Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 863: condition

"Because of the influence of the power of faith, the sage of the Moon was sealed, which has a great impact on Hayas and others."

Now that it has started, the swordsman no longer hides it, telling the secrets that the gods have been hiding for these years:

"Hayas hasn't cultivated enough. He hasn't reached the body of a demigod yet, and he can't carry the power of faith that the ascetics entrusted."

These beliefs gave him strength, but more pain, like a curse, hurt his body.

"They look forward to retrieving the glory of the past, to be separated from the pain, and to embrace their King of Dark Night."

Once the ‘Moon’ sage awakens, their power can be restored to their former peak state.

But the goal of the monks and others is different.

The ‘Sun’ sages are their belief centers. They need to seal the ‘Moon’ sages again after 318 years as stated by the big prophecy in order to defend their belief centers in accordance with the original plan.

Once the faith is defeated, they will fall to the same level as Hayas and the others, and the situation may even be more difficult than them.

So although the two parties nominally boarded the same train for the same purpose, in fact the goals in the hearts of the two parties were not the same.

Back then, there was a ‘Sun’ sage leading, and everyone’s understanding of the power of faith was not as deep as the latter, so they worked together to seal the ‘Moon’ sage.

More than three hundred years have passed, the leader of the "Sun" sage has been lost in the current team. The "Dark" faction has suffered enough from losing faith, so how can it still be willing after the "Yue" sage finally wakes up , Do something like this again?

Therefore, only a few people from the ‘Bright’ faction were involved in the seal operation this time.

Hayas and others may not only be unwilling to help them seal the "Moon" sage together, they might even take the opportunity to make trouble.

In other words, this time to seal the action of the sage of the ‘Moon’ again, there is a high possibility that the people of the ‘dark’ faction will not help.

Song Qingxiao thought of the subtle attitudes of the two sides on the train. The situation was obviously unfavorable for the ‘Bright’ faction.

Not to mention their lack of manpower, and their strength has dropped very sharply. It is no wonder that they have a gentle attitude when they are on the train, and they are very close to a few "newcomers". Even when the testers have not fully demonstrated their strengths, they are also showing up. The posture of answering all questions.

On the contrary, the people of the ‘dark’ faction have the upper hand in this action.

The ‘Moon’ sage who controls the dark power is the ‘God’ of their faith. Once the ‘Moon’ sage awakens, it will have a bonus to their strength.

As for the collapse of the ‘light’ faction, Samuel and others should have a good-looking mind. Therefore, when it comes to the failure of the big prophecy, Crowley and Samuel at the time felt gloating.

"It seems that it is a bit difficult for you to seal the "Moon" sage."

After understanding this, Song Qingxiao almost guessed that the swordsman came over, and was willing to tell her and No.4 the reasons for these secrets.

It was nothing more than seeing the strength of her and No. 4 in the Battle of Org Village, so I wanted to win them over.

"It's a bit difficult." If it was a monk who came to talk, this kind old man might feel a little ashamed after hearing Song Qingxiao's outspoken words.

However, the character of the swordsman is obviously more magnanimous, and he does not shy away from this question:

"We were going to try our best to win Lucifer and let him join us, in order to restrain Hayas and others."

This time, the action to seal the sage of the ‘Moon’ was very difficult, and the ‘Guangming’ faction was worried before it set off.

"But as long as you are willing to help, it is not hopeless to seal the sage of the Moon."

The strength of Song Qingxiao and the two people showed new hope to the monks and others, so they wanted to persuade them to join the action of sealing the sage of the ‘Moon’.

Among the Six Saints, the swordsman was taciturn and not good at speech.

If it hadn't been for the poisonous mist at this time, the monk's strength declined, and his body could not hold the poisonous mist, he would never give this task to the swordsman.

When the two parties were talking, the monk kept his eyes on this side, obviously very concerned about the final result of the conversation, I wonder if it will be what he intended.

"Why should we help you?"

Having said that, the two have fully understood the situation of the ‘light’ faction and what they want.

Although the task of the tester is somewhat related to the sealing of the ‘Moon’ sage, the swordsman does not know this.

Number Four asked with a smile, rubbing his fingers:

"What good do we have?"

