Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 466 Deep Sorrow (75): A Transaction (Part 1)

"So, is this the standard procedure for your 'wilderness tourist group' to ask for help?" "Future" expressed his dissatisfaction in a rather joking tone, pointing to the "wilderness tourist groups" around him who still held format rifle weapons in their hands. the armed man asked.

"This...Mr. Future." Thalia did not show any embarrassment at Future's rebuke. Instead, she maintained her usual calmness and confidence, and replied in a neither humble nor condescending manner:

"You also know that if you want to survive in the wasteland, strength always comes first. Human beings without strength are destined to become the breakfast of 'careless people' and monsters. Similarly, all the suffering and tragedy in our world are caused by those involved. It is caused by lack of strength. It is precisely because you have the strength to fight with me and even suppress me to a certain extent that I can get you the opportunity to communicate on an equal footing.

"You have been serving in the Federal Council and the lost organizations that worship gods. I am afraid that you have long forgotten the most real rules in this wilderness full of ice, snow and danger. We never believe in any sect or god, nor will we have too much respect for someone. An exceptionally great man.”

"Oh? It's indeed interesting." "Future" said with a raised corner of his mouth.

Seeing the people in the "wilderness tourist group" around him put down their weapons and disperse quickly under Thalia's wave, he also gradually withdrew the spirit of the dark magic source, retaining only the weakest "burning black vision" feature to expect Thalia to communicate something more interesting.

Naturally, Thalia did not lose the hope of "Future". Seeing that the tense atmosphere completely disappeared, she simply crossed her hands on her chest, walked behind "Future", turned her back to him and continued:

"We are called 'Wild Tour Group' because we regard 'being born in the wasteland' as a painful but interesting journey. This wasteland world is full of killing, deception, connivance, terror and disappointment. , is not worthy of any of us’ nostalgia, and all we can do is use this place as a stronghold to absorb more people who have been abandoned by the Federation.”

"You hate the Federation, well, it's understandable. I'm also disappointed in the Federation." "Future" followed Thalia's words and answered.

"In this case, we actually have a natural basis for cooperation." Thalia nodded slightly and said:

"Actually, we people just want to survive. We build strongholds, cities and settlements, and absorb the power to resist the Federation. This is nothing more than allowing more people to survive. In fact, in order to get rid of this despicable plundering in the past In the image of a "traitor", our 'Big Brother' has relocated the main members to the 'Pluto' city stronghold, and the current 'Wild Tourist Group' has gradually grown into a parallel force capable of confronting the Federation."

"So, why do you need my help again?" "Future" asked a very important question.

After pausing for a few seconds and sighing slightly, Thalia held her chin with one hand, keeping her back turned, and explained to "Future":

“Because of the ‘red slut’, the ‘red slut’ suddenly became frequent.”

"'Red Dang'?"

"That's right. We found through detection that the previous 'Hongdang' was the accidental result of the collision between certain cosmic energy outside the atmosphere and certain mysterious forces in the 'Beslunai' region. But this time's 'Hongdang' 'But it is emitted by some kind of physical energy body, and it is more frequent. According to Marco's speculation, its source is likely to be a powerful bomb." Thalia explained.

"Future" first turned his head and glanced at Thalia with some disbelief, then looked her up and down, then looked at the sky that was gradually shrouded in clouds with a sense of disappointment, and said in a slightly lower voice:

"It seems that you, the Wilderness Tourist Group, have almost all of my information. Yes, I was the one to investigate the 'Red Drift' a few years ago, including this year's 'Red Drift'." Yes. But Ms. Thalia, I want to warn you in advance not to get too close to the Red Dang, because it is too mysterious and dangerous."

"But haven't you successfully entered and exited the area where the 'Red Swing' occurred several times? Besides, Marco told me that this 'Red Swing' is unusual and may not have anything to do with the mysterious extraordinary power behind it. , but enough to cause a widespread disaster." Talia advised.

Then, she pulled up her sleeves, looked at the time inside through the cracked glass of the red mechanical watch, and continued:

"In less than fifteen minutes, Marco will come from the ruins of our old base. He will bring a lot of the latest information collected from the frontline areas and try to decipher the mystery behind these 'red swings'. We hope, You can assist us, and when the matter is over, our Wilderness Tourist Group will do our best to meet your requirements."

