Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 832: faith

The voice of the saint rushed in the marching team, shocking No.4 and Song Qingxiao.

The two realized that the conversation had been exposed for the first time, but then they felt unlikely.

The two are communicating with their gods, and both have reached a state of distraction. If you want to spy on the conversation between the two of them, the gods may have to be above them.

Although the saint's healing technique is magical, No.4 does not think that she has the spiritual consciousness cultivation level above distraction.

Thinking about it this way, I listened to the saint saying:

"The division of teams is indeed determined by different followers, but among the'newcomers', it may not follow such regulations."

She really listened to Song Qingxiao's conversation with No.4, and said softly:

"We did not abandon the vices of our teammates. Whether it is a believer in the court or you, don't worry."

Having said this, she paused in her tone, as if she had left a moment for the two of them to alleviate the impact:

"If the Federation arranges other tasks for you, you need your cooperation. As long as it doesn't interfere with major events, we won't hinder you." She turned her head, glanced at No. 4, which looked blue and white, and smiled slightly:

"Of course, if you are willing to tell, I am also happy to listen. If there is a need for my help, you don't need to be polite."

"..." No. 4's expression was difficult to express in one word, mixing all kinds of emotions such as shock and inconceivability together to form a very strange expression.

It was the first time Song Qingxiao encountered such a situation, but she developed an excellent psychological quality after being'well-informed' during the trial.

Although the conversation was spied by the saint, she didn't say much. On the contrary, the number four was eager to cooperate with her and revealed too much information, which might have attracted more attention from the saint.

After thinking about this, Song Qingxiao's expression quickly returned to calm.

However, after such a small episode, it sounded a wake-up call for her.

The exchange of divine consciousness may not be absolutely confidential. If you possess a certain secret technique or a more powerful divine consciousness, it is also very possible to spy on her words and take control of the opportunity.

"Different followers?" After the small town of Song Qing was settled down, he quickly followed the saint's words and asked: "Does it refer to the two sages of "Sun" and "Moon"?"

Number Four raised one eyebrow and glanced at Song Qingxiao with an unbelievable expression.

The private communication between the two was clearly heard by the saint, and it was broken in person, but not only did she not take it seriously, but on the contrary, she was able to follow the saint's words to ask questions.

She turned her face slightly and stared at the saint, with a calm expression and no embarrassment at all, waiting for the saint to answer her question.

"Yeah." On the contrary, the saint who took the initiative to interrupt the exchange of spiritual knowledge between the two seemed a little uncomfortable. In the darkness, her green eyes revealed an embarrassment and anxiety after spying on other people's privacy, almost uncomfortable. Dare to look into Song Qing's small eyes, as if she was the one who did the guilty thing.

A thought came to No. 4's mind: Could this be after the incident, as long as I am not embarrassed, it is someone else who is embarrassed?

The saint raised her hand and lifted the hair that fell on one side of her cheek, and clamped it behind her ear to conceal her emotions:

"Actually, as Mu said, the wills represented by our team and Hayas and others are different." Her words proved that all the previous words of No. 4 and Song Qing were heard by her. No. 4's eyes flashed, but there was no sound.

Perhaps it was a serious question. The embarrassment of the saint after eavesdropping on the conversation gradually disappeared, and her tone became milder:

"This is because our followers are different, and the will to inherit is completely opposite."

She explained:

"Rodno, Edward, Fino, Raphael, and Arthur, and I inherited the will of the sages of the day, symbolizing the light and the inheritance of hope."

The six people, Hayas and Samuel, belong to the inheritance of the sages of the ‘Moon’, representing the will of the ‘moon’, symbolizing darkness and shadows, and possessing the power of darkness.

"Since more than 300 years ago, the'Moon' sages betrayed the Federation, they have lost their faith and followers, so they have lost their way and are not as united as we are."

When the saint talked about the back, her tone was a little vague, and she inadvertently revealed some thought-provoking information.

