Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 905: curse

With the appearance of these heads, the strong evil spirit in the abyss realm was instantly activated.

A large amount of black mist gushes out from the endless abyss, and something is creeping crazily in the steaming black gas.

In the horrifying sound, the tentacles-like'tree vines' arched one after another from the black air, and then protruded out silently, and they fell to the edge of the bottom of the abyss. It spread out silently, like a deadly terrible vine, occupying almost the entire territory of the abyss.


‘Bah! ’

The sound is endless, each of these thick black vines is ten feet long, and countless tentacles are split from the roots, and they are firmly rooted in every place at the bottom of the abyss.

The entire abyss territory reverberated heavily, and the confined space began to vibrate due to the appearance of dozens of terrifying tentacles.

Spiritual power was frantically rioting, and the trialers who were originally floating in the air seemed to be unable to maintain their own stability due to the fluctuation of spiritual power.

The huge and heavy body of the giant dragon hunching Lucifer was slanted. One side of its wings was severely damaged, and it was difficult to resist the impact of the spiritual power of the riot at this time. The body was like a building that was about to overturn, sliding straight to one side.

The roar of the giant dragon was mixed with the trembling sound of the ‘rumbling rumbling’, which shook the believers’ eardrums with severe pain.

The strong sound waves made the space seem to be distorted, and the bottom of the abyss surging with black energy was like an open mouth, greedily waiting for the dragon to fall.

The black mist that couldn't wait'boomed' up, like a detective's tongue, ready to entangle the body of the giant dragon.

At the critical moment, the magic flashes in Lucifer's blue eyeballs.

Blue light flashed from the pupils of the eyes and turned into a huge magic circle, covering the missing wings of the dragon with a bang.

As soon as the wings were repaired, the dragon's falling body stabilized.

Its body passed over the surging black mist like a gliding, and after a long cry, it flew back to the sky with Lucifer.

The black mist gushing out of the abyss rushed into the air, and the scattered black air spread out like smoke, but a large number of'trees and vines' were still sticking out.

These black giant vines were like the tentacles of a great squid, until after dozens of them came out, they finally stopped.

The turbulent space stopped shaking violently, but the aftermath of that ‘buzzing’ did not stop for a long time.

"This, what is this?"

No. 4 lay on Huofeng's back, stretched her neck to look, her eyes almost popped out of her sockets, and she opened her mouth in horror.

Under everyone's bodies, they were all occupied by the pitch-black ‘tree vines’.

Dozens of ‘tree vines’ thick as giant anacondas, centered on the ‘giant tree’, spread deeply into the distance to the end of the line of sight.

On top of these ‘trees and vines’, numerous ‘vines’ of different sizes are densely intertwined, covering the entire abyss territory so that it is airtight, with no gaps exposed.

These "trees and vines" are like living creatures, still wriggling slowly, disgusting and ugly, with a strong stench.

A strong evil spirit came out from above, and all kinds of negative emotions such as death, despair, terror... and so on were stuffed into the hearts of everyone in the abyss domain.

Not to mention the believers with weak willpower, even among the testers, Song Qingxiao, who is the most determined, was also coldly affected by this powerful dark force, and his mind fluctuated violently.

Her steady state of mind fluctuated, and the sound of ‘crashing’ rain rang in her ears, and a black figure stepping on spray broke into her field of vision, approaching her with murderous auras all over her body.

Song Qingxiao's breath began to change, and a chill spread around her.

The dying No. 4 shivered, but after a moment, Song Qingxiao quickly realized that something was wrong and stabilized her mood in time.

The divine consciousness dispelled this dark power, and the ice force wandered around her body, causing her to suppress the blood-chewing thoughts in her heart, and her eyes regained a calm look.

At this time, in the direction of the ‘Giant Tree’, the power of darkness is already very strong.

Even with the strength of Song Qing's little spiritual knowledge, he did not dare to spy easily.

The evil spirit here seemed to be many times stronger than the magic power stored by the nine-headed black dragon sealed in the Yulun Void Realm in the previous mission.

