Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 911: shake

"Shut up!" In the voice of the sage ‘Sun’, several vines instantly turned into extremely sharp poisonous spines, shooting down at Song Qingxiao intensively.

The black qi is intertwined into an incomparably big net, and countless resentful spirits hide in it, blocking every place Song Qingxiao has stayed, and ensuring that all her back roads are blocked.

Lucifer patted the dragon's head, and the dragon who sensed his heart raised his head and spit out fire frantically around him.

The flames of'Boom Rumble' illuminated the entire sealed space blocked by the'giant tree' rattan. The heat wave rolled crazily and turned into a black and red fire cloud, but the next moment it was quickly cast by the saint. Blocked by the blue holy light coming out.

"Look under you—"

Song Qingxiao's voice didn't seem to be affected by these external disturbances, and was still clear and calm:

"Look at the hand you are holding."

The reason why the undead are reluctant to let go of him is because the warmth that comes from him has made these once ‘disgusted’ energies find a shelter for shelter.

If even the undead yearn for warmth, what is wrong with the sage of the Moon yearning for the light?

"So, is that so?" The tone of the sage'Moon' wavered again.

‘Bah! ’

‘Bah! ’

The half of the glowing heart beats more intensely, as if it was injected with new vitality, making the heart beat much stronger.

With the powerful beating of the heart, the light on that half of the heart is much brighter than before.

Where the halo hits, the black energy begins to retreat, and the white light surrounds his heart as the center, forming a white and flawless pure land, which firmly protects his heart.

"Is everything I have done wrong?"

Song Qingxiao's words overturned the previous cognition of the sage of the ‘Moon’, and brought him a storm-like impact on his soul, causing him to mutter to himself:

"Longing for the light-yes, everyone yearns for the light," he closed his eyes, as if confirming, and then showed a cheerful smile:

"me too!"

The face of the sage "Sun" became more and more gloomy. He did not expect that Song Qingxiao's words would have such a great impact on the sage "Yue".

It turned out that the sage ‘Moon’ who was already ready to be captured was rejuvenated with a new fighting spirit, and he was unwilling to be bound by the darkness.

"You are not." He said loudly.

Taking advantage of the time when Song Qingxiao was entangled in the crazy attacks of Lucifer and the ‘dark’ saints, he whispered:

"You just want everyone's attention, you are jealous of me being respected by others—"

"I am not..." The sage'Moon' wanted to refute, but every time he said a word, the speed of his heartbeat was a little weak.

The power of light that swallowed darkness was slightly stagnant, and the speed of spreading the pure color dyed in the heart was much slower than before.

"You are." The sage ‘ri’ seemed to be able to see the panic and guilty conscience deep in his heart, and he took advantage of the victory to pursue:

"So everything you say is just an excuse. Your heart won't lie, look, it's guilty!"

"I'm not—" The more the sage'Yue' retorted, the weaker the beating heart seemed to be. He seemed to have been pricked in the pain by the words of the sage of'Sun', the instinctive imperial envoy Heiqi wanted general The heart is wrapped again, wanting to hide in the darkness that I have been used to.

The black energy is pouring in again, as if to once again wrap it that has finally been smashed out of the siege.

At this moment, Song Qing's small figure shot out from the black vine:

"So what?"

Under Lucifer's frenzied attack, she was under much more pressure than before. When she said this, she was no longer as calm and relaxed as before, but with a little breath of breath, showing the danger and danger.

The six saints of the ‘light’ faction appeared behind her, and the saint’s holy source of light was endlessly transformed into a shelter for her.

"What's wrong with doing a good deed and wanting to be praised?" She swung a sword to cut off the several black vines that had been entangled, but more vines entangled her, quietly surrounding her live.

Her words made the sage "Yue" stunned for a moment, and his eyes burst into light.

correct! What's wrong with him wanting to be praised?

When setting up the gods and setting up the original intention of grand aspirations, although his original intention was not to praise and pay attention, in the years that followed, he was not without the envy of ‘Japanese’ sages.