Song Qingxiao's mind turned. If the Federation is regarded as a whole, the existence of the sages of'Sun' and'Moon' is divided into two different factions, then the faction of the sages of'Japanese' seems to be complete at present. .

The betrayal of the "Moon" sage makes the sun worship court now only the "Sun" sage alone supports the overall situation. Because of the existence of this great sage, the six saints, mainly monks, still have leaders, so it is equivalent to Their faith has not collapsed.

Just like this, the relationship between the six saints is obviously much closer than Crowley and others of the ‘dark’ faction, and they cooperate and trust each other.

On the contrary, the ‘dark’ faction lost their faith, causing the six saints to fall apart and make their own way.

She remembered what the saint had said when she was on the train. The ascetic faction established by Hayas has now been in operation for more than three hundred years and has countless followers on the mainland.

"Could it be that Hayas founded the ascetic faction just to recreate a heritage of faith?"

This thought came out of Song Qingxiao's mind, and she asked aloud.

The saint showed a look of surprise.

She may have lived for many years, but her character is not always sloppy, she seems to be extremely simple.

When Song Qingxiao asked her words, she seemed to try her best to express calmness, but she was still surprised by the corners of her eyes and brows, which could not be suppressed at all.

"Yes." She sighed vaguely, her expression a little annoyed, and she might feel frustrated that she couldn't lie:

"It's no secret."

She seemed to be explaining for what she had admitted, "I didn't expect you to remember this."

After saying this, she quickly adjusted her expression:

"It's just that he can't handle such an important task, and Samuel and the others are not his followers."

When Song Qingxiao heard this, her heart moved:

"So he failed?"

"Yes." The saint nodded in response.

"Is the situation he just appeared on the train because of the failure?" Song Qingxiao asked again.

"--Yes." When the saint answered this time, her tone seemed a little hesitant. classic

She doesn't seem to be good at lying. This may be due to her nature, practice, or some religious beliefs, but she does not rule out the possibility of lying.

Perhaps the unnatural look she showed was also what she deliberately confuses the tester.

It's just that this possibility is quite low in Song Qingxiao's eyes, but she doesn't completely trust the saint, this is an intuition.

She always feels that there are still some key secrets in the saint and the ‘light’ line. At this time, the saint’s answers are just trivial questions.

As she said, what she said may not be a real secret.

"It seems that if you want to become the faith itself, you really need extraordinary strength."

"Yes." Song Qingxiao's words didn't sound like a taboo at first. When the saint replied, her tone seemed a little lighter.

"I think Hayas's situation is very serious. Why does it make him suffer so much by becoming a sustenance of the spirit of the penance school?"

No one likes pain, even if pain is used as a practice, but when the pain reaches a critical point, it will collapse.

Hayas had obviously lost control of his power, and he couldn't control the weird blood in him at all.

When the train was on the train, if the monk hadn't acted to wake up his will, it would not have made him sober.

She turned the topic back to Hayas again, and looked at the saint again:

"You have Holy Light Healing, which can heal serious injuries and rejuvenate your hands. Why can't you heal him and relieve him of these pains?"

"It's useless." The saint shook her head. "Our beliefs are different.'Sun' and'moon' are an alternation and reincarnation, and'light' and'darkness' are born opposites."

Her words are interesting, but the saint did not give Song Qingxiao time to ponder:

"What's more, once a belief is established, it cannot be erased."

"What if you forcibly erase it?" Song Qing asked casually.

"Impossible." The saint laughed crisply as if hearing a very funny smile.

But in the darkness, her eyes were opposite to Song Qing's small eyes. In the darkness, the girl's eyes shone, like two deep ancient wells, with a chill that made her back chill.

She later realized that Song Qingxiao was not joking with her, but was really asking this question.

"If faith disappears, then naturally this established system will collapse and then disappear."

She explained: "The power of followers comes from faith. If faith is defeated, it will subvert their previous cognition and lose the center of power."

