Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 473 Deep Sorrow (82): Deadly Thick Fog (Part 2)

"Ogerji, did you say there are monsters, or 'alien monsters'?" Dak looked at Ogerji with puzzled eyes and asked.

At this moment, Ogorji's whole body was eroded by the power of the ancient gods and the "Heartless Man Virus". The mutated pupa enveloped him and he felt extremely stinging, as if he was being stabbed continuously by countless sharp daggers cutting steaks and mutton bones. , making him completely speechless.

As a last resort, he opened his mouth and closed it a few times. Seeing that he couldn't utter a single word, he simply exhaled and nodded laboriously.

"So, it is no longer simply infected and mutated by a 'virus'. It has also evolved into a more dangerous 'monster', and has been blessed by the power of the ancient gods and the Lord of the Night. I am afraid that it is not simply a natural creature. produced."

"Dak, what do you mean..." Wulfya turned her head and looked at Dak, with an expression in her eyes that was so complex that it was almost impossible to analyze.

"That's right, what you want to say should be the same as what I want to say." Dak nodded slightly, leaned into Wulfya's ear and said:

"It is man-made, but it cannot be completed overnight. I guess that it should be a monster that came out of the 'Bitter Ruins'. Moreover, it has an inexplicable relationship with Ivan XXII.

"Because of this, we have to enter the thick fog, completely defeat, kill, and finally destroy it."

After Dak finished speaking to Wulfya, he stepped forward, half-crouched in front of Ogorji, and said:

"We... were originally 'official travelers' who decided to cross the wasteland of the extreme cold zone and go to the 'Beslunai' area to look for traces of the 'Echoers' and 'Plamini'..." How, the situation has developed to this point, we cannot sit back and watch the bomb behind the 'Red Dang' explode and destroy the entire Crusted Federation.

"Maybe everything started because the two Lost Ones and I killed 'Ivan 22'. Even if hidden in the fog is the 'Lord of the Night' himself who brings darkness and evil, I can't give up going north. .”

"But... you... aren't you afraid that your body will be devoured... your soul... your soul will be completely enslaved?" Ogorji struggled to use his last strength to dissuade him.

"I... used to be an 'alien monster'. I was lost in this world for more than ten years. It was only by chance that I regained the right to be born as a human being." Suddenly, a flash of the memory of what he once was was in Dak's mind. The fragmentary memory fragments of the "monster", as well as the scenes of becoming other monsters in the so-called "illusion" of reincarnation of "Void Zero".

He tried his best to restrain the negative emotions surging in his heart and continued:

"So, I cannot deprive or watch us Crusaders be deprived of our rights as human beings. Moreover, my power belongs to the dark/water source system, and my strong mental power can support me in any situation. Without being [seduced] or [charmed], I think, at least, the Lord of the Night will not treat his people harshly."

"In this case...you...if you have the awareness to face danger...danger, then please kill me. Since this chrysalis cannot...can save my life, then it can only It can delay my death." Ogorji said with his last breath of strength:

"When the pupa is completely and completely broken, my body will be controlled by the 'Heartless Man Virus', and my soul will dissipate and become... a monster without humanity, relying only on instinct to survive. So please... kill me."

"Okay." Dak and Wofya, who were used to seeing death, did not have any unnecessary emotional fluctuations. They just sighed slightly. Wofya pulled Dak back a few steps and picked up the ball on the ground. The rocket launcher was aimed at Ogorji's pupa and the trigger was pulled.

boom! ! !

The shells fired from this bazooka modified by Wovya were enveloped in a halo of light that emitted a low, ferocious roar.

Because the ore powder rich in magic power was added to the cannonball, the moment it hit Ogorji's pupa, it emitted jumping, elf-like sparks that danced the dance of death in the ghost space.

The cannonball did not explode completely the moment it touched Ogorji. Instead, due to his survival instinct, he contended with the magic power that condensed the power of the ancient gods for several seconds, and finally succeeded in breaking through the pupa's defense and drilling through it. Got into it.

A few seconds later, the huge circular air waves spreading outward and the huge roar of the artillery fire passed through the ears of Dark and Wulfya.

A gorgeous firework also rushed into the sky at this time, enveloping the pupa that was barely maintained by the power of the devil, exploding in the air, and scattered into pieces that emitted the smell of burning and stench. The federal soldiers stationed in Constantine Village brought a visual feast full of "warmth" and "warmth" during the New Year that they had not encountered for a long time.

After all the fragments fell to the ground and no longer caused any waves, the flames extinguished and no longer released any heat, Duck looked at the part that was bombarded by the rocket launcher in front of him.

At this moment, except for some slight depressions that will soon disappear, there are no other unnecessary traces at the original location of Ogorji.

It's as if Ogorji existed, or maybe he never existed.

Dark suddenly felt dizzy, and the whole world slowly began to distort in his eyes. He knew that this was the cause of the spread of the "unintentional virus" in Ogorji's body, and that the dark power in his body would gradually drive it out of the body.

