Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 912: Have a meal

On the other side, Teng Luo tied the Taoist five flowers, hung and sent them to an open nether flower.

A large amount of fishy black mucus poured out of the flower bud, slowly engulfing the Taoist priest's body.

Seeing this scene, the purple-haired girl who was facing the Big Dipper array quickly flashed a different color in her eyes.

She smiled slightly with the victor's smile, and sarcastically swept across the body of the Taoist priest who was about to disappear, and sneered:


After Lucifer started, the purple-haired girl's opportunity came.

The two great sages did not know why they fell into a frenzy at such a critical moment, as if they were troubled by a certain emotion, causing their power to be extremely out of control.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the purple-haired female general swiped her palm, and a golden bracelet flew out of her wrist.

There were two golden bells on the bracelet, and purple lightning flashed across them.

Thunder system spiritual power was strengthened by magic weapons, bursting out instantly.

With the sound of the jingle bell, the magic weapon expanded rapidly and turned into a huge ring with a diameter of more than ten meters.

The lightning power was attached to the circle, and flew into the air with ‘swish’, forming a thunder robbery formation, in which the extremely powerful thunder system spiritual power enveloped the ‘Moon’ sage below.

The ugly and dangerous ‘giant tree’ is related to the dark powers, and these dark powers and the ‘Moon’ sage have become one, and they have been together for hundreds of years, and they have been integrated with each other.

Song Qingxiao's rhetoric coaxed the "Moon" sage to be cruel and separated from this ugly body, and the dark power after being abandoned and the resentful spirits and dead souls covered with "giant trees" became even more angry.

Once the ‘Moon’ sage is out of the control of the dark power, this immense power will lose control.

The purple-haired girl knows how strong these dark powers are.

She didn't know why Song Qingxiao wanted to talk about the sage "Moon" at this critical moment, but the action of the sage "Moon" was a golden opportunity for the purple-haired girl.

Taking advantage of the separation of the ‘Moon’ sage, it should be the time when he is the weakest to transform.

If she started to kill the sage of the Moon at this time, it would not only avoid the possibility of the sage of the Moon being combined with the dark power again, but also could make this force completely out of control.

When this force hit the abyssal territory, she joined forces with Lucifer to kill the ‘Japanese’ sage.

For the purple-haired girl, when she entered the trial space, her cultivation base was the most powerful among the six trialists, and she had reached the peak of the Distracting God Realm.

Therefore, when God Prison assigned tasks, she acquiesced that she and the other two groups were not of the same rank.

Song Qing's novel is right. The other people are divided into two groups, one group gets the ‘pure heart’ and the other group gets the ‘dark heart’.

The difficulty of her task is higher than that of the people of the two factions, and she needs to kill these two great sages, so that the mainland can return to the Dark Age period and create opportunities for others to become gods.

So she and Lucifer had the same goal, and the two hit it off and broke into here together.

It's just that something went wrong in the middle of the mission, and the true cultivation level that Song Qingxiao showed far exceeded her estimate, and even overwhelmed her, causing the purple-haired girl to suffer a big loss.

Originally thought that this mission had been in a state of failure so far, but didn't expect Song Qingxiao's operation to usher in a turning point.

Lucifer is ready to do it. The two great sages are out of control. The six members of the'dark' faction are combined with the'giant tree' in disguise. While their strength is soaring, they are controlled by the'giant tree' and cannot be separated.

Among the rest, members of the ‘Bright’ faction have already been taken into captivity. No. 1’s position is unclear, but the strength is really weak.

Taoist priests and No. 4 have been trapped. As for the woman whom they regard as a life-saving straw, at this time, they have been surrounded by the nether flower summoned by the ‘Sun’ sage.

"God helps me too!"

At this moment, the purple-haired girl couldn't help feeling that she had taken advantage of the time, place and people.

She was so excited that she turned her palms into the golden bell with her magical powers, and the bell was even more urgent.

The muffled thunder of ‘Boom’ began to spin along the thunder tribulation formation, and even the dark power that was approaching was cleaned up completely by the electric current.