"What happened here?"

Even Song Qingxiao, who has always been calm and calm, has a rare look of surprise on his face after seeing the strong evil spirit here.

She let out an exclamation and looked up to see the source of the stench—

Nourished by these dark abilities, the ‘giant tree’ has grown far stronger than before.

The ‘tree pole’ was more than ten times larger, forming a creepy behemoth.

The black air filled the whole'giant tree', and at the top of the'treetop', the half of the head of the'Moon' sage exposed was like a rising sun on the top of the despair mountain range, emitting a faint Light golden luster.

This halo was very weak, as if it would be swallowed by darkness at any time.

But the dark power of the Abyss Territory has already covered the sky and the sun, so even this slight brilliance is extraordinarily eye-catching.

Under the black mist, he raised his face and his head couldn't help shaking, as if struggling to get rid of the heavy shackles under him.

"I, we don't know—"

The monk was at a loss, and everything that happened before his eyes was different from when the sage of the Moon was sealed more than 300 years ago.

He was also disgusted by these densely appearing tentacles, and the dark power impacted everyone's mind, making everyone's emotions more or less affected.

Several believers who were shrouded in despair forgot their beliefs, howled and wept, jumped down the ice dragon, and were swallowed by the black mist in the abyss.

Their crying and howling lasted for a long time before they died, affecting the rest of the people, and also making the surging black mist more active.


There was also an echo of weeping in the black mist, which rang up, making other believers even more excited.

Dark energy surged into the pure eyes of the elf, and his face was confused and helpless, and the color of struggle flashed across his face.

When the mage saw this in the corner of his eyes, he cried out in his heart, calling out the name of the saint:

"Sai Ji!"

The saint's body trembled, and Edward's call was like a scream, causing the mist in her eyes to fade like a tide, and the original green color was restored.

Fearful, she turned her gaze to other companions, and hurriedly started chanting spells.

A light blue halo rose from her body, and the blue spirit butterfly appeared again, flapping its wings to form a holy light shield, trying to contend with the black gas.

It's just that the power of the saint is like a pearl of rice under the influence of the power of darkness.

The Holy Light Shield was repeatedly compressed, and the blue spirit butterfly was gradually being affected by the black fog, and its power was greatly weakened.

"The spirit of the dead here is too heavy."

The swordsman sensed the difficulty of the saint, and her forehead and nose quickly poured out fine beads of sweat, and the holy light shield became smaller and smaller, and could only barely hold the remaining people.

The halo was still trembling, as if it would shatter at any moment.

With the support of this layer of Holy Light Shield, everyone's mood of collapse seemed to ease a lot at once.

The power of darkness here is both strong and heavy, and it is only a matter of time before it will swallow the entire abyssal territory.

Under the black fog, the huge scales on the surface of the red dragon's body were quickly corroded by the black gas, and the red eyes gradually transformed into dark purple.

The gust of wind that its wings set off also carried some evil meanings. With every fan, the storm would shift the more evil aura to the surroundings more quickly.

At this time, Number Four was overwhelmed, let alone paying attention to the task. Under such a dark environment, his gloomy emotions almost formed an endless black hole, which was about to drown him.

"Kill, kill, kill!" This thought crazily poured out of his mind. Divine consciousness couldn't control such aura at all, and his mind was completely affected and distorted.

It is a pity that his strength does not match the dark thoughts in his heart. At this time, he can't beat any of the people he really wants to kill, so he can only shout crazy deep in his heart and feel happy. Cut everyone down.

When Song Qing's gaze swept across his face, the corners of his mouth grinned for a suspicious length, as if he had fallen into some kind of fantasy.

Taoist priests and No.1 stood together, each exerting their supernatural powers to contend with this force.

In addition to Lucifer, the most eye-catching is the ‘Japanese’ sage.

The black ink on his robes gathered from the limbs to the middle at a rapid speed, making his robes, neckline, and robe hem all appear a coquettish pure black.

The black air layer surged upwards, and in an instant it filled the place like a ghostly Yin Cao dungeon, forcing everyone to move into the air again.