However, he still "saw" that the whole world quickly changed from the brightness of noon to the vast, wonderful, boundless and wonderful starry sky of the universe.

There is no longer heavy earth under his feet, but a rapidly shrinking "blue planet". Along with his consciousness, his body quickly entered the oldest and most mysterious realm in the universe.

It seemed like tens of millions of years had passed, and it seemed like it was just a snap of his fingers. A huge, awe-inspiring hand composed of complex and exquisitely combined light appeared in front of him.

There seemed to be a palace in front of him that was extremely blurry compared to the surrounding environment. He instinctively let out a low groan and growl mixed with fear from his throat out of fear.

Mortals who have not yet escaped from the fate of purgatory are doomed to have no mental preparation to meet the mysterious gods. Facing possible gods, Dak will inevitably be unable to see with the naked eye, unable to hear with the ears, and even unable to sense with the touch. He seems to be bound to a huge world. A powerless egg in the bubble is completely unable to withstand even one ten millionth of the pressure released by the gods.


New Lunar Calendar 557, September 13, 8:02 in the morning.

Cruzd Federation, the outermost "forward zone" of Mamo Constantine Village.

Dak, who returned from the place where Ogorji died, has been in a trance. Wofya knew that this was the influence of the "Unintentional Man Virus". After injecting him with two "Federal No. 0 Drugs", Then let him fall on the wire bed.

Dake had a good night's sleep this time. Ever since he joined the Mayan City Guards, he had hardly slept soundly for a day, but last night he slept soundly for 18 hours.

When he stepped off the mechanical chariot that Wovya had personally modified and whose model was almost unrecognizable, except for the lingering feeling of hangover, Duck felt that his spirit and consciousness were particularly clear, and he had always been vaguely hazy. The "fog" in my brain seems to have completely subsided.

Looking at the only still functioning road leading further north, Duck stretched out his thumb and estimated the distance to the fog and the time it would take.

They waited like this for almost fifteen minutes. Just as Dak began to get impatient and prepared to speak, there was a rumble of motorcycles behind them.

A few seconds later, after the smoke and dust stirred up by the motorcycle dissipated, a man wearing standard combat clothing of the Federation [Warrior] appeared in front of the two of them.

Before Wulfya could step forward to introduce Dak, the man spoke first:

"My name is Danil Sikusdenov. I am the 'collaborator' invited by Wovya. I am also a superhuman who was ordered by the Federal Council to help you successfully cross the dense fog."

Dak looked around and saw that the federal soldier who called himself "Daniel" in front of him was about 1.9 meters tall, slightly taller and half a head smaller than Dak, but slightly inferior to the wider Wulfya.

Although Daniel was wearing neat tactical equipment, judging from the outline, his figure should be very strong and toned, with a special aura of bravery, which actually made Dak couldn't help but take a second look.

Taking off the black mask, Duck saw Daniel's face clearly.

It was a very handsome face, with a high nose bridge, blue and sharp eyes, and very regular facial features but with a murderous smell. Coupled with the two scars running across the upper and lower sides of the bridge of the nose, and a head of pure white hair caused by a long-term lack of melanin, it gives people a feeling that is not easy to mess with, but not completely fearful.

"Nice to meet you, Dark Tiris. You can just call me Dark. Speaking of which... Wulfya has really many friends. They are all in this place near the wilderness, and there are also friends with whom we can form a team. , Haha." Dak half-joked, reaching out to shake Daniel's hand.

"Actually, Dak, it's not that the Wovya brothers have a lot of connections." It seemed that they had discussed this issue together, and Daniel covered Wovya and said:

"If you know more about some of the hard battles that Brother Wovya has participated in, you can understand why he can know so many brothers who are willing to help him. In fact, if it weren't for so many years of struggle within the Federal Council, with the help of With Wofya's ability, he has long been able to reach the top ranks of the strategic group or the committee.

"We are not so much willing to cooperate with him as we admire him... This is a bit far-fetched. In fact, it is a coincidence that I am here to help you break through the thick fog."

"Coincidence?" Duck asked curiously, looking at Daniel further.

"Yes, after Wofya reported the matter of Ogorji and Pupa to Ice City via telegram yesterday, the team of the Federal Council's Strategic Group in charge of the 'Dense Fog Campaign' directly contacted the nearby superpowers, and it happened to be that they chose Me." Daniel replied with a smile:

"After all, when I launched the 'Suffering Deep War' campaign before, I resisted a small wave of 'unintentional people' in Town C south of Mayan City. I missed the battle, so I was sent directly to the front line of the thick fog. By the way... Wofya, I still vividly remember the battle with the 'seafoods' in our Waters Province."

"Yes, Daniel is a talented person. If you evaluate the combat level according to the Lost One's method, he should be at least level 4. Well, he is slightly stronger than you. He can deal with the beast in the mist that is blessed by the dark night and ancient power. The 'alien monster' is still capable of fighting."

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