Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 840: Extinct

The priests chanted a bright prayer around Aria's body, and at the same time lit the holy lamp above his head, so that his body could be bathed in the light of the ‘Holy Light’, hoping to get rid of the evil spirits from his body.

They did everything that was announced by the **** court to get rid of the dark creatures, and forbeared fear, and carefully cleaned Aria's uncleaned spider silks again.

The villagers were frightened by this incident and wanted to find out the main cause of Aria's death.

After everyone discussed, they all thought that Aria might have been bitten by a poisonous insect during the process of going to the veins of the falling dragon. After being cursed, she would become unconscious and eventually die.

And the reason why he went to such an infamous place as the Dragon's Vein for no reason, everyone felt that he might have been lured by the dark power to do such a thing.

The misty forest is adjacent to the abyssal realm. The sage of the Moon, who betrayed the gods and brought the second catastrophe to the mainland, was once the commander of the undead forces.

The place where ‘he’ was buried is exactly the place that can be reached by heading east in the direction of the Fallen Dragon Mountain Range.

After involving the power of darkness and the "moon" sage, the sub-elves finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

Such a major matter cannot be solved by the people in Oge Village.

Everyone agreed that no matter what, after dawn tomorrow, the blocked place at the entrance of the village must be cleared of a ‘road’ to drive away the snakes, insects, rats, and ants, and ask for help from the Shentian Center, asking them to send someone to help here.

After making this decision, the apprehensive villagers decided to wait for the arrival of the Li people.

It's just that the night was very long. Everyone stayed in the church and heard the crows of black crows coming from outside.

They may have been lured by the returning Aria, and these carrion-loving angels of death may have smelled the breath of the dead.

The villagers who were in fear were disturbed by the sounds of the birds that represented misfortune. They clearly heard what seemed to be around them to get closer, making a rustling crawling sound.

It's getting darker outside!

The mist was mixed with the smell of carrion, and there was also a death-like weirdness. The thick fog filled the village, so that the villagers hiding in the church could not see the scene outside.

Under the dim sky, the light of the holy lamp in the church, which symbolized the great light, also appeared extremely dim.



No one made a sound in the crowded church. The pastor in charge of recording inadvertently raised his head as if he saw the shadow of a huge spider crawling on the wall.

"It's lying on the top of the wall, looking at us coldly."

He was frightened, but when he blinked again, he felt that it was just an illusion.

"But I swear, I heard that kind of rustling sound, like a devouring sound, and also like the sound of a giant spider dragging a long tail and crawling on the wall the night when it was resurrected from Aria. sound."

"But no one believes it!"

Everyone's minds were on the verge of collapse, and the pastor informed the respected Pastor Yega of his discovery. He looked tired and didn't care.

Because the sky is lingering, and the black crows seem to gather more and more.

This thing likes to appear in groups, and they have a strong cohesion. The unpleasant croak is the way they greet and deal with the same kind.

If they are allowed to gather here, I am afraid they will attract more black crows and bring more misfortune.

The sound of black crows resounded all around the village of Org, which spread into the dark and dense forest.

The village chief Sock finally couldn't sit still, and decided to discuss with Pastor Yega, wanting to bury Aria's body again.

The Asian elves are warm and hospitable and love the race, but they do not welcome the dead souls to'return' again.

Because of the reappearance of the dead, the village chief hoped that Aria's body could be temporarily buried in the back of the church.

Sok believes that the church is a sheltered place by the statues of the ‘Japanese’ sages, and with a strong belief in saints, it can surely calm the dead in peace.

After they reported to the palace and resolved the matter here, they moved Aria's body to another suitable place for burial.

This proposal was approved by all the villagers, and the three pastors had no other better way for the time being, so they had to agree to the village chief's request.

"We chanted the exorcism, spilled holy water, and performed a ritual to appease the undead. At the same time, we re-bound Aria's body with ropes soaked in holy water, and Pastor Yega and I personally put his body back to the ground. within."

"My beloved God of Light, let Aria's soul rest in peace, so that his family and friends can be completely relieved."

Judging from the pastor's notes, even after Aria was buried again, the people in the village did not really breathe a sigh of relief.

They are just priests in a small village on the border of the mainland, and they are not even sure whether the exorcism ritual will work.

