Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 838: notes

If it wasn't time rush, the monks might have to praise the pastor who wrote the notes for his carefulness and earnestness, and the details of the record were not in detail.

It's a pity that everyone is eager to know what happened in the village, so the monk only flipped a dozen pages to confirm the location of everyone and the details of the village, he quickly flipped through a stack of notes with his fingertips.

No more useful information was found in the first half of the book, but the monk was not in a hurry, and after patience and patience, he turned it back a few times, until the back ten pages of the notebook, the writing style of the record changed.

"June 29, 340 of the Federal Calendar -" The notes on this page are obviously more powerful than the previous ones, showing the inner urgency of the priest who took the notes, as if he wanted to vent the pressure through the tip of the pen. In the paper.

The monk paused for a moment when he read this.

The previous incidents were all trivial things, just recording the daily life of a village.

Therefore, the pastor did not specifically mark the date when recording.

Song Qingxiao caught his breathing pause at this moment, and quickly reflected that the so-called 340 years of the federal calendar should refer to this year.

Four hundred years ago, two great sages led the thirteen saints and elites of various races to kill the dragon. It took a total of sixty years to succeed and establish the federal government.

Calculating the time, if you calculate the time based on the time when the Federation was established, it has been exactly 340 years so far.

In other words, there was no accident in the village until at least this year, which was in line with her initial guess.

"Aria in the village has disappeared, and it is night, and has not returned to the village."

"His family was very anxious, and after informing the village chief Sok, they asked me for help."

For the quiet and serene small mountain village, the sudden disappearance of a villager for no reason is indeed a ‘big event’ worth recording. Therefore, when recording this incident, the pastor deliberately registered the date on it.

This also made it easier for the latecomers to look up. The monk read here, and didn't rush to flip backwards as before, but glanced at the wizard Feno.

"Ya-elf has a strong family concept." Moreover, the elves are gentle and calm in nature, and will not run away from home for no reason. If they disappear suddenly, something should happen that prevents him from rushing home to the people.

The monk's thoughts were similar, and then he continued to turn down one page:

"Recently, a lot of unknown snakes and insects appeared near the village. They are very aggressive, and they are very worried about the loss of closeness and tolerance to the sub-elves."

As a race favored by the creation gods, elves possess many qualities that humans do not possess.

Nature loves them, and even the creatures bred by mountains and rivers are full of closeness to them.

From small snakes, insects, rats and ants, to brutal and brutal, highly offensive monsters, generally when facing the elves, they will release kindness and will not attack wantonly.

This is also the reason why this Mai sub-elf can live in the misty forest for many years without incident.

Snakes, insects, rats and ants in the dense forest will avoid the villages here and stay away from the life of the elves.

However, according to the records in the notebook, a week before Aria's disappearance, very aggressive snakes, insects, rats and ants began to appear near the village.

These creatures seem to have violent personalities, and even the elves who come out of the village do not avoid them, so the village chief Sock has issued a warning early in the morning to remind everyone to be careful.

It was just that the elves were optimistic by nature, and did not take such a ‘little matter’ to heart until Aria’s disappearance caused the village chief’s worries.

"We have prepared magic lights, incense, tableware, tents--" the monk sighed silently as he read this.

The ease and stability of life for more than 300 years has dispelled the vigilance of these people.

Even if the "Yue" sage was not completely wiped out, but was sealed in the abyssal territory from the end of the misty forest, everyone's worship and trust in the "Sun" sage reached an extremely terrifying level.

They firmly believe that the foggy forest is covered by darkness is only temporary. According to the prediction of the "big prophecy", in the 341st year of the federal calendar, the Thirteen Saints will once again seal the betrayed "Moon" sage, and then the Illuminati will suppress the darkness. , Shrouded the earth again.

This page of diary records that after everyone made the pre-distribution work, there was no other meaningful content.

As for some preparations, it may be due to the optimistic nature of the elves, or it may be because they firmly believe that they are the beloved family and will not be harmed in the dense forest, so this task of finding the missing people is regarded as an alternative outing. .

But all this fell into the hands of latecomers, and this page of optimistic records seemed extraordinarily heavy.

The village no longer had the breath of a living person. When he saw these notes again, the monk's eyes were sad.

He calmed down his mood, then scrolled down:

"My God of Light! There are incredible numbers of snakes and insects near the village. They gather around the village, and they seem to be stimulated, and their temperament is very fierce."

"We have voluntarily avoided them, but there are too many. The Sultan was almost bitten by a spider hanging from a tree in the process of searching for Aria."

"Fortunately, there is no danger. At 1:32 in the morning, we found his whereabouts in the col of the Dragon's Vein."

When the monk read this, he paused, as if he was afraid that Song Qing would not understand, he turned his head and explained: "The vein of falling dragon is in the legend, where the evil dragon has died."

It is located in the eastern part of the misty forest. It is nourished by the soul and body of the dragon, and many harmful beasts are derived. According to records, it also lingers with a powerful miasma. Ordinary people will be poisoned when they come close. When the breath enveloped, there was a place that people of all ethnic groups on the mainland shunned for fear of not reaching it.

I don't know why the sub-elf in the village suddenly went there and suddenly fell into a coma.

"He was unconscious. From the outside it didn't look like he was attacked by a large and fierce monster, but I don't know if he swallowed poisonous plants. We carried him back to the village."

For the next two days, the diary was all about Aria who was in a coma.

"He has not been sober. We have searched every corner of his body and found no wounds. We have tried many methods, and his condition seems to be getting worse day by day."

The priest prayed for him, but it didn't work.

Two days later.

"While cleaning up for him, we found a strange gray spot on his hairline."