His blatant robbery made the swordsman look in a daze. For a while, it was difficult to compare this familiar greasy middle-aged man who was rubbing his thumb and index finger to benefit from the previous battle in Oge Village, that was'heroic and fearless'. In the end, one person carried all the'hero' images and linked them together.

It may be that the blow was too deep, and the swordsman couldn't slow down for a while.

This resolute soldier showed a rare look of bewilderment at this time, and glanced at Song Qing as if asking for help:

"...Good, good?"

Perhaps it was the transcendent status of the Six Saints on the mainland. Even if the swordsman hadn't spoken in the past, there were already many fanatical believers willing to serve them.

At this time, the words of No. 4 made the swordsman a little confused, but he soon remembered what it was like:

"In the big prophecy, it was the Thirteen Saints who sealed the sage of the Moon..."

The swordsman didn't finish speaking, but Song Qingxiao also understood the meaning of his words.

He is using the name of a ‘saint’ to seduce two people!

In other words, if the people of the ‘dark’ faction do not participate in the sealing of the sage of the ‘moon’, they will be deprived of the reputation and status of the ‘saint’ after the event is completed.

Only those who truly participated in the sealing of the sage of the ‘Moon’ will be the ‘new’ thirteen saints.

It's not surprising to have such a thought, even Song Qingxiao and No. 4 immediately understood the vague hints of the swordsman.

What is strange is that it is the swordsman who proposed this idea, and the members of the ‘Bright’ faction seem to be a little less ‘bright’.

Song Qingxiao and No. 4 both fell into silence. The upright warrior who proposed this'immoral' deal began to show flustered and nervous expressions. Even an embarrassing blush began to appear on that face. Obviously this down-and-out swordsman began to behave. I feel guilty for the suggestions I made.

"We are not interested in this." Song Qingxiao broke the silence, and her answer made the swordsman greatly relieved.

It's just that Song Qingxiao's attitude of'seeing fame and fortune as a cloud' made him admire, and at the same time he repented for his previous thoughts.

He touched his body, and did not pull out anything useful.

"I..." The swordsman lowered his head in shame, "I don't have money..."

Judging from his appearance, he looked very desolate, indeed he did not look like a wealthy man.

"I only have armor and sword..."

The swordsman opened his mouth with difficulty, his eyes fell on the huge sword stuck in the ground, heartbroken.

The number four is a bit disgusted.

This thing doesn't match his practice, and for him it's trash that he doesn't need.

He originally coveted the power of the saint, but the power of the saint comes from the power of faith. Once he leaves this world and loses the source of faith, the saint loses its effect. This dispels his initial preparations after the task is completed. The idea of ​​taking away the saint.

"In fact, it's not impossible to help. We will get rewards for ourselves later."

Song Qingxiao could also see that there was nothing on the swordsman, not to mention that she had participated in a lot of tasks, and understood that sometimes the real reward might not be these extraneous things.

"I will try my best to meet your needs."

Her request was simple and straightforward, "But in all things, you must obey my will, and cannot hide the problems I mentioned, and tell me the secrets of the gods I want to know."

Compared with the ‘benefits’ proposed on the 4th, Song Qingxiao’s conditions were simpler, but the swordsman did not rashly agree.

He subconsciously stroked his chest with a very embarrassed appearance, as if something important was hidden there.

Facing Song Qingxiao's gaze, he finally made no decision, but decided to discuss with the monk.

He got up and walked in the direction of the Holy Light Shield. Number Four looked at him from behind and whispered in Song Qingxiao's ear:

"Are you really going to help them?"

"The key to the mission is probably in the body of the great sage." Song Qing sat cross-legged, while speaking to Number Four, while adjusting his spiritual aura:

"The internal struggle of the Twelve Saints may also involve our tasks."

The battle between ‘light’ and ‘dark’ corresponds exactly to the two teams of trialers.

If Song Qingxiao and No. 4’s mission is to ‘get the heart of purity’, “then I suspect that the mission of the other team may be ‘get the heart of darkness’.”

In fact, regardless of whether there was a request from the swordsman before, the two of the two people in the abyss will have to go.

