Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 864: start up

These sparks carry extremely terrifying temperatures, and transmit heat waves to every place they drift, increasing the attack power of the fourth.

The Holy Light Shield displayed by the saint could not withstand this terrible temperature at all. Even if the devout prayers of believers provide the power of faith, it cannot match these heat waves.

They retreated again and again, until they retreated tens of meters away, they could still feel the extraordinary power of the flame through the Holy Light Shield.

In the first battle of Oge Village, although No. 4 showed his hand, the power that was not displayed at this time was shocking.

Under this flame, all the dark creatures that were obstructed were crushed to pieces by force, and they couldn't compete with this kind of flame at all.

Above the molten flame, No. 4 also knew the power of the flames it cast.

The dark creatures below the abyss were almost completely killed and wounded, and the blazing flames suddenly turned into a number of long dragons, ‘booming’ into his body.

The fire was reabsorbed by him, but the surrounding areas of the abyss had been burned red, like a huge furnace, still exuding terrible heat.

The air current formed by the spiritual power blows the dark creatures that have been burnt to ashes in the ground, exposing the magic array that was previously covered by them.

His figure flickered, and his face flushed and fell to Song Qingxiao's side:


While No. 4 was speaking, she turned to look at Song Qing's small face:

"The magic circle is there!"

Under the high temperature, the air in the dense forest seemed to be hot and distorted, but she seemed to be unaffected by the heat wave.

The bottom of the abyss is the center of his fire. Even if the main fire system spirit power has been collected by the fourth, the remaining heat is enough to hurt people.

But when Number Four was solving the dark creatures at the bottom of the abyss, she was also watching her behavior distractedly.

In addition to trying to solve the problem quickly, the number four had such a big battle. It also meant to test the strength of Song Qingxiao.

She has been standing on the side of the abyss, as if she hadn't been affected by the spiritual power of the fire element.

The spiritual power attributes of the two of them are mutually restrained, but she has not shown any defense against the fire system spiritual power, and she has not even used the spiritual power to protect the body. With the strength of the physical body, she can resist the attack of the fire system spiritual power.

"Yeah." Song Qingxiao replied.

When she was talking, a chill came out of her body, and in the sound of ‘hhhhhh’, No. 4 looked down and saw a white cold mist spreading under her toes, heading towards the abyss that led to it.


The frost spread on a large area, quickly covering the red abyss and the underground, and even enclosing the magic circle.

The high temperature did not melt the ice cubes, but the force of the ice penetrated the heat wave, instantly lowering their temperature.

The chill entered the body, and No.4 shuddered, obviously feeling that the spiritual power in her body was greatly suppressed by the sudden drop in temperature.

Comparing the two, Song Qing is even more comfortable.

As the ice covered the abyss, snow flakes formed in the mid-air, intertwined with the flying Mars, forming a unique fantasy scenery.

No. 4 looked up at this scene, his face instantly stiff.

Above the bottom of the abyss was originally the world of fire-type spiritual power. Among natural-type powers, in addition to the overbearing and abnormal thunder-type spiritual power, the lethality and attack power of fire-type spiritual power are among other natural attribute spiritual powers. The strongest.

At this time, the inner boundary of the valley of the dragon fell was originally occupied by the fire system spiritual power, and other spiritual powers should be avoided.

Under the influence of the power of the flame, the flow of spiritual power summoned by the No. 4 fire system spiritual power quickly turns into the fire system spiritual power, dominating this dense forest, making this place a place controlled by the fire system spiritual power, which should have become the fourth No. help.

But at this moment, a cold current poured in forcefully, blasting the magnetic field formed by the fire system's spiritual power to seventy-seven and seventy-eight, and it was not under the command of No. 4 at all.

The bottom of the burning abyss was enveloped by a layer of ice, and the two forces collided with each other, as if a layer of translucent light blue ice film was covered by red light, reducing their lethality.

Is this the strength of the lower level of the Distraction Realm? A trace of fire flashed in No. 4's eyes, and he was about to speak, but he heard footsteps behind him.

After the temperature dropped sharply, the saint removed the holy light shield, and the believers hiding in the shield, under the leadership of the monks and others, walked towards the two Song Qingxiaos.

