Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 953: Escaped

"High energy ahead (

Song Changqing only felt that Aunt Wu in his arms was getting colder and colder, and a palpitating cold feeling passed from his arms and chest to his whole body.

‘Sisso. ’

He keenly caught the subtle movements in his ears, as if something was slowly drilling between the grass.

At this moment, it seemed that a weed that had been moved was clinging to the back of his instep.

The grass seemed to carry the coldness of the night mist, and it stuck to his ankle, making him tremble, and suddenly the whole person was a little awake.

As the chief disciple of Song Daochang, he has seen all kinds of monsters and strangers since he was a child. Even if Song Changqing didn't react well, he might have learned the way.

It's a pity that he was holding'Aunt Wu' at this time, unable to look down to see what the stranger was, so he had to lift his leg and stomped.

But before he lifted his foot, the cold touch had turned into a vine, like a slender snake, wrapped around his ankle, and immediately wrapped his foot tightly.

As soon as he was wrapped up, Song Changqing felt a chill from the soles of his feet and penetrated into his body. He couldn't help shaking from the cold, and the arms that clung to ‘Aunt Wu’ were all loosened.

Originally thought that with the power of'her', after this relaxation, she would definitely take the opportunity to escape.

But the moment Song Changqing's arm was released, "Aunt Wu" not only didn't escape, but instead seemed to have a pair of cold, gloomy "hands" holding his arms tightly.

In an instant, ‘Aunt Wu’’s hands turned into a pair of boneless vines, slowly climbing up along his arms, shrinking very tight little by little.

This kind of behavior is like a lover's hug, but the "Aunt Wu" he is holding in his arms is not a kind of warm fragrant nephrite, on the contrary, it may be something to kill him!

With both legs and hands tied at the same time, Song Changqing fell into a place where he was counter-controlled by "Aunt Wu".

He moved his shoulders, only to find that his strength was restrained.

And as this yin and cold suffocating aura invaded, the spiritual power in his body seemed to be frozen all at once, and he couldn't use it at all.

Song Changqing felt anxious when he realized this.

At this moment, the back of the head of "Aunt Wu" who was leaning in his arms lifted slightly, his hair rubbed against his clothes, making a sound of "Xi Xi Suo Suo".

This is a very strange action.

Song Changqing obeyed Song Daochang's instructions and locked ‘Aunt Wu’ from behind. The back of ‘Aunt Wu’ was originally close to him, facing Daochang Song the same way as him.

The movement of ‘she’ raising the back of the head at this time, logically speaking, should be lowering the head to cause the back of the head to be raised.

But in Song Changqing's eyes, this action gave him the illusion of "Aunt Wu" raising his head.

The originally neatly coiled hair was loosened a bit because of the previous two people's grasping actions. I saw that the scalp wriggled twice between the splits of the hair, and it slowly turned into two gaps, and opened between wriggling. Opened a pair of bright red eyes!

At the beginning, Song Changqing thought he was too nervous and dazzled his eyes. He had an illusion.

When he took a closer look, he saw a face grow on the back of'Aunt Wu' and he grinned at him!

The appearance of this scene caught Song Changqing off guard, and a lot of goose bumps gushed out from the back of his neck, grabbing his scalp, forcing his hair to stand up.

‘Aunt Wu’ originally leaned on his back and was held hostage by him.

At this time, after that ‘face’ appeared, it happened to be leaning against Song Changqing’s collarbone.

This kind of'intimacy' posture made Song Changqing, who was extremely bold, couldn't help but feel chills. After staring at the gloomy blood-glowing eyes, he couldn't help but **** in a big breath of cold air.

Where Song Changqing could not see, several blood vines jumped up from his feet, ‘swishing’ around his legs and arms, making it difficult for him to escape.

The ten sharp blood needles protruding from the fingertips of'Aunt Wu' became longer and longer. With the corners of the face on the back of'her's head, the corners of her mouth opened wider and wider, and she saw that it was about to pierce Song Changqing's body.

He already felt bad, but it was a pity that he was held tightly by "Aunt Wu" at this time.

A gloomy ghost air has completely surrounded him, the spiritual power in his body is frozen, and he can't use half of his strength!

The people and scenes around seemed to disappear in an instant, and only the horrible face glowing with ghosts could be seen in front of him. The face leaning against his neck opened its mouth, sticking out a cold and clammy tongue. , Look for the aorta along his neck!

