Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 862: frank

Song Qingxiao was straight to the point and asked the question in his heart directly.

No. 4 is a particular person!

In fact, he also felt that the power of these saints was as unreal as the water-pouring meat in the rumors. He always felt that what the monks said when they were on the train seemed to be bragging.

In fact, he also wanted to find out why. When the swordsman came over, he was also thinking about how to ask questions.

It's just that Song Qingxiao was the first to speak, and it was so direct that he didn't have any emotional preparations, so he went straight to the center of the problem.

"..." He turned his head and glanced at Song Qing, but saw that she didn't look at him from the corner of her eye, her expression was as usual, but he seemed to be making a fuss.

He went to see the swordsman again, but saw that the swordsman also had a calm expression. He was not angry because of her problem, but revealed a confession after being exposed.

The reaction of the two made No.4 feel that he was probably the most abnormal one. He adjusted his mentality in time, and the swordsman asked:

"Where does your strength come from?"

In the battle of Org Village, whether it was the extraordinary power that Song Qingxiao showed, or the scene where the No. 4 cremation rope entangled the eight legs of the giant spider, the saints were shocked.

His tone was calm after he was suppressed, but his eyes were like two small suns, bursting out with bright luster, staring at the two of them with adoring eyes.

When playing against the monarch and the Shadow Demon Spider, Song Qingxiao's performance is naturally undoubted, and the early stage performance on the 4th is also excellent.

When the giant spider was severed on one limb, and the heavy body fell down, the performance of No. 4's "brave and fearless" also caught everyone's eyes.

Song Qing had seen too many such gazes. After her strength and realm improved, she could often get such gaze during the trial, and she had already gained a certain degree of immunity.

But the number four is different! Even he has unconsciously put on a tactical backward posture.

In fact, even though he had some highlights in other trials, I don't know if he encountered a strong teammate like Song Qingxiao in this trial. He felt that he was suppressed so much that he didn't play at all.

Things are precious.

At this moment, the swordsman's fiery eyes saw his heart rise and fall, which made him feel unspeakably useful.

It's no wonder that when some people are powerful, they all like to solicit younger brothers and form a sect of power. The crowds of people around you and flatterers are really comfortable.

This time I tried myself, there was no way to enjoy this kind of gaze from time to time. With Song Qingxiao present, the limelight might not fall on me.

Maybe he has to be like this swordsman, and he has to flatter Song Qing's little girl.

It was decided on the 4th that after this trial was over, I would also give the ‘young people’ some opportunities.

"Our power?" Number Four asked back. Although he was seen by the swordsman's gaze, he hadn't lost his reason completely, and he was awakened in time:

"What are you asking this for?"

"In fact, when we drove away evil dragons and established the gods, our power was indeed very powerful." The swordsman did not know if he had received a signal from the monk when he came, and he did not shy away from raising this question at this time:

"But some things that happened afterwards have greatly affected our strength."

Having said that, he went to see Song Qingxiao again:

"Originally thought that everyone in the Federal Continent should be suppressed, but..." He paused, and the meaning in the words was self-evident.

The strength that Song Qingxiao showed tonight shocked the swordsman and the others. In addition to her strength, there was another unknown reason.

Under the swordsman's zealous eyes, Song Qingxiao had faintly guessed the meaning of his words.

God's court, beliefs, the inheritance of the sage of the "Moon" being sealed, and the burden that Hayas had set up as a school of asceticism, made her feel the door to the truth at this time.

"After the betrayal of the'moon' sage that year, the balance of the **** court was shattered."

The sage ‘Moon’ who was carrying the power of ‘darkness’ left the court and was rushed to the abyssal realm to be sealed, leaving the sage of the day alone to support the overall situation.

"Our strength comes from faith itself."

It may be because tonight the swordsman has taken off his defenses by fending off the enemy together;

It might also be because they asked Song Qingxiao and others to open up their hearts and confess their secrets.

In the Holy Light Shield not far away, the monk kept looking at this side with a worried look.

