Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 914: committed to

The purple-haired girl's mission is to compete with the other two teams. The moment Song Qingxiao obtains the "Pure Heart", it means that her mission has failed and will be judged by the rules of God's Prison.

This is the first time Song Qingxiao has seen a tester die by the law of the gods because of the failure of the mission.

A cultivator who had reached the lower-level strength of the Distracting God Realm had disappeared, and there was no resistance, which made Song Qingxiao's heart tense.

The power of the God Prison is too powerful, and the cultivation level of the ‘God’ that controls the God Prison may far exceed her expectations.

Every practitioner who participates in the trial is like a controllable **** in the hands of the ‘god’.

She pursed her lips, quickly suppressing the horror in her heart, and turned her eyes to the golden bell left by the purple-haired girl.

After losing the master's control, the current in the Thunder Tribulation Array was tumbling, and the dense current leaked straight down like a nine-day Milky Way.

Most of the body of the sage "Moon" has been separated from the "giant tree", but the legs are still entangled with the black tree poles, and are inseparable.

The moment he heard the sound of the electric current, his complexion changed rapidly and he tried to move his legs—

It is a pity that he is too divided from the power of darkness, and the appearance of the devil soul makes the power of darkness in this place out of control, and the ‘giant tree’ is no longer under his control.

At the moment of life and death, he heard Song Qingxiao's curse in his ears:

"Draw the ground as a prison, sleepy!"

The domain was formed above the head of the sage of the horribly discolored "Moon", lightning current poured into it, and it was quickly wrapped and contracted, and finally formed a fist-sized purple lightning bead, which was swallowed by the golden dragon body released by Song Qingxiao. In.


Without the owner, the golden bracelet quickly shrank and turned into a bracelet, and the two bells collided with a clear and contemplative sound.

The golden dragon who had swallowed all the power of the Thunder Tribulation Array raised his head, and the falling golden bell instantly fell into its mouth.

It let out a high-pitched and clear long moan, turned its head and flew towards Song Qingxiao, and after turning around her twice, it brought its big head in front of her, opened its mouth and spit out the golden ring.

As soon as Young General Song Qing took the golden ring floating in front of him, Xiaolong's body immediately turned into a translucent sword body, which she held in her palm.

Once the thunder and lightning disaster of the ‘Moon’ sage is lifted, there is still time to relax in the future, but he faces a greater crisis.

The dark power in the sealed space is like a surging wave, flowing into the body of the demon soul endlessly.

Since it was severely damaged by its self-sealing consciousness, except for the Yulun Void Realm, it has never absorbed the evil spirit so happily as it is now.

But even the evil spirits of the Yulun Void Realm, the power of Kowloon and the resentment that the Yichang tribe’s population could hardly dispel in thousands of years, could not be compared with the carrying of the entire magical world for decades.

Its body became firmer, and its facial features gradually became clearer and more distinct.

Many of the consciousness and memory lost due to the injury gradually recalled some of the shadows of the past with the influx of power.

Even in its memory, it is not common to absorb demon energy like this.

The direction of the black gas surges faster and faster, and the more it fills, the more urgent it is.

The torso of the'giant tree' was like quicksand, disintegrating quickly.

The screaming undead and the dark dragon disappeared into pure power under such powerful suction, and rushed to the body of the demon soul.

The struggling roots tried to shrink into the ground, but at this moment the gate of the abyss was controlled by the demon soul and was forced to open.

The ‘giant tree’ shrank, and the branches and vines all turned into black mist and dispersed.

The direction of the demon soul's body formed a new black abyss, swallowing these dark powers that had nowhere to escape.

The powerful suction drags the ‘Giant Tree’ towards the abyss, and the ‘Moon’ sage who has not completely freed himself from the ‘Giant Tree’ is also dragged towards the direction of the Demon Soul by this force.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie -"

The satisfaction of devouring this time made the Demon Soul uncontrollable, and once again let out a wicked and sullen laughter, and the wandering Fan Wu's faces became even more sinister.

"Do not-"

Lucifer, who was performing the magic of reincarnation, discovered with horror that his magic power was out of balance with the appearance of the weird demon soul.

Reincarnation magic is a talent that balances damage and defense. This is the natural ability that was given to him by the powers of the Sun and the Moon after he promised to guard the Canyon of the Dead.