A smile appeared on Lucifer's face, and the power of darkness and light were transferred into his magic circle one by one, which greatly benefited him.

The people trapped in the abyss are either as hard to protect themselves as the number four and Taoist priests, or they are in danger like the six saints of the ‘light’ faction.

Only Song Qingxiao, who was trapped in the purple nether flower at this moment, saw the behavior of Lucifer and the purple-haired girl through the translucent light of the coquettish dark purple petals.

She struggled for a while, letting the black cane surround her arms.

The extremely dangerous black vine spewed from the bottom of the purple magic circle, entwining her long tail in circles.

A thin and soft cane with a cold breath, clinging to her back and climbing up, until it was close to her slender neck, it slowly followed the thin white neck and circled her. The front side.

The tip of the cane split into countless fine and sharp cold thorns, a little bit trying to buckle into her flesh.

The scaly armor floated above her neck, blocking the spikes, the cane seemed a little anxious, hooked her neck, forcing her head to lean back at a very strange angle.

Song Qingxiao allowed his arms to be lifted by the cane on both sides, but firmly held Zhu Tian in his hand, as if waiting for the opportunity to strike back.

With all her strength, she contended with the cane behind her, but her golden eyes were fixed on the sage ‘Sun’ whose complexion changed greatly because of the monk’s words.

"How powerful this dark power is, you have tried it, you should know."

Through the blockade of the Nether Flower, her words were clearly transmitted to the ears of the spellcaster.

The stunned ‘Sun’ sage trembled heavily, as if someone had discovered a big secret, he raised his head a little anxiously, and looked in her direction.

"Even if the'moon' is sealed and these powers are handed over to a man with great ambitions like Lucifer, can you rest assured?"

She gave up struggling, even if she knew that the consequences of not resisting might cause extremely bad mutations, but at this moment she broke the boat and decided to give it a go.

Because she saw the eyes widened instantly by the sage of ‘Sun’, after the body of Nuwa was revealed, her five senses were magnified to the extreme.

Even if there is a blockade of dark power, with her pupils that are beyond the monks, she still sees the pupils of the sage ‘Sun’ that constricted hard--

He showed greedy, reluctant, and hesitant eyes.

Even if that trace of extremely complicated expression only flashed by, it couldn't hide Song Qing's small eyes.

After tasting the powerful power, the ‘Japanese’ sage should be shocked.

"You were contaminated by dark power in the process of sealing the sage of the'moon' back then. Your strength was greatly reduced, right?" Song Qingxiao showed a faint smile, "The Six Saints have been separated from your faith, you have lost It’s a big help."

"After killing the sage'Moon', Lucifer will receive these terrifying powers."

A certain balance was originally maintained between'light' and'darkness' more than 300 years ago, and the forces of the'sun' and the'moon' were equal to each other.

If the sage ‘Moon’ dies, "After this balance is broken, will the strong and ambitious Lucifer leave behind you who can restrain him?"

‘Bah! ’

‘Bah! ’

There were two violent bounces from the heart of the sage ‘Sun’.

With the sound of this heartbeat, the muscles of his cheek twitched slightly, and the dark power lingering beside him turned out to be stronger than before.

The black stains on the dark robe encircled the center, approaching the direction of the heart.

As if sensing the invasion of the dark power, the heart of the sage of ‘Japanese’ had already foreseen the crisis, and began to beat more eagerly.

A halo the size of a fist gradually appeared in his chest.

Where the halo hits, the black energy seems to have encountered a natural enemy, avoiding it on its own.

A pure and flawless heart was wrapped in the halo, and it was beating wildly.

This is a complete heart, about the size of a fist, surrounded by a mass of pure and extremely pure energy, exuding a faint amber luster, like a piece of surviving and independent honey wax, not contaminated with the slightest black air, and looks clean And transparent.

"Pure Heart!"

When Song Qingxiao saw the transparent heart, there was a glimmer of ecstasy in his eyes.

This heart is preserved in the depths of the chest of the sage of the sun. More than three hundred years ago, he was affected by the dark power in the process of sealing the sage of the moon. It was also due to the transformation of the sage of the moon. And there is a crisis of fear of being robbed of your status by your peers.

