Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 904: Metamorphosis

Lucifer's mind is clear, he has been plotting for a long time.

If you just kill the ‘Moon’ sage and replace it, then no matter what his merits, strength, or prestige are, he will not be enough to convince the people on the mainland.

Only by overturning the current order of establishment and reappearing the dark age can he once again establish his prestige, faith, and become a **** in one step.

"This, is this true?" The monk looked in a daze. From the bottom of his heart, the old man had already believed the words of Song Qing's novels.

But emotionally, he hoped that Lucifer could deny it.

Perhaps in his heart, he did not expect that the Thirteen Saints of the year would introduce the dragon of evil because of their ambitions and desires, causing tens of thousands of people on the mainland to fall into pain and despair again.

When the elderly monk asked questions, his expression was a little cautious, as if he had a glimmer of hope, waiting for his former companion to refute.

But he did not expect that what was waiting for him was Lucifer's decisive words:

"Yes it is!"

His expression changed from surprise, anxiety, and embarrassment at the beginning, like a secret he carefully concealed, which was revealed before everyone after many years.

The death of the former companion mentioned by the swordsman did not touch his heart, but the secret revealed was like a fig leaf on Lucifer.

The moment he lost it, he was a little embarrassed, but soon the embarrassment was overwhelmed by huge ambitions, and finally became absolutely conceited.

In this case, the monk's expectation was broken, his lips moved, and a deep disappointment appeared in his eyes.

"The **** court has passed away, and the'light and darkness' that has lost the godhood and faith should also give up the position of the main god."

He no longer concealed his intentions, standing on the back of the dragon, letting the wind blow:

"Rodno, for the sake of the past, if you are willing to follow me and become a new saint, we can restart the world and create a new godhead."

"Impossible!" The monk refused without hesitation, "This world has established laws, has gods and beliefs!"

This old man, who has always been amiable, showed his stubborn and tough side for the first time, and stood firm in rejecting Lucifer's temptation:

"You are making a mistake! You know the consequences of being disrupted more clearly than we are."

The evil dragon will return to the mainland, plundering people's lives, happiness, peace and wealth.

"We have experienced all of this before, and we should not let future generations re-take the rugged and old road we have walked in the past..."


Before the monk was finished, Lucifer's arrogant laugh interrupted him:

"Nothing is eternal, Rodno!"

His body rises and falls with the soaring dragon, looking high down at the saint below his body, with a look of contempt in his eyes:

"Do you think federation, court, order, and laws are eternal?" He said contemptuously, "The laws created by ‘light’ and ‘darkness’ are just the same old ways of predecessors!"

Lucifer twitched the corner of her mouth coldly:

"I discovered all this more than three hundred years ago."

"What did you find?" Edward asked in a deep voice.

A very strange smile appeared on Lucifer's face, and he glanced at the sage ‘Sun’ not far away with a somewhat proud but vague look:

"I found out that'light' and darkness are not eternal."

He raised his chin slightly:

"The so-called gods are not so high."

Now that this is the case, then why can the ‘sun’ and the ‘moon’ occupy the lord of the **** court and become the faith of the people, but he can’t?

"Why do you want to reject me in a hurry?" Lucifer tilted his head and glanced at the monk with a firm expression: "Didn't you also betray the faith you were loyal to? Now it's just changing your previous perceptions. View, this should not be difficult for you."

When he said this, he seemed to think of something, showing a sudden realization:

"Oh, the reason you rejected me is because of embarrassment? Because of the "Japanese" sage?" He thought he had found the crux of the problem, "If this is the case, then there is no need to worry about it."

Lucifer pursed the corner of his mouth, revealing a sarcasm.

When he said this, he even paused for a moment deliberately, as if deliberately trying to catch the appetite of these saints, destroying their inner beliefs, and making them feel uneasy.

Song Qingxiao heard this, but her heart moved slightly.

She had a hunch that what Lucifer said next might be extremely crucial.