He opened his mouth, and the tip of his tongue had stopped in front of his beating blood vessel.

'chug! chug! ’

After being extremely concentrated, Song Changqing heard the sound of his blood beating and the gurgling sound of blood flowing.

The tip of the tongue stopped on the beating blood, with a slight force-the soft skin was incredibly weak in front of the cold tongue.

He even imagined that in the next instant, the tip of this ghost's tongue pierced like a blade, the blood vessels were cut, and a large amount of blood poured into'her' mouth.

Song Changqing thought of the three-pillar incense that he had broken in front of the ancestor before leaving the house.

"Surely this should be robbed?"

Perhaps it was a sign that he was extremely calm at this time, only a little regretful.

Dao Master Song had already noticed the strangeness of the big apprentice, and roared.

At the moment of the moment, Song Qing's small pupils shrank, killing intent in his eyes!

A wave of divine consciousness turned into an attack, swiftly moving away from the remnant mark on the body of'Aunt Wu'.


The mouth of ‘Aunt Wu’ and the grimace that had appeared in the back of her head for a long time wailed incomparably.

The tip of the tongue pressed against Song Changqing's neck, and the silver mirror that Song Daochang sacrificed had already surfaced in front of'Aunt Wu'.

"Niezhang, dare to hurt people! I want to see what you are! You don't have the original shape soon!"

As soon as Song Daochang's voice fell, the silver mirror burst into light.

The scream of ‘Aunt Wu’ became worse and worse, and she shook her head desperately, as if she wanted to close her swollen eyes tightly.

The light in the silver mirror seemed dazzling to her. Gradually, a shadow began to shine in the mirror.

Song Daochang stepped forward quickly, originally wanting to see what the **** was appearing in the mirror.

But although his movements are fast, there is someone who is faster than him.

Before he stood by the mirror, he had already seen a figure standing by the mirror.

"Qing Xiao?"

The old Taoist couldn't believe his eyes. He had shown extremely bad talent since he was a child, and the courageous little apprentice stood by the mirror at this time, looking at the ghost in the mirror, looking like with relish.

Amidst the distortion of the image in the mirror, a pale and delicate face of melon seeds swayed by, and then, as the image squirmed, it turned into an unfamiliar woman's face, facing Song Qing's eyes.

The woman in the mirror looked in her twenties, her pupils were all black, and she couldn't see any whites of her eyes.

Her face was pale, she was wearing a gray shroud, her hair hanging down on both sides of her cheeks, she looked ghostly.

When facing Song Qingxiao's eyes, the female ghost showed a trace of cringe on her face, as if she had sensed her powerful cultivation.

But after Song Daochang also appeared, the female ghost's face quickly distorted, and her eyes showed resentment:

"Nosy, don't die!"

She opened her mouth and made a curse-like sound in her mouth.

‘Tickets! ’

The crowd hiding around the bullock cart heard these words in their ears, and there was endless noise between their teeth.

When Aunt Wu was recruited for the first time, these people were also affected, like a ghost hitting a wall, and nothing was wrong at all from the beginning to the end.

Until later, Song Daochang shot the hag to death, and after breaking the magnetic field, everyone came to realize that although they understood what had happened before, they had not seen it with their own eyes or heard it with their own eyes. Even if they were afraid, they were nothing more than nothing. I'm just afraid of it.

But this time is different. Although everyone did not see the situation in the mirror, they saw the weird scene of "Aunt Wu" with blood red eyes and bleeding and tears.

I heard the extremely cold female voice in the mirror again, this kind of stimulation is far more than ‘knowing’ there are ghosts.

If it weren't for being too scared and weakening of the hands and feet, only by holding the bullock cart to stand firm, I am afraid that everyone is already scared to disperse the birds and beasts at this time, wishing to give birth to four legs and escape far away.

"evil creature!"

Song Daochang first saw that the little apprentice appeared here and was a little surprised, and immediately after hearing the female ghost's words, the strange feeling in his heart was instantly suppressed by him. He raised his eyebrows and screamed:

"Dare to be tough!"


The woman in the mirror opened her mouth, and bursts of clear and sweet laughter came.

It's just that this voice came from the cold silver mirror, and it was already terrifying to the surrounding villagers. They only felt that the three souls and seven souls would be scared out of their bodies.

"You can't escape..."

