Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 865: Send

The magic spar padded underground emerged, and the magic energy stored in it had not been completely swallowed.

"It can still be used!" Edward's tone was a little uplifting, making other believers unable to hold back and let out a small cheer.

The purple magic halo pressed over the orange flame light and floated up through the ice layer, shining directly into the sky!

With the injection of Edward's magic power, the purple light seemed to come alive, and the power of the magic moved along the halo layer after layer, making a humming sound.

During these magical rotations, some magical totems appeared in the underground aperture.

A large number of mysterious and complicated text appeared, reactivating the magic circle that was on the verge of collapse.

Lines of light and shadow appeared beneath the ground, intertwined to form weird patterns.

Once the shape is formed, the magic power required by the magic circle increases.

At the beginning, Edward used his magic wand to actively input his magic power into this formation.

But after the formation was activated and activated, the magic power that Edward had input was far from enough to maintain the formation.

Especially the number of people wrapped in the array is extremely large, which increases the need to transmit the magic array.

I saw that as the formation turned, it began to **** back Edward's power.

The endless flow of magic power is sucked into the formation through the magic wand.

Edward's realm dropped sharply now, and naturally he couldn't help the magic circle to absorb it so much. In a moment of effort, his face fell into gray.

His originally straight back was bent, his mottled gray hair turned into a snow-white color at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a lot of wrinkles appeared on his face, as if he was more than ten years old in an instant.

"Not good." The monk exclaimed when he saw this scene.

Out of love for his companions, he didn't have time to say anything else, and subconsciously put his palm on the wand in Edward's hand.


The moment his palm touched the magic wand, the wand body made a hum, and then soared into the air, as if freed from the shackles of Edward, but the powerful magic power formed a sticky bond that firmly attracted the palms of the two old men. Above that magic wand.

The monk only felt that the power in his body rushed into the magic wand, and was sucked into the magic circle.

The magic array at this time was like a bottomless pit. After absorbing the strength of the monk and Edward, it turned from purple to red, and the previously trembling array gradually became more stable.

But on the contrary, the situation of the two mages is not good.

With the monk's participation, although the formation was stabilized, Edward's situation did not improve, but the monk's cheeks also began to show some strange gray spots.

Seeing this, Raphael and the Elf also stepped forward and grabbed the wand.

The joining of several saints greatly alleviated the speed of Edward's aging, and the color of the magic circle gradually faded from deep red to orange and stabilized.

Once the formation was stabilized, the ancient mysterious text in the formation began to connect into a series of light and shadow, enveloping everyone.

The saint seized the time to show her blessings, and the believers also prayed in unison, but these actions simply could not meet the magical needs of the formation.

About half a minute later, the Elf and Raphael who grabbed the wand also showed signs of decline, and then the swordsman stepped forward.

Compared with the few saints who are not physically strong, his power is obviously stronger.

I saw a faint light gushing out of the wand's body, the entire formation enveloping everyone faster than before, and the light of the formation gradually changed from orange to pale gold.

But the swordsman's power can only be maintained for a moment, and soon he begins to show fatigue.

The saint desperately superimposed blessings, and did not dare to stop. I was afraid that once they stopped, these companions would lose the blessings and cause trouble.

The monk and the others quickly showed fatigue on their faces, obviously it would not last long.

And after the magic circle couldn't absorb enough power as quickly as before, the pale gold light began to dim, and once again turned into a mixed color of gold and orange.

"It's over!"

All the saints who grasped the wands had this thought in their hearts, and their faces were pale.

Affected by the dark creatures, the damage to the magic circle was more serious than the monks and others had originally estimated.

The power originally stored in the magic circle was exhausted, and coupled with the influence of the dark power at this time, the power of the six saints dropped sharply again, and the magic circle could not be fully activated.

Nowadays, it is difficult for a few people to ride a tiger. If they let go, then they will naturally give up their previous achievements.

The loss of magic power is difficult to make up for in a short time, and giving up most of the formation that activates at this moment means that the monk’s initial plan has failed——

Everyone cannot reach the Glacier Valley, which is closer to the abyss through the teleportation of the magic circle. If you rely on walking, you will need to spend at least more than a year not to mention it, and you may encounter an endless stream of dark creatures in the way. Count in!