With reincarnation magic in hand, apart from the gods in this world, there is no magic that can really hurt him.

Whether it is a powerful attack power or the most powerful magic, everything can be absorbed by him in the face of reincarnation magic, and then transformed according to his mind.

This is the god-given power that can restrain the dragon. With this god-level magic, Lucifer can be said to be almost invincible on this continent.

Even if it is a powerful purple-haired girl, there is no chance of winning in front of such a talented ability as him.

He once thought that he could use this method to sweep the mainland and achieve a new career.

However, he did not expect that this power that he regarded as god-level magic was vulnerable to these dark powers.

"It turns out...reincarnation magic is not invincible..."

Their upper limit comes from the ‘sun and the moon’. When the power of the reincarnation magic exceeds the carrier, it can still easily defeat such invincible spells.

The two magic circles, one blue and one purple, no longer input magic power into Lucifer's body, but at this time easily become a tool controlled by the devil's soul.

The magic power flowed upstream from Lucifer's body and poured into the body of the demon soul.

The formation was completely out of control, and the power that the'Sun and Moon' gave him back then seemed to be rooted out by the impact of this darkness.

"Taoist, what are you waiting for!"

At this moment, Song Qing's small voice contained a hint of divine consciousness, like the sound of thunder, slamming into the drowsy sea of ​​consciousness of the Taoist priest, awakening his divine consciousness forcefully.

The Taoist priest's robe has been corroded by the power of darkness for the most part, his body curled up like a cooked dried shrimp, falling down in a kneeling posture with his head down.

When Song Qingxiao's cry sounded, the Taoist priest's consciousness pushed aside the fog and his red eyes widened.

Under the sound of the'whistling' wind, a strange and huge black abyss has taken shape.

Black energy rushed from all directions and was sucked into the abyss.

In front of him, the ‘Giant Tree’ dragged the ‘Moon’ sage from far to near, rushing in the direction of black energy.

The outside of the chest cavity of the sage ‘Sun’ whose heart was gouged out had completely turned black, and the blackness of the thin, silky hairs intertwined, sealing his hollow chest cavity.

The purple-haired girl who had been publicized before was nowhere to be found, and the seriously injured and dying person No. 4 was not awake.

Song Qing's small hand held a translucent heart, and it was beating, exuding powerful soul power.

Within the sea of ​​knowledge, his task has not been completed, the points reminder at the rewards department has changed, and it is clear that the purple-haired girl has died.

As soon as the Taoist figured out his situation, he immediately crushed his injuries and flew in the direction of the "Moon" sage.

Half of his heart was bright and warm like amber, and half of his heart had fallen into darkness and turned into a dark heart.

At this time, the Taoist priest hadn't figured out what was in the center of the dark vortex, but time was pressing. Seeing that the'giant tree' was about to be swallowed by the vortex, he had no time to ask, and decided to cut away the last point of the sage of the moon. .

"Beidou returns to its place, the seven souls cover the formation, the Taoist ancestor spirit, protect my body!"

He quickly chanted the spell, and the Big Dipper array in the mid-air followed his secret spell, turning into light and shadow, flying towards him, turning into a shining copper coin sword, which he held in his hand.

"I will remove the evil barriers for you and get you out of trouble!"

The Taoist priest was terrified of the sage'Moon' resisting, and when he approached him, he shouted loudly.

The ‘giant tree’ and the ‘moon’ sage are closely entangled, and the half of the heart is connected to each other, making it difficult for him to completely get rid of the entanglement of these vines.

At this moment, the ‘Giant Tree’ has been drawn closer and closer by the Demon Soul. The combination of the ‘Moon’ sage and the power of darkness over the years has made him extremely sensitive to the aura of darkness.

He noticed the horror of the Demon Soul, and knew that once he was sucked into it, he would definitely die.

If there is no moment when he almost breaks free from the shackles and meets the light, complete death is a relief for him.

But at this time the hope was right in front of him, and he was not willing to give up.

The moment the Taoist spoke out, the sage "Yue" nodded with great difficulty, and there was no fear in those blue eyes, but there was a hint of hope.

In the next instant, the Taoist priest threw the coin sword with **** together, and yelled in his mouth:

"Zhaozhao Universe...Go!"

