Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 843: Magic spider

The reason why the saints and others did not come to rescue, it is very likely that they also encountered a powerful crisis at this time, so that they could not be cloned.

The monk's eyes were stained with anxiety for the first time, and he realized that he might have fallen into a huge trap.

"It seems that this high lord may have deliberately brought us in so as to disperse us."

From the appearance of the bone arm, the train stopped, and then the black flame snake group pushed the magic train for thousands of miles, sent into the misty forest, and then was attacked by the dark skeleton bone dragon, took half of it and loaded the other six. The saints of the'dark' faction and others.

Later, the elves who were in charge of exploring the road quickly found this village of Org inside the misty forest. Everyone divided their troops into two groups, and half of them searched for the church above the village.

It can be said that since the train accident, the power of the Twelve Saints has been dispersed again and again.

After entering this village, the six saints divided into two halves were divided into two teams, each group of three, respectively besieged by the power of the undead.

When he thought of this, the monk's expression was extremely ugly.

Obviously, every step they took was within the calculation of the undead of the high lord level.

The situation is far worse than they initially predicted. The high lord hiding here may have predicted the coming of the Twelve Saints, and specially designed this "feast" of the undead for them, waiting to break in. The saints in it.

Judging from the timeline recorded in the diary, the first Aria that had a problem occurred on June 29 of the federal calendar. According to the calculation of time, it was already more than a month ago.

In other words, the attacks and splits against the Twelve Saints had already been deployed at least in June.

This is a premeditated calculation. The innocent villagers in the village of Aoge who had an accident would only be affected by them.

The cunning lord in the dark had already anticipated the arrangement of the Federation, and designed such an ambush circle for the route of the Twelve Saints through the foggy forest.

Suddenly, the monk's heart was filled with anger and guilt, as well as a feeling of panic.

The enemy is too strong!

These creatures hiding in the dark are far more dangerous than they were more than three hundred years ago.

At that time, they were led by the sage of the ‘Sun’, and finally took advantage of the sage of the moon to defeat the seal.

And today, more than three hundred years later, with the twelve saints alone, can the ‘Moon’ sage whose consciousness may have been awakened successfully be sealed?

For the first time in his life, the monk's firm heart gave birth to a trace of anxiety.

He thought of Crowley mentioning the consequences of the failure of the ‘Great Prophecy’ technique when he was on the train, shuddering all over his body, and the stimulation made the old man’s gaze more determined.

Can't be affected by the breath of darkness! He bit the tip of his tongue hard, reminding himself.

"Great prophecy cannot fail." The consequences of failure will lead to the defeat of the Federation, and the dragons who have been driven out of the Canyon of the Dead will make a comeback.

The shadows of the past reappear, and disasters will come to the world again.

"We rushed out of the siege, joined Edward and the others, and repelled the undead!" After realizing the seriousness of the matter, the monk did not want to be trapped in the siege.

The strength and cunning of the undead behind the high lord far exceeded his expectations, which already made him feel threatened.

"You can't leave light and shadow, try not to let these curse magic appear."

He exhorted loudly, but then was overwhelmed by the louder screams of the black crows.

When the elf heard what he said, when he was about to hold his hand, the green light of the falling soul lamp dimmed, and only the swordsman's golden vindictiveness stood out in this dark and depressive environment.

"Arthur!" The monk reminded, and at the same time closed the book he had opened.

The unformed dragon language magic instantly disappeared. As the monk called out the swordsman's name, the swordsman took away the vindictiveness from his body, and the church restored the previous darkness.

"Qua—" The crows of the black crows became more stern and rapid, and at the same time, the sound of their beaks pecking at the roof was heard again.

The cracking sound of the coffin sounded continuously, and the church could not see five fingers, but from the increasingly strong smell of fish and the looming roar of the undead, everyone felt that most of the undead sleeping here had escaped the locks of the coffin. body.

On the wall, there were some shadow demon spiders summoned by tiny cracks slowly arching out, making a sound of ‘chicking’ as they moved.

In the darkness, everyone stared at the direction where the huge shadow demon spider appeared before. Even with the extinction of the last light source, the Three Saints could no longer see this big guy, but it felt oppressive. But it was elevated because of the darkness, which increased the pressure of the Three Saints.

But where the Three Saints couldn't see, Song Qingxiao's eyes fell to the other end of the wall.

The strong yin here has a certain interference with her spiritual consciousness, but in the darkness, her vision is not affected, and she can clearly see the scene in the church.