The saint shook her head:

"But believers have extremely powerful minds, and they are very determined to follow their followers. For more than three hundred years, the asceticism group has become very strong. This faith has formed a good inheritance and will not disappear... "

Before she finished speaking, she saw Song Qingxiao's smile.

"Sai Ji." The monk's soft and powerful voice sounded, awakening the startled saint.

She trembled heavily, and finally recovered, and realized that her words were contradictory.

The saint said that faith is the source of the saint's power, and it can never disappear, but in fact, this is particularly ironic at this time.

This is a misty forest drenched by dark power. The sage of the ‘Moon’ betrayed the Federation and the Divine Court and was sealed in the abyssal territory on the side of the misty forest.

She said not long ago that the ‘dark’ faction, dominated by six people including Hayas, lost its direction because of the loss of its ‘belief’ and has since ceased to unite.

"My goodness." The saint covered her face with her hands, and she was annoyed for a while, but she couldn't believe that she had said so many things unknowingly.

She is trapped in a kind of contradictory entanglement, and the upheaval of the Holy See teaches her that she needs a pure heart and should not deceive the world.

But Song Qing's problem is too many, and it will touch some important secrets.

Song Qingxiao felt the saint's depressed at this time, and the atmosphere fell silent for a moment, but Song Qingxiao didn't care about it at this time.

The silence of the saint allows her to concentrate on using some of the information she has learned so far to analyze the clues that are useful, which may be beneficial to the task.

She used Hayas as an example to make a conversation, and there was something extraordinary from the mouth of the saint.

If the power of this world comes from faith, that is to say, the two sages of the ‘Sun’ and the ‘Moon’ are the centers of the two major beliefs of the Federation Continent, with saints and countless followers respectively.

They are the source of the power of the saints and followers. As long as they are stable, the power of the saints will be stable.

On the contrary, once the faith is shaken, it is a major matter for the saints and followers, which most likely means that their inheritance, cognition and the most important source of power will disappear due to the collapse of the faith.

She remembered the expressions of the monks on the train when they mentioned the ‘big prophecy’. Crowley of the ‘dark’ faction mentioned the failure of the ‘big prophecy’ at the time, but he was gloating with misfortune.

Crowley said that once the ‘great prophecy’ fails, it means that there is also a problem with the power of the ‘Japanese’ sage.

The existence of the ‘Sun’ sage symbolizes the faith of the ‘Guangming’ faction. If there is a problem with his power, the power of the six ‘Guangming’ followers who follow him will probably be greatly reduced.

The ‘light’ and the ‘dark’ formed factions. After the sage of the ‘moon’ betrayed the court, the ‘dark’ faction fell apart, and the two teams of saints whose strength was originally equal might have also strayed.

In this case, the ‘dark’ faction headed by Crowley would be happy to see the failure of the ‘big prophecy’.

She also remembered the ‘Sun’ sage who has not yet appeared. 317 years ago, this ‘bright’ faith led the Thirteen Saints to personally seal the ‘Moon’ sage, and could not completely kill him.

So after 317 years why does this sage no longer participate in the seal of the ‘Moon’ sage?

The "Moon" sage in the "Great Prophecy" should wake up a year later and be sealed again, but judging from the spreading speed of the dark atmosphere in the misty forest, the will of the "Moon" sage is more It appears to be much more powerful in the'big prophecy'.

In other words, regardless of whether the people of the ‘light’ faction admit it or not, after the power of darkness is out of control, it has in fact implicitly hinted that the ‘big prophecy’ has the possibility of prophecy failure.

Does this prove that the ‘Sun’ sage is actually not unwilling to show up and seal the ‘Moon’ sage, but because his power may have already gone wrong, so he can’t help it?

The reason why the ‘Guangming’ faction is eager to seal the ‘Moon’ sage again is most likely because they want to do their best to realize the ‘great prophecy’ and maintain their belief inheritance.

In this way, it is understandable that the six saints of the ‘light’ group eager to seal the sage’s mind and the firm will shown by the ‘moon’ can be understood.

What about the ‘dark’ faction?

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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