Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 913: Swallow

A whirlwind was wrapped in the black mist, and a hazy magical shadow was spinning crazily in the whirlwind.


Under the weird and weird laughter, the wailing and wailing of the thousands of undead and dark creatures crowded on the'giant tree' were overwhelmed.

The secret, cold, and murderous aura spread from the place where the demon soul appeared to the abyssal territory surrounded by the ‘giant tree’, instantly making these dark creatures chill.

As the laughter entered their ears, everyone's hearts trembled heavily, as if a shudder climbed up their backs, and the goose bumps stood up.

Under the suffocation, the stretched vines were all curled up, and the blossoming dark purple nether flowers closed into clusters.

A breath of suffocating coldness enveloped this strange space, like a terrifying ghost domain.

The undead did not dare to move rashly anymore, and the Wang Yang, which was buried with the roots of the ‘giant tree’, gradually calmed down.

This place became the master of Qing Ming Ling, and its laughter turned into a heavy magic sound, impacting everyone's sea of ​​consciousness.


The Thunder Tribulation Array summoned by the purple-haired girl was also affected. The power of the lightning should originally belong to the Demon Soul Nemesis, but at this time, under the influence of the extremely strong power of darkness, the power of the lightning system that restrains the dark ghosts actually reversed Be restrained by the atmosphere here.

Large groups of black water mist appeared on the golden bells, and a strange little face of horror emerged from above, causing the shaking golden bells to slow down, as if they were controlled by invisible power.

This was the first time Song Qingxiao truly felt the influence of the Demon Soul, and she couldn't help feeling very shocked.

She knew that the existence of Qing Ming Ling had a great effect on Yin Sha and ghost energy, but when she got this token, Qing Ming Ling itself was seriously damaged, even after repairing it later, it showed the strongest power. The strength is also in the face of restraining the dark power.

Song Qingxiao never thought that when Qing Mingling's power is exerted to its extreme, it will not only have an effect on ghosts, but also have a certain overwhelming effect on testers who are not weak in cultivation level. This is simply out of hers. out of expectation!

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie -"

That sullen laughter still uttered endlessly from the mouth of the demon soul, and with every laugh, the dark power here trembled vigorously.

The roots of the'giant tree' were torn, and the cold and bone-eroding spiritual pressure spread, suppressing the soul and blood of the tester.

The power of darkness permeates with laughter, invading the soul and consciousness of people.

‘Bah! ’

‘Bah! Huh! ’

The nether flowers summoned by the sages of ‘Sun’ burst in the laughter, turning into black air and drifting away.

Amidst the dense weaving of the vines, a forest of ghosts formed, with expressionless faces of dead souls emerging.

Countless Fan Wu's faces clearly appeared in front of Song Qingxiao's eyes.

There is Fan Wu who is about thirty years old with a gloomy look; there is also Fan Wu who is in the sacred temple of Yulun Void Realm, after being sucked up, looks like a withered Fan Wu...

Fan Wu flashed one by one, with different faces and attitudes, but only those eyes were filled with the most dangerous and indifferent stare in this world.


Song Qing's small mouth twitched.

The moment she saw these Fan Wu appear, the whole person recovered from the extreme shock.

By this time, she had realized how extraordinary Qing Mingling was.

At the beginning, it was not known who was the strong one, nor did it know how it would be hit hard and fell into the Fan family.

But what she can be sure of is that this Qing Ming Ling has an extraordinary origin!

She had always thought that the way this demon soul made a strange smile was due to the arrogant and pushy character that it developed after its initiation of consciousness.

But now it seems that she had misunderstood.

The reason why this guy uttered the evil charm and crazy laughter as soon as he appeared, it was very likely that the laughter belonged to its attack method during its powerful period.

Only after its strength fell crazily, its laughter no longer possessed such a powerful force of seductiveness, so it looked like a fool.

The darkness here is full of power, and the negative emotions of the people of the entire continent carried by the sages of the'Moon' form a powerful demonic power far superior to the Yulun Void Realm.

Coupled with the unique space of the Abyssal Territory, the appearance of the ‘giant tree’ has created a unique dark space in this camp.

These days and favorable geographical conditions have allowed the Demon Soul to finally exert its true level that it has not been able to exert.

"Jie Jie Jie--"

Amidst the laughter, the body of the demon soul spun wildly.

Contrary to turning into a behemoth when it appeared in Org Village.