"I have already told the swordsman, you have to listen to me in this action."

Song Qingxiao heard the footsteps behind him, and then retracted his gaze from the magic circle at the bottom of the abyss. He slowly turned his head and glanced at everyone before finally looking at the monk:

"is that OK?"

"No problem." The monk nodded.

This result was a decision after they discussed it together. When he spoke, the other saints did not speak out.

"In fact, we have no choice." The elderly smiled bitterly, thinking that Song Qingxiao repeated the ‘deal’ between the two parties again because he did not believe in the swordsman’s promise, so he said:

"If you have doubts, we can swear in the name of saints."

He has a very good temper, holding the book at this time, and solemnly said:

"God is on, this mission, I, Rodno—"

This kind-faced old man was serious at this time, holding the thick "Dragon Language Secret Art" in one hand, and covering his chest with one hand, and solemnly swears:

"—Will obey your orders and will never violate your orders—"

When the monk was swearing, all the saints looked solemn, and Song Qingxiao did not say anything.

Her gaze fell on the monk, and he raised his hand to press the robe, and between the gap between the neckline, there was something that was reflexed with light.

It is a small medal, which is pinned in the hidden corner of the collar.

Only with the movement of the monk swearing, most of it was revealed.

In the darkness, both the saints and believers were either immersed in the sacred ritual that the monks swore at this time, or they were still feeling incredible for the wonderful scene of the fusion of ice and fire.

Number Four was still stunned because her power was suppressed, only Song Qingxiao's eyes fell on the medal.

The black sword on the red background of the medal. At this time, the black meaning on the sword seemed to be smudged ink, soaking a little bit around, overflowing into the red background of the medal.

This change was only in the light of lightning. The next moment Song Qingxiao looked over, but saw that the medal was still the same as before, as if he saw the surging of black energy only because of the rise and fall of the chest when the monk spoke. Shadows.

"——If I break this oath, I will not be worthy of being one of the Thirteen Saints and will leave the court!

The monk didn't notice Song Qingxiao's distraction at this moment, he took the oath very seriously, and the others followed suit.

After the changes in the medals on the monks, Song Qingxiao began to pay attention to the medals on other people.

Each of the Six Saints wears a medal. According to the monk's previous statement, this medal is a symbol of the status of the Thirteen Saints.

There should be some power in the medal, which will guide the reunion of the twelve saints.

At this time, the monk's oath seemed to have touched the medal and caused the medal to change. This situation is not accidental. It seems that I should find an opportunity to inquire about the medal.

Because of the different meanings of this medal, I am afraid it has some special effects, so it was well hidden by several saints.

But no matter how much you hide it, you can't escape Song Qing's small eyes.

She noticed that as Edward and the others swear one after another, some power on these medals was changing, as if hearing their voices, and thus gave some kind of warning.

The appearance of No. 4 seems reckless, but he hides his careful observation ability with a rough appearance.

When the monk swears, he didn't notice the change of the medal, but when other people swear, he quickly noticed that something was wrong.

Because these people's strength was reduced, but their mental power was surprisingly strong, they didn't transmit the sound, but winked at Song Qingxiao without a trace.

Seeing Song Qingxiao's expression unchanged, she wondered if she had discovered the matter a long time ago, and she was surprised.

After everyone expressed their determination, they all rushed to the side of the Dragon Falling Abyss.

"According to legend, there used to be an evil dragon here while escaping back to the land of the undead."

After the two sides expressed their opinions to each other, they were already in a cooperative relationship, and the cultivator's smile seemed to be closer.

Perhaps the two powerhouses were drawn together, which made the team stronger, and sealed the hope of the sage of the ‘Moon’. The expressions of the saints seemed a lot relaxed, and the monks also had a leisurely mood to talk about the past of the Dragon Valley before going down the valley.

"It smashed into a deep hole here, and the struggling corpse eventually formed a hill, so this place got the name of Fallen Dragon Valley."

The dark creatures at the bottom of the valley have died cleanly under the burning of the flames, and the remaining unextinguished red light shows the terrible lethality of the previous flames, and illuminates the huge abyss extremely clearly.

While speaking, the monk carefully walked a few steps forward. When he saw the magic circle in the formation, his face showed undisguised joy:

"The magic circle is really there."