"This gray spot is very strange. I asked Pastor Dora who took care of him yesterday. He hadn't noticed the existence of this gray spot."

July 3rd, 340th in the Federal Calendar. Afternoon.

"I noticed that the area of ​​gray spots on Aria's hairline has increased. They are moving down. I swear, I see them moving!"

Because gray spots appeared on the head, this aroused the curiosity of the sub-elves and the three priests in Org Village.

"We searched the top of Aria's head, and found that in the middle of his head bone, we found two meter-sized blood holes. They were hidden in the roots of the hair, ignored by people, and looked like they had been poisoned by some kind of poisonous creature. Bite."

"After finding the reason, we felt very happy."

The use of plants by the elves has reached a very miraculous point. The villagers in Org Village found herbs to relieve snakes, scorpions, spiders and other biological toxins, boiled them to clean up the wounds for Aria, and fed him to drink them. .

"But it didn't work." There was a helpless tone in the pastor's words: "He didn't wake up. The medicine seems to have lost its effect. It is also possible that our guess is wrong."

The evening of July 3, 340 in the Federal Calendar.

"The gray spots on Aria's face have spread to his eyebrows, which is really terrible. They occupy Aria's entire forehead, as if someone was holding Aria's legs and falling him head down. Hang in a pot of gray paint and slowly submerge and dye it."

The situation of the first sub-elf obviously made the recorded priest feel uneasy. The unconscious villagers and the weird dark spots that would spread quickly made this priest record several things in a rare day. See and hear.

But it is precisely because of his meticulous personality that he provided very detailed information for later generations to understand what happened.

July 4, 340 in the Federal Calendar. Late at night.

"I can't sleep, and I always worry about Aria in the main hall. The respected Pastor Yega lit the holy water from the court for him. I hope the Illuminati will protect him and make him sober."

"I hope Aria can wake up and listen to the sound of the main hall."

But he waited for a long time and didn't hear the sound he expected. In the end, the priest in charge of recording finally couldn't sit still.

"I look in the direction of the main hall. The night is so dark tonight. I don't know if it is my illusion. I feel that the night is coming faster and faster."

"The main hall is lit, but the church tonight seems to be much dimmer than usual. The church that used to make me feel at ease, calm and comfortable, for some reason, it was so quiet tonight that I felt a little scared. "

"The two pastors, Yega and Dora, were sleeping very deep. There was no sound. I seemed to hear a strange sound, as if some snake or insect was devouring something."

But the elves live in the village. They are a family that is favored by creatures. Wherever they are, evil spirits will not act rashly.

"Maybe I think too much."

The notes are here, this page comes to an end for the time being.

Roughly speaking, this note is more like a pastor who couldn't fall asleep in the middle of the night. What he wrote casually is not so much an incident report, but rather an expression of his mood in the middle of the night.

But from the notes, the pastor had clearly sensed the presence of darkness and felt uneasy.

This page of notes has been recorded to the end, and the monk’s fingers paused on the page, not knowing what he was thinking, then he sighed silently, and finally turned to the next page:

"My God of Light! The gray spots on Aria's forehead have spread to the end of his nose, and his upper half of his face seems to be soaked in a strange dye!"

"On these gray spots, weird black stripes appeared, like some mysterious ancient curse."

"The black stripes form weird patterns, some resembling spiders cut in half. It's terrible!"

"What happened to Aria in the vein of falling dragon?"

This question is not only the question of the pastor at this time, but also the question in the hearts of the four people who entered the church at this time.

After the next three days passed, Aria's situation did not improve.

According to the diary, the gray spots on his face spread to his neck in the afternoon of the next day.

A complete black line appeared on his face. The line was shaped like a spider with a long curvy tail, each with four long legs grabbing on both sides of his cheek, almost covering his entire face, which was very scary.

In the night, the pastors clearly heard the crawling sound of "chichi", and the sound became louder and louder, and the three pastors living in the church fell into panic.

"The gray lines on Aria's body have spread to his abdomen. His body is very cold, like a dead person, but his body still has a beeping sound of blood pulse."

"I feel that the gray lines on his body are like ‘alive’. When night comes, it’s when it grows most active."

In order to verify his guess, the pastor responsible for taking notes also conducted an experiment.

Federal calendar July 7, 340. 10:25 am.

"Today I am in charge of taking care of Aria. He has been lying here for seven days, but he hasn't improved a bit. Pastor Yega proposed to send him to the Sun Court, hoping that he can get the mercy of the saint and use the holy CD Except his pain."

"The gray marks have spread to his thighs, this poor sub-elf, I always feel that he is very painful, as if he is asking for help."

"I prayed for him all day, hoping he could open his eyes."

"The'Spider' on his face is darker, as if he is about to come alive. I may be too tired to see the'Spider' move my legs."

In his diary, from 10:25 in the morning on 7.7 to 17:55 in the afternoon, the gray shadow on Aria's legs had increased by about five centimeters.

But after 18:00 in the evening, according to the pastor's record the rate of increase of the gray pattern was very scary.

"I saw the gray shadows seem to come to life, crawling under Aria's legs at a very slow speed."

Even in order to record this and prove that he was not dazzled, the priest even took a pen and resisted the panic. At 19:21, he drew a very obvious mark on the middle of Aria's thigh.

"When the quill touched Aria's body, I felt his leg muscles hit me hard, as if there was a'hand' inside pushing me fiercely, trying to pinch me hard. of."

"At 19:35, I saw the gray shadow slowly crawling over the mark I drew with my own hands. That is to say, this gray shadow is more active at night than during the day, as if they were afraid of light and fear. The brilliance of the God of Light, dare not come out to see people during the day."

"This is a big discovery. I have to report it to Pastor Yega."

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