The copper coin sword left an afterimage in the mid-air, piercing through the black air barrier with a ‘whistling’, and piercing the body of the sage ‘Yue’ with a sound of ‘whistling’.

The powerful impact brought the'Moon' sage's back arched high, and the densely woven black rattan was cut off, revealing the half of the pitch-black heart in the middle, which was picked up by the tip of the copper coin and pierced through the back. Got out.

The orthodox Dao Fa of the Tianyi Gate held the half of the heart and flew back to the palm of the Taoist priest.

At the same time, No.1, who had previously abandoned the Taoist priest, also reacted, and the moment he saw the Taoist's actions, a hint of joy appeared on his face.

Half of the dark heart has already been handed, but there is no reminder of the task completion from the sea of ​​knowledge.

In other words, Song Qingxiao's initial guess was correct.

The'pure heart' that she and the number four need is in the body of the'ri' sage. He initially had kind thoughts in his heart. After more than three hundred years, he realized his changes and protected his heart. well.

On the contrary, the ‘heart of darkness’ originally belonged to the sage of the ‘moon’.

But in the process of his association with darkness, his mind has mutated, and he has ‘betrayed’ his original intentions, and his heart is therefore divided into two. This ‘heart of darkness’ has been incomplete since the beginning of the mission.

The rules of God’s Hell are full of ubiquitous malice. From the very beginning, it is impossible to have the opportunity to complete the task by his own ability.

The antagonism of the purple-haired girl is the same, and so is the competition between ‘dark’ and ‘pure’.

From beginning to end, there is only one heart of the sage of ‘Sun’ which is the real mission product—

Either they were acquired by Song Qingxiao and No. 4 before they were contaminated; or it was the Taoist priest and No. 1 that made the "Japanese" sage completely demonized and plunged into the abyss of darkness.

At that time, his heart was naturally stained and transformed into the ‘dark’ heart needed by the Taoist priests.

There can only be a team of survivors in the trial mission. This is the cruel law of the gods!

The Taoist clenched the cold half of the heart and turned to look at Song Qingxiao.

She looked cold and indifferent, I am afraid she had already guessed the truth.

I don't know why, even if she knows she has something to hide, at this point, the Taoist knows that what he is facing may be a dead end, but he can't complain or kill her.

She did what she promised to save herself from the crisis, and awakened herself to avoid dying from the engulfing of dark power.

"Taoist, there is still a chance!"

The Taoist priest was stunned, and he once turned his back on the number one and exhaled:


She reminded that the expression of the Taoist priest, who had been ashamed, was lifted.

There is indeed a chance.

Song Qing’s novel is right. Although the sage of the ‘Moon’ has only half of his heart left, Lucifer’s body possesses half of his power, which is equivalent to half of the ‘heart of darkness’.

If the two are combined, maybe they can be combined into one.

Thinking of this, the Taoist clenched the long sword again and looked in the direction of Lucifer.

Lucifer is now constrained by the magic of reincarnation, and it is difficult to get out of it.

The roar of the dragon rang out within the sea of ​​knowledge. He had forgotten his ambition and his original plan to become a god. He wanted to escape here and return to the Canyon of the Undead to escape.

Number One is the closest to his direction. Although she is unwilling to take the lead in committing a risk, she is connected to the Taoist priest in life and death.

The lessons for the purple-haired girl are right in front of her. Under the law of the gods, it is impossible to contend with her cultivation base.

The shadow of death overwhelmed her selfish thoughts, causing her to sacrifice a magic weapon and turn it into a long green needle, hitting it in the direction of Lucifer!

This move is made with fear in the number one, so that it will hit with a single blow, and don't dare to hide private.

The surging power quenched the poison, and hit one of the magic circles with a ‘boom’.

Those two magic circles became the carriers of the demon soul to absorb Lucifer's power, and the light dimmed as Lucifer's power was exhausted.

The moment the No. 1 magic weapon hit the formation, it instantly broke the balance of reincarnation magic.

The purple array quickly shattered, and even the magic array on the other side also shattered.

The ripples of power oscillated, backlashing Lucifer himself, crushing his knuckles, and hitting the No. 1 magic weapon on the other side. The powerful force instantly smashed the green poisonous needle.