But what he chose was a path destined to be lonely, even if he carried everything on his back, in exchange for everyone's act of avoiding like a snake and scorpion.

He is unwilling to stay with the darkness all the time. If the sage of the ‘Sun’ cannot be resolved, then he wants to make a way out of the darkness by himself!

The light of the heart burst into unprecedented light, and the dense black vines that entangled the body of the sage "Moon" couldn't help shrinking.

Thousands of tentacles pulled out of his flesh and blood, making him extremely painful.

The cane faded away little by little, exposing his blood-stained arm.

It is always extra painful to be separated from these dark forces that have been entangled for hundreds of years.

But this kind of pain was suppressed one by one under the increasingly determined power of the ‘Moon’ sage.

The sound of peeling skin and flesh could not be heard, and most of the body of the sage'Moon' had been out of the control of the'giant tree'.

After losing the mainstay, he may have sensed his departure, and the dark power that had been calm once again surged.

The sage ‘Sun’’s eyes sank, he temporarily gave up the act of sealing the sage ‘Moon’, and decided to concentrate on killing Song Qingxiao.

"The flower of the netherworld, obey my orders, and bloom in every corner, bringing the soul of sin into it."

He was muttering words in his mouth, and at the same time spreading his hands to his side, a large amount of black energy was controlled by him and turned into dark purple magic circles, layered on top of each other in every corner of the cage.

In view of the fascinating steps she had shown before, the sage ‘Sun’ made a big move as soon as she arrived, making her unable to escape with a ghostly figure.

Below the magic array, large strands of black rattan were drawn out, connecting hundreds of dark purple magic arrays in the secret realm to form a terrible vine that densely covered the entire space.

Above each magic circle, a bunch of weird and coquettish purple flowers bloomed.

The centers of hundreds of purple flowers are like a bottomless abyss, and the petals close together are like deadly piranhas waiting to catch their prey.

The escaping rattan is like thousands of flexible tentacles, sweeping and turning around, trying to wrap the creatures and stuff them into the giant purple flower.

As a result, Song Qingxiao's range of activities was suddenly restricted.

The dark power everywhere is like the eyes and ears of these flowers from the netherworld that were summoned by the ‘sun’ sages. Wherever she appeared, vines quickly rushed to form a new magic circle, and then bloomed with deadly flowers.

"You can't escape."

The voice of the sage of "Sun" has lost its previous clearness and has become a lot darker.

The ‘Moon’ sage is committed to getting rid of the ‘giant tree’, and cannot give Song Qingxiao’s help.

The abundance of dark power made this place become the home ground of the sages of ‘Sun’. Even with the help of the word ‘Front’, Song Qingxiao was in danger for several times and was almost caught by Teng Luo.

"Taoist, it seems you have made a wrong choice."

The situation was extremely unfavorable to Song Qingxiao. On the contrary, the purple-haired girl who chose to stand on Lucifer's side was now proud of her face.

The six saints who helped Song Qing quickly lost their combat effectiveness under the power of such dark magic, and were wrapped in black vines one by one.

"You have betrayed your faith, and now is the time for you to be punished."

The six saints were surrounded by vines and hung up high.

In the gloomy voice of the sage of ‘Sun’, countless resentful spirits crawled along the vine in the direction where the six saints were hanging, and they shouted excitedly after the meal was about to be eaten.

Song Qing's small retreat was repeatedly reduced, and even Taoist and No. 4 were quickly captured in front of such invincible magic.


As soon as No. 4 was tied up, the cane grabbed him and moved him to a blooming petal.

He had experienced the crisis of being almost swallowed by magic, but Song Qingxiao rescued him at that time. At this time, he shouted Song Qingxiao's name, but Song Qingxiao could not help him in time this time.

As soon as the purple bud swallowed him, the petals slowly closed.

Song Qingxiao, who was called by Number Four at this time, was also ‘swallowed’ by a blooming nether flower after appearing.

"My heart is like Zen, I become a holy Buddha!"