This kind of ‘crisis’ created a defensive heart for his former close companions, making those dark forces wait for opportunities to invade his body.

Perhaps he sensed his own abnormality. In order to prevent himself from being defiled by the dark power, the sage ‘Sun’ chose to seal himself and fell into a deep sleep after sealing the sage of the moon.

But the invasion of darkness was not completely isolated because of his self-seal.

After losing the opportunity to control the gods, perhaps as the suspicious number four said, this caused the unease of the ‘Japanese’ sages.

Among the powers of darkness, suspiciousness and jealousy are also the source of depravity.

He was worried that the six saints of the ‘light’ faction would abandon his faith after losing his restraint, just as the ‘Moon’ sage had abandoned his original faith.

At the same time, he was also worried that the Thirteen Saints would not be able to act as they were told when he was'sleeping', so before being completely sealed, he still left a trace of consciousness, connected to the badges of the Thirteen Saints, and monitored the monks and others. Demeanor.

Song Qingxiao didn't know much about the power of magic, but the powerful spiritual power brought about by the power of faith could be learned from the saint's ability to easily spy on the spiritual communication between herself and the number four.

Perhaps the statues, churches, prayers, etc. of the sage created by the gods can become the sustenance of his spiritual consciousness.

She thought of the statue of the ‘Sun’ sage that she had encountered in Org Village. At that time, she clearly sensed a prying breath from the statue.

Suspicion is like a dark seed, planted into his body, so that he will never return to the past.

In particular, the betrayal of the beliefs of monks and others is a great blow to the ‘Japanese’ sages.

Song Qingxiao was originally just guessing about the fact that he has a pure heart.

After all, the ‘Japanese’ sage has always represented beauty, hope and new life, and his heart meets all the conditions required for the task.

It's just that she thinks that under such circumstances, the heart of the sage of "Sun" has been corroded by dark forces for years, and it should have been decayed.

But he did not expect that when his body was attached to the dark power, he was still trying to keep his soul pure.

No one wants to be in the company of darkness, and it is instinct to long for the closeness and admiration of people.

It is also possible that the ugly figure of the ‘Moon’ sage and the dark power combined makes him feel terrified, so he is still eager to get rid of the dark power and restore the original ruler of the court.

So for so many years, even if the body of the ‘Japanese’ sage is infected, he still maintains this power not to invade his heart.

Therefore, the monk's words can move him, because his behavior is contrary to his heart.

"The rotation of'light' and'darkness' originally conforms to the laws of heaven and earth. The alternation of'day' and'moon' is justified."

Her voice became very soft, and her cold voice had a hint of bewitching:

"Between you and'Yue', you are already familiar with each other, why bother to replace your former companion with a villain who has abandoned his vows?"

The face of the sage'ri' showed the color of struggle and hesitation, the black gas had already begun to swallow the white light, the heart beating more rapidly, the pure space shrank more and more, and it was looming in the hazy mist. .

Success or failure is in this one action, Song Qingxiao endured the anxiety in her heart:

"'Yue' has a bright heart and has completed its transformation. Rather than cheap Lucifer, why not let you take over all the power he left behind?"

As soon as her words fell, a greedy and moved expression appeared in the eyes of the sage ‘Sun’, and it was clear that Song Qingxiao’s words had already touched the ambition he tried hard to hide.

"Being borne by one person is not a long-term solution. At the beginning of the establishment of the God Palace, it did not specify who is the "day" and who is the "month."

"You are your companions, living together, in the same body, which is the cornerstone of the stable court." She lowered her voice, and the cane tightly wrapped around her neck, pulling her body into a posture of bowing backwards. :

"If the'moon' cannot be sustained, have you considered that he will inherit your will and you will acquire his abilities?"

The struggling color on the face of the sage "Sun" became stronger. Following Song Qingxiao's words, his heart beats twice.

The black mist was hit by the bounce of the heart, and it spread to the surroundings.

The white light that enveloped the heart faded a little, and the dark power almost contaminated the intact pure heart.

