Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 844: Big show

The remaining flocks of birds fled frantically, and the flocks of birds screaming and screaming quickly disappeared in the darkness amidst the sound of'flapping, thumping.

The cold wind poured straight down the broken dome hole, and after a long while, silver light appeared!

The two ice dragons pierced through the broken roof again, roaring and falling straight down with the chill.

They have blood stains and some black feathers on their bodies, which are obviously contaminated in the process of strangling the black crows, and they are even more fierce.

For the first time in their lives, monks, elves and swordsmen saw such a strange beast, their faces were shocked, nervous and defensive, and they subconsciously assumed a fighting posture.

The two ice dragons completed the task and swam straight in the direction of Song Qingxiao. The moment they approached her, their bodies dissolved into two ice spirit powers, and they penetrated into Song Qingxiao with a'swish'.

The rain of blood stained on them was lifted up by the cold mist, mixed with a large number of fine black feathers flying away.

From when the four were besieged by the corpse group, the shadow magic spider and the black crow group, to Song Qingxiao's shot, it was just a moment.

No one expected that Song Qingxiao would use thunderous means to solve things that were originally thought to be very difficult.

The monk still maintained the action of holding the book, and the power seeds of the elves that fell to the ground blossomed and grew rapidly, but they had lost their usefulness.

The samurai held a long sword filled with vindictiveness, and his expression was stunned.

"This, is this the power of magic?"

The elf's expression was dull, and he murmured.


When he was stunned, he did not notice that the reflection of the growing plants on the ground was moving strangely.

"Quick! Shadow!" The monk was also shocked, but he reacted faster than the elf, his eyes fell to the ground, and he noticed that the resurrected shadow formed a stern shadow, seeming to want to swallow the elf's power. The plant body that the seed grows into.

The magical shadows formed by the shadows of these plants became very fierce. Once they were discovered by the monks, they no longer carefully conceal them. Instead, they opened their mouths full of jagged teeth and attacked the elves.


Before the elves hurriedly control the plants to respond to the enemy, Song Qingxiao, who was standing at the front of the team, formed a very strange mark on his hands, and said in his mouth:

"Just like a shadow."

What does it mean? This thought came to the minds of the three saints at the same time, but in the next instant, the monstrous shadow on the ground was frozen.

Like the magical shadow of the giant spider before, it froze in place as if it had been hit by a body curse.

Song Qingxiao grabbed his hands, and several ‘awakened’ plant ghosts were restrained, and began to tremble and struggle violently, as if they wanted to break free of some kind of restraint.

But no matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't break free from the suppression of this force.

Then the monk saw an unbelievable scene, the original intangible shadow seemed to be caught by the gate of life.

"Come out!"

In Song Qingxiao's scolding, she twitched her hands at random, and those shadows were pulled to lengthen at once, and she was actually grasped and separated from the plant body!

‘Sizzle! ’

These magic shadows turned out to be like fine evil spirits, and when they were caught at this time, they let out a scream of unwillingness.

But when Song Qingxiao, who had collected the five orders, then used the "Jie" order, his power was even more prepared. In her opinion, these demons and sprites were not a climate at all, and they were simply caught by hand!

As she shouted, the shadows were forcibly drawn out of the body, and then she squeezed the palm of her hand—

Spiritual power poured out, and several magic shadows were destroyed instantly.

The struggling shadow turned into a black mist and spread out ‘boom’, and merged with the surrounding yin gas again.

The monk and the others seemed to have a headache, but she could easily solve it.

This scene made the monk and the others dumbfounded, and they were speechless for a long while.

I don't know if it was because of her powerful strength that the magic shadow was shocked, even if the light and shadow were not extinguished, the plant summoned by the elves was too surprised, but there was no light and shadow on the ground to reshape and reappear.


For a while, the three saints couldn't even react, and the monk's eyes were confused and shocked.

He seemed to be a little bit unable to believe that these federations sent newcomers who had never seen them before, and they would have such capabilities.