Once the time to seal the sage of the "Moon" in the Great Prophecy is missed, it will be a fatal blow to the sage of the "Sun", and even the gods.

The federation established for more than three hundred years may be split again due to the collapse of beliefs, and the dragons that were blocked outside the Canyon of the Dead may return.

From then on, there was no federation, no court, no faith, no two great sages of "Sun" and "Moon", and naturally there were no saints.

The mainland will return to the era when it was ruled by evil dragons four hundred years ago, and everything will start all over again.

Despair appeared in the monk's old eyes, the wand could not absorb the fresh power, trembling slightly, and the light on it gradually dimmed.

At this moment, a hand grabbed onto the wand:

"How to start the formation?"

In desperation, a cold female voice sounded, and as Song Qing's small hand held the wand, the trembling wand instantly stood still as if being caught by the gate of life.

But between the electric light and the fire, on the gems inlaid on the top of the magic wand, an extremely bright luster burst out in an instant, like the same round of the sun, which is dare not to look at it at all.

The majestic spiritual power poured into the wand from Song Qing's small palm, instantly stabilizing the formation that was on the verge of collapse.

The magic circle that had already dimmed once again seemed to be rejuvenated, from orange to gold!

Jin Mang illuminates the entire formation, and each text appears to be extraordinarily clear, ‘buzzing’ shaped, turning into a circle of light, forming a huge circular sphere, enclosing everyone.

"..." The monks and the others were dumbfounded. Song Qingxiao joined in, which suddenly reduced the pressure on them, and even the extra power she output turned into auxiliary power, which was returned to the other five saints who had been absorbed and damaged the roots. .


The magic circle had been completely activated, but the five saints who were overwhelmed seemed to have lost their reaction.

"Mage!" She yelled, still seemingly at ease.

Edward came to his senses and immediately agreed.

He also grasped the staff, which contained great power, which made him seem to have returned to the peak of his strength back then.

Do not! This feeling is even a few points stronger than when the power of his faith reached its peak.

The power in the wand is endless, and the other end of the wand seems to be connected to the vast ocean. The power is endless, and it has exceeded the border he can explore.

Lovely Dehua was just stunned for a moment, and soon recovered.

The feeling of controlling a magic wand full of power made him a little strange at first, and he couldn't control it well for a while.

It was just that soon he found the feeling, and cast it according to the curse that activated the formation.

The power in the wand is huge, and it doesn't feel like it was difficult or difficult to use before.

Under Song Qingxiao's control, that power extremely obeyed his command, causing him to search for the magic circle closest to the glacier valley.

The formation was about to be destroyed, and the response sent back was extremely weak, but fortunately, the strength of the magic array was beyond Edward's imagination after the magic array was completely repaired.

He set the coordinates smoothly, and soon the ball of light surrounded everyone. In Edward's spell, more than twenty people were shrouded in the formation, and disappeared in place with a ‘swish’.

Everyone in the formation loses weight instantly. This feeling is similar to the feeling that Song Qingxiao saved the fugitives during the trial of escaping the terrorist camp that day and decided to return to the terrorist camp and take the first step.

The body seemed to drop rapidly, the light disappeared in front of the eyes, the darkness shrouded everyone's sight again, and the sound of wind on both sides blew by the ears.

‘Wow! ’

After a moment of effort, a strange roar spread into the sea of ​​knowledge.

A little light in front came through the darkness, but as this roar sounded, a large amount of dark power poured in. Seeing that this light was about to be overwhelmed, the people sent by the magic circle were like a meteor. Like, flew to the light spot, and rushed out from the shrinking light spot with a'swish'.

The magic shield that was holding everyone shattered at the moment when the light spot rushed out.

Without the protection of the magic shield, cold wind, fishy air, and murderous intent rushed in, mixed with the roar of the beast, a giant palm fell from the sky, carrying a hurricane, and slapped everyone's heads.


The believers fell from mid-air one by one, and they could only smell the horrible wind and blood in front of them, and couldn't see the surrounding environment at all.