When the Demon Soul reappeared at this time, his body shrank by more than half, only about two meters high.

The dark force held it firmly, and the black silk strands flying above its head were several meters long, spreading around like dense seaweed.

But although its shape is reduced, its shape is almost solid, and it is no longer as illusory as before.

The face veiled by the black air can already see the embryonic form of the five senses. The position of the eyes is no longer two groups of darkness, but turns into eye pupils. The pupils contain the most sinister and deadly in the world. Power, it's terrifying.

Above its forehead, the word ‘green’ is wrapped in black air, showing a very coquettish color, hidden in the endless darkness, looming.

The next second-

It condensed the black energy on his forehead, and the hidden "green" character appeared.

The laughter stopped, and the dark light in its eyes flowed, as if every corner of the abyssal realm had been taken into sight by it.

The vast black ocean swayed, setting off slight waves, and the overwhelming branches of vines shrank secretly, as if they were quite afraid of it.

The demon soul finally fell on Song Qingxiao's body, his eyes flashed, and he tilted his head, as if observing her.

Song Qing's small body was firmly restrained by the black vine, and his arms were greatly stretched out by the restraints.

Several long vines wrapped her neck tightly and pulled her head back.

Her long hair fell down, and her entire posture of bending over was swallowed by dark purple flowers, and thousands of dark tentacles plunged into her scales, greedily absorbing her flesh and blood and spiritual power.


Her situation is not very good. With the absorption of the dark power, even if she is strong, she may not be able to hold on for long.

Song Qingxiao was connected with the Demon Soul's mind, and the Demon Soul's prying eyes were sensed by her for the first time, causing her heart to sink, giving birth to a bad premonition.

This token itself belongs to the most yin to evil, and the consciousness has anti-bone. When in the Yulun Void Realm, as soon as it absorbs the spirit of the evil spirit, it will go against it.

But at that time she was full of strength, and was helped by the Yichang clan to suppress its rebellion with extremely powerful force.

But at this time she was already trapped and her strength was restricted.

The dark power here surpassed the Yulun Void Realm, and it further contributed to the demon soul's arrogance.

Its injury has been repaired, and the power here is as powerful as a tiger. After he can't suppress it forcibly, I'm afraid it will rebel!

It's just that as soon as this thought emerged, the Demon Soul raised his hand.

With a slight move, it has already overwhelmed the ‘Sun’ sage’s control over the dark magic circle.

After reaching a certain level of strength, the so-called magic and cultivation base will no longer be divided into boundaries.

The rattans entwining Song Qing's small arms seemed to have received a new order, and the "swish" loosened. They seemed to have encountered a natural nemesis, and crazily retracted into the little abyss in the depth of the flower bud.

Song Qingxiao's hands were free, and then he squeezed Zhutian tightly.

The rattan on the neck loosened, the bent body fell rapidly, and the dark purple nether flower swayed for a few times, turning into extremely pure power, flowing in the direction of the demon soul.

"Save people first."

Song Qing raised her heart high, until the Demon Soul took the lead to let her go, and it was a little settled.

For some reason, Qing Mingling did not rebel.

Maybe it was the lesson I gave it before, and the imprint on its forehead, which made it behave much more honestly than before.

There could also be other reasons. In short, it did not make a choice that worries Song Qingxiao.

However, Song Qing glanced at it, and after seeing the ‘green’ on his forehead, he decided to complete the mission and leave the trial scene. He had to find a way to deepen the brand and make it more obedient.


The Demon Soul did not know the evil thoughts deep in her heart at this time, but with its extraordinary talent for capturing the dark aura, it still felt the mighty malice contained in Song Qing's look down upon it, making its body tremble. There was a tremor, and there was a humane pathetic and helpless look in those eyes.

After Song Qingxiao made up her mind, she turned her mind around. Although she was out of trouble, the place could be affected by the dark power, which was very unfavorable for her. She still had to issue instructions to confirm the cunning and fear of death in the Qing Ming order. The Demon Soul still obeyed her orders.

After she gave her instructions in a cold voice, the demon soul was like a conditioned reflex.

With a stroke of its hands, the body of the entire ‘giant tree’ began to tremble slightly.

The rattan trembles, and there is a rustling sound while rubbing it.

Countless black vines retreated quickly, and the closed nether flower was forced to bloom again.

Layers of flower buds were in full bloom, revealing the number four and Taoist priests who had been severely damaged and confused in consciousness.

