Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 903: Expose

Young General Song Qing turned his attention to the monk and the others, and the monks and others' eyes fell on the ‘Japanese’ sage who was fighting Lucifer, with hesitation and worry in their eyes.

From the beginning, just like on the 4th, she put the task target on the two sages of "Sun" and "Moon", but ignored these saints.

She was holding No.4 in her hand. At this moment, after being seriously injured and losing combat effectiveness, he brought his ability to observe words and expressions to the extreme.

Although he couldn't see Song Qing's face, he still felt that Song Qingxiao had shifted his attention from the saints of the'dark' faction to other places with the burst of intuition. Up.

When he turned his gaze, he also saw the saints of the ‘Bright’ faction not far away, as if he had guessed Song Qingxiao’s innermost thoughts:

"Could it be that the'pure' heart is not necessarily the two great sages?"

As soon as No. 4 finished saying this, he suddenly realized it.

The task only prompts to obtain the ‘pure heart’, and it has not been said that the ‘pure heart’ must come from a powerful person.

According to the progress of the mission, he and Song Qingxiao needed to obtain the'Pure Heart', so they joined the team of the'Bright' faction.

In other words, there must be clues related to their tasks in the team.

Therefore, this ‘pure heart’ may not originate from the sages of ‘Sun’. It is possible for the saints and even believers who are walking with them all the way.

There was a hint of excitement on Number Four's face, but then he seemed to think of something again:

"No." The inhalation affected the injury in his body, and the pain made his face slightly distorted:

"If this is the case, there are six saints from the'light' faction. If the'pure heart' is one of them, then which one of the six is ​​it?"

Ordinary believers didn't take it seriously, and he didn't deliberately observe which person has the purest character.

Among the Six Saints, apart from Raphael, Edward, and the Elves, who have always been taciturn and have a low sense of existence, the most impressed by Number Four is the other three.

Monk? Saint? Swordsman? Will these three be the owners of the "Pure Heart"?

"I don't think it's possible." The suspicion of No.4 once again took the upper hand. "If the owner of the'Pure Heart' is among the saints, then the owners of the'Dark Heart' that the Taoists need are also Including the six saints such as Hayas."

If only this is the case, the task would be too easy.

It is very possible that these people may all be the owners of the ‘pure heart’ and need to be screened and selected by those who participate in the trial.

In this way, guessing that the monks and others were also the mission targets for No. 4, it was just a matter of expanding the target of suspicion.

Song Qingxiao didn't speak, and she had thought of the deduction on the fourth.

"This should be the last place for the mission clues--" When Number Four said this, she couldn't hide her inner worries:

"If we can't find out, we may all be left here."

Lucifer and the ‘Japanese’ sages are in a battle, and after they decide the winner, no matter who wins, it is not good for the two of them.

"So, I'm going to help him." When No. 4 said this, Song Qingxiao finally said: "Stay well!"

As soon as she finished her voice, she let her hand on the neckline of No. 4 loose.

"Help, who is tied?"

No. 4 was stunned, and when he reacted, his body had already fallen rapidly.

The abyss under the ground is like a huge mouth, and the power of his downward thrust will entice the black mist entrenched above the abyss to live.

The mist squirmed, and the power of darkness spread, trying to swallow him.

His eyesight turned black, and he could only hear the sound of the wind rushing through his ears. This state reminded No. 4 of the time when he was previously controlled by the magic of the ‘Sun’ sage, and activated the palpitations remaining in his heart.

A high-pitched bird chirping sounded, and a flaming phoenix came flying out of the black locks with the vomiting **** No. 4 in the sound of ‘rumbling’ flames.

Song Qingxiao didn't care about her teammates anymore. She had saved No. 4 several times. If so, he still had no power to protect himself, he could only be doomed to this fate.

The ‘Sun’ sage fell down in the battle with the giant dragon. Lucifer’s reincarnation magic sucked his power one by one, and then counterattacked him with his spells, restraining him to the death!

The red dragon opened its mouth, and a burst of incomprehensible spells spit out from its mouth.

