Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 833: Village

What good is it for them to participate in the seal of the ‘Moon’ sage?

Compared with the seemingly gentle personality of the people of the ‘light’ group, whether it is Crowley, Samuel, Hayas, etc., they are not like good talkers.

What's more, the sages of the Moon are their faith and one of the sources of their strength. What reason do the six saints of the "dark" faction have to seal with the sages of the Sun and their saints more than three hundred years ago What about your own beliefs?

And after 317 years, what kind of interests did the ‘Japanese’ sages drive and persuade them to cooperate again and participate in the matter of sealing the ‘Moon’ sage again?

Song Qingxiao always felt that there was a secret in the middle, but this secret might involve the center of the gods.

She talked too much, causing the saint to give out the key information, not only to alert the saint, but also to attract the attention of others, so the monk gave a warning earlier.

At this moment, even if she speaks arrogantly again, the saint may not be willing to answer her questions after she is prepared.

Song Qingxiao lowered his eyelids, blocked the cold light in his eyes, and temporarily suppressed the doubt in his heart.

Anyway, she still has time, the real purpose of the saint, she can always figure it out.

In the heavy footsteps of'ta, ta, ta,' the silence became more and more suppressed.

The saint seemed a little anxious because she said too many things that shouldn't be said. Song Qing's small quietness made her feel a more uneasy emotion than when she was babbled before. She always felt that something should be said to cover up the previous topic. 'The pressing of the traces passed.

"In short, don't worry, Hayas will always lead the newcomer and meet us under the guidance of the badge."

"Where did the badge come from? It came from the hands of two great sages back then. Is there any special spiritual imprint in it?"

It was not the first time Song Qingxiao heard such a statement, but once again she heard the saint said so surely that she couldn't help but ask questions.

"Ah... yes, yes." The saint didn't expect her words to be caught by her again to ask questions, but her questions all involve things that should not be revealed within the court.

There was a look of despair, collapse and helplessness on her face. If it hadn't been the arrangement of the monk before, she had already wanted to escape from here at the moment.

"We will determine the position as soon as possible. Once we find the coordinates, we will try our best to send you to the orbit to the Canyon of the Dead and let you leave the dark territory."

The saint was terrified that Song Qingxiao had to mention the badge again, and finished her words in a huff.

"Where are these passengers? Are you with us?" Song Qingxiao naturally heard that the saint did not want to mention the badge too much, but it was also certain that there should be some kind of imprint left by the two great saints in the badge. .

"No!" When the saint heard that she didn't turn the topic around on the badge, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, her expression returning a little calm:

"Although in the survey six months ago, the track through the foggy forest has not been attacked by the foggy forest, but the speed of the dark power spreading is much faster than we imagined."

After talking about the business, the gentle saint put the previous embarrassment and panic behind her, and her tone gradually recovered her calmness:

"I can't guarantee that this road to the Canyon of the Undead is not occupied by dark creatures." She paused, then said warmly:

"Your route to the Canyon of the Undead is already very dangerous. Bringing this group of people will only be even more dangerous. The soul, mind, and flesh and blood of living people are the greatest reward for undead creatures."

"If this is the case, isn't it more dangerous if you bring these people?" No.4 asked back.

When he heard the conversation between Song Qingxiao and the saint, the embarrassment of being spied on the conversation gradually disappeared.

After all, No. 4 is not an ordinary person, and a tester with a shameless skin can't survive to this day.

He said calmly:

"You are the saints who sealed the "Moon" sage back then. As the monk said before, the undead creatures remember your breath and are mainly aimed at you."

What's more, in the dense forest shrouded in darkness, you have to go to the abyssal territory where the sage of the Moon is sealed, which is itself the center of being affected by the dark atmosphere.

If it is dangerous, no one is more adventurous than what the Six Saints did.

They took so many ordinary people there, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that the intention was not simple.

"Is the existence of these people beneficial to sealing the sage of the Moon?" He is more direct than Song Qingxiao, and even because of his looks, he doesn't look like a'good person' at first glance. Added a bit of offensiveness for no reason:

"Are they the sacrifices that need to be sacrificed during the sacrifice?"