He may already know the topic that the swordsman is talking with Song Qingxiao and others, and the content of the swordsman's talk is very likely to come from his instruction.

"The will of the believer is the source of our strength, and the existence of the great sage is the convergence of our will."

After expelling the evil dragon, the prestige and status of the two great sages were the same at the time.

The mainland establishes a federal government, the **** court is established, and the two sages of "Sun" and "Moon" have become the spiritual center of the believers of the entire Federation.

At that time, the power of the **** court reached its peak, and it was also the peak of the power of the twelve saints.

But then the sage of the "moon" rebelled against the **** court, which caused the original balance between the rotation of the "sun" and the "moon" to be broken.

Although the sage "Yue" was successfully sealed afterwards, some fanatical believers began to doubt the significance of the existence of the **** court because of the betrayal of the sage "Yue".

They once regarded the existence of the **** court as indestructible, as long as the **** court is still there, the mainland federation will be at peace forever.

Darkness, pain, and curse will all leave them, only kindness and light surround them.

The betrayal of the ‘Moon’ sage has dealt a severe blow to these loyal believers.

They devoutly worshipped the **** court back then, regardless of financial, material, and manpower resources, and supported the entire **** court with the power of the whole country.

But when the power of darkness got out of control, with the appearance of undead, many people seemed to have returned to the era when they were ruled by evil dragons, and began to feel fear.

A large number of believers have left the court one after another, and their beliefs are no longer as pure as they used to be. The change of their minds is a big blow to the court.

"The most affected are the'dark' factions." Samuel, Hayas and others were the first to feel the weakening of their power.

After the betrayal of the ‘Moon’ sages and their being sealed, they themselves have lost the power of belief carried by their will, causing their power and realm to fall incredibly fast.

"At that time, we knew what faith meant to us."

The swordsman sighed, "Since then, we have been looking for a solution. Hayas has formed a penance faction and has carried the burden of ‘pain’ until now."

Hayas founded a faction and possessed his own belief inheritance, and the realm he fell in at that time began to stabilize.

And with the fanatical worship of the believers, the level of his fall began to rise.

But what followed was a proliferation of endless pain and trouble.

The realm of Hayas did not reach the realm of a demigod and was not enough to bear the inheritance of such beliefs.

"Pain" brought him strength, and it also brought him endless torture, making him unhappy.

On the train, Song Qingxiao had also seen Hayas at the time.

"In our opinion, this is not so much called faith as it is to call it a curse."

Every bit of blood mist that entangled Hayas was proof of his pain, which made him unable to survive or die.

The twelve saints who had wandered on the mainland to find a solution returned to the court one by one. They thought of many ways and made a lot of efforts, and finally came to the conclusion:

"Unless the sages of the Moon are returned to the court, the light and darkness are back on track, and the two great sages once again shoulder their own use and allow the believers to return to the court, the stability of the federation can be guaranteed."

Song Qingxiao heard him say this and couldn't help asking:

"According to what you said, after the betrayal of the'Moon' sage, Hayas and others were the ones who were most affected. But why did your realm drop so badly?"

When she spoke, she turned her head and glanced at the direction of the Holy Light Shield. The monk stood inside the shield light, staring anxiously at this side.

In the dimness, he seemed to notice Song Qingxiao's movements, and did not avoid it, but showed an uneasy smile.

"Because," the swordsman said here, with a hint of hesitation on his face.

This may involve a big secret of the gods, this man who has always been strong is a bit entangled.

Song Qingxiao said nothing.

Although the "pure heart" has not been found yet, she has already grasped some clues, and she can't get rid of these people anyway.

The more clues of the mission are known, the more detailed, the swordsman's concealment may be detrimental to her.

Now that the swordsman and others have panicked because of the decline in their strength, the initiative has fallen into Song Qingxiao's hands.

She was extremely calm, the swordsman did not speak, nor did she say a word.

The surging sound of ‘Gurulu’ bubbles in the Valley of the Falling Dragon became louder and louder, and the green mist instantly filled half of the valley and spread out.

