Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 474: Deep Sorrow (83): First Entry

"It's not that exaggerated." Daniel said modestly:

"Compared to you and Dak who were able to come out alive after entering the 'Bitter Ruins', my ability is nothing. By the way, Wulfya, how did you plan the route into the thick fog? 'Dense Fog Battle' 'The final task given to me by the team is to go to several settlements outside the Fengqiang where 'red waves' occur frequently, and meet up with the team heading south from Demon Annihilation City."

"Our destination is pretty much the same. I guess the strategic group has considered it. I plan to drive in via this abandoned...what-is-it-called-whatever road." Wofya said, turning on the backup. In the compartment, he took out a half-new map from his military backpack, unfolded it in front of the other two people, and said:

"Yes, the 'C-990' named after the old empire, is also called the 'Charlie's Crown' road. Going north from here, first enter a dense forest, then cross a valley, and then go north along the Winternoss River. Go up and walk along several old empire ruins in the 'Beislunai' area until you reach the settlement outside Fengqiang.

"Yesterday, while Dak was resting, I also asked the brothers who came to participate in the 'Dense Fog Battle' a few days earlier than us. They said that the 'alien monster' that caused Ogorji's death is likely to be in the forest. At the deepest point, it is said that there is a ruins related to the Khitanris culture.”

"Khitanris culture...? It seems that things are getting interesting." Daniel chuckled softly.

"Yes, it's interesting and dangerous. However, traveling along the road is always the fastest. Even the most advanced mechanical combat vehicles will be unable to cope with complex muddy roads. It is estimated that it will take up to an hour to reach the dense forest. , in order to avoid uncontrollable dangers, we need to use a Zinni people's 'Anshen Uchiwa' cigarette when we first enter the dense forest." Wofya put away the map and ordered:

"Then use another one at dusk, so you can set up a tent and sleep. Otherwise, the dirty power carried by the fog in the night air will kill us in our sleep. Oh, by the way, the fog is actually in long strips Yes, if you look at the width, it’s almost the same as a dense forest.”

"In other words, we only need to pass through the dense forest to leave the thick fog, right?" Daniel asked.

"Yes, I estimate that even if we include the time to fight the 'alien monster', we will be delayed for up to two days in the dense forest, which means that each person will consume 4 'Anshen Uchiwa' cigarettes. If we take into account the strong concentration when walking back It's possible that the fog hasn't disappeared yet, so I will keep a few more packets and find someone to return the rest to Vasilysk. There are also many reserve teams participating in the 'Death of Bitterness' campaign gathered there, and they need this even more." Wulfya replied.

Looking at the trunk where several boxes of "Anshen Inner Rolled Flowers" cigarettes were stored, Daniel stared at it for several seconds before asking Wofya:

"Wulfya, you...have no intention of leaving these 'inner-rolled flower products'? Or...just leave one box. If the thick fog does not dissipate, these 'inner-rolled flower products' will The price has always been expensive. In other words, you can take them to official trading points, or Hermosk, to exchange for some money, gold coins, and various urgently needed supplies."

"Daniel." Wulfya's tone suddenly became serious. He stared at Daniel with some obvious anger in his eyes and said:

"I will never do such a thing! I have never done such a thing! If Crusted's [soldiers] are thinking about how to take materials into their own hands in exchange for profit, then we will never be able to defeat 'Heartless Man' ends the wasteland era.

"Daniel, don't forget how the disaster started and how it expanded. Also, in the past few hundred years of the New Year, we Crusaders had at least three chances to end the Wasteland Era, but we failed That’s why we always fall short.”

"Your temper is still the same, it has never changed." Dacre sighed softly, patted Wovya on the shoulder and said:

"Everyone who has met you says this about you: For a grand emotional goal, that is, an ideal, you can give up everything, including yourself. Of course, I will respect your ideas, but those soldiers in Vasilysk will not .

"When you deliver the materials to them, they will also take some of them privately and send them to trading points in various places for sale. As long as the demand is there, someone will seek benefits. But, after all, it is a city named after the chief executive, so they will be more restrained. That’s all.”

"Okay, Duck, Daniel, we can set off. This place is still some distance away from the dense forest and dense fog. It seems very close, but it will take at least an hour to walk. In about forty-five minutes, we will Then you can use the first 'inner rolled flower product'." Wofya urged.

Soon, Daniel quickly put the military backpack into the trunk of the mechanical combat vehicle, and sat in the back row of the mechanical combat vehicle with Dak.

With the roar of the motor, the mechanical chariot began to slowly start, moving forward along the old road covered with various types of scattered equipment and messy stones.

Even in late autumn, there will still be a "scorching sun" hanging in the sky in the northern border of Crusted that looks very hot but cannot emit much temperature. It is not a monster. Sometimes the soldiers stationed here hope that it is. Monster.

After all, the real sun brings the coldness of the long nights that seem to last forever, while the "scorched sun" melts people together and enjoys the warmth of home that they have never experienced before.