"What is the origin of these'black vines'?"

Young General Song Qing has long tail entrenched under him, his body has repeatedly risen, trying to get rid of these shadowy black fog.

The monks had no way to answer her question, and the saints at this time were also in a desperate and helpless situation.

Lucifer seems to know something, but he hasn't moved yet, as if waiting for a wonderful opportunity.

And the ‘Japanese’ sage who holds the truth is obviously unwilling to speak.

When she thought that she could not get a response to this question, a hoarse voice that was slightly tired came over gently:

"This is a curse."

She turned her head in surprise.

At the top of the ‘Giant Tree’, the ‘Moon’ sage spoke slowly.

His face can simply be called the most terrifying existence in the world. The ‘light’ and the ‘darkness’ formed a clear dividing line on his face across his lips.

The upper half of the sage'Moon''s face has been completely free from the blackness. The full sky, clear eyes, straight nose, rosy and soft upper lip and golden hair make his upper half face perfect. Like a god.

In stark contrast, it was his entire jaw.

His lower lip was shriveled and black, surrounded by wriggling ‘tree whiskers’ and tendons, which looked disgusting and terrifying.

As he spoke, two completely different lips squirmed, which could form the most terrifying nightmare in the world.

The creeping fleshy vines twisted around his lips and chin, and closed tightly, as if trying to suppress his voice and movements, making him unable to speak.

But even in such a horrible situation, the "Yue" sage might want to comfort Song Qingxiao who turned his head to look at him, trying his best to show a smile.

His upper lip lifted up, and those squirming fleshy vines seemed to emit violent screams, dragging his chin and the corners of his lips, making his mouth a very crippled man. Angle.

"Don't be afraid, child—" His blue eyes showed great kindness, but his lower lip was already grinning a weird smile full of malice.

Song Qingxiao experienced many trial scenes. What kind of horrible scenes have not been seen?

But the scene before her still made her a little uncomfortable. Perhaps the extreme presentation of beauty and ugliness, good and evil formed a sharp contrast, impacting her mood and cognition, and she swallowed a little uncomfortably.

She took a deep breath and forcibly calmed down the horror in her heart:


The moment he heard the ‘curse’, for some reason, Song Qingxiao thought of the asceticism faction founded by Hayas, and gained the power of faith.

These powers of faith strengthen Hayas' power, but when mentioning these powers, the saint calls it a curse.

The ‘Moon’ sage is willing to communicate with her, which is a good thing, at least it proves that she has one more chance to obtain clues.

She forced herself to look at him without turning her head, fearing that because of her inner instinct, she would miss a chance to get the truth.

Her unavoidable gaze makes the sage'Moon' gaze softer.

With this weird and distorted face, both malice and goodwill were brought to the extreme, and he nodded with difficulty.

"The power I gain comes from the absorption of dark power."

There seemed to be a flash of memory in his eyes:

"To drive the evil dragon out of the mainland, after the establishment of the federation, I vowed with'Japan' to establish a safe, bright and warm absolute territory."

When he was speaking, the two lips opened and closed, and a lot of black air spit out from his mouth, making this scene look extraordinarily horrified.

"There is no shadow of death, and wherever the light goes, there is no intrusion of darkness." In his eyes, beautiful dreams and longings appeared. Obviously all these words came from his sincerity, not a show. .

"People on the mainland will no longer feel fear and will not be disturbed by diseases."

Without the attack of the undead, everyone will only feel happy and happy.

In this rumor, the sinner who betrayed the gods, the great sage who had been sealed for more than three hundred years, and the man who had brought panic to the mainland, was telling a "new man" who had never met before, telling him that he had been Ideal.

"Hope will accompany the sun and spread to every corner of the mainland. Under the blessing of the gods, all people will be bright, happy and happy—"

What he said is obviously a utopia in a dream, and it is impossible to truly exist in real life.

It may be that his feelings are too sincere, so when he said this, Song Qingxiao almost couldn't bear to interrupt him-but it was almost.


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