After being trapped by the magic circle, Song Qingxiao immediately imitated the time when he was trapped by the dragon flag.

The secret of the word ‘Bing’ was read from her mouth, and a huge shadow of the Arhat appeared above her body.

It’s just that the ‘Japanese’ sage has long known her strength, and the ultimate magic being displayed at this time is not inferior to the dragon banner.

Even because this place has accumulated the powerful devil energy formed by the dark power of the mainland for decades, it has occupied the time, the right place and the harmony of people, making the ultimate magical power of the ‘Japanese’ sage almost invincible here.

I saw a faint purple light from the bottom of the magic circle, and a large amount of black mist was swallowed from the bottom of the petals, which made the petals instantly become dozens of times larger, firmly locking the shadow of the Arhat.

She slammed her fist **** the light and shadow, and the aura of the petals shattered, like a large amount of dust was scattered.

The magic circle shook slightly, but more petals began to close.

Strips of black tentacles protruded from the bottom of the petals, tightly binding her long tail circle after circle, causing her to lose the power to resist and could only be pulled into the netherworld.

Seeing such a scene, the sage "Sun" finally showed a satisfied smile on his face:

"Regret it?"

A trace of mockery flashed in his eyes, and the object of questioning was not Song Qingxiao, but turned to the six saints who were about to be eaten by the undead.

"The faith you newly follow is about to die. There is no way to give you a strong shelter."

The sound of the impact of ‘呯呯’ was endless, and Song Qingxiao obviously did not give up struggling, and the blow made the flower body uncontrollably vibrate.

This nether flower can't swallow such a powerful ‘prey’ for a while, so it can only ask for help from other flowers.

The vines turned into the purest power, absorbing other magic circles, and used these vines to input into this nether flower, making this purple flower more powerful.

As its strength increases, the trembling flower body gradually becomes stable.

Even if it can't completely swallow Song Qingxiao, it has already trapped people, and it's just a matter of time before it completes the swallowing.

Only at this moment did the ‘Sun’ sage finally have the intention to see the Six Saints.

He looked at the monks and the others with a victor's appreciation of the work. The black saliva from the undead who climbed the fastest above the cane had dripped onto the old man's scalp, running down his cheeks.

"This is the price of betraying me. If you repent and get my forgiveness, I can forgive your sins."

The monk struggled desperately, pulling the black vine and making a sound of'Xi Suo'.

Hei Teng sensed his resistance, tightening it tighter and tighter, causing his bones to make a "click" sound.

"My heart is...bright..."

The bones were broken, and under the tremendous pain, the monk’s voice was already intermittent, but when he heard the words of the sage ‘ri’, he still insisted:

"You are no longer the lord of light..."

In this case, the sage ‘Sun’ was angered, and the black stains from his robe once again surrounded his chest, tightening it a little bit.

In his heart, there was only a white piece of pure land the size of a palm.

His face was angry, horrified and unwilling, as if a secret he had always tried to hide was broken in public by the monk at this time, a little irritated, and hesitant and unbearable.

The cane tightened, and the monk's face became paler, and his hands could no longer hold the magic book tightly. The thick book fell downward and quickly fell into the abyss without a trace.

The monk who has lost the magic book has no last support, like fish on the chopping board.

The undead screamed and crawled down the vine, the moment the rotten hand that came out was about to touch the monk's scalp-it was grasped by a dry bone arm.


As soon as the undead was stopped, a sharp anger came from his mouth.

The package that the monk carried on his back contained the bones of the priest he found in the church in Ogg Village.

The owner of the skeleton was defiled by the power of darkness and turned into a dark creature, but was subdued by Song Qingxiao.

The monk pityed his pious will before his death and wanted to return to the embrace of the light, so he couldn't bear to carry him on his back for a while. Originally, he planned to go to the abyss territory and seal the sage of the moon, and then take the bones back to the palace for burial. of.

Unexpectedly, this skeleton, which had lost its vitality, would be "resurrected" again at this time.


The monk expected that the severe pain of his head being opened by the undead did not come, and the silent package on his back made a sound of ‘Xi Xi Suo Suo’.