As soon as the No. 4 redhead finished speaking, several ordinary people in the crowd who heard the conversation made obvious gasp noises.

Even without looking at their faces, Song Qingxiao could imagine the appearance of these people with horror.

"Please don't talk nonsense!"

The gentle saint's face sank, showing a somewhat angry expression.

Even though she was a little flustered by Song Qing's several questions before, but she didn't lose her temper. The straightforward reprimand at this moment, for her, it should be the number four, which touched her negative scale.

Song Qing's eyes flickered, exchanged a look with No.4, and did not continue the topic:

"By the way, I heard monks and wizards mentioned'Dragon Whisper Magic'. What kind of magic is this?"

The existence of the nineteen ordinary people is of extraordinary absolute significance to the six saints, and this topic can make a saint with a gentle personality angry. Even if you keep asking, I am afraid that you will not get any useful information. The crowd was annoying.

But the temptation on the 4th also revealed the attitude of the saint, which indirectly verified some things.

"Dragon Whisper Magic?" Seeing that these two people finally did not turn to some embarrassing and sensitive issues, the poor saint was obviously relieved.

Her personality is really gentle, even if she just got angry, but after No. 4 stopped asking, she was happy to answer the two even questions:

"That is the magic that belongs to the dragon alone."

On the mainland, dragons belong to a unique existence, a race favored by the creation gods.

Different from humans’ magical powers that require their own endless cultivation, and ultimately need to use the power of magic wands, but also rely on the insight and talent of the mage to determine the strength of the spell, the dragon language magic possessed by the dragons is that they are different from Innate talent.

The power of dragon language magic is far better than some secret spells obtained after humans' tireless pursuit. Their powerful flesh can withstand the backlash of magic.

Coupled with their excellent magic talents, the spells they cast are powerful, and even the power of dragon language magic cast by high-level dragons is far better than the power of the great wizard in exchange for life as a sacrifice. Forbidden curse!

The power of dragon language magic caused the two sages'Sun' and'Yue' to lead the thirteen saints to expel them. They suffered a great deal and paid a great price.

During this arduous struggle, due to the power of dragon language magic, the two great sages also studied dragon language magic for a long time.

However, it was discovered that because of the difference in the structure of the flesh, the volume of the human and the dragon were also completely different.

High-level dragons have the ability to speak human language and can imitate human language very well. However, human beings are limited by their pronunciation and will never be able to learn dragon language magic.

Even if it is reluctant to obtain, the weak body of the wizard can not bear such a magical sacrifice at all, and will die of backlash.

It's just that human beings are the spirit of all things. After discovering that this road cannot be passed, they found another way. Two great sages killed a giant dragon, peeled its skin to make a holy book, and sealed the dragon soul inside.

When magic drives the code, the dragon soul in the code will be ‘activated’, and then emit dragon language magic to kill the enemy.

Maybe it was hard to change the subject, and it was not a secret that Song Qingxiao and No.4 asked, the saint was careful and serious in explaining the dragon language magic.

"The book in Rodno's hand is from the unique heritage of Dragon Whisper Magic."

When Song Qingxiao mentioned Dragon Language Magic, because she specifically mentioned the monk, she also specifically mentioned the book that the monk was holding.

Anyway, the book in the hands of the monk is not a secret. Even when he suppressed Hayas and the Bone Dragon, he had performed dragon language magic twice. Even if the saint said it, there was no psychological burden.

"There seems to be a village ahead." In front of the team, the faint voice of the elves returning from the path ahead came, and the advancing team suddenly stopped.

The saint also stopped understanding and said, slightly raised her chin and looked forward, only to see that in the darkness, the team extending forward seemed to be integrated with the night, and there was no end in sight.

The original clear voice of the elves appeared ethereal and melodious in the forest. Under the rendering of the quiet night sky, it was amplified a lot, and it felt a little unreal.