What kind of talents has the Federation cultivated over the years?

Originally thought that Song Qingxiao's initiative to invite Yingying would be a drag on the team, but she did not expect that in the end her combat effectiveness was far beyond the expectations of the Three Saints.

From the beginning, the monk’s view of her was “unseen”, “poor lamb that may die in the misty forest”, and quickly upgraded to “secret weapon cultivated by the Federation”, “super powerful magician”, and “killing”. The power can be comparable to the powerful high-end monsters' image full of tall auras.

Even looking at her gaze, from the kindness and compassion at the beginning, it turned into a look of confusion and doubt mixed with joy.

In any case, the strength of the teammates is good news for their dismantled squad.

Especially after everyone was trapped at this time, Song Qingxiao was able to solve these undead and shadow spiders in an instant, and they could all quickly get out of the siege and join Edward and others.

‘Chi, chi chi. ’

The monk still had things in his mind, but the abnormal noise in the church quickly pulled him back to reality.

His eyes flashed, and his expression became alert again.

With the appearance of the two abnormal noises, there was another abnormal change in the church.

At this moment, the coffins in the church had all been cracked. Some of the coffin fragments collapsed on the ground and were frozen under the ice layer, while some were erected, and the coffin lid was broken.

All the undead that jumped out of the coffin were pierced by the cones of ice drilled out of the ice. The corpses were hung high by the cones. In an instant, the cold froze these corpses and the cones into a piece. .

However, the Three Saints discovered that these bodies, which had lost their movement after being frozen, seemed to be ‘moving’ again.

Their belly, which was bound by layers of black silk, began to bounce, ‘por, por, and por,’ as if new life was being gestated in it.

"What kind of magic is this?"

Song Qingxiao tilted his head slightly and asked the monk.

He seemed to be the oldest and highly respected, as if he knew everything about all the news on the mainland. Before Song Qingxiao, every question, except for what he couldn't say, seemed to know everything.

"This may be a kind of dark gestation magic that has been lost for a long time in the legend, using human corpses to spread curses and nurturing evil dark creatures."

The monk really lived up to the expectations and said the answer:

"This kind of magic is very evil. The dark wizards who practiced this kind of magic should have been eliminated by the Wizards Guild before the Federal Era."

He frowned:

"Use the human body as a container for cursing," he said, sluggish for a while, then took a breath:

"The people in Og Village died of this curse!"

It might be because this kind of magic had died out long before the century when the evil dragon wreaks havoc. If he hadn't witnessed such a situation with his own eyes tonight, he would have never remembered it for a while.

After thinking about it for a while, the monk's expression became serious:

"After people die, their bodies will be occupied by curses, and there will be a large number of dark creatures that eat human flesh and blood. Human souls will not return to the embrace of the Lord God, but will be bound by the curse. Become the most ferocious and evil dark spirits, they will never dissipate, there is no entity, even the light of insufficient power can hardly destroy them completely, it is very difficult, you have to be careful..."

Song Qingxiao is standing at the forefront of the queue. If these undead change again, she will be the first person to face the crazy attack of these dark creatures.

The monk's face reappeared with a worried look. She was just a ‘weak’ mage. If once attacked by a dark creature and injured, even if the saint is still there, they may be troublesome for treatment based on their current strength.

Before he finished speaking, Song Qingxiao had already reacted:

"Isn't this similar to Gu?"

"Gu?" The monk didn't know what to do, feeling like there was a big generation gap between him and Song Qingxiao.

Song Qingxiao ignored him, but remembered that in the ancient house in the northern suburbs of the imperial capital, the corpses raised by the Fan family were similar to the undead in front of them.

But compared with the yin and yang strange middle-aged and old men of the Fan family who have dealt with corpses and ghosts for many years, the strength of these undead is obviously not enough.

She discovered that some of the magic in this world is a bit novel, such as the formation and appearance of the Shadow Demon Spider, which is a bit interesting, but the power is still very weak.

Song Qingxiao guessed that this might be related to the low ranks of the dark creatures currently appearing.