Between the collision of the skeleton, it is like a toddler trying to stand up.

A hideous and weird skull came out of the package, and withstood the fallen undead.

The undead hugged its head angrily, and made a ‘click’ between the gnawing. The skull remained motionless, lying on the top of the monk’s head, protecting him firmly.

"Big Guangming..." The monk was stunned for a moment, and quickly reflected what was happening on his head.

He heard the gnawing sound of ‘click’ above his head, and the skeleton could not help shaking while being gnawed, making a violent crashing sound, and the dark aura of the undead moved closer.

"This is your devout follower. Before he died, he was affected by the power of darkness and turned into a dark creature..."

Under the intense pain, the monk's voice became hoarse a lot, trembling uncontrollably:

"But his consciousness is polluted, but his body and mind are always yearning for the light, longing for your salvation..."

"For more than three hundred years, have you forgotten the hope you once brought us?" The monk said laboriously:

"What happened to you?"

He didn't know which sentence touched the sage of ‘Sun’. The sage of ‘Sun’, who had a grim face, listened to his words and froze for a moment. The black vine, which was tightened on the monk’s body, stopped in an instant.

There was a hint of hesitation on the face of the sage ‘Sun’, as if a gleam of clarity flashed in his eyes, dispelling the diffuse black mist.

The black energy that crazily eroded his heart stopped with his movements, and all the violent dark power was restrained, as if a pause button was instantly pressed.

At this moment, most of the sage'Moon''s body was completely separated from the'giant tree'.

His arms have been freed from the entanglement of the black vine, and the robes on his body have been purified from the original pitch black to grayish white.

As soon as he broke free of these restraints, his face showed a relaxed and happy look, not the heaviness before.

It's just that this relaxed expression froze again when he saw Song Qing who was bound.

He instinctively wanted to raise his hand, as if trying to control these black vines.

But he has been separated from the ‘Giant Tree’ for the most part, and these dark powers are no longer under his control as before.

"Come back,'Moon'."

A seductive voice rang in his ears, digging into the depths of his mind:

"After you come back, calm it all down and stay with us forever..."

This idea is like the devil, it seems to come from the depths of the abyss, and it also seems to come from his heart, knowing the weakness in his heart:

"As long as you stop trying to abandon us, we can let go of your friends and your followers."

"We can continue to sleep in the abyss and not bring disasters to the mainland."

"Everything can go back to the original track. Everyone will not be tortured by pain and despair. This is your original wish, isn't it?"

"We are one, it hurts too much to be apart..."

" it's not." A trace of anxiety flashed in the eyes of the sage "Yue", and he shook his head frantically, as if to deny the idea that had penetrated his mind:

"She said that human beings don't need me to move forward, everyone can be responsible for their emotions..."

"Sneez." When that Mind heard what he said, it let out a mocking sneer:

"She said that? But she can't protect herself right now, and she's going to die."

"Without our load, where do these dark powers belong?"

"Lucifer?" The voice gradually became dark:

"His heart is not pure, and with such a powerful force, who knows what he will do?"

"We were originally one. Because of your wishes, I carried a lot and merged with these dark forces. Why do you want to abandon me now?"

The sage "Moon"'s face changed color in amazement, and he lowered his head--

Under the bright half of the heart, the other half of the rotten heart looked particularly ugly.

For hundreds of years, it has almost merged with the power of darkness, and countless silky tentacles have penetrated into the half black heart and are firmly integrated with it.

At this time, it exudes powerful evil thoughts, and it blames the "Moon" sage who was willing to work with the darkness!

The two great sages were already in confusion, a dark light flashed in Lucifer's eyes, and he felt that his opportunity was approaching.

In his hands, two huge magic circles, one purple and one blue, slowly appeared, silently reflecting in the direction of the two great sages.

There is light on one side and darkness on the other, and they are successively sucked into it silently by his magic circle.

But the expressions of the two great sages were frantic, and they didn't even notice his actions.


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