"Let's go down first." Song Qing nodded slightly, and she took the lead into the abyss.

This action surprised the saint, thinking that she was going to jump straight down.

But every time she took a step, a circular ice shield with a diameter of about 20 centimeters appeared under her step.

As she continued to descend several steps, these floating ice shields were like layers of stairs, and a ladder of 20 to 30 meters long was built firmly between the ground and the abyss of Fallen Dragon Valley.

After No. 4 stayed on the top and broke off, Song Qing's small figure quickly appeared at the bottom of the huge abyss, turning his head and shouting:

"Come down."

Everyone looked at this special staircase with hesitating expressions.

This floating ladder made of ice does not look very strong. It has no support or handrails. It feels like it will break when stepped on, and it is not very stable.

It was just out of the oath to obey Song Qingxiao's instructions, so that everyone did not question it.

After a while, the oldest monk gritted his teeth:

"I'll come first."

He clamped the thick "Dragon Whisper Secret Technique" under his armpit, lifted the robe with both hands, took a deep breath, lifted his footsteps, and stepped on the first ice ladder floating above the abyss.

The swordsman stood behind him, ready to stretch out his hand at any time.

But after taking this step, the monk did not crush the ice layer with his foot as others imagined.

The ice layer, which didn't seem to be very firm, not only didn't break, but was extremely stable. It didn't sway, and easily supported the monk's body.


This wonderful scene caused the monk to sigh uncontrollably. With this experiment, after confirming that the ice ladder could bear his own weight, he tried to walk to the next level.

'despair! ’

The toes fell on the ice, making a crisp knocking sound.

The soles of the feet are very stable, not like walking in the air, but like stepping on the ground.


When the believers watched this scene, their eyes widened.


The saint folded her hands together and said with joy.

The bottom of the abyss is high from the ground. Song Qingxiao and No. 4 are powerful. Judging from their previous performances, they don't care about this distance at all.

Although the power of the saints has been weakened, there are ways to continue.

The only trouble is the ordinary believers. Such a high distance, coupled with the red cliffs, is enough to make them feel terrified.

Now that there is a ladder, everyone naturally feels very at ease.

With the monk taking the lead, Edward and the elves also stepped up the stairs one after another, while the believers held hands, and with a feeling of excitement and anxiety, one after another lined up in a long dragon and walked towards this ice ladder.

The four walls of the abyss are like red-hot rock furnaces, but because of the protection of ice, the heat waves are sealed in the stone walls, forming a unique and fantastic beauty.

Everyone stepped down the ice ladder one after another, and quickly entered the bottom of the abyss.

At the bottom of the abyss, there are some scorched and brittle remains of dark The unextinguished Mars is sealed by ice, which looks a little frightening.

When the monk saw Song Qingxiao, he felt a little more stable in his heart, and jumped down.

‘Bah! ’

Sure enough, the ice layer did not shatter because of the action he jumped off, but the monk still trot to get close to Song Qingxiao before he let out a long sigh of relief.

Everyone came down one after another, surrounded by ice and fire, and felt very strange.

Raphael and No. 4 were the last to come down. No. 4 jumped directly, while Raphael turned into a winged man and landed slowly.

Time is urgent, even if everyone has a lot of doubts in their hearts at this time, they can't even ask questions.

The monk took out the magic map, and the situation was a little uncomfortable at this moment. The light spot of the magic circle closest to the Glacier Valley at this time was even dimmer compared to the previous one.

"There may be powerful dark creatures out there."

Everyone stopped staying, and hurried in the direction of the magic circle.

At this time, the teleportation magic array was sealed under the ice layer that suppressed the flame, revealing fluorescent purple light, forming a huge disc of light and shadow.

"Edward." The monk didn't say much nonsense, and directly called the mage's name.

The less-spoken mage clicked a little bit, raised the staff in his hand, and sang a series of spells quickly in a weird tone——

His spell seemed to be the key to accusing a certain mysterious magical power. As his secret spell uttered, something suddenly seemed to be activated in the ground, causing violent fluctuations.


The light of the fire that was sealed under the ice flashed, and a trembling sensation came from the ice, making everyone who stepped on the halo of the magic circle really feel the wave of magic.


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