The fiery red flames formed a huge magic circle, and the flames were like meteor showers, smashing crazily in the direction of the ‘Sun’ sage!

The dark purple magic circle is like a huge cage, firmly trapping the black sage ‘Sun’.

Seeing that the dense rain of flames was about to swallow the sage ‘Sun’, the monks and others couldn’t help it.

Regardless of whether there is a deviation in their beliefs, the ‘Japanese’ sages have led them to the light.

To the Six Saints, he is like a teacher and a close friend.

Although the provocative remarks on the 4th made the Six Saints speculate and the mutation of the ‘Japanese’ sage also made them suspect, no matter what, they could not let the ‘Japanese’ sage be injured by the evil dragon!

"Sai Ji!"

The swordsman yelled in desperation, the giant light butterfly wings moved slightly, layers of pale blue halo like scattered powder, turned into a holy light shield, and flew towards the direction of the sage of the day. , I want to envelop him.

The monk opened the thick magic book in his hand, and the mage also chanted a spell.


But there is one person who is much faster than them!

The sword light flashed, and the cold sword aura overflowed.

Song Qingxiao held Zhu Tian in his hand and waved his arm to draw a huge circle in the void.

The god-killing technique is running, and the spiritual power is poured into the long sword.

The power of the ice formed an ice plate in a moment, and she raised her hand to pick and cut it out.

That Yuanying shot up against the flames, and under the power of God Extinction, it broke up halfway and turned into countless ice balls, opposing the flame rain.

The collision of forces did not produce the terrifying effect of the sky and the earth.

The ice hockey silently engulfed and wrapped the blasting fireballs, turning the chill into a strong storm, and hit the red magic circle with a ‘boom’.


Under the huge impact, the red dragon's head was hit by an invisible mountain, its long neck was hit, the muscles bounced, and the head tilted to one side.

It uttered a roar, the dragon's magic was interrupted, and the huge red magic circle lost its subsequent power injection and was instantly frozen by ice and snow.

The huge lightning summoned by Edward fell onto the magic circle, and the frozen magic circle was shattered by the lightning in the sound of the electric current of ‘嗞嗞’.

Taking this opportunity, the ‘Sun’ sage broke free from the shackles of the dark purple magic circle, his body was wrapped in black energy, and he escaped from Lucifer’s control.


When the monk and others saw her take action, they were surprised and delighted and let out a cheer.

"It's you again!" On the dragon's back, Lucifer's figure swayed slightly because of the turbulence of the dragon's body.

After the giant dragon waved its huge wings and flew back in a circle, his gaze fell on Song Qingxiao's body.

The face of the saint who claimed to be a **** was gritted his teeth. Lucifer felt both headaches and disgust for this opponent who had fought but was helpless with each other.

"Who are you? Who sent you here? What do you want here?"

He didn't know her origin and purpose, and based on his understanding of the Federation and God's Court, they could not find such a strong person.

The power of the ‘day’ and the ‘moon’ was greatly weakened by events three hundred years ago, and it is no longer possible to recruit new believers. Song Qingxiao could not be a ‘new person’ sent by the Federation to serve the saints.

"Then what do you want when you come here? What good is it for you to betray the palace and cooperate with the dragon?"

Song Qingxiao did not answer the question, but Lucifer was even more angry when he said something:

"These have nothing to do with you!"

"Then who am I, who sent me here, what does it have to do with you?"

"It seems that you deliberately want to spoil my good deeds."

Lucifer heard Song Qingxiao's words, and a stray bird flashed in his eyes.

"Good thing?" He said, Song Qingxiao vaguely caught something:

"You have betrayed the God's Court, and you will bring the dragon that was driven to the Canyon of the Undead to the mainland again—"

The messy clues in my mind were gradually connected because of Lucifer's inadvertent sentence:

"You want to bring the mainland back to the dark age!"

"Why?" When the swordsman heard this, he was shocked:

"Lucifer, we experienced the dark age back then!"

Such times are not beautiful. Death, pain, despair and curse are everywhere, and the threat posed by the dragon makes all races miserable.