Everyone didn't know where they were, and in a panic, they stretched out their hands and grabbed them, trying to stabilize their bodies.

In the chaos, No.4 quickly stabilized in the air.

The testers have extremely rich combat experience, and several flames gushing out of his body, entangled in the giant palm that shoots down.

The flames turned into ropes, entangled the huge palm that was grabbed away, and stopped the momentum of the huge palm falling.

The flames rising into the sky dissipated the black energy and brought light.

The saints who reacted quickly followed and calmed down. Raphael took the lead with a wing on his back, and took the lead in the air, and grabbed the elderly monk and the saint easily, preventing the two from falling.

Relying on their flexible bodies, the swordsmen and elves also slowed down the speed of the fall. The swordsmen turned over in mid-air in time to catch the mage who had fallen from his side.

In the midair, a narrow gate of time and space that was forcibly opened by magic power, after throwing out the group of people, it slowly closed.

Above his head, a huge blue palm was being restrained by several fire ropes.

The giant palm has five fingers, and the sharp and abnormal fingertips are each half a meter long, covered with thick turquoise scales, which look amazing.

At this time, a flame was wrapped around each of the five fingers, and the flame was like five long chains, pulling the five long fingers to extend outward, preventing it from falling.

The swordsman gave a startled glance, and before he could see the origin of the giant palm, he smashed it down to the ground with the mage.

There was a slight accident in the magic circle. Although it was successfully activated and activated, it was most likely to deviate from its original trajectory because it was parasitized by dark creatures.

During the shuttle, the shield broke and everyone was thrown out of the wall of time and space and appeared in another territory.

The swordsman and the mage smashed to the ground. When they landed, the swordsman tried his best to use his body as a shield to show off his anger and protect the weak mage.

The hard armor hit something, and the impact of the two smashed something to pieces.

Amidst the sound of ‘crash’, thick icy mucus splashed out, and the angry ‘hiss’ sound of certain creatures was heard all around!

‘Huh! ’

The swordsman didn't care about being embarrassed, and forbearing his dizziness, turned and sat up, and grabbed a handful of the mage buried in the liquid.

In the sound of ‘boom, boom, boom’, it seemed as if the ground was hit hard by some force, and some creature was approaching quickly!

"Be careful!"

Before the swordsman could react, the saint who was caught by Raphael in the air gave a reminder.

Then a simple holy light shield was released by her, covering the dizzy swordsman and Edward.

'hiss! ’

In the next instant a green cloud surged, and a soft brown-red object hit the Holy Light Shield in the sound of ‘pop’.

The moment it touched the Holy Light Shield, the soft thing split into two, splitting like two wriggling bugs, and then a blood basin came close to it.

The mouth was like the same soft flesh, but when it was attached to the Holy Light Shield, two rows of extremely sharp tines suddenly appeared.

The two rows of sawtooths stained with dark brown blood stains were originally aimed at the swordsman and wizard who fell first, but because of the influence of the Holy Light Shield, the two temporarily escaped.

It's just that the power of the Holy Light Shield was weak, only blocking the blow of this giant tooth.

As the two rows of strong teeth ‘click’ bite together, the shield light dimmed and shattered.

The ‘howl’ wind mixed with the stench, and the swordsman turned his vindictive spirit into action, raising his long sword and slashing at the monster:

"Go away!"

The fighting spirit ‘banged’ the monster’s forehead, and the blade of the heavy giant sword hit the scale armor, breaking through the scales and flesh, and slashing onto the hard and incomparable skull, making a clear clash.


As soon as the monster was hit by the sword, turquoise blood gushed out, let out a weird cry of pain, retracted its head, and then something quickly drew from the sound of the ‘swish’ of the wind.

The swordsman reluctantly raised his anger to block again, ‘boom--’

Between the impact of the two forces, the vindictive energy blocked the blue shadow for a moment, and then the powerful force pushed back, leading the swordsman's body to fly upside down, and fell back again with a ‘bang’.

‘Pap, pap! ’

In the huge impact, something was crushed by the swordsman one after another, and the ice-cold slime poured out, making the swordsman's head and face all over his head.


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