"What if I choose to refuse? Ms. Thalia, you know, our 'Order Society' has always adhered to the doctrine of [Order]. At least, before the [Order] really comes, it will be difficult for me to violate what I have accepted. The education and the agreement made." "Future" tilted his head, looked at Thalia with his peripheral vision, and said:

"The wasteland world is a disorderly and dangerous lava swamp. Only by trying our best to reconstruct and maintain [order] can we lead everything on the right track and eliminate all tragedies and sins. [Order] requires us to follow what we can understand To act in the correct way, actions taken under coercion often deviate from [order].

"Ms. Thalia, I know that even though I have recovered most of the dark magic power, you still maintain the concentration of the fire magic power at a high level through spirit formation. Moreover, your waist There also seemed to be a small pistol big enough to shoot through my heart, and a dagger big enough to slit my throat.

"If I guessed correctly, they should be made of silver."

"You..." Thalia was a little panicked. She quickly took her hands away from her waist and crossed them on her chest again to show that she was no longer aggressive. Then she took a few deep breaths and tried her best to stabilize her emotions.

After several seconds, she slowly said:

"You are really powerful and outstanding enough. If we were not really desperate, we would not try to find traces of you in such a cold, dangerous, lonely wasteland. Of course, it is indeed a coincidence that we meet here today, but Think about it from another perspective, isn’t this also the arrangement of the Creator?”

"Interesting, please continue." "Future" stretched out his hand and made an elegant gesture like a Putoian gentleman, indicating to continue.

"In fact, asking for help for the purpose of avoiding a greater disaster is exactly the performance of maintaining [order]. The destruction of [order] by disasters is huge no matter in any historical period of Crusted. For example, , 'The Flood of the First Era', 'The Volcano in the Nanshan District', 'The Adam Earthquake in the Southern Region', 'The Demonic Insect in the Yongchi District', 'Melanism in the Second Era' and other events are all based on population It ended with a reduction of more than a third." Thalia further explained:

"Marco estimates that if this 'red wave' represents a disaster, its impact will be no less than the 'Western Continent Collapse' in the early New Year. Moreover, our request for your help cannot be regarded as coercion. It’s a reciprocal transaction.”

"A reciprocal transaction?" "Future" asked doubtfully.

"Of course. Use the act of preventing the disaster in exchange for your life and your 'future'." Thalia whispered into the ear of "the future":

"We know very well that you are very disappointed with the Federal Council and the 'Order', and even all the Lost Organizations, and you want to escape from the Crusad Federation. However, according to our investigation, your old leader 'New God' , who was arrested a week ago for taking part in the struggle against Vasily Voliganov and is now being tortured in Sener Prison, cannot help you get on the Far Eastern train at the starting point of the Great Railway "Train', and we have this strength. As long as you are willing to help us, in six months at the latest, we guarantee that we can send you to the end of the Federation, the town near the Nebusque Plains."

"This sounds, well, indeed a good deal, very tempting, and you also brought me new information. If the matter about the leader of the 'New God' is true, then our cooperation will be It's possible." "Future" considered it carefully before expressing his attitude:

"Whether I agree to your "wilderness tourist group" conditions or not, I have to meet the Marco you are talking about first and carefully understand the specific information about the frequent "red slugs" before I can give you a clear answer."

During the conversation, a rapid roar of a mechanical vehicle approached quickly from a distance, carrying a large amount of dust flying in the sky, and stopped in front of Thalia and "Future".

After the dust cleared, two members of the "Wilderness Tourist Group" who were obviously poorly equipped and only equipped with the most basic weapons stepped out of the dusty pickup truck, which was covered in military green.

The person who followed them out of the car and walked in front of a few people was a man wearing a heavy, dark yellow fur coat covered with dirt. He walked up to Thalia, took off his old rabbit fur ear protection hat, and handed the old-fashioned "Ice Tiger" brand single-shot rifle slung on his shoulder to the ordinary members of the "Wildness Tourist Group" behind him.

After doing all this, he stretched and yawned loudly, then took out a pile of old and new information from his arms, handed it to Thalia, and said in a hoarse voice:

"I have found these information for you and Big Brother. After traveling north for at least a week, I have initially determined some of the truth behind 'Hongdang'. Darling, the situation in the north is getting more and more dangerous now. After this trip , we lost three brothers to protect these and the information in the car. Oh, by the way..."

The man turned his head to look at the "future" and said solemnly:

"This brother is..."

"'Future', the No. 12 'leader' of the 'Order Council'." "Future" stepped forward generously and introduced himself.

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