When the lamp of the spirit of the spirit lights up, the shadow of the holy lamp hanging from the top of the head just shines there.

Even if the light source has been extinguished, the shadow formed by the shadow of the lamp has already turned into a terrifying giant spider, lurking there quietly.

The attention of the Three Saints was attracted by the giant spider summoned from the gap in the rock wall, and did not notice the threat at the other end.

In the piercing crawling sound of "chichichichi", giant sickle-like feet grasped the wall and gradually approached the four of them.

In the darkness, after the sight was blocked, the power of hearing was amplified to the limit, making the spirit of the Three Saints tense. The swordsman clenched the long sword in his hand, intending to kill the Shadow Demon Spider at the moment it appeared.

On the other side of the stone wall, the giant spider formed by the shadow of the holy lamp took advantage of the attention of the three saints to be attracted by the shadow demon spider, silently climbed up to the dome, and followed The long hanging steel cables moved down, looking down at the four people high.

The cracking sound of the coffin of ‘Kacha, Kacha’ sounded continuously, and the dead spirits of the undead rushed towards their faces. In the black mist, the heavy footsteps of ‘Tread, Tread’ sounded, approaching the direction of the four people.

The black crows on the roof screamed faster and more urgently, as if waiting for a feast to arrive.

What makes the elf feel most uncomfortable is his innate powerful senses, which captures the movement after the church at this time.

A scene flashed quickly in his mind-the ground was opened, and the arms inside drilled out of the ground, and the undead buried there were all together.

"No, we are going to be trapped here to die."

The picture was fleeting, and the elf's voice hurriedly said.

The undead have all awakened. These are undead creatures and cannot be completely eliminated without special means.

The undead here died with a curse, and their body still contained the residual power of the curse, which was very difficult to deal with.


While he was speaking, the huge Shadow Demon Spider made a huge spit, and a stinking pus spit out from the direction of the voice. The expressions of the three saints changed, and the monk reminded:

"Be careful."

The pus of the Shadow Demon Spider carries a powerful dark spirit's corrosive power, and when it is touched, it is like being planted with a curse, and it is extremely vicious.

The elf's toes were a little bit, a green light appeared on the ground, and a thin bud burst out of the light, and it instantly grew into an incomparable purple-red flower like an umbrella, which firmly enveloped the four of them.

In the light, a giant spider with its teeth and claws appeared not far away from a few people. The huge body formed a larger shadow of the giant spider under the reflection of the light and shadow. At this time, it was about to move, and it seemed to stand up.

A jet of pus that was black as pitch spit out, and the stench was like old corpse water, extremely smelly.

The purple-red giant flower that stood in front of everyone was in full bloom at the moment when the bad water came, like an open mouth, proactively probing the black liquid, and holding it firmly into the bud. .

As soon as the petals blocked all the pus, the elf let out a muffled snort, and then the petals quickly closed, and then large groups of black spots appeared on the purple petals, spreading to the stems of the plant at a rapid speed like disease spots. Go down!

The black spots quickly swallowed the faint light brought by the plants, the shadow of the giant spider on the ground was about to take shape, and a more terrifying Shadow Demon Spider wriggling and was about to wake up.

"Quickly disperse the light--" the monk hurriedly ordered, and the elf had no time to act. Seeing that the situation was getting more and more critical, a female voice suddenly sounded:


What do you mean? This doubt arose in the minds of the three saints by coincidence, and then an unbelievably weird scene was discovered in front of them.

Accompanied by Song Qingxiao's voice, the black shadow wriggling on the ground really lost its movement.

"How is this possible?" In extreme surprise, the elf involuntarily exclaimed, and a thought flashed in his mind: Is it possible that the newcomer is also a magician?

The next moment the light completely disappeared, and the unformed spider shadow disappeared with the light, instantly turning into black energy and dispersing invisible.

Before the Three Saints could breathe a sigh of relief, the holy lamp above their heads suddenly heard a creak.

The thick iron cable seemed to be shaken by some kind of force, causing the lamp body to shake.

The three of them raised their heads and looked over them. In the darkness, they couldn't see the scene on their heads, but they could feel something falling down quickly.

The elves threw a few power seeds again, and the light flashed, and a few people saw an incomparably **** spider with eight long legs open, and it rushed towards everyone.

The holy lamp behind it swayed violently, and the iron chain made a sound as the lamp body flicked.

There is also a terrible giant spider hidden above the holy lamp! The monk's pupils shrank sharply, but it was a pity that the giant spider lurked close. At this time, it swooped in, and the magic of the elf was too late to stop it.