The pastor should also be very worried. He did not sleep that night, but kept writing down his state of mind at that time.

Fortunately, Aria has never awakened since then.

Maybe it was the blessing of the gods, or maybe it was the exorcism ritual, the holy water played a role, or the church’s "suppression" calmed his tomb. In the fear of the people in the village, he was completely in the tomb this night. Li's sleeping.

In the next two pages of the diary, the pastor's record was obviously much relaxed.

It's just that the **** of luck did not take care of the people in this group of villages.

The rising sun they expected did not appear. After Aria was buried, the group of black crows surrounding the village did not disperse, but more and more.

They spread their wings and formed a group of ‘dark clouds’ that obscured the sky and sun, which seemed to block all the sunlight and plunge the village into endless darkness.

Under such circumstances, everyone began to feel more and more uneasy——

At this time, unfortunate things happened again.

The two sub-elves in the village fell into a coma, just like Aria who had been cursed before, unable to wake up.

"I started to feel worried, thinking of the curse on Aria."

As the person who took care of Aria in the first place, the priest immediately remembered Aria's situation when he saw the two unconscious sub-elves.

"I asked the village chief Sok and learned that they were the first to come into contact with Aria's return, and in the process of blocking Aria, they acted bravely and even suffered some injuries. This worries me very much."

"Sure enough! Those weird gray spots also appeared on their wounds."

"My God, is this God's punishment for us?"

"My God of Light, have you forgotten to protect your people? Please give us light again, so that the darkness will have nowhere to hide!"

After taking notes, the pastor felt extremely desperate and began to apply prayers and expectations in his pen and notebook.

But the heaven did not hear his voice. After the two sub-elves went into a coma, then other people in the village who had been in contact with Aria lost consciousness one after another.

They have all been injured, and gray stains appeared on the wounds.

It seems that the sun will no longer appear in the sky, and the black crows grow stronger and stronger, and the neighing of "quack, quack" resounds over the entire village, making the village of more than one hundred people resemble a dead grave.

The village that was full of laughter and laughter in the past has become weird and silent, replaced by despair, lifelessness, and the unbridled spread of darkness, occupying this place.

Long-tailed spiders appeared on all the sub-elves who had passed out into a coma without exception. The gray spots on their bodies spread at an astonishing speed, which was several times that of Aria. Flyover

In the eyes of the pastor and the villagers, the night was extremely tormented, making them feel extremely long, but there was a kind of helplessness that could not see hope in it.

In a desperate situation, the ‘evil’ in everyone’s hearts was evoked, and they discussed about throwing the sub-elves out of the village that brought bad luck.

Song Qingxiao and the other four did not understand exactly how these people were arguing. The pastor did not record the details of the discussions in the village that night.

The pastor in charge of taking notes just left one sentence like this:

"We are already the abandoned sons of the light."

His pen is very heavy, and it can be seen that when he left these words, the helplessness and fear in his heart were mixed with a trace of helpless confession.

"It has been transformed into a fallen dark elf." The elf with the lamp of the soul in his hand showed sorrow. "The purer the elf's mind, the more coveted by dark creatures. Once affected, it is easy to mutate and transform into Fallen dark elf."

The ‘elves’ at this time, their minds have been tarnished by the power of darkness, are no longer accepted by the elves’ race, and will be rejected by their former companions.

Even the elves would think that the soul of such a kind has in fact been ‘dead’, and that what is alive is just a body.

After seeing the tribesmen who had been in a coma because of Aria's infection, the originally pure-hearted villagers in Aoge Village were afraid of gaining the upper hand, so Grevy ordered them to abandon their clan.

They believe that the giant spider totems appearing on the bodies of these people are the source of the curse. As long as these people can be'processed' before the curse, it will definitely bring vitality to the village.

So after some disputes, the powerful clansmen took advantage of the darkness, half of them were responsible for clearing the way, and half of them were responsible for transporting them out of the village, burying them alive in a far away place.

It's just that this trip was not smooth. Someone was injured and everyone was extremely frightened.

The black crows whirled around them, as if they could smell the breath of death.

Everyone returns after finishing the business,

"Anus was bitten by a poisonous snake for this. He didn't dare to speak until the blood was all over the floor. This made everyone avoid him like a plague. He cried madly about it."

This is incredible among the elves who loved each other and helped each other in the past.