‘Cuckoo -’

With the sound of his speech, the lurking birds in the forest flapped their wings and flew from the treetops, the branches and buds slapped against each other, making the sound of'fluttering', and the leaves'rustling' on the ground, every one The subtle voices were amplified, increasing the tension in the hearts of the crowd in the team.

"I am a faithful believer in the God of Light——"

In the eerie and terrifying environment, the accompanying passengers lowered their heads, folded their hands to the center of their eyebrows, and sang in a low voice.

"Is there a village?" When the monk heard the wizard's words, he seemed to lower his head and discuss with Edward and the swordsman beside him quickly and quietly for a while, and then footsteps came from the back of the team, the monk said:

"Continue to the village, be more careful."

Not long after, Edward, on crutches, walked past the side of the team and headed to the front of the team.

"Okay." The elf received the monk's response, and then moved forward again: "Come with me, go here."

The saint turned her head:

"There are villages, and there may be survivors."

There was a little hope in her tone: "This is not the center of the misty forest. It shouldn't have been long since it was attacked by the dark atmosphere."

According to the living habits of the federal ethnic group, there are at least a hundred living people in a village.

"Even if it is affected by the dark atmosphere, if you are lucky, there should be people here waiting for the Holy See to rescue."

The saint's thoughts are a little optimistic, but Song Qingxiao and No.4 don't think so.

Although the divine consciousness is subject to certain restrictions here, the village mentioned by the elves happens to be within the sensing range of Song Qingxiao's divine consciousness.

The location of the village was about four to five hundred meters away from everyone. At this time Song Qingxiao did not sense the presence of a living person's breath.

On the contrary, the closer to the direction of the village, the more he senses a faintly dead spirit.

Out of caution, the elves should have not ventured into the village, but found such a building far away during the process of exploring the road, and then retreated and asked the monk's plan before deciding to act.

His behavior was in line with common sense, but Song Qingxiao was a little surprised, and it was the saint's reaction.

The saint’s divine consciousness has been incredibly powerful, and she can easily hear her communicating with the divine consciousness of No.4, but she seems to be unfamiliar with the use of divine knowledge, and she doesn’t even know how to use it to probe the scene ahead. Gives a very contradictory feeling.

"There is no one."

She frowned quickly and responded softly to the saint's words.

"What?" The saint was immersed in joy. After hearing Song Qingxiao's words like this, she was taken aback for a while, and then shook her head:


She seemed to think that Song Qing didn't understand, and she wanted to explain:

"There is a certain connection between the villages and the villages. Over the years, we have learned about the mutation of the foggy forests by relying on the news of the Moslem to pass between the villages."

Even if the power of darkness spreads quickly, the undead who are unwilling to sleep under the ground attack the village, but the power of the undead who was awakened by the power of darkness is actually very weak.

"There is the Holy See in the village. The priest's holy water is enough to repel these dark creatures and make them retreat. At the same time, they warn the surrounding villages and report to the Federation to retreat to the periphery."

Under such a system, it is difficult for a village to be completely extinct, and there will always be living people.

Before the Twelve Saints set off, the Federation did not receive a warning that the village was extinct by the undead, proving that the place should not have been attacked by the undead.

When the saint said this, for some reason, she also had a bad feeling in her The place where the bone dragon that had torn the train had rushed out was not far away from here.

The people were not traveling fast. They walked for about half an hour. Affected by the dark atmosphere, everyone was very cautious. The speed of advancement was not very fast. According to the saint's estimation, they only traveled a distance of two to three kilometers.

At such a short distance, the sound made by the bone dragon was enough to radiate the surrounding villages, making them hear the noise, and then increase their vigilance.

Coupled with the sound of everyone walking along the way, the elves' previous voices, if there are still people in the village, you should have spotted this group of passers-by walking in the misty forest at this time.

After hearing that they are not dark creatures, they should show up.

But at this moment, two or three minutes have passed since the simple dialogue between the elf and the monk, but the saint did not hear any movement.

When she thought of what Song Qingxiao said again, her heart sank.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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