Continuing forward, the surrounding road gradually changed from dry and dilapidated to a little green. This was the climate change brought by the seasonal river called Winternos. The dry and dark trees on the roadside were gradually upright, with some green leaves. Replaced by tall white poplars, they are like a row of knights guarding the people of this vicissitudes of the country, enduring the darkness while looking forward to the light that seems to never arrive.

After walking for a while, Duck rolled down the window and looked out. There were no living animals on the road. Not even mutated beasts or wandering "unintentional people" have appeared. It is as if this is a paradise for plants, but a purgatory for animals.

Only the broken bones scattered from time to time on both sides of the road, as well as pieces of rotting meat tissue that emitted a strong fishy and foul smell, proved that animals had visited this place.

As the mechanical chariot continued to move forward, Duck discovered that the towering sun and the slightly green trees formed a torch with warm green flames burning above its head. They existed in rows, absorbing sunlight while trying to give the confused Spread the light of hope on human beings, sublimate their souls, and give them the courage to escape from the wasteland era.

Gradually, Duck felt that his body seemed to be bound and dragged by countless heavy iron balls. The sun above his head began to release a scorching, hot, and maddening orange light. Its size also began to expand until it occupied the entire body. As far as he could see.

Dak, who was frightened in his heart, looked to the side and saw that Wulfya and Daniel were nowhere to be seen!

Against the backdrop of the blood-red color, the mechanical chariot and the surrounding trees began to grow wriggling, tentacle-like dark red vines, which were slowly "devouring" the existence of the mechanical chariot, making it gradually become transparent. Lost existence.

Turning around, Dak discovered that the two Wulfyas who were still sitting there just now had been completely replaced by skeletons, and they were continuing the actions they were supposed to make in a seemingly reasonable but very strange posture.

"Wo...Wofya..." Dark called softly.

However, the two skeletons in front and on the right side of his body seemed to have completely lost their ability to perceive sounds, and actually flew into the air with the mechanical chariot with only a vaguely visible chassis remaining, like birds with wide wings. .

Immediately afterwards, the cry of a nightingale came to his ears. As the feeling of rising became more intense, Duck realized that the sun above his head had been replaced by a bright and huge moon at some point.

However, it seemed that fate did not allow him to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the long night. His arm just accidentally touched the body of the skeleton on the right. Together with the skeleton in front of him, their bodies began to flow outwards with dark and sticky liquid. , black blood like oil.

The internal organs, muscles, tissues, and skin were also regenerated in an instant, but they fell apart in an instant, like expired tofu made by people from the Fire Empire. They fell apart just under the influence of a slight external force, leaving only two sharp claws. , broke through a large pile of filth and rot, and attacked towards Duck's throat...

"Ah!!!!!!" Dak screamed, suddenly waking up from his dream. When he opened his eyes, he saw Wofya's wide face and eyes that exuded a devilish blue light in the dark night environment. eye.

"Go away, go away!" Dak, who was between confusion and clarity, had not fully recovered his human cognition. He suddenly punched Wulfya in the abdomen.


Faced with Dak's strength, even Wulfya, whose physical fitness exceeded the peak level of a human being, was shocked and took a few steps back. After stabilizing his body, he lightly rubbed his abdomen, opened a match, and lit it next to him. A kerosene lamp, which made the atmosphere of fear dissipate a lot.

Under the influence of the light and the stinging and numbness of his fists, Dak woke up instantly. He quickly got up and squatted next to Wofya, and said apologetically:

"Sorry, Wulfya, I...maybe I had a nightmare."

"It's okay, I don't blame you." Wulfya shook her head and reassured Dak:

"It was because I forgot to ask you to get up and use the 'Anshen Neijuanhua' cigarette that I fell asleep for more than ten hours. Your... nightmare may be the mental disturbance caused by the fog. Fortunately, your magic power belongs to the water source/ The dark system, coupled with the strength of Order 4, prevents him from going completely crazy.

"While you were sleeping, we lit the cigarette, smoked your nasal cavity, and gave you the remaining dust powder mixed with water. Daniel said, according to the knowledge of herbal medicine he learned, this approach The effect should not be much different from the direct use. However..."

Wulfya said, putting a whole pack of "Anshen Inner Rolled Flowers" cigarettes into Dak's hands, "You'd better bring a pack with you in case you need it."

"Okay, Wulfya." Dark nodded slightly.

Then, he stood up and looked around and found that due to the fog and night, his sight could only touch things within two hundred meters. There were indeed many trees around here, but the wall of the tent behind him seemed to belong to someone The remains of an ancient building.

"Wulfya, where are we?" Dak asked.

"It should be in the dense forest. If you ask about this place, Daniel said that it looks like the ruins left after the main church built by the Crusaders was abandoned. Speaking of Dak, anywhere, no matter No matter how hard it is, humans still retain a trace of respect for the gods," Wofya explained.

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