Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 910: Intention

The best thought of the two who knew the truth at first was: After the sage of the Moon is sealed, these dark powers will sleep forever and never wake up again.

"Is it useful?" Song Qingxiao asked.

The sage "Moon" smiled wryly and shook his head:


A screaming ugly undead squeezed out of the thousands of squeezed undeads. The flesh on its cheeks had mostly rotted. It stretched out its hands that had already peeled off most of the rotten flesh, and protruded in the direction of the sage of the moon. .

His hands were bound by black vines, and after his shoulders and head gave up struggling, his arms could no longer move.

But when the undead reached out to him, the sage "Moon" seemed to sense something, and stretched out his fingers as much as possible to clasp it.

The black qi came out of the rotten fingertips of the undead and poured into the body of the sage'Moon'.

His body shook slightly, and the black mist on his face increased a lot. This handshake should not hurt the other half of his heart who yearns for light.

However, the sage "Moon" did not let go, but held it tighter.

After being soothed, the undead calmed down. After the dark power on its body had a place to go, it no longer gushed down the branches of the ‘giant tree’, making the screams of the undead underneath much smaller.

"I thought everything would disappear after being sealed." He sighed long, "but when I wake up again, everything will just return to the way it was."

"No." Song Qingxiao shook his head and denied what he said:

"It's worse than it was."

"..." The sage "Yue" was startled, gave a wry smile, did not speak, and regarded her answer as acquiescence.

His longing for warmth and lightness did not fade away because of the 300-year seal. On the contrary, it was even more intense than it was more than 300 years ago.

The other half of the heart in the dark loathed this ugly body and loathed these heavy burdens attached to him.

He hates everything in the light, even the ‘self’ that the other half is no longer defiled.

With this kind of thinking, he couldn't let himself go, and wanted to pull the "self" that the other half was trying to break free back into **** again.

Da Yu and Hei Peng are both the subconscious sustenance of his split heart, half want to escape, and half want to restrain him.

"Since evasion doesn't work," Song Qing's novel reached here, and the corner of his mouth was slightly pursed, revealing a faint smile:

"It's better to face it directly." She tilted her head.

In the eyes of No. 4, this woman who has always been fierce and domineering, at this time, showed a rare gentle and playful look.

"Crazy. Crazy."

When this thought came out, No.4 raised his hand and slapped herself twice without hesitation, trying to make herself more awake.

"Come back!" She drank domineeringly, the flying golden dragon circled in the air, pulling out a long golden shadow, and turning it into a long sword and falling into her hand, being firmly held by her. hold.

"How to deal with it?"

Maybe it’s been in despair for too long, Song Qingxiao’s words are like a life-saving duckweed in the ocean to the “Yue” sage, leaving his already dead and dead heart with signs of recovery. Up.

"It is only natural to be in the dark and to seek light."

Song Qing said slowly.

Her tone is not strong and unassuming, but it gives people a certainty and calmness, which makes people feel at ease and comfortable for no reason.

"Everyone is qualified to pursue beautiful things." Her gaze fell on the sage'Moon', and then slid from him to the place where his palms were clasped.


In the heart of the sage ‘Moon’, something felt awakening gradually.

Song Qing's small eyes seemed to be real. When he moved on his body, it seemed to bring a warm current, which made his unconscious arm regain consciousness after being bound.

Swelling, numbness, chills, and tingling spread from his arm, ‘huh! ’

‘Bah! ’

The impact of the heart became louder and louder, and a faint light rose slowly from his torso combined with the ‘giant tree’, turning into a dim gleam, coming out of the dark torso.

In the middle of the densely entangled black tentacles, a heart is divided into two halves, one half is closely integrated with the thousands of thin tentacles, and the other half has turned into a translucent color.

The light shined through from this half of his heart, and the black mist that enveloped his chest was scattered.

The crowded undead climbing on his chest opened their mouths silently and screamed, rushing to avoid them, as if the light would cause fatal damage to them.

Thousands of ghosts attached to the "giant tree" once again showed restless and violent expressions, the quiet "giant tree", following another movement of the "moon" sage, uncontrollably swallowed Black mist.

"Don't listen to her nonsense!"

Seeing this, the sage ‘Sun’ shouted loudly.

But what responded to him was Song Qing's small but firm words:

"The human heart is the most unpredictable. It is not a bad thing to yearn for the light--"

She can't let her talk anymore, such a thought came to the mind of the sage ‘Japanese’.

He had a hunch that if Song Qing's novels were allowed to continue, this time to seal the journey of the "Moon" sage again, it might have unexpected consequences.

"Shut up your mouth!" The sage ‘Japanese’ spoke with his palms together.

With the sound of the palm hit, the magic light flashed, and the thousands of vines of the ‘giant tree’ seemed to be affected by him and turned into countless long whips, sweeping towards Song Qingxiao's foothold.

The calm ocean rippled again, and a series of terrifying snakes roared out of the ocean.

"Humans don't need you to carry any heavy responsibilities, everyone should be responsible for their emotions."

While speaking, Song Qingxiao dodges attacks from the six saints of the ‘dark’ faction and the sages of the day, while still speaking:

"You think of yourself too much."

She cut off several black pythons with a long sword. The word ‘Front’ was brought to the extreme by her at this time. The figure only appeared for a moment wherever it went, and then disappeared into an afterimage.

But her voice seemed to be in every corner of this abyssal realm clearly and clearly into everyone's ears.

"Without you, the sun will rise as usual. For more than three hundred years, the empire did not lose your burden and people fell into darkness."

Although there are birth, old age, sickness and death, fear and sorrow, that is what people must endure in their lives.

"You only acted like a **** with your own will, moved yourself and deprived others of the responsibilities that should have been undertaken, and finally caused such a disaster."


Her statement is very novel, and is completely different from the previous views of the "day" and "month."

Even the six saints of the ‘light’ faction and those believers who prayed in low voices couldn’t help being startled with a thoughtful look on their faces when they heard these words.

"Something has happened, the power of darkness will not disappear because of your deep sleep, and there will always be a trustee."

Without this ‘moon’ sage, there will still be the next ‘month’ sage to bear these dark powers.


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