After understanding this, her eyes were calm.

In the time of these two sentences, the belly of those undead had already bulged up.

‘Chi, chi chi. ’

In the notebook, the pastor recorded the sound of something biting and scratching in the dark. It seemed to reappear.

In the sound of ‘chill’, the swollen belly of the undead was torn apart, and long pincers protruded from their shriveled belly.

"Long-tailed black spider!"

After reading the pastor's notes, the three saints already knew what the monster that was about to appear, their expressions changed.

‘Sizzle! ’

The dense spring rain sounded from the gap, and the gap of the corpse increased rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and long legs protruded from it.

Immediately afterwards, black spiders with long tails that were as big as a slap came out of the corpse like a tide.

‘Sizzle! ’

In the creepy crawling sound, these endless black spiders crawled out of it, and climbed down the ice layer, like a thick asphalt slowly dripping.

The bones of every undead are like this, and the ice cones are immediately covered by black shadows.

The number of these black spiders is extremely large, densely packed, and the scalp is numb, and the speed is so fast, it seems to smell the smell of fresh flesh and blood, and they are crawling toward the four quickly!

Misfortune never comes singly!

As a large number of black spiders crawled out, the bound souls of those who had already passed away let out painful and angry roars:


Amid the roar, dark spirits emerged from the corpses that had been penetrated by the cone of ice.

Their complexion was black and black, and their gentleness was no longer the same as before. The pain and fear they suffered before death, and the entanglement of the dark curse on their bodies after death made them extremely grieving, and they had long since turned into evil spirits.

At this time, driven by a dark creature of the high lord level, he instinctively wanted to attack the Three Saints.

At the same moment, outside the church--

The dead buried in the tomb behind the church have also been awakened. Their original deep sleep was for this moment-to intercept and destroy the saints who were trying to seal the sage of the Moon.

With lifeless spirits and missions on their bodies, these undead shook their bodies with mud, stepped on heavy steps, and quickly approached in the direction of the church.


For the monks and others, the appearance of these spider swarms also represented the reappearance of ancient dark magic, causing their faces to show a cautious and uneasy look.

But it was Song Qingxiao's performance that made the monk feel panicked and shivered.

Under the siege of the undead, the group of black spiders formed by the curse also crawled out, and at the same time, there were powerful wraiths everywhere.

Crisis is everywhere!

But the monk standing not far to the left of Song Qingxiao clearly saw that when the crisis came, the moment she turned her face back, her eyes suddenly burst into bright light, and the corners of her mouth seemed to twitch slightly. .

——That kind of expression, the monk could not tell, but it was like picking up a treasure, which made him feel that his scalp was numb and his back was chilly.

"come out!"

She yelled softly, and then the monk seemed to see a little dark light gushing from the palm of her hand, quickly bounced into the air, and then whirled wildly.

‘Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie--’

A weird and terrifying laugh rang through the church, and the black mist that drilled from Song Qing's palm became bigger and bigger, and for a moment turned into a thick cloud of black to blueish mist.

There seemed to be a black weird token with a big palm in the mist, and the laughter seemed to come from the token.

"What is this?" The monk was He originally thought Song Qingxiao was a powerful ice magician, but after seeing her summon two strange'beasts', he guessed She may have also studied summoner.

Until then, I saw that she released the small black card again. There was a weird word on the small card. It looked like a shield, but the shape was a bit weird, but it could make a sound.

As soon as the monk's voice fell, the surrounding dark spirits who had been fierce before felt bad.

They are affected by the dark aura, they haven't been formed for a long time, and they haven't experienced the severe beatings of the society, but this does not prevent them from sensing the powerful power contained in the Qing Ming Ling, making them faintly threatened.

Except for these corpse Gu controlled by the high lord, all the dark spirits that have just appeared seemed to want to escape.

But how could Qing Mingling allow these dark spirits to escape!

For the living people, the fear of the dark air, the yin spirit, the evil spirits, etc., is just like a delicious meal on the same table!

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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