower with more human consciousness and standing in the human camp.

Even under the heavy and tight combat equipment, "Future" can still vaguely see the curvaceous beauty of this female human leader, with a body that is unique to women.

Moreover, her face is fair, with very few scars on her face, blond curly hair, a high nose, and big eyes. In addition to the hostility towards the lost and the will to fight, there is also a trace of calmness and prayer for cooperation in her pair of green eyes. desire.

During the many years of serving the "Order" and the Federation, "Future" has seen countless human eyes. It is unmistakable that the woman in front of him does not want to start a life-and-death struggle with him, nor does she necessarily want to kill him.

On the contrary, this subtle expression revealed a desire to...negotiate.

It seems that the development of things is indeed heading in the direction judged by "the future".

After inserting the dagger back into the holster hidden in her boots, the "independent armed" woman walked slowly to a distance of five meters from "Future" and introduced herself:

"You have not denied my description of your identity, which proves that you must be 'the future'. So, in order to dispel the tension caused by the current hostile state, I will introduce myself first. My name is Thalia. Ekaterina Montenova is the captain of Team A of the Wilderness Tourist Group and the temporary head of the trading settlement Hermosk.

"I am also one of the leaders of the entire 'Wilderness Tourist Group'. Currently, including the entire trading settlement, all organizational members and strongholds controlled in the Q Zone of the Extreme Cold Special Zone are under my command."

"As expected, they are from the Wilderness Tourist Group." "Future" sneered:

"Ms. Thalia, I have heard that you are hailed as the 'Valkyrie of the Independent Armed Forces' by federal soldiers. Why, seeing that Wind Mine and I are being suspected and expelled by the Federal Council, even you" Do the independent armed forces also want to kidnap me and send me to the federation to take credit?

"I want to remind you that even the elite lost ones of the 'Chaos Group' and the 'Comprehension Sect' have not been able to do this."

"That's not the case." Thalia finally smiled and said:

"Please don't get me wrong. I just wanted to test your strength in the battle just now. I heard that you lost both arms in the 'Suffering Relics', and we were worried that you would not be able to respond to our appeal. However, it turns out that we The worries are unnecessary, ridiculous and stupid. Yes, Mr. Future, our real purpose is to get your help." (End of Chapter)

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