"Thirteen of us were all victims who suffered the dragon's ravages!"

They were born in the dark era, showed extraordinary talents, accumulated a certain amount of strength in the troubled times, and were finally favored by the two great sages and became the guardians of the great sages.

After several decades, everyone has put in a lot of effort before finally driving the dragon to the Canyon of the Dead, preventing them from setting foot on the mainland.

"Everyone has paid a lot of money to get the current stability. Why do you want to do this?"

The swordsman was a little angry:

"Have you forgotten Fernando? He used to fight with us. He was once your best friend. When you were attacked by the dragon, he used his body to block the dragon's claws for you!"

His pale face flushed with anger:

"The dragon's claws penetrated his breastbone. When he was dying, he was glad you were alive!"

A mist of water gushes out of the swordsman's blue eyes:

"Because you can't forget his love and meaning, you hated the dragon in those days! Even after the dragon was driven out, you took the initiative to make a request to guard the Canyon of the Undead."

The environment in the Canyon of the Dead is harsh, and there are no others to set foot in it all year round.

Guarded there alone, like an exiled dragon.

The guardian who guards the Canyon of the Undead needs not only strong strength, but also a strong heart.

"'Only with a pure heart can we resist the evil hidden in the dark and evil!'" The swordsman said loudly: "This is what the two great sages said personally."

Among the Thirteen Saints, Lucifer is the most powerful, coupled with his strong anger in the process of driving away the dragon, and his nostalgia for the dead comrades——

So when he offered to guard the Canyon of the Dead, no one had ever doubted it.

Even because of his sacrifice,'Sun' and'Yue' took the initiative to separate a part of their power of faith and gift it to him, which distinguished him from the special status of the other twelve saints, which made him jump up and possess almost The'God' compared with the two sages.

At that time, no one had expected that such Lucifer would rebel against the court and the mainland.


The swordsman shouted out his inner anger loudly.

In fact, he felt aggrieved all along this journey.

After entering the foggy forest, he was no longer as strong as the rumors, and the weakening of his power made the saints who were once famous on the mainland weak and helpless-the blue demon lizard group even lost his own weapon.

After arriving in the Abyssal Territory, the sages of the "Moon" changed, and the sages of the "Sun" that appeared again were very different from their impressions.

The partners who had fought side by side betrayed their beliefs and plunged into the camp of evil dragons.

What is good and what is bad, the swordsman feels a little unclear.

"Because he wants to become a god."

Song Qing's faint voice sounded, responding to the swordsman's roar Become a god? The moment the swordsman heard her voice, he was stunned for a moment, and then after hearing what she said clearly, he seemed to be a little unbelievable in his ears:

"What do you mean, Song?"

The saints of the ‘Bright’ faction depended heavily on her, and even the power of belief had already shifted. Therefore, after Song Qingxiao said such words, although the swordsman felt unbelievable, he did not have any doubts.

"Four hundred years ago, the mainland was under the control of evil dragons. Two sages who were regarded as'sun' and'moon' appeared. The power of faith they gained made them become gods on the mainland."

When the monk heard this, it seemed to vaguely understood something, and he glanced at each other with Edward beside him and nodded.

"For Lucifer, this is an opportunity."

Song Qing said slowly:

"He has too much. He has the power of ‘light’ and ‘dark’ in his body to merge and obtain reincarnation magic."

Formidable strength derives formidable ambition, and he has been trapped in the Canyon of the Dead for many years, making him jealous of the status of the two great sages in the court.

"Especially the'darkness' is sealed, the'light' disappears without a trace, the believers don't know, Lucifer must be clear."

He may be dormant and waiting for an opportunity, waiting until the mainland is desperate.

"Bringing the dragon back to the mainland, bringing the dark age to come again, choosing new saints, and disrupting the current fixed pattern, will he be qualified to become a new ‘god’."

Song Qingxiao is not a group of obsessive but kind saints. From Lucifer's actions and simple words, he has already guessed his plan.

Her words were tantamount to a storm to the saints, everyone was dumbfounded and could not speak for a long time.


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