Above the monk's head, the angry undead has gnawed away the back of the skeleton holding the monk's head.

The head of the undead was buried, and a dark tongue with thick saliva dangling out.

The moment that tongue was about to lick the top of the monk's head, its body turned into black mist, and it surged in the direction of the demon soul uncontrollably.


An angry scream came from the undead's mouth, and then the hideous face was distorted, and he was simultaneously sucked into the body of the demon soul.


In the entire abyss territory, black energy surged towards the body of the demon soul.

That inextricably stranded black energy flew up like long hair, sucking every strand of dark power into its body.

The ‘giant tree’ trembled crazily, and the creeping undead screamed in horror.

The Nether Flower quickly withered, and the cane quickly reclaimed in the direction of the ‘Giant Tree’.

The body of the demon soul has formed a new endless abyss, and these dark powers that are disgusted by the magic continent and the "moon" sage are the source of its most eager power.

Its dark face reveals a humane color of enjoyment.

The power of darkness nourishes its body, making its breath become dangerous and deep bit by bit.

The ‘Giant Tree’, which was half-separated from the ‘Moon’ sage, finally seemed to be afraid at this time, and no longer tried to firmly restrain the ‘Moon’ sage as before.

The demon souls that were killed halfway made these dark forces that have existed for hundreds of years felt a crisis, and eagerly wanted to hide into the abyss.

The waves of the vast ocean began to rise and fall, and the power that turned into darkness was recovered by the ‘giant tree’.

The densely woven rattans retracted in the direction of the ‘giant tree’, and the undead who crawled out desperately crawled back and dodged in the direction of the tree pole.

But at this time countless young, middle-aged, and old Fan Wu who appeared in mid-air also started hunting. They crushed the undead that they caught, turning them into the purest power and swallowed them In the mouth.

The nether flower quickly withered, and the petals turned into power and were sucked into the body of the demon soul.

Song Qing's small body recovered his freedom, and after sinking two meters, he quickly stabilized.

Her gaze fell on the body of the sage ‘Sun’, the word ‘Front’ was activated, and she appeared next to the sage ‘Sun’ instantly.

"My promise was fulfilled, and I took the reward myself."

The female's cold voice sounded in the ears of the sage "Sun", and the silver light penetrated the sage "Sun" in the next instant.

The sharp edge of sword energy enveloped his body, and the speed was so fast that the ‘ri’ sage hadn’t even sensed the pain.

The chest cavity was cut open by the sharp and unmatched Zhutian, and the cold air rushed into the empty chest cavity along with the dark glow.

Without the obstruction of the light from the heart, the black stains on the sage of the sage ‘Sun’ quickly swallowed the only pure land on the chest.

With hindsight, he stretched out his hand to cover his empty chest, where he had lost the sensation of beating.

Song Qingxiao, who was previously locked and locked by the Nether Flower, appeared not far from his side holding a fist-sized heart in his hand, exuding a soft luster.

"Pure heart, has not been polluted."

The heart was still beating slightly, like the sweetest honey color, covered with a light golden film, emitting a shimmer, as Song Qingxiao said, it has not been polluted by the slightest black air.

For some reason, the ‘Japanese’ sage was gouged out of his heart, but he did not feel the pain.

The moment he heard Song Qingxiao's words, he showed a relaxed and relieved smile.

Endless chill, loneliness, and despair envelop him, his hair has turned into pitch black, and his eyes have turned dark purple.

"I took this away. It represents your original mind that you used to stick to in the face of darkness."

As soon as this heart was in hand, Song Qing's small quest reminder changed to:

Get a pure heart (completed).

Task reward: 15000 points obtained.

In addition to the dead No. 3, there are a total of five testers alive on the scene, but under the rules of God Prison, there is another tester who is not dead, but has been out.

Song Qing raised her head while speaking, and she saw the purple-haired girl in the midair whose face was distorted because of extreme panic.

Her thunder tribulation array has taken shape, and a large number of restrained thunder arcs are shot down in the direction of the ‘Moon’ sage like a storm.

But at the moment Song Qing completed her small task, her body shook.

"Do not--"

Also as a tester, the purple-haired girl may have seen the reminder of the task.

There was a desperate and angry scream in her mouth. Before that voice was raised to the extreme, her figure was smashed into pieces like a virtual projection being disturbed by electric current!


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