The swordsman didn’t care about anything else, and when he was about to convey his fighting spirit with the long sword in his hand, he gritted his teeth, and was about to slash it out—

‘Wow! ’

A spear about one meter long with a white light flew out in the direction of the giant spider, and pierced the giant spider's body with a ‘pouch’!


The giant spider opened its mouth and let out a long hiss.

As soon as the spear shot the giant spider through, the swift power took the body of the shadow giant and flew high until it hit the holy lamp with a ‘bang’.

The lamp body couldn't stand the ravages of this force, and when the giant spider hit the holy lamp, the iron chain broke.

The Shaoyu holy water in the lamp splashed around, and when it fell on the undead, it made a corrosive sound of "chichi".

The swordsman's fighting energy hit the falling lamp body, and under the fighting energy, the holy lamp was cut into shape and flew out.

Wherever they went, the newly resurrected dead spirits shunned and retreated frantically.

"Holy Lamp!"

When the monk saw this scene, his eyes immediately showed joy:

"They are afraid of the holy lamp, and the light of the great sage is protecting us."

‘Clang! The lamp that was shot down by the swordsman fell to the ground and forced the undead back wherever it went, making a clearing.

"We retreated to the place of the holy lamp and rushed out holding it!"

The undaunted spirits, who had no idea what they were afraid of, were very taboo about the things of the holy light. Seeing this scene, the monk had an idea in his heart.

"Don't be so troublesome."

Young Song Qing interrupted him, "Retreat behind me."

She didn't wait for a few people to react, and quickly stepped forward, a chill centered on her foot, spreading forward at a speed that could not cover her ears.

The long legs of the Shadow Demon Spider not far from her were quickly overtaken by the frost like a flowing tide, and its toes were frozen in an instant.

The ice spread from its legs, and in the blink of an eye it froze into a huge ice sculpture.

Under the light and shadow, the shadow seemed to be restless and delusional to make a comeback.

But before it takes shape, Song Qing squeezed her small palm, and an ice whip formed in her palm. Her arm vibrated, and the ice whip shot a dazzling shadow in the air, with a swift sound, slamming at the ice sculpture Go!


In the harsh sound, the ice sculpture broke, and the surging ice element spiritual power drove straight in, instantly smashing the giant spider frozen in the ice.

The ice sculpture carried the corpse of the giant shadow spider, bursting open, and the fragmented ice scum flew around like a goddess scattered flowers, and plunged into the resurrected corpse.

The giant spider with a powerful oppressive figure was killed by Song Qingxiao in the blink of an eye. The shadow on the ground had not yet formed. As the giant spider's body was torn apart and soon disappeared, the shadow novice was invisible.

And the giant spider shot through by the ice spear above its head flew into the air with the power of the ice spear, the extremely powerful ice system spirit power penetrated its body, and also frozen it into ice until it'boomed'. Crashed into the dome of the church.

A large amount of broken ice **** fell down like hail, and the resurrected undead roared before they approached. The frost on the ground spread silently around the church like a surging stream of water.

Wherever they went, the heavy feet of the undead were frozen, and it was soon difficult to move their bodies.

The sound of ‘thumping, thumping’ on the ground came from time to time. The Three Saints saw the undead whose feet were restrained fell to the ground because they couldn’t move their legs, and then their palms and bodies were somewhat frozen.

A thick layer of ice quickly trapped them, and then under each undead’s body, ice cones burrowed out flat, springing up like bamboo shoots after a rain, and pierced their shriveled bodies with a sound of ‘chichi’.

The ice cone was so powerful that it even hung these undead corpses and held them high.

The undead in the church were completely resolved in an instant, and the undead roar of ‘Ho Ho’ was no longer呱——’

After losing the movement of the Shadow Demon Spider and the undead, the black crow's cries looked particularly bleak, Song Qing raised her head and looked over her head, then spread her palms--

'Roar! ’

In a long groan, a little frost flew out from her palm, instantly turning into two intertwined ice dragons, roaring and flying towards the dome.

‘Boom! ’

Two ice dragons pierced through the roof of the church, and the debris and shattered tiles flew randomly. The cries of the black crows instantly turned into panic and flapping wings, but the ice dragons were faster than them.

In the blast of the ‘howl’, a large number of black crows were quickly swept by two ice tornadoes.

A large number of bird flocks fled frantically, flapping their wings, and the noisy "croak" sound disappeared after a while.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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