Sure enough, he paused for a while and said:

"The great light you have worshipped and followed has already fallen into the embrace of darkness even earlier than you."

The words were shocking, and they shook the monks and others' heart.

"Impossible—" the elf exclaimed in exclamation, and his worship of the sage ‘Sun’ made him angrily open his mouth:

"you are lying!"

The faces of the saints showed anger.

Lucifer’s accusation against the ‘Japanese’ sages made them even more uncomfortable than when Lucifer ridiculed his belief in ‘betrayal’.

"Huh!" Lucifer sneered, and stretched out his hand to the southeast and pointed at a distance, "The power on his body is already surrounded by darkness!"

Where his hand was pointing, the translucent figure of the ‘Japanese’ sage was wrapped in a large group of black air.

Without the shackles of the saint's holy light shield, the black energy gushing from the bottom of the abyss slowly approached him.

These black auras have great corrosive power for the saints of the ‘light’ faction, and logically speaking, they should be incompatible with the power of the sages of the ‘Japanese’.

But at this moment, these evil spirits from the bottom of the abyss are extremely intimate around the sage ‘Sun’, as if they belonged to his closest comrade-in-arms.

The originally pure white robe on his body, after several previous battles with Lucifer, seemed to have been stained with large swaths of thick ink.

The black devil qi formed patches of spots, densely distributed around his robe, which looked shocking.

Lucifer's accusation made everyone's eyes fall on the sages of the ‘Sun’, including saints, believers and all the testers.

In addition, even at the bottom of the abyss, all the saints of the ‘dark’ faction who were almost integrated with the ‘giant tree’ sat upright and looked up into the sky from the bottom of the abyss.

"..." The monk and others did not speak, but the panic in their eyes had revealed something.

In the face of these people's eyes, the sage ‘Japanese’ did not speak.

But Song Qingxiao found that the black spots on his holy robe were getting bigger and bigger.

Those black qi, like thick ink, tarnished his white robe.

The thick black air spread from his cuffs, hem and collar to the middle, and the dots of spots were quickly connected, turning into a pure black, surrounded from all sides in a slow but firm posture, and penetrated into his chest. belly.

"Hahahahaha! Look!" Lucifer said proudly when he saw this scene:

"Even the so-called'gods' can't maintain their beliefs, so what about us?"

With the invasion of black energy, the aura of the ‘Japanese’ sage began to change.

The purple in his eyes became purer, his hair was black and blue, and the black air lingering around him became thicker and thicker, almost swallowing him.

"He has been infested by darkness." Lucifer curled his mouth slightly, as if admiring a masterpiece:

"According to the profound meaning of the saints of ‘light’, should you at this time eliminate everything that has been defiled by darkness?"


What responded to him was the collective silence of the monks and others.

The color of the robe on the sage of "Sun" is still changing, and the sleeves of the white holy robe are turned black, like the vast night sky, with a mysterious and dangerous feeling.

Lucifer's voice lowered, as if he was afraid of disturbing him, and as if he was coaxing:

"Follow me, become my believer, get rid of the'darkness', suppress the demons, and make the light reappear." He squinted his eyes and looked at the monks and others: "Establish a new law."

"You can't do it." Song Qing pointedly pointed out and shook his head.

"Haha." Lucifer laughed twice, and he looked at Song Qingxiao coldly. He hated and disgusted this woman who had repeatedly ruined his good deeds.

"People are always forgetful. Pain and hesitation can easily destroy their firm beliefs and memories." He raised his head a little arrogantly, "When the darkness comes, it is enough to erase the credit of the predecessors, they will only remember Live in front of the strong who bestowed their favor."

"You have misunderstood." Song Qingxiao shook his head again, clenched the long sword in his hand, and said gently:

"I mean, you are not qualified to get out of the abyssal realm."

