Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 839: Dead

July 8, 340 in the Federal Calendar. 12:17 noon.

"Pastor Yega agreed with my guess. We think Aria may have been cursed in darkness while leaving the village."

"I don't know what will happen to Aria after this curse spreads throughout his body, but I hope the light can still protect him—"

Up to this time, from the fragmentary records, the monks and others could almost predict what happened in the back of the village, and they couldn't bear to watch anymore.

Song Qingxiao saw that he hadn't read it for a while, and at the same time he couldn't bear it, so he couldn't help but stretch out his hand and took the notebook he was holding.

Her attitude was too natural, and the monk didn't react at all for a while, let alone want to stop it.

"Recently, the sound in the church has become louder and louder, like the biting noise of some kind of creature eating."

Song Qingxiao took the notebook and read:

"This voice is getting louder and louder, even very dense. It makes me and Pastor Yega and Pastor Dora unable to sleep at all."

"We cleaned the whole church and didn't find these little things. Pastor Yega guessed that maybe some snakes and rats sneaked into the church, hiding in a corner, hole, behind the cabinet or under the bed. "

"We decided to send Aria to the court to receive the baptism of the Holy Light."

"But the village is surrounded by dense snakes, insects, rats and ants. They are not friendly to the sub-elves. Once they get close, they attack frantically, which is very dangerous."

On the contrary, the sub-elves were unwilling to harm these creatures because of their peace-loving and creature-loving nature, so they retreated steadily under the attack of these creatures.

"Outside the recent villages, there are all such creatures, more and more, and even the mountain walls are covered with snakes. Some bold people will even climb to the roof of the tree, and they are very aggressive towards humans. This made the villagers afraid to go out at will, and also dispelled our idea of ​​sending Aria to the center of the palace to find the saint's treatment."

"Fortunately, we have enough food to survive this time."

"Sok takes the villagers to the church every morning and evening, one is to complete the daily prayers, and the other is to ask for the blessings of great light, and want us to survive this disaster safely. After the prayers, they will help us clean the church. , And sprinkled potions to drive away snakes and insects all around."

"Aria's situation is getting worse and worse, the gray spots have spread to his heels, and his vitality is getting weaker and weaker."

The life of the elves is very long. This is an extremely rare death of the elves since the establishment of Org Village.

Everyone is terrified!

At this moment, everyone decided to ignore the blocking of these extremely aggressive creatures, but also to find a way to send Aria to the court, and at the same time report what happened in the village during this period of time.

July 11, 340 in the Federal Calendar, at 17:46 pm.

"It's getting darker and earlier these days."

On this page of notes, there is only one line of record, which shows the pastor's bad mood, and also shows the desperate situation in the village at that time.

There was a painful expression on the elf's face, Song Qingxiao's expression was calm, and when his index finger moved, he turned over this page of notes.

"The long-tailed black spider on Aria's face is alive, my **** of light, is that a curse!"

In the notes on the second page, important events were finally recorded.

The pastor's handwriting was skewed. From the records he left behind, it can be seen that he was very frightened, and many spots were left with dripping ink marks.

Song Qing's eyes condensed, and instead of patiently reading, she looked down quickly.

The three monks who were immersed in grief remained silent for a while. They didn't hear her voice. They couldn't help but glanced at her curiously, but saw that she was browsing the notes at extremely fast speed, quickly turning page after page.

"Song..." The elf said when he saw this scene.

Just as soon as he spoke, Song Qing didn't lift his head:

"Hush." ​​She looked calm, "Quiet."

Her tone is not fierce, but she has a calm color that can't be questioned by the elf.

The elf instinctively shut up, and then felt that something was wrong. When he was about to speak again, Song Qingxiao seemed to have known the whole story, and finally raised his head:

"The night they were going to send Aria out of the village for treatment, the curse on Aria came to life."

She turned back the first few pages and handed it to the monk:

"...We saw his chest rise and fall violently. This is the biggest movement since Aria's coma."

"Under the light and shadow, the long-tailed black spider on his face got up from his face, and the strong Aria's face quickly dried up, like an eggplant that had been soaked up in an instant."

Because of the bad situation, there were many people in the church that night.

The elves are extremely united, and the accident of Aria has affected the hearts of the elves in the entire village.

Coupled with the recent anomalies in the village, as well as the abnormal early morning darkness, the villagers in Aoge Village were uneasy.

The head of the village Sok was worried about Aria's death, so on the night of the incident, he ordered some people in the village to stay in the church to pray for Aria, and also wanted to use the induction among the elves to awaken the sleeping tribe.

As a result, under the cover of darkness, the spider shadow on his face was resurrected. At that time, it not only frightened the people in the village, but also frightened the pastors in the three churches.

"The black spider's body was arched high, and eight long legs were pulled out of Aria's face. We saw his body instantly become black and shriveled, like a dead person who has been buried for several years."

"Then the black spider spewed large strands of black silk on Aria's body, instantly wrapping him tightly, like a mummy."

"Everyone is terrified!"

The sub-elves and even the priests in the village were very scared. After everyone reacted, they quickly knew that this black spider was probably the cause of Aria's accident.

After reacting, everyone quickly began to look for what was at hand, preparing to kill the black giant spider.

"I don't know what kind of monster it is, or some kind of terrible curse, but we know it is very poisonous and terrible."

"It's very fierce, and it rushes around the church."

Everyone knew that this thing was dangerous, and they dared not let it escape. Aria's death stimulated these sad sub-elves who had lost their relatives, causing them to burst into strong anger.

"Although it was very cunning, we killed it. Sock took a bench and smashed it to pieces. The corpse can never be regenerated."