Song Qing's small heart trembled with the bounce of this heart:

"...At the same time, you can get the six saints of the ‘dark’ faction without any loss to you."

The face of the sage of ‘Sun’ showed a more emotional expression.

"Wait until one day, when you can't support it, and then exchange positions with each other, wouldn't it be a good thing?"

Speaking of which, Song Qingxiao’s proposal seemed to open a new door for the ‘Japanese’ sage. He was obviously moved, but it seemed that there was still a trace of worry, and he did not let go.

Time is running out, the power of darkness is increasing, and the thunder formation cast by the purple-haired girl takes shape. Amidst the thunder and roar, seeing the thunderous thunder is about to hit the sage of the Moon half out of the body of the giant tree.

The gravitational force of the abyss under her is getting stronger and stronger, and the black vine that wraps her tightens tighter and tighter.

The fine thorns on the black vine pierced into her flesh, already beginning to absorb the spiritual power in her body.


The situation is getting more and more critical. If the heart of the ‘Japanese’ sage is tainted by the dark power, her mission will be equivalent to a failure.

Even if he didn't die by the power of this abyss, he would definitely be ruled by God Prison.

What's wrong in the end?

Song Qing was cautious and anxious.

But the more anxious she became, the calmer she became.

She closed her eyes slightly, trying to settle her thoughts.

After a while, she opened her eyes again, and her gaze fell on the sage "Yue".

His lower body was connected to the ‘giant tree’, and the power of darkness penetrated firmly into his bone marrow, connected to his flesh and blood, and inseparable from his heart.

In this form, the sage "Moon" has become an extremely terrifying monster, exuding bursts of stinking darkness.

In a daze, she seemed to understand the hesitation of the sage ‘Sun’.

He desires to gain strength, and his pure heart makes him willing to assume the will of his companions.

But while he yearned for this power, he was also afraid of the backlash of this power.

He didn't want to be at the mercy of these undead sages like the ‘Moon’ sage, living with them, becoming such a terrible monster that is neither human nor ghost, so that everyone escapes.

Having found the crux of the problem, Song Qingxiao's face showed a relieved smile.

"If you are worried that this force is too large, it may corrupt your soul and will, and you are unwilling to take on the past and become such a terrible body—"

There was a hint of self-confidence in her eyes, and her tone suddenly became very determined:

"Then I have a way to solve these dark forces!"


After her words fell off, the sage ‘Sun’ who had been silently listening to her words finally couldn’t hold back and made a sound.

"Of course." Song Qingxiao smiled confidently, his eyes swept away from his heart, the white light in his heart was already extremely Seeing that it would not take long, it would be swallowed up by the power of darkness. .

"I never make jokes with people."

When she said this, she quickly ordered:

"Come out!"

In the depths of the soul, Qing Mingling had already sensed the rich dark power here, and sent out an impatient message of wanting to eat several times.

It used to be an all-powerful Xuantian-level spirit treasure, but it was destroyed and fell into the hands of the Fan clan.

It wasn't until the devil energy was absorbed in the Yulun Void Realm that the damage of the year was repaired and a bit of the former glory was restored.

The evil spirit in the abyssal realm is a collection of the dark power of the entire continent for decades in this trial space. Compared with the evil spirit in the Yulun Void Realm, its evil spirit is even more powerful. A hundred times more mellow.

These dark powers, which everyone fears and hate, are excellent tonics for Qing Mingling, which makes it very itchy when it smells.

It's just that Song Qingxiao has not been sure of the existence of the'Pure Heart', and has been suppressing it to prevent it from appearing in this world.

This is also the reason why Song Qingxiao was so calm after being trapped in the Nether Flower.

Until this moment, the ‘pure heart’ has emerged, and the ‘Japanese’ sage has agreed to her deal. This ‘sale’ is a joy to all three parties.

This is the time when the Qing Ming Order can be used!

"dinner time!"

As Song Qingxiao's voice fell, a black halo appeared between her eyebrows.

The halo broke through the blockade of the Nether Flower and turned into a black air.

As a pitch-black Xiao Ling in the black air was turning crazily, the Demon Soul quickly showed his true body.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie -"


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