The strong corrosive smell sticks to the tips of the swordsman's hair, skin and armor, making a sound of "chichi".

His pale blonde hair curled up at the moment when it was attached to a large amount of green air, and finally, like burnt pitch, it ‘tickled’ and turned into dark green juice dripping down.

‘Patter! ’

The green slime fell on the back of the swordsman's hand, awakening the silent swordsman.

"Because..." He seemed to have made up his mind, slammed away the drop of juice on the back of his hand, and scratched his blade with his hand, making the sound of a crippling man when the blade was scraping the skin:

"In the process of sealing the sage of the moon, the sage of the day was seriously injured."

The two great sages were originally equal in strength, but because of the betrayal of the ‘moon’ sage, the stable status of the **** court was questioned by the believers, and a large number of believers were disappointed and lost.

On the contrary, the "moon" sage who threw himself into the darkness awakened a large number of sleeping undead.

They are steadfast followers of ‘him’, thus greatly increasing their strength.

In addition, Hayas and other six followers were the followers of the ‘Moon’ sage. Even if he rebelled against the gods, the six believers were not willing to kill him.

"Unwilling?" Song Qingxiao smiled faintly when he heard this, "Is it unwilling or not dare?"

The ‘moon’ sage is the source of faith for the power of darkness. If ‘he’ dies, the entire darkness will lose its bearing.

Without the power of sustenance, the Hayas six will lose all their abilities.

Therefore, a battle with the ‘Moon’ sage is rather a challenge to the beliefs of the Six Saints and ‘Self’.

If they dare to take action, then they have subverted their previous beliefs.

But their strength comes from belief, and once they are overthrown, it is equivalent to denying everything about themselves and naturally losing their ability.

Under such circumstances, the six saints may not dare to do anything at all, and after discovering this, they should also prevent the ‘Japanese’ sages and the ‘light’ faction from killing them painfully.

In this way, even if there are ‘Japanese’ sages leading the thirteen saints in battle, the power of the ‘Japanese’ sages is limited due to differences within the gods, so it is no wonder that something goes wrong.

When the swordsman heard her say this, he couldn't help but laughed bitterly, but he didn't object.

His attitude has shown that even if Song Qingxiao's guess is not entirely true, it is already close to the truth.

"Yes." The six saints led by Hayas and others fiercely opposed the killing of the'Moon' sage, and did not hesitate to fight for their lives. In the end, the'Japanese' sage and the'Bright' party made concessions~www decided to put the issue on hold by sealing the sage of the month.

I thought that more than three hundred years would be enough to find a way to solve the problem.

But with the passage of time, everyone found that the problem is not only unsolved, but has a tendency to become more and more serious.

The injuries of the ‘Japanese’ sages who have carried the power of faith have increased, which has caused serious problems with the power of faith of the ‘Guangming’ faction.

The strength of monks, saints, Edward, Raphael, elves, and swordsmen began to weaken year by year. The closer the time comes to the time when the sage of the Moon is sealed in the big prophecy, the faster their power will drop.

The awakening of the will of the sage of the "Moon" and the cover of darkness brought fear to the people on the mainland, and at the same time caused a great blow to the prestige of the gods.

No. 4 and Song Qing looked at each other. The swordsman’s words confirmed their initial guess, and it was also a disguised explanation. Why did the twelve saints who claimed to be able to expel evil dragons in the past have fallen to the current monarch. The point of suppression.

"No wonder you and Hayas and others do not seem to have a harmonious relationship."

After listening to what the swordsman said, Song Qingxiao also understood the relationship between the two factions.

When they were on the train, the two sides stated that they were cooperating, but they seemed to be defensive and not in harmony.

After being accidentally separated into two factions, the monk did not act eagerly either. This was completely inconsistent with his expression when he found the saint and others surrounded by the Dark Era in Oge Village.

The swordsman nodded:

"In fact, this time our goals with Hayas and the others may also be completely inconsistent."

As soon as he finished speaking, Song Qingxiao and No.4 looked at each other, both revealing an unspoken secret expression.


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