The female ghost said grimly: "They will all die in Shenzhuang, she and he..."

Before she finished her words, an expression of extreme fear appeared on her face, as if she had'seeed' something terrifyingly terrifying to this cruel ghost.

"No... I was wrong... Give me a break..." She let out a stern pleading, which finally turned into a howl:


As soon as this scream sounded, her face instantly froze in the silver mirror.

This process lasted for about a second, and then the figure of the female ghost in the silver mirror burst into pieces.

It burst open like shattered glass, and a lot of blood suddenly poured out from the original silver-glowing mirror.

In the sound of ‘pitch and patter’ like a stream, a puff of blood spewed from the front and back of the mirror body, and it dyed the silver mirror thoroughly in a moment, turning it into an extremely red color!

An irritating smell of blood spread, the moment the silver mirror was eroded by blood, the silver light was covered, and the mirror surface was like melted chocolate, fused with blood.


A gust of wind rolled up on the flat ground, blowing away the blood and tearing it into a thin, crimson haze. After swaying for a few meters, it finally became invisible and melted into the surrounding mountain mist.

Aunt Wu's head dropped, and the sharp blood needles on her fingers turned into sticky bloodshot eyes, which stretched silently and fell into the soil.

The long tongue clinging to Song Changqing's neck disappeared, and the strange grimace appeared to disappear.

The blood cane entangled Song Changqing's arms and feet retracted, and the force that suppressed him spread out.

With the death of Li Gui, his originally inoperable spiritual power reverted within his veins, and the power returned.

Song Changqing escaped from the dead.

A ray of black air pierced from Aunt Wu's feet, like a pitch-black insect, slowly burrowing into the ground, disappearing.

As soon as the black air came out, Aunt Wu's body slid softly to the ground, and Song Changqing subconsciously grasped her tightly.

After this catch, he found that his strength was revived, and the pressure of the spiritual force ran around him, trying to get rid of the ghost energy that had previously eroded his body.

"Master, Master——"

I don't know if it was because of being invaded by the evil spirits of a ghost, or almost dying. Song Changqing had just gotten out of trouble at this time and felt that Aunt Wu in his hands was surprisingly heavy.

After waking up, he tried his best to grab Aunt Wu and called out involuntarily.

Song Daochang was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly recovered and helped him hold Aunt Wu.

"The Taoist leader is really a **** and man!"

The voice of Li Gui had disappeared. Everyone witnessed the scene when the silver mirror was burning. They all thought that Li Gui was killed by Song Daochang, and they all came forward and gathered around Song Daochang to compliment.


The old Taoist grasped the unconscious Aunt Wu, his lips moved, as if he wanted to make a sound, and finally endured a long while, but it turned into a long sigh.

He knew his family affairs from his family.

He hadn't taken any action before The ghost had been destroyed, and at the same time, he had destroyed one of his excellent treasures, which made him feel distressed.

But the question is, by whom did this ghost die?

This wiped out the ghost, is it a man or a ghost?

Can kill such a ferocious resentment under his nose without leaving a trace, if it is a friend, if it is an opponent——

The veteran Taoist did not dare to think about encountering such a powerful opponent, what would be the result of the three of his master and apprentice.

Before leaving, the scene when he was offering incense to the ancestors came to his mind.

The flattering words of the crowd spread to his ears, making him even more worried.

Shen Zhuangzhi walked to the present, before entering the scope of Shenzhuang, so many things had happened.

The real big trouble is yet to come, but the monsters that appeared on the road have already made him feel strenuous.

But he didn't dare to say these words, otherwise, if these ordinary people who regarded him like a **** knew that even he would feel helpless, it would only cause more panic by then.

"Aunt Wu was possessed twice and suffered a lot of loss in her body's energy. She helped her into the car first."

The old Taoist priest was the oldest, and his prestige was also high at this time. After speaking, everyone obeyed his orders.

Aunt Wu herself was obese, and she was in a coma and lost consciousness, making her body heavy.

Everyone saw her previously possessed by a ghost, and saw her face and hands still stained with fresh blood. They were terrified, so it was extremely difficult for a large group of people to move her to a woman.

Had it not been for Song Changqing, she might not have been able to move her into the bullock cart.

After everyone hurriedly got the people into the bullock cart, several men leaned against the cart and panted with exhaustion. Someone seemed to have discovered something and suddenly let out a scream of horror.


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