The meaning in her words was very obvious. Lucifer was stunned for a moment, and then burst into a crazy laugh as if he had heard some joke:

"Can't get out?" The giant dragon under him seemed to sense his mood at this time. The huge hill-like figure couldn't help but undulate, and the hurricane brought his robe and hair flying in the air:

"You are powerful, but you can't kill me—"

Before he finished his words, the ‘Sun’ sage in the black mist suddenly moved.

Lucifer's laughter stopped abruptly, and the magic turned in the purple eyes.

The magic circle quickly formed in his hands, and purple light surrounded him.

The black mist surrounding the sage'Sun' formed several intertwined vine arrows and shot out.

But the direction that the black vine shot was not at Lucifer, but straight through the sky above the magic circle, and hit the ‘giant tree’ that grew from the bottom of the abyss with a ‘boom’.

'boom! ’

The impact of power aroused everyone's attention, and only saw the top of the'giant tree' revealing half of the head of the'Moon' sage.

Taking advantage of everyone's fighting and talking, he got rid of the trap of the vines of the ‘giant tree’ and got out of the black vines.

All those who saw the face of the sage "Moon" were surprised.

At this moment, his face was extremely horrible, as if it had been split in two.

With the middle of the bridge of his nose as the dividing line, the upper half of his face has completely escaped from the black mist.

The bluish-black vine prints entwined around his forehead and bridge of nose have completely disappeared, revealing his white and flawless skin.

His eyes are like a clear lake with a pure sky blue luster.

The lower half of the face under the bridge of the nose is extremely terrifying.

The lower half of the face has lost the embryonic shape of the jaw and lips. A large bundle of thin and dense black vines twists and twists, forming dense roots, intertwined, like black blood vessels, connecting his body to a giant tree 'Combine firmly.

It is not only his face that makes the scalp numb, but also his hair.

From the scalp to the middle of his ears, the hair color has turned into a golden color, like the bright sunrise, emitting a brilliant warm color under the light of the fire.

In the distance below the earlobe, the hair was as black as thick ink, hanging into the entanglement of the black energy, almost completely merging with the power of the evil spirit.

These black hairs turned into thousands of moving tentacles, pulling the head of the sage'Moon', as if trying to pull him back into the'giant tree'.

At this time, the "Moon" sage seems to be divided into two, half of which is trying to crawl out, and most of his body's strength is trying to pull him into the "giant tree".

He lifted his face vigorously and lifted it vigorously.

With every bit of strength, a sliver of black air connected to his chin broke off from the side of his cheek, turned into black smoke, and merged into his body.

The black qi connection broke, and the face of the sage "Moon" came out from the black mist a little This action seemed extremely painful to the sage of the moon, and his image was so strange The creepy faces showed hope and pain respectively.

He did not howl, but repeated this action extremely quietly, but no one could feel the extremely terrible pain he suffered in such a process.

The bridge of the sage ‘Moon’’s nose gradually exposed, and his blue eyes showed light, and his movements were far more powerful than before.

The black air gradually faded from his face, and the black roots receded to his lips.

At this moment, the black vines transformed by the sage of ‘Sun’ hit the ‘giant tree’ with a ‘boom’!




The moment several giant vines hit the'giant tree', countless sharp, miserable screams resounded through everyone's eardrums.

"what sound?"

The believers made uneasy questions, and the screams came and went, like the wailing after being heavily flogged, with bitterness, pain, and endless anger.

The sound seemed to come from the direction of the bottom of the abyss, and it seemed to sound from mid-air, spreading throughout the entire abyss territory.

No. 4, who was lying on top of Huofeng, felt a little uneasy and licked the corner of his mouth.

He subconsciously turned his head to look at Song Qingxiao. In the next instant, a large amount of black fog exploded from the bottom of the ‘Giant Tree’!

A thick demon spirit swept up from the bottom of the abyss and rushed straight into the air.

On the branches of the ‘giant tree’ and the black vines entwined at the bottom, dense heads full of spiteful colors were drilled out.

Their faces were filled with black energy, and they were already distorted, as if they were full of fruits on the ‘giant tree’.


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