These saints are related to the task of the tester, and they are important clues to gain a pure heart, and naturally they cannot be separated.

So agreeing to their request was originally what Song Qingxiao had to do, but now Song Qingxiao just took the opportunity to take the initiative in his own hands.

Number Four also understands this truth, but he just wants to see if these people can squeeze some good things out of them, but the Six Saints are poor, and magic and vindictiveness are not attractive to him. After listening to Song Qingxiao's words , Naturally nodded and stopped speaking.

Time was tight, and the swordsman did not lose time after returning.

I saw the six saints gathered in the Holy Light Shield and discussed in a low voice for a while. After two minutes, everyone seemed to have made up their minds quickly and sent swordsmen as representatives to express their meaning.

"Song, we have discussed it, and we are willing to take you as the master and follow your instructions."

The Six Saints obviously also understand that the current situation is critical and there is no room for them to bargain.

What's more, after Song Qingxiao showed extraordinary power, the team had actually acquiesced to respect the strong, although everyone did not point it out.

As soon as they decided, Song Qingxiao nodded and turned to look at No.4:

"You burned the dark creatures under the ground to death."

Number Four gave a happily compliment, and then kicked his legs, and his figure flew into the abyss.

‘Boom Rumble—’ A lot of flames burst out from the surface of No.4's body, and the darkness and green mist were burnt distorted. The sound of the'whistling' wind surrounded the four sides of No.4, supporting his body firmly in the abyss.

At this time, Number Four is like a domineering God of War. The flames on his body are divided into several strands, roaring to break through the obstruction of the miasma, and dive into the ground!

‘Hey hey! ’

The dark creature hidden under the mist was unwilling to catch it. After the flame plunged into the abyss, the green cloud surged more urgently.

The smelly gas rose into the air, almost completely covering the entire abyss.

When the swordsman saw this scene, he subconsciously wanted to step forward and take a closer look. He heard Song Qingxiao reminding him behind him:

"Be careful."

As soon as she finished speaking, the swordsman heard a loud bang in his ears!

An orange-red flame drilled from the green cloud to the sky, tearing the poisonous miasma apart.

The heat wave broke through the poisonous fog, the flames ignited high, and the flames illuminate the sky, seeming to ignite the shadows that hung over the Dragon Valley.

Fierce flames spread out from the four sides of the abyss, roaring to engulf the creatures that dared to approach easily, and burn them to ashes!

The strong air current is rushing towards the face with the impact force. If the swordsman had not already had enough fighting spirit at the moment Song Qingxiao reminded him, UU Reading www.uukā might also be involved in this air current.

But even with the vindictive body protection, the swordsman whose strength had been reduced so severely was still hit by the heat wave back ten meters, and finally he could stand firmly.

Under the impact of the airflow, Song Qingxiao seemed unaffected, standing on the side of the abyss.

Number Four flew in mid-air, and the burning flames of'Boom' surrounded him, making him look majestic.

In the light of the fire, the dark creatures under the ground were burned to ‘crackling’ and screaming.

Countless dark creatures that were burnt crazily crawled in the fire, exposing layers of new dark creatures below.

After the dark creatures on the uppermost layer were burned to death, the lower layer was exposed, and the cycle continued.

The number of dark creatures here is simply shocking.

Layers on top of each other, twisted and twisted, seeming to cover and pile up a small layer of the bottom of an abyss.

Under the flames, their instinct to survive makes them scrambling to try to climb from the bottom of the abyss.

But where on the 4th are these things allowed to escape, every step they climb, there are countless flames like living things, firmly entangled them.

The thick smoke and heat wave engulfed the scorched odor into the sky, and the thick poisonous gas was quickly blown away.

There is no doubt that No. 4 in the realm of distraction has the control of the power of the fire element. These dark creatures are triumphant in number, but the single combat power is really limited, and it is not to be afraid.

After about a quarter of an hour, those screams of "belching" had disappeared completely.

The green poisonous miasma in the air was also replaced by the burnt smell, and the bottom of the abyss turned into a fiery red color like a rock formation.

The heat wave spreads around the valley of the falling dragon, and the air is full of fire, like fireflies flying through the forest.


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