But now everyone is afraid of death and fear of being favored by the undead, which will lead to the disaster of extinction.

"The eyes of the villagers staring at Anus frightened me. This look is very similar to the cold giant spider's eyes on the wall that I saw that night."

"what should I do?"

"When will the sky light up?"

These two similar questions filled the next few pages of the notebook. One can imagine how much fear this long night brought to the priest.

The villagers buried more than a dozen of their kind alive, looking forward to the dawn.

But they didn't know that at the moment when they chose to abandon the same kind because of fear, they had been abandoned by the light.

The immaculate statue of the ‘Sun’ sage on the square was enveloped in the dark mist at some time, and it seemed to be covered with a thick haze, which could no longer reassure the villagers.

The most frightening thing is that after an unknown period of time, people in the village heard the footsteps of'ta, ta, ta' again, and it seemed that a large number of'outsiders' were invading here.

The magic lamp at the entrance of the village has been extinguished, but no one dared to light it anymore, and the village fell into despair and silence.

Aria's body has rested, but the second group of villagers seems to have inherited his dark will and returned here again.

The next thing is a nightmare scenario, these returning dead, seeming to come with the curse of the abyss of sin, want to drag all their compatriots into the endless abyss territory and become slaves of darkness.

The village was captured by the dead, and the survivors were helpless.

Venomous snakes, mice, and insects attacked the village unscrupulously, as well as these undead who do not know when they will wake up.

"There are more and more cemeteries beside the church, but I already doubt that the light will shine here."

"The coffin made is no longer enough. Everyone regards the church as the last habitat..."

"Pastor Dora was attacked, and we comforted him. He is a devout believer in the light and will be blessed by the **** of light, but I know in my heart that the **** of light has abandoned him."

"Poor Pastor Dora, he is kind, warm, and helpful. He has been in the village for many years and he is very much liked by the villagers of Oak."

"He is the most hopeful pastor who will be transferred to the court to serve the sages in the examination of the court next year."

July 23, 340 in the Federal Calendar. 19:06:32 in the evening.

"Actually, I don't know what day it is, and I am not sure when it is, but I have to write it down like this, otherwise I will go crazy."

"On the night when Aria returned, the village never had the reincarnation of day and night. It was already a dark territory."

"There are more and more undead returning, and they wandering around the village unscrupulously, forcing us to hide in the church."

"Compared with them, it seems that they are still the masters of this village, and we are just'invaders' hiding in the dark."


"The church is about to be discovered, probably because of the crows of the black crows. These unlucky birds surrounded the top of the church and refused to leave, as if to guide the undead."

"They are starting to hit the door of the church. I don't know how long we can resist it."

There are fewer and fewer people in the village, from more than a hundred people at the beginning to a hundred, dozens of people, and even fewer.

"Pastor Yega was seriously injured. He is getting older and may not last long."

"The holy water is almost exhausted, and the doors of the church can't stop these undead who can smell the blood."

"There are fewer and fewer people, I'm hurt, maybe I can't keep going."

"These undead don't feel pain. After being injured by them, gray spots will appear, and fierce spiders will be born, and the spit out silk will wrap the original body."

The pastor recorded his observations of these days in a notebook in detail, including the use of holy water, and which part of the body of the undead would be beaten back.

"I will hide my notes under the sacred emblem of the gods. It is the mark created by the great sage in the past. It will lead our souls from despair to the light again."

"If the latecomer sees this, he will understand what happened here, understand the weakness of the undead, and bring the news of their existence back to the palace in time."

"The remaining twenty-one decided to restrain themselves."

Everyone climbed into the coffin that had been prepared long ago, and the last person covered the coffin, and painted the coffin village with the last holy water to seal the coffin.

All people inhabit this square, quietly waiting for the arrival of death.

"I respect and love you, my respected great sage, even if my consciousness will plunge into endless darkness, my body and mind will always yearn for the light."

"My God of Light, forgive your lost believers, and hope that your brilliance can guide me and return to peace."

"I will always be loyal to the court and yearn for the light--"

The diary ended here abruptly.

When the pastor wrote to the end, the notes were actually very messy, with long traces like earthworms in some places. It is conceivable that his situation was so bad that he could not control it, but he still had a strong will and worked hard. adhere to.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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