"But my poor Aria, he has returned to the embrace of the God of Creation, and is about to sleep for a long time."

"The web on his body wrapped him tightly. We tried everything we could but couldn't completely clean it up."

Two days later, everyone resisted their grief and after unanimous discussion, they decided to bury Aria in the ground and return to the ground. Robber

They did this because they wanted to calm the ‘soul’ of Aria who was tortured, but also a faint worry.

Everything that happened in the village recently indicates an unknown message.

The sky was getting darker and earlier, and after nightfall, the originally quiet village was terribly quiet, with a sense of helplessness that was forced to be cut off from the outside world after being enveloped in darkness.

There are more and more poisonous insects and beasts. With Aria's experience, everyone does not dare to set foot out of the village easily.

Under such an atmosphere, everyone has no way to notify the news, as if trapped in the village, they all feel vaguely uneasy.

What scared the villagers the most was Aria's body.

Although as a fellow clan, it is not uncommon for elves to return to nature, but there has never been such a scary one.

On the night that the giant spider was resurrected, everyone saw the scene of the black giant spider on his face with their own eyes, fearing that the same weird curse would happen again.

So after everyone discussed it unanimously, it was decided to bury Aria first, so as not to have another incident.

The funeral was done very hastily and was presided over by three pastors of the church. After praying and chanting scriptures to eliminate his curse and sins, he was finally buried in the soil.

"Finally finished this matter."

After Aria was buried, the priest seemed to be in a very bad mood, and the notes he wrote were not as detailed as before. Only such a sentence was recorded on this page.

In the next two days, I don't know whether the village was immersed in grief and nothing major happened, or because the pastor was in a bad mood and no more diaries were recorded.

It was not until two days later, on July 15, 340 of the Federal Calendar, that the mutation happened again.

"Aria is back."

Just this sentence, one can imagine how much impact it brought to the people in the village at that time.

Seeing this, the three monks looked at each other and gave a wry smile:

"The dead return."

This is not a good phenomenon.

The cause of this phenomenon back then has to be traced back to more than 300 years after the rebellion of the ‘Moon’ sage.

At that time, the sage of the ‘Moon’ was affected by the power of darkness and rebelled against the court, causing darkness to spread wantonly, and finally awakening countless undead who should have rested.

This situation caused an unprecedented catastrophe more than 300 years ago.

Now the end of Oge Village has become another copy of the events of the year.

"'His' consciousness has really awakened."

The monk's tone was extremely heavy, with a bit of trembling, and there was a feeling of resignation that he did not want to believe, but had to believe.

Song Qingxiao has probably read the following notes and already knows the follow-up.

After the people in Oge village buried Aria, they thought everything was going well, and the village was immersed in the pain of losing their relatives. Until the night of July 15, the tribe in charge of the night watch saw swaying from outside the village. Silhouette.

From the time there was an accident in the village and numerous snakes, insects, rats and ants appeared, the village chief Sok has realized the seriousness of the matter, and specially sent two elves to watch the night every night, to be alert to these vicious creatures to invade while everyone is resting .

The village is located in the misty forest. The elves like tranquility. Usually there are few people visiting. Adding to this period and time point, the two elves on duty feel even more wrong when they see someone coming.

What's more, the rude man trying to break into the village swayed on foot, seeming to have lost his mind.

They sounded a warning, trying to make him stop quickly, and at the same time, they wanted to get closer to see who was coming.

The heavy fog that night was very heavy, and the scream of the black crow was even heard nearby, resounding back and forth in the dense forest, which was frightening.

The shouts of the two elves on duty did not make the visitors fearful, and ‘he’ seemed to ignore the two men’s stopping, and staggered towards the direction of the village.

Under curiosity, the two of them hurried forward to look, but they saw a figure covered with pitch black, like a skeleton and a ghost!

‘His’ body is like a skeleton wrapped in dry leather, and it has dried in darkness.

The position of the cheek has been cracked, the head shattered, as if something had scratched'his' face to pieces, leaving only the uneven black rotten bones.

On ‘him’, there are still some black sticky silks that have not yet been cleaned up, and there are some fresh mud on them, carrying a rancid smell that is unique to the undead after death.


The two elves on duty screamed horribly, awakening the people in the village.

This is Aria, who has only been buried for a few days. Even if his face has changed beyond recognition, the people still feel that this is his aura.

But everyone saw that he had died and buried him in the soil with tears. No one thought that he would crawl back into the village from the ground again.

The villagers who were awakened were terrified. The two guards tried to prevent him from returning, but Aria, who had returned after his death, had already lost his soul. He no longer knew his relatives, friends and people.

Facing the two guards who stopped him, he began to attack frantically.

This changed his gentle character and kind temper, which was extremely terrifying.

When ‘he’ returned after his death, his strength became immense, his nails became long and sharp, like ten sharp knives, and even bitten the two guards who blocked ‘him’.

The people in the village were so frightened that they finally worked together and paid the price of several people being scratched and bitten by ‘him’, and finally subdued ‘him’ and sent him to the church.

On his body there are some black sticky silks that have not been cleaned up, and there are some fresh mud on them, with a rancid smell that is unique to the undead after death. .


The two elves on duty screamed horribly, awakening the people in the village.

This is Aria, who has only been buried for a few days. Even if his face has changed beyond recognition, the people still feel that this is his aura.

But everyone saw that he had died and buried him in the soil with tears. No one thought that he would crawl back into the village from the ground again.

The villagers who were awakened were terrified. The two guards tried to prevent him from returning, but Aria, who had returned after his death, had already lost his soul. He no longer knew his relatives, friends and people.

Facing the two guards who stopped him, he began to attack frantically.

This changed his gentle character and kind temper, which was extremely terrifying.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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