Lucifer, who had lost the support of the magic circles on both sides, limped onto the dragon's back with a ‘bang’, and with a sigh of force, he drove the remaining magic power into the dragon’s body.

The dragon turned his head, and let out a terrifying roar in the direction of everyone:


Amid the roar, the dragon uttered strange syllables.

Dragon Whisper Magic instantly turned all the remaining magical power in Lucifer's body into surging flames and spewed out, and the sound of'boom' swept the backlashed Number One.

In Song Qingxiao’s knowledge of the sea, the task prompt changed to:

Get a pure heart (completed).

Mission completed: 20,000 points will be awarded.

The flames are rolling in like a huge wave, intending to engulf everyone in it, and win the opportunity for Lucifer to escape.

In the face of such violent fire power, it is impossible for everyone to dodge.

The vines in the densely woven sky have been absorbed by most of the demonic soul, and they appear to be extremely sparse, exposing the shadow of the moon hidden by the clouds.

Under the red light of the sky, the heat wave reflected the sky, and the dragon with Lucifer seemed to forcefully open the door of the abyssal realm.

At the center of the abyss, the eyes of the Demon Soul flashed, just as he was about to raise his hand—

Song Qingxiao already took a deep breath.

A scent of flame was absorbed into her nasal cavity, and her eyes were dyed red by the flames in the sky, turning them into an extremely magical orange red.

The fire power in her body seemed to be awakened by the flame absorbed into her body. The originally pale blue ice power seemed to be ‘irritated’ and turned into a passionate fire red.

She didn't lie to Number Four. After absorbing the blood of the Flood Dragon and the evolving potion that day, she did awaken the two elements of ice and fire.

The power of the fire element was awakened when it was in the Yulun Void Realm, but it had never found a chance to really come in handy. This is a great time to use it!

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

She uttered three syllables in succession, and the power of extinguishing the dragon quickly aroused these awakened fire powers with unparalleled power.

A sea of ​​fire formed under her, spreading out a little bit, avoiding the panic-stricken Taoist and others, and greeted him straight in the direction that the huge wave came!


The huge impact turned into a deafening sound, Lucifer, who was about to forcibly open the abyssal territory to escape, turned his head on the dragon's back.

‘Boom! ’

The overwhelming sea of ​​flames came back, and Song Qing's small figure appeared in the sea of ​​flames, slowly moving forward.

Every step she took, she seemed to be tens of meters closer in an instant, almost at the speed of the fire wave sweeping, she was already close at hand in an instant.

"how can that be…"

The ultimate flame formed by dragon language magic, even if it can’t kill her, UU看书www.uukanshu. com, but trapping an ice magician for a moment is beyond doubt.

A trace of doubt flashed in Lucifer's eyes, and the next moment, the surging fire wave immediately wrapped him with the dragon.

The high temperature melts the thick dragon scales of the dragon, and the power of these flames is far more advanced than the magic of the dragon, and with absolute restraint.

The sound of the ‘rumbling rumbling’ was like a big wave hitting it. This was the last question in Lucifer’s mind.

The fire light swallowed the dragon back, and under the powerful magic power, the dragon did not even have time to let out a scream and hiss.

The flesh and blood was quickly swallowed, leaving only the huge red and shiny skeleton. In the end, the hard and unmatched skeleton was also broken in the impact of the fire wave, and was shredded by the storm.

"Jie Jie... Gu..."

The demon soul's laughter ceased, and it turned into an embarrassing and faint ‘cuckling’ sound, like the chirping of a dove.

The black air on its head quickly faded, and the word ‘green’ engraved on the top of its head was exceptionally clear.

In the burning flame of ‘Cracking’, a figure slowly appeared from the flame.

Not long after, the small figure of Song Qing holding Lucifer's heart appeared in front of everyone, and threw the beating heart towards the Taoist priest:

"Take it."

Those unscrupulously spreading flames turned into red fire clouds and gradually poured into her body.

The Taoist stunned for a moment, stretched out his hand to grasp the warm heart.

He held half of the heart from the sage of the Moon in one hand, and Lucifer's heart in the other, and merged the two hearts—

At the moment the two hearts touched, within his sea of ​​consciousness, a reminder of the task sounded at the same time:

Get the Heart of Darkness (failed).

Mission completed: reward points of 30,000.


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